Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 1971, p. 2

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*The. Canadien Champion, Wadneaday, Oclinte 27, 1971 Jina Snoo ami George Kerr won reannnding victories n the provincial elecia. Beach coofidence ie peraeenafly rewarding but if la aisa, clialienglng in the entent Wf the respenaliffllfy if carnies. Pamits analyse renulte lise thaae ci lent weekos election leaSing for the magie formulas ta lie applled elae- where. Tie renalte, te auggeni, aimply reprenenfed the votera' denire for strong leadership, for a traditional approacs la problemes ami for a denire not la tc mialed by promles. Mony tilt diaagree witb ibat anatynin bot the leadership bicli Bll Davis demonefrated idicated lie couid malte ougis deciain. Tboee declalane sivre sot anivernally popular bot votera sot decinion rather than procreatin- oion. fTnis tan ian an ecoanomir and feclinological dlimate there change la rampant and there te are inctined la feel more comfnrtable in thingo familiar. Bot the Liserai and NDP leaders dot ted theearly days Wf their campaign tl promises tulle the PC leader remained devoid Wf promies. Tnday'n Milton Coancil ntolid not f ake any action on reqoeats for annexafion Wf that area Wf ort Daiville weot Wf the totn. Ta don oald intte econonde detriment Wf the prescent taxpayers. Even if Dakville prnmined an aneanfented annexation bearing (te'd tait il in seriting), it would aimply te the tgiiag Wf officiaI plan and zaninf bp-fat reviina, service Planning ami public tarte costruc- lions. The ainexalion la iteelf la ont the final exoenne. if la regrettable that Dakvlle leginlatara ho tno so ap la developera tua awn land there lo ain Milton for annexation, didnot earlier see the ligie Wf Millanis mach earlier regneet for ananenalian Tint amnexalion requent tan befare the 0.MB. priar ftote lent provincial eleefîn Dakvîlle ntub- Nat ail Wf toue election signa bave iseen remnved isy campaiga warkers. Here's boping tbep disappear an quiclslp an thep sprauted. Tise Mary Street atorm set- er contrnversy ban forced cauncil la recammend a toreili stody Wf seter ami seater mains ami parking facililie n jethe sauthera ana Wf Mhiltoais cire and altbongh if tan a round-about seay the decision tan made la take a snrvey, if Mnl te a inneficial prajeci for t tata. Conei and neighbring merchanin bad i'eacted an imposse avec the M St, setera and tise majorify Wf cotncillars utre prepared la, drap t subject despife, vedeif treato the laidoinnera made la stop or delap the Qaneen and Thaman Sus. reconstruction prajeci. Nais if appears the study Wf Mary, Commercial, Charmes ami Pearl Sts. tiI) acercame the mercisants' ifs jeciions and allais several prajecto la prareed. Doi't farget, dlola go back la Standard lime ai 2 a.n. tiis Sundap Mien Daplight Saving ime ends. Rememter, fin clocha go RACE ne finir If pou mave pour clark the seroag voter connidera blatant promisea attempte la boy hie vote. t tan not antil the end Wf the campaiga that BUi Davis made any new commitnents. By that lime mest votera badl afready made op their mind on the bâtais Wf otor enclusions. Tie actins Wf the leaders played a large part in the local campaigas lait the work Wf local candidaten conout te nverlooked. They wnrked bard. Tbey faced cnantlean meetings, ohonk bondreda Wf bandn and poored temelves nte, the tank Wf preaenting issues and challenges. We're ail the better for if wbea democracy la an actively ting exercieed. We congratulafe the winnera, Neither je fanlilean