Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 1971, p. 11

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Tise Canadien Chamepion, Wednescdoy, October 27, 1971 g Panel discusses special education Tise %%doIce United Cisards Edoiication te Haltes CocetY. Ifase. Womm et tise Sendey Seisoal dom lise sclceol and mycp raom, Tharde evfsO-siti eoceptienal cistdres? tabes 14 seti rs. W Slr Panel discussion Irsdet resillog, Fosrtemn A pastel dtecucssion vias iseld, acs e nre prsn, Panel memisers seere Ron Mr.E. eaeis aveis te Cisepmen, assistent devatmaltitled Tlstgv supertetendmt seits tisa Haltes and sise rend Psls i. Cassty Board et Edacaten te hIcs. H. Gior rendared ea chsarge of Special Edocetion te ~ osloa folsedy e redssg Nor leM.Ctcsn = 'rsPE. M 11117a, Mele Mclernyvice &prmncupehlof in Od Serlfnglss. Msrs. General Brocs, tise isoerd's J. Henrygene en islrestlngan nocationel isigis sciseol in isamra. talk an "A Tp te rl Scngten, and N. HoseelI, Halleud", folloseed isy tino priscipal et Kiikrde scisool. reednasisy rs.H. MctTnhe pnel mmues explainecl msttle bie iekglfg17 lout te comty ercmmode mcd Ageet Aeerness. ecapton1 chiîdren an to tise Baine sale neec n of clans and tise Thce U.C.W. isave decfded te selection et greuping te liset isave e islke alde i tise Smnday perticslar class. Sciaol roums an Setecday Nov. 13. Mmt. Mcenerny pointed out isat Lunch is sen served isy Miss tisey trotnfoly isetiene tisat ail Nete Burns andlcrs. W. Bollad. staents isave potentiel and tiseir Tlhe sumndttee for tise nmxt jais tee to t md out shefm tieir metas. teIs. R. Coverdale stentialis, and le am mat they mdMr. M. Denies. ler hein te *nork. Tise Kilfoide isome and scisool association met for use seconai A questcon and ansseer perlait meeting oftte session on Tuesday fellaseed. evmning Oct. 1f et 7.45 psu. lihe Lunch seas serned et tise tepic for tise enening vins Speclel conclusion et tise meeting. FLAG DEDICATION lsghiMghted ecUtlvteS representing tise Itehian govemnment and Jîsu i e spaghetti donner ancf dance held by tise Seose reps'esent:ing tise Ossierfo goveret àatCanadian Cssis of Miltes ami District teok part in tise flag dedlcatloaL-<Stoff atcorday evaning. Rod Whfting reWegenting Photo) ne Conedian government, Fred Basin alton 4-H Cfeltteind fnees Paea 5101) 7M, Bp Popp 566, Erie Stretevno Seine ' âitos 4-H iseet caflub ais- atiers: Bil Jacksson, Joh WRoke ihlit, Chsarles Merlin, Bab is erry. 100 percent cSrmpletian. Nosui aAlisn Jr. 887, Leurs W88' ort viogt 51054, Neil Ceusan 842 Nancy Ai Kinnon 837, Dmn Winott 832, ed eus hIeKinnos 831, Danid ae cOinnon 806, BrouI Cecdson SOI8 Pte norge Cromisie 800, Scott im idermen 786, Valerie Enigst 778, soî1 mMcKerr 762, James Lindsay Ma'sl 7, Sheila Anger 721, Je 817,J dlmcott 607.Mas Hlion 4-H Holteint ral dois- as !aders: Bert Steseart, Jaît 723 T urne, Delmar Ford, Larry 73 acett. David Reid 929, tirra Binis il 9013, Lyna Stewart Mn, B 81 ctionalcf M$, Faul Steseart 6 j1ai s StcDonald 889, Gary ceadet bermen 878, John Patterson - f. Barry Raid 81Cath McN 'viears &W, Ceci Pesona 82e, ire Andersn 818, Peter May 86s t, Edees MIarshall Se0, Srce Pa tcGee 798, BiliStoks784, Kaen Liz Ai arsisall 774, Wayne May 755, 889 vdy Bennett 558, Slaves 69 lIdganse 546 se Oallon 4-H jersey, guersy, ets St aders: Kes Klse John Mc- (;Dunc