@MUN The Canadian. Champnp, Wedinesday, Octaber 27, 1971 7 Hilton Falls dam purpose explained ta township council MILTONPOLICE huve hutdiir wunk cul mut lb. vanwsendrives by Gulse eh ch e for tinan lnveutguting accidenta caued by lbrpnlo. Peter Cetuoucles ot Dowsesviee wsea tMgW seutier. Tises tues Irturb collided on ekivsg lise dump tru.ck. Bath mes sere lgay 25 Frtduy, josnorthoetSteeles Ane. usisjred-<Statt Phote) Fail a iSaBulil thît the delatien ui mav elne t 0' prv nlded H AangrMera flae nierMc MiKri Stephn vîe-cha a Aln tol .NaagauyaTo.0 ip Wright, canumitteei cha.ir,ài TbnO ute tambl 1.mocndll Kelly Newe and enginee Mac mreein lbeeday. ofs McEr Heald te prejec t ould etl bigb.- He uald lia dan eeuld be mced fer flood restrol and te provient erouin ufthUi batisTe . Cele cempusies seill prenide seloeillteleuwa tributary tramn a ses tmarket fer aimation" Uic dam site blus Higiisey 40l AIes Ackmes, presideet et and suie the ltseut çelas Animalise Productios ld Conaervation Arcu. memberu ofthe Rotary Club et Hales egii Ciue'vulm Milon lst wcek. Autertyvte.helsi5 llit Mr. Acbmas, a fermer Wrgt ud laus tblyti coasicillor in Nasugaweye dea wos n er hensp aandteewr recrutm.. ~ ~ Tussbips ers e s ierth Den't ami hl ield et animation in Canada, th We don't seant recreation despîte commosily college titre. Pleuse don't leI People maurson. He as Iis cbengiog il talusecr and puub tords and wld cable comparues ure allosed la crcatureu tecb. We'd libe sonme carry local adnerlisng. assurance Ibal tiare seesI be iwares of Peeple Ibere,"1 Reeve Mca. A. MucArthur toid thc Aulhurily detegatios. MacEreil thc discauionstrayed froon Use dam propsosai. Bad business ,,Cousclr Art Dibn ePrese a cancers abosI tse auUsacily depeoding os support inimation n Ackman wia oses firm bad prepared library oi socku simated clip ec uid lu cslomined t meel Use snda ot sesa l Ia busisesussen seba muid ont a fard la praduce Ibeir ose anima toc meo age ait Irlenisios or cable c=nnl. 'Me bislecy ai animaios sea oaliaad liy Use speaker iras mai's early attempte le caplar motias la loday's bcavil1 minuait lelevisios commsercials and issrucliasal films. The speaker wsea islrodaced liy Gai Gautouski. froni thc musicipabllcu ehe emuentonpr they soughlf arigts p rth Ue - eusbi - seua=be i prcjera es o bi ur Gibsos asuciso se luss aid il seas tead'bouiinesa praclire Jac-beyua Nasagaey for Use aslbority le hane Use Outsidcrs le mcn and baà muaicipalilies backisg Uscm rerreaion tere," site las lucause Il would give Usmos Uic Itlok ik e feeling lbcy dîdn'l huve tp 'I mb ie e' qaîle as carctsl seilb Ibeir seaterteotfor ares snte mlsessiutres. mounclelr Jim Wason t Mc. Stephen aid Use autharty delegalsos. mouid sol issue debesturcu and they mutbhavee ten aki Uste municipalities lei getloins Puyingageod affaire Cars colide Mc. Wright esplaised Ketuai wsea paying ils oses way and A tseo car moisies oca telpiag tai support aoie efthUe Guelpdh Une Tharuday,I allier monservation projects in Use isnolved acre Joephi Ho area. af Kilbride and WilliamV Reene MacArthur camplulned 22, ai Burlisgtos. Cuti about bavng 3,000 eftIhe damage le Use Henry velu lewsesoipos 44,00 acres deneted $250; lai Vasalie veibineS yl /71 (M - »-IM i PRE VENT't. ~ROOF DAMASE!_ leda va v~hv tla ie us do itMaos Stu E 0 Mleuh Vo Hurh o p pesndases1ac S- in stock,-~ Quarry explairis rehabilitation asks rezoning for expansion Quarr dretaviled plane for rehabittan ut Useir quarry eperallon ie Euqueuisg and Naeugaseeya Tuesday ut a Naeagaseeye Tousihip Ceil fDuffcrin manager Frask lé Dewittal moin bri is firm wsea invalned in a prajeel Usat sessld cOst $5,000,000 le $7,000»00. 