but wt bave neyer aoght ai ansver ina question thai ut couldn't contact te, Tbey lanow the local geograpby ami they kow the prolilema, ami we feel certain tey til reprensent their ridings util. Our tanks o athe liaern whose Wf- forte made the tiiole content poanible. At personal nacrifice they inveoted temelven la maintaining the Wf- fectivenensofW democracy. trly resinted the lawna application on aoy land, inclodig fini anea uetfW Milton intre residents bave recentiy idicaied tey still wat la te part Wf Milton. Had the testera area ten part Wf the annexalion granted la the tata, the cents Wf planning and service projec- baon could bave been borne as part Wf the total package. Inntead they were isolated trougli Dalrillen, renlatance and fiday an annenabion Wf tha anas juni dosai mena pracicaL. TIene may tc a day Mien Milton Mnl nemi the acreage ftte uet for its fsirtlier developtent plans, bat in the meanlime the cents Wf annexalion th io parade Wf events thai tust fallot toafd te fiolish for fin town la, lnligate. tY yoaIl te rather earfp for churcli Sunday morning. Me continue fo receive camplainta, enpecially frana Milton District Hospit ai patients, about the rafible ibaf remains ai the site Wf a buned bome acrasa Derry Rd. front the baspit aI. lise soos wsea leveiled and s ceas a ctomney thai jutfed into, fin aie for anme montas alter the fire. Rut the mess remains. Can't fin owner dlean if ils? As ose former bospif ai patient said the other day, "if woufd tc btter la lobk ai a field Wf ceeds than ai tint mens." Mition's restaurants dida't win mach favar cit an Oakville familp on a ose-day fali ouiig traigh, fin tautifal couairYside in North Hatus. mhe family enjoyed fin day bof in a letter ta the editor Wf an Dakville acespaper Mrs. Mary Lecwis camplainef, tI recommead the restaurants in downtown Milton la oniody. Me drapped in mone place and Miat ut gai for aur moaep ceas a sisame. To make maliera tarse fin place ceas filled wtb unroly teenagers making fonts Wf temselves." OUR READERS WRITE: PRDUD TO VOTE AGAINST TORY CAMPAIGS Duar Sfr; fiene Wf ai tis votait for the Net Deesacratie Party la iis lait proinelal eetfion solli fuil very prenufdss that te isad tae lategcltp and la sne lai niilatasil the Madis Avenue type ad- verislsg, lacked bp a aeesalagly aenaf busiget. saturation msedia adectlalg lainelisg -ai TV prisse fIie am -m qocîtianahle ceispaper ada, tisaI constitaied fin Tory campaiga. William A. Johson, lili. 2, Roclstaad. FORCING FL5JORIDE ONAILIS DICTATOBafaF Duar Sfr, Reading fin arilee for ami agist flinridaienthe tater of Miltos, I tadliSe (Cosies sn pagn Be) WITHDIJT A CARE IN THE WDRILD teon dicka swim Pond 1w a frieadly neiglibor. The four docte wil ano bave la aimldeialy on a acce pond near Camptilville. The dockn leave the pond wtan tinter utather ami ice set la. --(Staff enjoyed feeding fana a dinh Wf grain left nar tte ishore Wftte Pinta) ouentry. Theybhave refaid te lavent la tinir oin country, preferring snmetldag "nafer", S ug a a n S p i e te Oranhian Traction or A.T. and T. RemaIt? fice coustry la crawllag tits by bill smîley Britos, Sedieli, Germai and Aniericas patdrce rmateoad. I tender laie ----y Canadien cimpanien yen toald flad f ipnratang sîccesi slIp la any if tom Aather cliche. Via canîit ave your cae If semis, if we are la inlinve the finasclal "gelfing" ns; il i la terented in gettief itself and eat if. Wn bave ail] tise iagredients lar experts, thai Canada la la for a langs time, out of the tirai ceini mess il has inen. tie cala. Bat