a bb, Walter Narminglon. aeoe argorel Roinison Se0, Valecie ( Ila 877, Ken hMNaisi 865, John SU4 sun 848, Bruce hIcKewn 840, b Roinsson Se9, Jaste Nixo Secor _2. Brando Hillinm t20, Diane forme pa 784, Marcanne Lapa 717. bn Cha 4-iion 4-H tiaid crop rcais Hers tiers: Russel Murray, Nbeo report aida. 100 percent cemplotion. ram a rn-avcf Agnesa 190. Hay- seis nMeNasi 182, Orare Bird 188, n McClare 186, illt Stotes 180. ra Lamne Wilson 190, Kmn c5asi 10, Joanne Wilson 189, vois MIcClure 190, Danid illor 175. Halton 4-H sheep clubi Leaders: Albert Hanmer, Don Harris. ânri Hunter 8817, Stepisen I avley Se5, Oies Steveson Se, ocîd hIcKinnon 799, Nancy ciCocoon 785, Keit hIcEbsn 1. Harris Cornie 552, Laurie crrie 524. Acloo 4-H Field Cmop Clubs sIaers: Nbeo Scaîda, Rassell fcrray, Bill Lashy. 100 perent caplalcon. Corn-Cathy Lesisy 71. Bois Leahy 874, Janice tu, Trom Parker 182, Rotert lsroy 543, Ricis Wilkinson 498. ay-Bois Lashy 867, Cathy '.sby 846, Leas Leslie 786, sema Leslie 781, Doms iion FR FAY'S si *ELECTRIC L COMPLETE ELECTRtC SERVICE INDUSTRIAL MAI NTENANCE * ELECTRICAL CONTRACTINO *ELECTRIC H EATI NG *WATER HEATtIR R ENTA LS 878-204 FREE ESTi MATES lSearon Lentie 754, Jmlice kiwSmr 753, Tom Penser John VanderVlugt 649O, rt Murray 531, Ricis icssu 47f. Grain-Leas 81, Saren tImhe 795, aLeslie 788, John Vmcfer- 676, breeda 4-H herse clubs re: DougShsaw, SlnMay., le Ella 907, Bil Stkm st, May 882, Jane Nixon 881, *Lea 87f, Leora Willmott 4ariassa Lea 845, Edeen sali S, Catisy hIcDosgeti ale Henderans 808, Karen cail 783, Andrea Dstty 752, e Hennis 7M0, Ivan Heares 'cri Mossstevmn 728, Lioda 711, Lari Bell sel Larie c664, Gerry Heatteriogtan like Cendres M6it ou 4-H Cansoreeies Chis ': Mary Iderry, Bais Cathsy Lsbiy 903, Lani bb 847, Carel Semervle Beryl McEnery 811 'ec Pierce 810. CeMi soas 795 , Janet Hanter 'ta idorson 744, Jse Andarson cisairman for lise evening ertrasu Steart, President Halten 4-H Clob Leaders' cf. 'lier sere er 200 in attendance. :cessful sales ineqaîpsuent, predoce oaid souisl - thry ail seil lst unpion clamsilieda. cnt saccosotul asaer nd hy Mr. Gl. L. seis sold a ndsccneeciven; sy Mr. I.A. salit hic goalteudicg Flnds homne thru paper Laeteng for a home? Tly a Chsampion claanitied. Lent seeek mn adverieer iadt tncee cats seten hoe ran an acf seehteg a roral home seit tiscea or tour hedranno and ted ne trouble ttedteg lise rigist home and the cigisi price. Il's essy te place a Champion classctiecf su tise rentrai Haltes markeat everyoe reads - mls dial 878-2341 and lot an asperieocedl ad-taee aantet y05 in seordteg your acf. Dog, car stolgen Mdlten OPP are leeig toc a 1966 Mcstancg. Tisa car, sehics ines stelen fresu, tise renideece et Alan Young at N.R. 3, Campteliville on Sanday bil mit teen rcevered ai pross lune. 'lise same day a Germen Sepherd dag valurd at $50 wsea ntien cosu lise Tanhardt Kecneis, Georgetowen. PoiLc. arr sidli ventcgatmng. agents oquipmeel; and hy Mc. A.S. seho tedi lots et calte fresu one acf and neid ail is Samisis ueions. Escs used an mosxpemiva Champion "toc sale" acf, lise tanlel soies agente in Milton and distict. Tour lufohor Say$: Let os "parsonally" f iii your treezer. We have select selected sides, fronts and hind quarters of Seat. Phone soin and srder! ESH BURNS "SELECT" EF 5q, BACON 59 _______lis'591b Reg. 