'lThe prajecl innolnms me9ing the plant off the ecarpeseel asd crealbsg ponds as lia site. Deuil said bfhis tirm hed ta camplele Use tirst phaie efthUeir long range reblabilitelion praject loy sprseg ai 1974. ,Thse programi iscludes lenellisg siapes, planllag griss asd adding tec- lU. He pransiscd tiare seauid te o seaus lef t as the prsporly. luECiquesing uew Untluu Use the m bau mshfned Mail of Ibeir aperalias la Esqamlang Towuship bal uould lu mavng jute Nuonagasepa. Mr. Deuil aid bits tires wusd te reqanssing coandil lei reznse 100 ocres ofthUe tirmn's 925 acres of "quarry holding" land la "'quarcy" ai il mouid lu used. le amuwer lei a qauso tram a ralepayer ut Use meeting Mr. Deuilts aid bis tires seaald nt aidertabe a praject UsaI seould leune bameauners uffort ot sealer in Useir sels." Reene Mrs. A. MacArthur aibedîtte sqarriesgine aime cossideralias la pranidisg protection tor seildlite. Sbe recaUled aimeraI deer seent amer Use ilitS ai Use qarries lest oner. Thetfiessaai eshed permission lai cross an asapeed road ailouaice UsaI rais Usrasgb Useir pcaperty. Tbey *islend ta moslrsct a road tramn Use quarry pit UsaI seu lead troche framn Use pis aid camte nul aI the Fis Une. Afler nieuisg thie plas and bevring the presenlalias Rere Mac'Arthur aid, uiUs a sigb ai reli, UaI site wsea pleased wsUs Use presenlalias and tels Use reqonss sere justifiable aid rmaseable oes. l'on bissd ofteugli on qsarries aiyuay," Use rerme said ut aie peunt. "I bisou yas are madame conne, 1cra heard," Deeilt aid usUs a lent of liamor. AI amUsher poins in Use meeting DeuilI pramisedbhe'dtly a Nasagaseya lagn tep oftse qarry pis ubes Usey moved MILO Use township. A delegalios tram Naiuagaueya Coancil ull attend atouraofthsequary Non. 30 tesee Use ubece and base Use prapoued improvemens uauld lu made. ev 2 Keep pour furnace in tip-tp shape. 3 Oller a budget plan with ten aven payonents. 4 Gine you ernergency repair service, day or night. 5 Finance a new furnace for you. Your e distributor wiII R. G. CLEMENTS Base Lmne Rd., Milton Phone 878-3431 Derisg their meeting test seeb, Mi COurcl: -&el op u meeting st a siccet nug. emmteltoi l revirew dem af nueses submittcd tac lau uteete la Use seinupy, =Nerop and Hailtes Laid Group sidlsiesn la e laorth-cau fiii etolen. Stsalaifa aI Mut. Schonl drafted thc lias et nunes. -Learsed a cafter bcdge tes lues inutalUed lei seporate Use eemetcry and seseage plant luelserties. -Rejecled a requeul for tisasciel assistance tram Use utornu damage rebutf fond la Wbilby. -Apaed ue ni a cmposite balle in te Dec. f municipol clectian. Il seui l bt aUt open positions for Use aine manrcil asd lhi bydra commission eue, if ai election la reqslced. -Raicacd a by-lau allaseing Usheunloeset solde 11M per year fer fine ycans fer a ca-poraliner Irecisin prugan., in seci landaece C ars lat must ai brece uitb Use teus. -Leareed WSlmpey Homes tes mbked lac relonse et 14 edditioal lets la Useir sulbvision m elit o Onutario St. A creela is ling ce- L endUsherc and sesuld sillon, Use tl baUid on 14 more lots Usai Uscy rasld bave donc before creeb impranemante. -Endarsed a Town of Meafard politios mallisg for Use Attorney- lle.sral's deparsesens ta sapply ail esunicipol police forces la Ontario uiUs free trahfir radar sets. M-7Learscd Darcy McKeaugb, Mister et Ecosomirs and Treasurer of Ontario, s interested la luarig Milles recomisesdalioa s Us te sese iaaidary lutucon Zones Onie and Tua in the Torosnto-Centred Regios repars. Miltas s remsntly moned tram ia th lou- grsulh Zone Tua lna Use Zoee One area, ubicli alloue denelopone. -Received' a leller tram Polysser Corporation's eseretive vice-preuidmlt Rager E. Hatch, Usanhing Use bises for Use seare urimome and receplias givn et thie compasy's sod larsisg ecemasy lasI mosUs. -Noted Wonpey Homes Lld. wsea cmplaiia la Mlles Hydro UsaI Use $5i7perrlotlcharge for Use street ligblosg asd electrical dîslribalisg oyslemi for seu subdinisions is underground airseg isbsigb in compariton uiUs oer municipalilies. Louer raton seere ciled se Barliegles, Ajax, Scerboroagb and Windsor. -CEItra police and loua seorbu creses eil lie os daty oner Hallouese ta prenent vandalisai. M .LEGET 1 WISH TO SINCERELYTHANK EVERYONE IN HALTON EAST WHO WORKED SO TIRELESSLY FOR ME DUR ING MV CAMPAIGN, AND TO ALL THOSE W HO SUIePORTED ME AT THE POLLS ON OCT. 21st. Jim SNOW HTNEAST PROGRESSIVE CNSERVAT[IVE D] ASSOCIATION. IMilton Council briefs ARoTIG A SALES AID SERVICE Big Discounts Available Corne le early and get la on the guaranteed delivery plan. Financssg Avaiable 473 MAIN ST. E. MILTON 878-3412 -J MONZON py fer e Useir bicated. re the 'r tsea" Tred on Drivers s'y, 64, anelie, maled le wsea 0 n .9