YOL. 112 - No 26 MILeTON, ONTARiO, WEDNESDAY, OCT0BER 27, 1971 SesOnd Class M.il Regiatison Nmber -0913 Second Skctvon Excîtement reîgns as Jîm Snowv wîns seat ilke &in*ibiauo ,0 COFFEE ClIP AND) CIGAR lu band, oboner MPP Jies So chats wilb supporters an electian nigist aI Oakisirle beaiqurter of lb. Maltas Eant Progressive Comservolive Assciatis. --(Staff Phosto) '.Sn0w 140, Blake 82, Gelois 1 McGrath ose, pretty Vic Nesnai as abturned Ira ber pl iss tlh a broad amilei bier cae as aded a slip gr eande lt as on a ctari ait Tor bdquartei for the MOo itrit Grnpote y;aet lnst isPer PC aiaging la Jim Sssw's fava "Ttt n lte os e s0is at ise. He, itss aitout tha1, unie wsrer cheeredas lte restoil of lte Million Beiglila poi as recorded slssaing Sos insîrse of second place Liberai Bo Biaisebyt " voies. Alletie lira 10 of tihe 3 tonis ditit polis came la ail sstid Support fsr Snse, searier reiaxed. lTe anxlety ltai existe, bal an bsec earier seas gane Pstil captais croseded tise Mille, headqonarters set up aithIe fin bell and kiitbitzed wilb asu anoiber about lte terrific lursos and decisive vote itey itelped swineg in tbeir oaa arsss. Sasses in Arancous cbeer emasaled 4-sm, the crswded cononitseE rotentato9p.m. Jusîsa bn ouc after lise poie bad ciosed CBC lele- vision reporters seere saying 9isw hadt basa elected seiti a Htiosdrig andtale le represoal ".Titis il' laslastic, just latastic,- Mel Piteipo was ouying ouside lte comsnittee "He Sm=> bas done a lot la enitsa leaIf witb titis lesea and tise aboie riding le lhe pool four years," CoOaly PC. Presideat Boit Reid wus ouisg. "Tisis aill assure tim, of a cabinet portfolio", asolter woriter usled.' At 9.30 lte jubilent M.P.P. arrived at Millen iteadquarlers witit lis seie Bars, sens Jassie and Jeif and daugbter Julie. Aller a bncie speech, noriters isobe Milea chtoras of "For be's a jstiy good lelisse." Passera by abtoutaid "be seat 0Sase", and "Yen, Jim". Greatlamitions iSnos told woienbsget ambition bad bie.acmtse wbeo io ons tbeSccbBci Poil in Esquesisg Toeni. Be ssld he thougitt it ses lte lirst tiune ssy Tory organisation b.d poeteraled tbe Gril straagtald .since Coafederation. tEven bag Saoo was bers in lai vec are isesesn'l able le, sweing lihe vote in bis favor in bis firsl altempt aI provincial potitico in 1967. Titis lise be did. "That was the trend setter. Tisai sel lise pore for the aboie csssly," Saas aid. Sos lelI bis Milton beadqurers le go la, Ostvle sebere Soit Blaise bad liane le Il t9ere was one "bkey pol" in Halton Easi ridisg foi i isrsday's electian, il was the ol cs sy basas as the 0"s lb Blocs" lu Rnqseslng Township. Jim Snoa, the w Ial PC candidate, ke if ite seon 09a1 ose ho £ouid sein the coonty. Ha won0il anditeswon Hallon East isy o lusdsbide bis supporters seere aoon caliing a "Snawatide". Stichr Blocksriding, Number 33 os lise relurning oaficers aise comprises the tird, oarIs, fft0 aad niolis concennions la Esquesing, lt.ol 10i inclusive. Tise volern seent in Hiticrest United Citurch al Horaby bo maris 090fr -X" an the balilt. Jim tSnos wsea hora lu t9a1 Stirhr Blocs ares, samed aller lte bordes of Scollisit insinligrusis Who setled fflere le the early 1500's. Salt itubs been a strong Liberal ridiog and the Tories bhave sevor won5 il since Conlederalion. . . util Thuirsday, 09a1 is. coacode. Ssos got there laits and Biase odds't sait but made a sbsrt npeeci lesoriers and lefI the room. Geloiscoacedes Gelais oppeared ai110 p.m. and cvsrededl aI Conservative itead- quartiers. .nbooo= arrivedat 09eGas belore on fsase rw 0 09a 1 pced0emieil office onLatechore Rd., and apliied over onle the sireel. Tise candidate appeard fresinl the midst af a hectic, excitaid crowd. Tbe phsone at te bockt aI the soae-flied room rang csotiooatiy. Supporters on the a09er eod ollered