9c I, Reg. 79c lit. MAKE FRIiAl "FISI BAT FîiIet of Sole, Haddock, Smoked Cod, Ciscoes and Oysters. Hornby To celebrate 5Oth UCW anniversary Tise Octeiser meeting ef tise Norths Trafalgar Cemsnsnily Clui ssield attse isome oftMrs. Jacks Msiller, wits l6 memsiers prasent. Mrs. Joe Sammit, presented tise treasoror's report mnd hIcs. Sert Lestie reparted es tise tli amversary perty seiics ws iseld attse Hawtisorne Golf Clubs. Lite memisers inere asked te maise a ncrapiseek et sesespeper clippiogo pertaioteg te fise dais. Mms. Jacks Wiliiamson seas appointed chisamn ot tise sen memiserstep, renmdttae. hIrs. Anderson Mfay rend mn article on "Mite issarta itisday perty" wiici wsea very isamoroan mnd mosi eajeyeisle. 'Tise sent meeting naili te iseld on Wed- sesday, Nov. 10 et tise hsome of hIcs. Anderson May initis hIs. R. A. Leslie and Mrs. Otillie Dowling in cisarge et tise prograse. Greetings Hirtfsday greetings te hIcs. Fred Liter seis releisrated iser ictisdy esn Teesday, Oct. 26 ami te Lorrie Lys lteyre iso alen, caleisraled iser iitisday tise mame day, and te Joisn Cordingley seis will celeiscate is iimlday on Wecfnesday, Nov. 1. Congratulations are extended te Mr. mnd Mms. David Dsgoay lana Domsa Break)l whio were msccied on Selurday, Oct. 23, at HilicresI LUnitedf Churcs. Nov. LoeAdames etticited at tise da iensg icoremany. Fellaeissg thse reremony a receptian wsea heId don staico in tise cisarcs holl. A dance wasiseldleatei tise =noe et tise Masonic Hall, ilowhisere overyone enjoyef theamanlvms. Kevin, Ssan and Siselley Jepson et Georgeton, violtef initi Mr. and hIs. Jm Hamilton an Sanday, Oct. H4. Tise Yog People of Eden Unisted ChOrcs isld a succmsttid drive on Sehocday, Oct. 23, se dasons et glass hettleo seere mollected te rates money for a aneedy came. A speedy recoery te aulended te Mrs. Norn Fiesutegten seio tes iseen qoite Wi follonning sorgary. Big success Tise terkey sopper held et Hilicrest United Cisurcs on Wednesday nigst, Oct. 20, seas a lcomendeos succeani iitf a croird of 472 people atlondiog tresu fer mnd saide. The ladis ted te go home and get an entra supply et pieu ancf coeked isas. The Mtis anneverssry efthlie Edes United Cisarcs U.C.W. witi bo celeisraled on Senday mernisg,Oct. 30, saisn a lescisean seU ho anrvad le celeisrate lis opecial occanion Former mesuters are tevited te attend. LowviIIe U.C.W. plans role in Mission Festival Dy Mrs. Richsard Severega lice evnteg mit ofthlie U.C.W. met ai tse isome of Hiaent Sovereigu. "Tse Fac" wsea ictrodcsced and tise stedy te abount Africe tisyear. Tise seorsisipseas teken sy Mrs. Bev Dukesiie seio rend a poerr f rom, tise United Cisorcs Misson magasine Mandate lise peem wses titled lime te tnvest mnd tise end wsee eits tino words - Iu Lana. litre. Marjorie Hall read f rom tise New English Bile. Tise unit discsssedi tise potentiel et tise Atrica stsdy mnd aise erganized tiseir portion ofthlie Mission Festival. It deels setis tis medicol seor int Canada, tise work seit Cmnadien tndlamn and Africa done iy tise United Cisarcs Tisgrupoigmd gaineS cerds te hgcs.Graca Reedsead and hIrs. Bersdce Wiley iets seio are teck te isospîtal. Tise commmty aise cenemisers tise Readcead femily et titis tisse seien tiseir metser hIcs. Seras Readsead te very ill. Wayne mnd Val 1mbn Pat Powell, Oseen Peer, Esthser