rather lin baise il aceselven, ecanimically. Tlic damyansnes are ai il in sice the tiities. te sendtiean la foreiga inkera, boy It inci agala. frîtn tem, and flad tat uts miatly criant. Tbey are poying an mach attention ta aur variios trade missions and profenaienal inlaers an tatad a baffaio, cinrglag board a chiff, tits a flen an bis lacli creamlag tisai ie, toi, toilal b ilied if flic buffalo test iver lise edge. Weil, as tise fleas, te cen't lilame ilen enyisidy bat narseives. IfIs iseen lua cetiartable, riding arienil on lise nci Wf tisai iig ft, iaicy isaffala. Botter te tmold lave is w aspa, stlaglag lnteai fW nacking. Nain te lait bain fisc Esquimaux and lise todians feel aboat the ceai Wf ns. Neinspaper edîtoriala are crying fin lies, teibag tise gurerrament la do iamteflng about if, or frplag la, assure flair readeri tint tise U.S. la ail ant la "gel" an. liscy angisi as tell Save tiseir type. lits toi lala for crying; thereno aime tellmng tise petit gaverimeaf to do onplig ainat anytlang; andi tise U.a. ino minltereted la Western if letters-ta-tlie-dllrs are if- lersng sonme emalinnal, bot largcly ir- ratiasal ailsice la anpane tin seil liat. Sitne toila eut flic Venha off fram ail aur cecaurces. lIses tailfb la ise cnillag off piar nase la anprave yaur nppearance. Otiseri toila seize, ar aerlaenly police, ail Anserican enbidiecy c pasies la Canada. Tint viola resait la futher mneaiplaytnent as tise Vanlia staried clnslag plants, many if thie iseavily nnlaidiied by Our isin giveratent, andf ntsrted palllag la liscir barsa. Mayleamasse can frigisten an elepliant, accardmng ta legonif, bat a rat cen't stop a stop frit slalang isy tisrmteniiig la jomp averinard. Andi thnrra a lovely minesi anaiagy for yna la pander avec. Ta carry as iil fin cics, Cenadias are reaplag tisat thep bava sots. Far several generatians, tiiey lave lavitei, ny, lagged fareigo capitol fa lavent la ibis Down [s] in this Corner wihroy dlownsJ I tan cigisi. and trosg, tisent1 predicfed Jim no iittsld inaRallas Rani ridlag wtt a 2,tt-vote plarality as flurday. Aid t tan bt rigla ami incang tin t saiI George err tssld toise Rattos Wtst hy 5,f00 votes. liai I tan riglif ail the inay thtn I predscted ROI Oasis toild stenp fin province and retire la grenter power than inisce thtn the resaltsoif fliarsday's Provincial ciectian tere totleI. Sait, ai courte, tan hy avec 11,000i votes and Kerr campeS bite wtf a lilfO-vite caS avec is cimsent challenger. Sa Dotai geli maris for prcdictlag their victorien, ete if tai laiay-cbeesnd srite tan a lute iotasn thenuie if tevicarien tbey recordS. tisa could bave gurnied la advance thai Ontario ceoold sting to fnlly inislad Davis and bis caididates? Nil evon Dais, Sont or Kerr mill admsif fhey forstw asy sncb landshide tisen cleclian day ralSe arienS. Saiwtolid me mhursday nigisi he tas fairly confident of a viclacy, bai the big majurity surpriseS even ib. Kerr, tin han ien tohlag has lnmps an Oic polluaion andl civiasnmcil Issoci, tas vssihly ivîrried chou cclvcaicîeg hic seal and tas campeîgmang hird le beep it during lise pani coplc of mnoiti. Nain lar stne asalysia. Just tiy did lin votera is Haltos Csssfy give sc rabid sapport la, the tino Tory candidates? Fient, I feel the Ointe and err victorien tere part of a provisce-iside swng la Cosei'vatlam inchs l inelf tan a srn ani-NDe feeling. Taspaers tere inarit ainsi tae radical pelictes espannsesib Sfepisen Lotie asdilits cilarts and fin creease Sacialaînl tep tratened la laas ifplacelai peiner. But Bull Davis ban