their cas- gratlaions. Tbe sealis were -I losI il the l limie,- Sasa leld supporlers flsursday igitt. '"MY biggent ambition s le sein the Scotch Bloeb because t don't tia i s ever been seon by a Conervation sisre Confederatias." Weilie weon Il. isnos potied 141 Voles 10 Bah Biaises 104usnd Kmn Geloits 43. indepeodesi Richard McGrath won oo votes le the Scotcht Block. llOo ous leasing oison ho Onoouceed the resalto. ,I ffli tha1 sets a record." ady lastthree GI course Snow Oorried needlessly..tse entire cnunly 0e, beliod hou in this race. Ho 0111Y bout tsree of the 200 polis in the cousty, and ho losi lbem by sain margins. Il Oas Bisise 8, Gelos 7 and lSnos 5 aI Poi 133 lu Gsisvile aisc o eters ranI ballots aI Gais- Wood Pnie Scisoul. Ho was aae colo hehind Bisises 35 but test NDP's Gelos hy orune voles at Poil Lîberal candidate Blake deiected at Inoç_ ste si:0 poli resuts, "Vo Snio" suad Picluron Premier Wiltiams Davis. bBy aie lime lsnos lefI Milles balrde n i er tra Milt Georg et oasr Ese isgad Gai vleitad craassed inoa baran Haya Farass le celebrale. AI GaOn i iteadquarters Saas tld serise b.os criticised fin beg avoriy opibnistic sen h, ProviaCe.' gaus s eeren' aptimistie essugis" ite qaipped Yus aildîd l One seorber apprsscted lssaw 4009 congratulations. 'It didalt do it alase. Yau did il, see a did! il," 0Snow repied. Ashod il b. pisssed a batiday Pool. And one foral Gabville poli Numiser 78ai S1lnider's PubIiý lichool aiso gave Biaise a siot (34-29) edge over Snose. But the bigmanafroin Hor1, wseaath0e retofthe coantyls 200 poIl-mont af 09em by basdy Margins. Preservesame Scotch Blacs imI' realiy se "Scotcit" ouy more. bYhena Il as fmIr seltled 09ey see mainly Scots wo tived 09ere bat over the yeurs the population bas ctusgeda neocomers move le and th! ancesters of Pioneer familles lase their lies 401h the pont. Tise namne "Scotch Blocs"' wil livc on lorever, thougs. Halles iegon Cosservation Authnrity ba niuit a dam and reservoir muar Spoyoide sehîc carnies the name oflScotchs Blocks asd a saai nubsdivision of estale-typo homes os speingîag op near tbe reservoo'.....baoas anheb Scotcht e seiff lu >miY, Smseouaid ite itad log ora hlsa bv and ,f set, bul eopecled la b.e bacs a1 p'obablya-wayls:ait tisevMPP cabinet meetings ai the lirsI of sid. a 09is seeis linos souise' commsent on a s 'Thte campaîga itaset isees riaor 1 0 t9e offert ise'd bie bard sem.n v enîayed IL Il aPPOine iiste fbuigi t wss bard laugst and a clean isnaraIbusgl caoga. J'm oued te worbing <Canalnsed On Page B8) r Indopendentcadat McGrath happy loser Richard McGrat9 la a itappy laser. McGrats rus fourfl in the praoviscial electian. Be rus as an indepeadeal le HallnEs« asnsd ialîbougt ie asiy polied 283 voles, ite mys ise dld isetier lbao ise itad anticipoted. McGrath tld reporters ite woud isave beas htappy ails 190 votes. With lb epia asee neO Papru ciy an:d isis atnasd e ut semetM aI f Leatimaslsg McG rrsase. an. Na lundi He spent no moaey us the campaiga and bil aothing thst oves reseniled porty machinery beiid ii. MeGrath isdicated ise seaald rus agais il an organisatian af independeat candidates oas formed. He said iecaplaredîthe votesaof those people wbo seere tired of1the t9ree traditional porties, us be seas MeGrafi continsuoering us a ,serot goud ut ngil and lu a student aI anthrapology aIth0e Univriîy aI o on th 0e daytime. He tvesJi G vIl >0 iis mother and sisler. His 283 votes represenled.07 prcent of lb. letal vatescuast Election resuits given 150 callers a l hon nit ior Ontaopraant a el m o.nservalives easily Lb y m'g fo Chamion eecte is ot ridins oas quile stoler. Wie reporters cavered visible marly in the evmsang and il the activilies in Halles Easn secer cbaago and the 150 phone Halios West ridings in Gabvile colis seus for lrom the record 