Mainiatrosu, Ctedy Powell and Helen Peer went te St. Gileo United Cisurchis t Hamilton for tiser world mte5'ion cigst. L4iymn's Suday Oct. 17 wsea tayssan's Smnday ai Laseville United. Jacks Sertes sn ecisarge et tise service mnd Glenn Ricisardson accempenied Jacks sits tise readiogs. Elmer Fonter visited is deogster ESan and isor ssiand Hail Latlsan and Oseir cisildren over Tltanbsgiviog seeiend in Kingstons. Mrs. Annie Peer visited at her famiey on thse death of thefr former home ln Loseville secth sme Mrs. Sarah Readsead. Mr. and Mrs. T.' E." Ramsew lhIs Our sYmpelisy te Mr. and Mrs. pas wek. nni ceebrtedbarDouglas Sseallow, on tise deets of f8Mt iirllnday earlier lise ments. wall ' M thr H itre and cee tell ot many old andDai ur tHndso iMoiesnegste et tise peopleHoptl nftisof thtie conmcmity. The mmmsty te tiing ot Mru. Jeance Poseelleand temlily, as Tise People et Lsevifle extend iser issiand Cisarles te ii te thiser sym'aPtY te tise Readisead ispitai. CAN IDB SERVE YOU? One of our representatives wili be et HOLIDAY INN NOV. 4 OakvIIIe 845-7561 If you requcre a termn lan for a new or exculîng business, you are inviîed ta dis- cuns your needs with him. An appoint- ment can be arranged by telephoning WINDUS TRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK TIRe FINANCING FOR CARIOIIAd BLIStINEStO 20 Stugisson Street Southe 1 HAMILTON Tel: 528-0471 1 GOAHEADI1 BU CANAX SANANGS BONDS If poucre looking beyond loday, good interes - year afler year. plan afnead selfh Canada Saviflgs NomCanada SSvings Bondsyiald Bonds. Thep're the go-ahead OOSY an average of 7.19% a yaar when la save for the future - inithoul hebd to mSlurilp. The'ravallbe worrp. in amounîs tram $50 op loa binait Easy ta, Buy: Yoa con bup thena of $50.000. lhree differenl seays; for cash Each $100 Bond begins with sehere pou work, bank or invest; $5.75 interesb for the f irsl year, on instalments lhrough the pays $6.75 inleresf forlthe second Paprobi Saviegs Plan cehere )'l5 pear, pays $7.50 inleresl for each work; or on instalmnents through of the rosi fiee pears, and Ihen the Monlhlp Savings Plan where pays $7.75 inlereal for OSch of yoa bank or innast. the aest Imo pears. Simple la Cash: Canada Savingo On top of Ihis poa con earn Bonds sre cobd, hard cash - interest on your interoot and instanl. They can bo redeemed naSe each $100.00 gnose la anp time at Iheir full face valse $187.00 i5 jus 9pears. plus oarned inleresf. Canada Savingo Bonds are good Good la Keep: Canada Savings loday. boiter lomnorrow. They're Bonds are sale. They ne backed Canada's most popula personal yai the resources of investirent Look aed Canada and lhey pay Go ahead! Buy Canada 7,319% Savings Bonds. GEl ff MORE M~N Mc*D ýKlibrid.e 8"'xlO"Living Color ofeeucisperson sirgly Orly880, plus 500film fe. Grus$1.0 pet persae, plus One 500flmn tees. CSelect rem finishecf pictares in radiont block ied nisite and living celet. CBases quallfy "Guarcecteed Satisfaction." Silmil- one Speciel pet child. eFait delivery . courreous service. CSenior Cilioens Welcorcn StUdlsllecs 0AM tOCe1 P.O., 2P.h5,5s.P6It5.. ftldoy ta roc0 F.e - 5cOndce t 5 le Pa.A Nev, 2 te Noir. 6 GEORGETOWN MARKET No.? 7Nighseay, Geergetown BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 451c Reg. B9c lu. -e Ind.

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