inpttomasnse cleas, ise bas liadt fin gamptien la maine Sciens, andine pramlaed ns "pie lin hesy" if the votea s St fit t sesd ib lacs an premier of aur praiace. fie Lilarals a d 28 peurs tas tan lasg for onepaty to inpoereand 1can agree tith fini, if the sacamin gaversmest la dalag trng or ding motifng. Bat Davis' govcrniment la dalag thungs and appeura lai la dalag taen rigist. Chsange, is toc the sie if clange is nansnîc. Second, Sait andf Kerr have tesn giad memitrs if puriament, bave tornif bard and represnsted their ridings tel. Tinags bt hld cabinet posta winc respire entra sacrifins andf tare travelling thas ment MPPa, thep neyer appear lai, issy la attend a local fenctias ir isetp a constitunst Mi a problet. Karris fegaf backsground lits bim insU for li innri an tiiisfer if Oie esvfromest aid la appeers tu esfay fis roue as a "thite kigla" cisurging alter telt pereenila l bay, '"Mr. Polution." Saut's background as a isoider tices han adifed stotos an a memberef lise Ontios fosig Corporaion bard cf dîcectors and tsil stand mn hîs favor if ami thtn Davis namnes a manster Wf laasng. Tino tene aga I tolsesi la ai encamitef voter this the NDP -a laa radical asd the Liteas leo ndddle-of- te-adap for i. He aaid bie didi't reallp tait lai me tae Cosservativen retured te pawer bot la fearef an NDP gaversaes and laitamaae' ns fin Literas dslag an g=i a Jobi Wf naité; tai provin ai the * Oie more. Vaa casit bave inth teys. Via cen't la inlf capitolint, bahf meliat. Aid if yoa tant la play arieni iith a glait among capitolints, line fin U.S., yaunseesi mare protectias tesn ai Alcas )acistrep. Voa diaft mel la yaur isigb tsanto second- stig jeniors lai play agaist tise pros. Have t a salutia? Of coams I bave, fia econane lecture int prepared tut deep finagsi and deeper remarcs. Fient, let'a stop rennlag arienil la ever- dicreaalag circlen, uske thai bird ni legonf. Viait to i late. Slecosnd, lot's nil bite the isand thai foeda s. Uslesthat isandîtriesatagive an a cnff os Oie ec. mhes bite to bant. luird. Loins potlla anur lalto, get off aur toi!s, anl sam cntpeiag tt lidsrialiela an other marines. In nsort, stop praduig ibaddp mercisaidoe ai laflatod pri". l'Il toto a tape freese, tOI yoa? mais endth tise fessas. Tories lave dose. HIe plasned ta, vola forthe Davis administration lacanse if tas, ilais tords, "fin leant ai tree evita."1 Tburnday'n elecien shows flane ere a lai mare people la the saine isoat. Cectaisily tasp votera la Haltas East cisagei teir tindi affte lUi elecias. Misether if ta a nfl,eeon Libecat candidate Bob Blase ce ai anti-Bob lion feeling, ce tisether the provincial Cen- mervativen galansdinl stature aller Juin Rabanes quit and Bill Davis tanis ap the regi rina la la seau. Bat la titi la Haltastn ther inere ami6 vot for Snt and 9,703 for the Liserai candidate tile the NDP -a poilef o,35. fia teme Sont gaI 21,0O0, Ose Liberel man mait under 10,00f and the NDP a obada avec 7,0it. liere iere î2,000 enlia votes lin 1971 eledien avec Oie MitaW ceasin 1967. Sait gelaSd eenctly 12,000 mare votes lest Itiaradaptdm te sud four years aga. liai ail tise "set votera" tala lave vatesi far the Tory candidate toa lai must lave stcsei front Liberal nr NDP la Cosservative latine peut four yaocn. Philosobits tIatever yen feu, ysa attraci la yaarseif. Mtwayo la geste tith paurself and item. Ment Wf ail la ai peure tith Gisi, inintever yen ciorevo isbat lin. Otins la la hsappp. + + 4- Omeet cacs marslag tbasisfal talae abive, Ta heur the voicaof Gad lath Oic ma Tf sec lise iscauty cf a istIi flîsser; To a ti a surit or a sunsat. Ta feel a baby's biand and nealiac lin tonderment Wf ito iirth; Ta isoat la yaur beart thai enly Dol ensuiS tep Oi tarsi to argasisei t mamains cames and go titasit help frit, Ta lave Jenian Chist for givinga ifse thai te migisi bave oars. isn la mp piosspbp for living. Edith olarpe. 