500 and Barlington, the offlire Staff catis the staf andled in ose nus musssmg the pboses for the municipal eleclion. neOspaper's special election resuts phsone servire. Roy Gons, Bob Bartl, Janet Darisg the evoning they Braida and Dan G'Reily cavered baadled an ostimated 150 the elecion scese in Haiton East telepitose catis frss renders 00e ahe Coles and Denis anniaus le leurs the up-le-lise- GitonTbClusnpions sster minule rennlla of Tisursday's poper ThteActon Free Prous seere election. The tolepisase resulta reporig the rotures lu Halle0 service slorted sisartly aller 8 West riding. Their slery and p.m. and lusted anlil 1l p.m. Phtoo coverage of the election Ns a record seu ite leusd throagsoul tnday'n ly Janet Brabla ville for a stech damner ai a restauant, lises vosited home for "Ail i cansaoy is, there are a quicis change and dropped the soime lyiag Cosservalives in ibis Yoaoilstero ai thoîr grand- province," a mas in the crowd 0009er'o before maboing 09cmr resaarbod as liberat candidate OOy dosonloon le the campuigs Bob Biaise oas about le concede b.odqusrîers. 10 iscamisent Casservative "Il's iseeo a hony day sa candidate Jim Snose. "Hons round'" ic remorsod upos fougt a hard baie adshould arrivai. be psaud for seiat ho itas or- 'lie iseodqoao'ers was isazaing comPtiaited," titis saine loyal w909 oucilement prior le the supporter qippod. arri vaI of lise candidate. It oas the esd aI fflin election's Supportero aad press reporlero coud for Bob Biaise an ho sleod le milled about, phonos Oece bis campaigs iteadqaarlers rmgiglcoolmouUy and sevecol scaasing the polling resaln lemole supporters Oearmng mini board. Figures, thoagb amI-« olrto, Blake hamoers ad bols finial, sbaasd Cosservative Jiss cisalled encîlediy aoth0e doy's bas leading ii by an avec- election. In o corner of the romi seteiuasority and sehispers of severol Coolt yeor voters ouI sear Blaiecocedisg to tise lise televîsion oolching tise incambe t fltered throub h09e national eleclion race results. vowd. Faliooing 360days of esrly The Biches arrived ai head- marnisgs, busy days of quarters (Boi seering a mod campigsiag and sumerous oolfîl olredand ouvy pld ponto, SIepa 1 sigltl, the biBoer fighl red shirt and co-ordinated le and oas averoand Blaksegave le le itis ouvy sports jovisel; Marian le o uppoassi. lwo piece oovy point soit and Tiaugb tiis badi loaised llooered blouse) 10 ciseers Cross Promiaing tram, the start af the the crowd . The cadidale sopped day, wilb plenly of reat, a fress le glusce aI the score isard, stert, a Rate for luasoll and a selmng tha1 of the several poils leur af Has ridig, Biaise lonised olready reportig, lie had oldy aomesebal servaus seben bo uneoa. Ris iung polis on the orrived ai is campoiga head- overail board oere marised sel09 qurtersat236 Laisitre Rd. E., large red circles. Gakville ai 8.30 p.s. Tburoday Unofficiol ruts poare inm cosisg B an aie orin iadprolunely le the iseosquarters vislitis Milton, sqsesing ami and ao more tailles came in, the Gergelean ridisgs Juritsg the larther b.ismd the leader BIaise allerase badl returaed ta Gais- lraîled. Ai 0.30 pom. more supporters arrived and spotlel wfi lte crood seere Ballon MP Rud Witmng and is aileAse. The bhitings and Blois chatted legether obole lise 100 mes lonised ut the scoreluard wi09 dismay. "Yen, il's the end of the line lenighl," ouid Morion Bake. "Vel il Boit coîdd laite an ares tle sire of Broute for enample, tiegs could agoin louis gond for on." Tise minutes ticised on us the candidate and MP relired le o romr le tl0. Severai more polio ohowed Snoo otlll leoding and by olmoot 9 pou. hi oua toisez over the rare hy o mojorily of 3,000 votes. Uporisers tacised op sigas ponling lb. renolle and aI mne Pomnt mn the evenisg Wldtleg mode o faol oit fram lthe room, checited