Relecise team iîs ts for mînor hockey A REFRESMBNG DRINK for Bbc bey, act th0e alog. Daay Nadalin and tal pal "Cecdy crere 000000 gop sf30110on Mitor Hockey yomagsters alaiag ia Sauady's crctkatbo. - <Staff Phota). Set schedule for bous ecaue hockey Th. OocgH ce dcatacfo fuccer 'een Ickre l lel1 0011cm Amo. Thm eeam ceo 0ct.i Lc Pa ee c ari cgoc NiOUSe LeAure etIIEDULe SATeIteAc, OCT. i0 B.e0 ucacb. ca Rebattai 900 MC v LodcaleC,,e u.c RcCui o Cacalv cc.4o Porteer. Figg 11.0 Rifmer vc Ral s at.m ple.,.a COIoie Wce reî o.05 Pigment vs 011's uta5 5Oelht. va Hur!.s Frmue, NOme a 5.30 RcCcui. cocue.d 0.00 Oillicer va Cicr 0,cr crrî 0.00 Pi a 20Belu toc BFiubeec.v Mcpe Sr,.' 11.0 01ea 11c Dn.URcer Dom curdocr 2.0 Beagechi oners 0.015c lc vFlOceci Juvl eniles w J M:0t55 Jcnccclec mv caea ai,-1 M7.t5 3ng.1 Modo SupebSav 5.Oc Ribeo aMowbaalRi P:2Cetcio acawred Mllc ga eaic, Bbf9 toeocce2eIcî 5.30 Rcb.rationri om Raarue' 0.20 Da cNrO. 20 cet co:3ia c.ý.h a Mcrg y i8 10 Docml Hardare a eh 1.00 Portrda c îie a e, eo se e c ui eaascerrn acca Ocnr, t0ATU ors AV OS. o 1, 1 0 Caner ne Polic aL o.. 0,da cc OeilS e1 es i vcsr 5Cor l u Oîi!o 6Sieiinircvs na r',e 55u Scer Sa c muri 7 l5 ie Hri cRID NOV li.l 206cceigm 5.3 cb, dîn vseecoon aroc 6.30eies vsMocyal Obil 10 stîleng aOCui Tbe 1971-72idlaluof thcMie c Bbc respective ucbodluilcu (up ta Die. B1) sa pIeuse clip uadsv foc faonr refceeoe. Sorne ufth Bb aornes lotsl rio mdt be utuyleg ou th0e Oeaum BbaB eadbcwncAfo ruMBt ow. S or Major Bouma yet , au routais arc net Mrcly flous! ou thalle clubs. faMao(A) and Mincir (R) Bou2lIa cilI uppeur bna fatur. Au MIlIt spubeumon si! b. crue pîcuoa! crOb lb. participution le tbe Mieur Hockey WulkuBbae belli Suay. flhc follucrlug are busc leuigue Boum but. ou O'auu aunh e Tle.ceeoe.e.lcueBI Rc r ieltce, croco. Mteneuset teerd ulul, Eddie Coreb., Jota laueh, DouetSarkb, R be Muceo. lti crunîmu, Rlchard BlOfiabe. Mclebecd Giued Jh tet, cre nîrt e , IclObeof u tbee, Rc Cnie «rie teWaren Rîchord" Sbueo, ueiteco, claie hii0,oe Oudcileo.1 B.rPilul icb., cca N.A oCaco Robera Tori... Eddie suelon, Jefi cluler, Senitt ucote.. Daoiel Ford, Barry RieSot, Ant002e 010e. Stuco RieCluer, Doseulee TIc Keito, Noce rlemîcogton, Vitorio Treeto, Rlu el .0 Tome Coree Chrte Adauoc, Saece Ksar.., loc cruittiace GreeeOc. i ceucobt, OacoCooeluutSe. ne e t, Randeo'ictoe.Stcece Faulkner, Mark Muaycanct, David «cr,. Douald Kene, Robert Seotait. Johnta liey, Sterco M ...ehall. nuccai Tieber. Miohael Corbet, Bruant Wrilson, Je tlolia, Dccî «euuockcteke, cd Oegluoluocth, Teeco Kiog, Ooetoe Oest, Robert Mimerao Jackrreenstra, Grantibaelctom. Jcho Maccriccoo, John, Celme, Murk Hcecîtg, Oicby Vuecoito, Marek SAcre .TinRl., , reetlc -tro, Grog aueu rect âl.rie, ne e cce,. Ocid Teontin, Riehuel bhîllat tc r Oedlee. Mictaeli