20 years 090 Muretm 40 esjayed tae send lHobby BSeo peatided bp mor tasn 10B eaibîla aid he ag ldaae af tae Jobs Miilieu 0bpe IME, heMd lath ta hall oe n ="asdY aftersaes and eveelsa of lait 600 te sentiv W31 yad> Rallas t Prealinit teft - Sa Sa>- O S Isi nal liS Paule Unted GicisMtos en SasSay Consil, en pefitien of'elgbt grimers and bateliers, peseid a bp-fat te regalate tae inamsof closan et liseur regalar meeting an inaesday Tti bp-awtlaSts effect Plan, land sanae tae c uas n lidy, Tiesdsy, fedlapand Frdap l tI830Pm. sxep the evealag lafece a iselldap, Wedaeedap mlelang la la la 12.30 pt, scept fer tno a'ete lagon Cbrlitsia and taen ail] deys meeting Wf tae Bard of Dntofa tae Chlldcsna Aid Society tai hld la the Sscietp Office Milten en te m4ete if Oci. if tt a gicod attudace. i-eeleToshibp Ceencl, lait teeS, aitoe the rasur tea RY $1,222 te T, EHtenforthe internaional ebaai and bil t an se bp te Milton Ana Pire Baurd. Angas Lesgille o ai eviUe tee ontelCRcadidate etthe nominatioa meetn Wf the Haltes CCP Associaien la Miloe Toisa Hall en Mendy. Arclie Service cssteated the nmiition. 50 yeors 090 Tatan baun teIssue oflTeCasdiai Champlen,mara-dap, Oelberl7, ou. A connert w la i gives bp the ComnntyGClb, in alidf W O.DE. benpilal fassi, as Wenasdap evanlag. Theancsnafchildres ai Moltos andf siclaltp inlI tees the Rigsi Ras, Artsur Melgisen, Premier Wf Canada, aatardep aftnriam asn Victoria Parinl front Wf tin Court Rouse. Burglara brie lato the Rnpburs Garage On Main Strnni as Masdap slgsi. Porcing teir tay trog a bacb daur, tnpy raiscse the office and tle about $150 torts of bais. 'fis antI meeting if Oie Raflasn Canty Oidns Aid Society if lae hld on fiandap nvenlag, lice, kil, ai tipm. la fla Gerdas Rate. fiere tan a giosi ternt test fiurday ai fthe tain hall for the lecture bp ltev. (Captai) W. C. Ruadiforl, Giaplala Wf rant Mltory Rospitol. Hos nabjeri ceas "mne Orange Order and iso Prisciples". W. Slacer, Wf East Aurori, N.V., custiS ton Haltos frienda fast tei and tas a tel mme cailce ai me Champion Office. 100 yeczrs 090 Tatan frais theisseeofle Canadise champion, meuradap, Octoer 2e, fai1, At the Marrînlan shot on Pridap a tan samei Arcisals ilay tas laurbei data bp a harte, ani tise taggon poseS avec bis face, cntttng i drnadully and meveig Panri le isnse frit, les face. On Prsilay evebang Mc. Josephs Brothers, Wf tin Milban agricaltural tain, ani Mr. Robiert Hathbarne, ai the Moltos cerclage taras, etertate teir emplapees la ai ayster napper ai the Commnercil Rua. f'ie Ifeformers ai Norths Brue laieS Mr. Thotan Mass Q.C., la teasse finir candidate for the Rame ai Cinns, bai te gestlemsan han ten i fio dacise fie ratepayers if Bramspton have vatef, bp a large maiaritp, $0,Oin l aid aillae O-Mdit Valley liainay. fie fail exhbtion ai the Totnnship ai Neflsos Agriciltura Association tas beif ai Neisn Village as Pridey. A nisaabag mtalai tas beld at Dromqoii intnees MW. James iteu, Jr., and Mr. W"ia Hri, ar Mhiesla thr an tnth ane.... anbah Panties are canaudacti cracksatoto. ont Wf 21 toto ai NO, 500, and 600 Yarda tits SOiii-Enfield riflen, tise score tas an flilats: RaOi, 48; White, 41.

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