Bcand Ceo, Clifoet Bluet. Ceco roM.d,i ce liM, tcott Bon Robertsoe, Once etrie. aryen Colo, eill Mccc, Deois Cuemqce, Stece oceueke. crue Altcc, Oogec 0lR:k,ehucuht Srttt Bruding. cabre Cee.y ceeu Ft... Aodmc cv.c ier MakCuoueide.hCmoce. char, AcdechekScteub Steoer Thmrce, 2ieottcee ocethcte, icbe Van De Camop MretA. ue.. ccdmcw Docrca, Marb Brudlcey Chr.s 5'ecuicute, Teace Murray, Frunk «ctyer, Lance Cecto, Wae, Bchat, Steotic Soad Oct ucerelî. Cea o Scuth. Cahlu Cucot,, heul 0,cd, Chelus Naelcol, Stece duyne. eci Aliberus. oclee, Michael Flîooanee, 0cr «ho. Crack Hcce, «cdl, Ool, Alut Duccan, Bruid cilliu, Breu, Aller, «cîth Robirson. bicobeo 0'oure Peter Hcunt. Terre Milton, cocu Vaughan, Gare Late, Rchard Northoce, mulcoW.1 , Rurk tdiklc. occid ScoIO, coboWolct lcbi Sce, ud cee ibc JSu ^,, Rcbloml -, Ke IIol, cle, IerrehaI ulc, srteoi ruts, pluce ., 0.1 a.bocl Ruoe T e Oolto, KeIto datec. Riitates1-,. S hut Tic C$tlSb ohnerclile , Tecete.e, o Fle Rue r 1 .1 seue C er O rie" Oll. 5c Ou .uu ce.Ae Fimc, rul T Bme ik Htard, icBrr Clueiue, loben Cccl., 1,00 Cbuiee, inuchu rel Brue eîcul, OChr uonedil TelilNv, oterr Seit. clcbud nec, hovo aley.oc StîolmcS ohn lacefermon, Kiedn Hart, eudFoan t mlemGrckm. OrcO Huit., Dcvid ler, Don Oiddh n Sc tEO le, , rit Cum , lue. CbSmith ceîCla ,b,nd" Mihe Cdeecbe, Riedf CelloBena .OrrItI totorg ccll Stoh i, nio Pe oie Coeoll e Scheebee. Richard Cceps, Dhris Cre,GOea, Tncou, criu Ruka u ri AHu.t.r, B mre, CI iîcorose Gcrdlrs. Lmeu care el=b Faell. ,o COdeSM Oce AI. ouer. AregGler. c t asanu Atook Ceîecî Aodeer Rcael, Resai, MCrit OCldirk, M iebuel Cucrerco el, 0chr cesic, tro AcbceSt, ua itileon Gedh OreScott craîn. lîmcre CI.eI,§ Sacier, lhlar, Savaid, oer, CoEel, T orM,e* B'crdecume, Ociue Ali, ce l t e e oa Cmi Sc, SieehcrOciticld M Lchasl evisk RCarck ue,. Arpetn Tharen cîViieuLee cobrecoglar, Ci! CI. cohn lrBacko . ltreCa o, lfc crc, Ocdre ousaiCer Marhae, Meci ar . 5crdn, Miebc, FREE W1 Menan r adies "Crvlehac OyB1ULOVA cC hu yÀo,,ua72 Moto-Si VS From Oct. 29h to h DAY Nov.21s 1971 14 modlsai pacred wt h perfor a design and satcty teatîres that mare h h Moto-Sr, VOUA Beat Ban' l Wkeq ç p lobe COcllor «cea Smrith, Doie Richard, Allit Rucltieoa, Ocre RacDocul, Oeiaon Croc.. 0euit, Steve' Ccoc2c. Bab JiauoLu.. uche. Mcheol, OCaon Jacko brt Jon crelctaid, Williuam paue. Bob Cararidue, crlter Madi OecrO C.c.r, DJace Retiell, crco Duc Ccilter Ardc,e Corý Sicce Coakuco, Carre Jonson. Robert Sirer, Race Fuller, Ruymood Mue. c, rurru Cir Icc, icTordit, Terre Dcclu,. Houle! Schccer. Tant Sinon, Richaed Cae, Carre crachie, Sclcuecel, Sanrliot, Allaicor, Clittord Oermonn Lchrl Oroei, Cme Fcller, Rurcay Hucll. bic,. cor, Cealie, Cete Rathioe, ai Halone, Doe CPoe, creo Dace, hOike Cccd, «crry «îlrhrr,, Tone Quis rejoins Couccaîlor Col ili lceaAcrcd hia realgatllce us ua citizenauppoinee O Miltce Plaening Board Wcdoesauy, bal maill reaulon ceb board au a cauccel representatIne. Ornulbe crue caneA la, Bbc courcil abter BM Woods ducal aadely ceocraI wcebsaugo. Planning bard cr11 bc one muea short until a mrembier ca camen ta replace Mc. RmAilic. BOWLING adiea'gihh"t'rloa. c Liuh 00 e'hîahaale, Alec Litcle 278; neo 0100 eil nm ce Othe ardiue. Ton ceora.7 Bcbrcughese275, Neil rmtoc 245, Bou 020cr agod tciplec. Bc abe tiZ. SNe Creson 674, cilles Cc0umb aie W4a, cd Doni 627, Alec Citte Mi1 Uncsi on 2cl fora24, Challecrc O 0A . cirrr tac la, thelc. lc Wie say is dilleront beCasse me designel il (bal mîy. .. .36,000 miles boîmeer, chassis lobes. BrakeS Ihîf are self adisino. Resides, ycc can make miecir adjîsîmoots on your own. We dosigneai Pinfo O be a do-it-yosrsclfrr but if yoc'ro nof so inCliea, (Ocre are Ford doalors ecorymbero (o (ake care cf ycc. Entra Strcnqti prts. The startncerAtor. Oail ard uieca joints, acdreecsheeloeciirgtaare havy dt The bcake iinos havce ascOia roiStatcoatinc ard areodcAb crotectedet;citicaeoints. Therecctcrhcoating onoey The CanadAoc Chaopon, Wedneslay, October 27, 1971 5 is undefeated KeiBO cigo anA Gary Naylar gnulci aand Bbcce assiactoi pace paccd Chaa es cie ta a 5ý =b aca club. b ncctory et0cvr Ocbraeler'e slopaacorcaegod t Conatrcain coday Bar tbc tburA 'OP Bbceffra lfor Bbcr loiag club waa cf abe sessaon. Aller faro bau abylau0 cca Mtar Bbc club la coill ccalfealol uacA bolAc farst place mn Bbc ia tbc Wbite Oaka Hockey league. LeagUe. Roua Bbgga anA Naylcr acorcA o goalsandu au as"ic wfeAI Rid coccîccl thc oecly R Pan other Milton goal cf thc garne. J. R. Cure ta Reel, Daeay Roudru, Tcm pacbcA cp assiaoa. lBanaw abur OPTOMETRIST ucree ualaaat. Bob lcbuae, Ruronu Sbaw, Yauugn ac Bronc ua corc for Rochrues BIJALINGTON In Bbc 000cr league goae MALL Racclay'a Tecaco cdgeal Dcrolby'a Dravng Scbool 7-6. TELEPHOOE 62-7788 Dca0 Sarao and Halloway acored singlea crbile Dalcy cored tO PINTOS * IN 2195 a CLUDING LICIENSE Arcerbode pacts. More rcatproetina thon mctt uie caca. AndA, rn a 6 ctep pecceta tor reatec and ctioornity. Pinta gati 26 cio.o peint rot an ounce ofeîh !chcceeds acic0 Simplicityi1 Economy Qualityl PriceI ... NO .OW. PAMET. Sese the friendly men and faUt Pinta at hunti Oe snow flics!s 53DasLioRd 78-3222 MOTOR Fr O P Ol CO. LTD. Nilton409 MAIN ST. _-, .MILTON Planning board Cha ries Hotel dDo your foul planting now~ TREESc eEVEIUREENS Rainbow Landscaplng 878-20197 878-2741 -'l uFREEBESTIMATES c SHOW lIME Fr Sa . 7hAPZhhafip S.1 Muloccu p.m wO. 27 rhu. 28 Fa. 29 se., 301 s AI? MAT. 30 s.aUeNt BNcI trasT 2*111 -Tho funnical mrovie l'oc noco Ibis year! Jual go, ruaI t ee tl!' B.t . a ris 6c "etN BOrIicoo DIJUN nG jAN MC¶<¶M4% WOa-o ?h? Là ni- 78-2I6i @BIBI