the resaits and chois his leod. "Hel, 1 thougbi il aould b.e dloser thus this," hie multered, "Gis, oh, oh". "Wel, ai ii point il lobas ite yoo've hod il," Mci. Biaise Sr., moîher of tise candidate remorised leiser son. "Weil, oe love il ail oe had and couoidet asit for more" oas the disppointed candidate's repiy. Sy ibon toue flods of reporta fromn the Hallen WleuI eleclian race seere poaring iole central leodqurters. "I hear Kerr is already in over ltere," said one lady. -Gis, ohat a uhome," added usother seomu i th 0e crosed. Noor doenet isy now, Bob Biaise reoreo once more le "the quiet ted 00prty on009e alier end o roomn" and cailed sovoral polfig 09 hn.Following quiet ooris stations co tise iding. "lt'i ot b.e insîted oortero te fls home lusiting tos good ocer here," hoe for refresisoonts, olîoa fins] DEFEATED LtBERAL candidate Bais Biaise oas second- place rosser in Tharsday's provinciul olection. Ho polies 25 Per cool of tise Hauban East votes fan a boal of 9,737 balots le lus layor, while MPP Jies Snoo of lise PC porty Vias retilrned tueoffice oitsa orosoutlig 2,358 vot s._staff photo) 1totale isod leen verified. rani seia 'em ail," the speakser envîroumeol and Aisorican Tise concoraed gentlemen le legoa. "Bob stood elil a9te way costrol of Canadien booiness. the crood discusde lte crm- and slill stands tlS," campaig Man. BIaise Sr. commesnd poila. "Wisy did oe lare not os manager Harold Yousg ond lator "one do or closes and gond?" on elderly gentiemsan "l'ms going te siraigsten MY onothor opens for Boit. Be bon aosed. "Was il lthe achoal coller' pot my honda behind my seoritodbord and l'mi very proud question Ibot threse volero off?" bort and oals dosen there," mid of iu." "il's oust a Cosservalice Bloake. "Il's the bardent 001 VU2 Namnecous fossoie sapportera surge," bis blener remarsed. over itave 10 maise. Vve foughl a roliied arousd liseir candidate Gakisolle Mayor MacLean gond, hard campoiga and amn and oalsed nlooly te Scoss Anderson arrived ai the Litera prood tle .bre. I bope Y11'il sa heodquorîers, tobîsg their beodqourtern at 8.55 p.m. and roily arooud the neut.candidate defcated candidate by the acco. greled lthe candidate and MP and do as munis for hicoa uo Afteroaquiet speech, isardiy Wiiag. Aaother poi oaî poited bave for me," ise concluded audible othe Tory crood, the and Whibang cursed ander bis remorsesilly. candidate euprensed is is'eoth. bison asited, fllowing itis intentions. Ho abois hauds seî09 Shontly aller 9 p.m. the onnooncameul of doleai, ohot very feo and 4009 a slilled voire annouicemresi wsea mode 09at isoues isod hoon the isey Ones Of reird bonis to isis own itead- BIaise oould vsit Suoseadf- les campoîgo, he ooted the quarteno. quarteru and concede o& tehe questions ie flt strongoul sisal ConservaSsve candidate. "You sere tise oducalios rosIs, (COnulei ou Pag7e B8) "Election central" no hive of activity Halton Eant Relorning Officer Gabville trennorer Job. Whtetolol The Chitaoand Tise Actes P.J.aCooaneset uprisilneelion badbisstafI goeacors upte scepl Freo Gnous, o girl suoalymng cenral hodqurtes l 0e D pbae epots ndbooldea bigres for the three Toronto LOakvillo Munipal Building oa the main oaitrhisusrd operator, poporsoand a Toronto TV station Thursday eveuisg. Thai's seiere ise bod five girls taleng roal and a mon andâog resultu for us GRO's pisoned in their voteofoar otisers calculoîing aad Gaitrille radio station and o resulis and ohore a large isard poabong resulle. Mc. Cosean, oiso Haiulton TV station, and a girt 0001se up lei itep the press and seus ai lus oas itoadquortern on pitosoug figures 10 an Gahoillo pohlie inoramd of the renulta Florence Dr., itepi posted on poper and The Conian Gnous. througs the oveig. renuile isy tolephooo through the The staff (andi presa) ponised lt'5000s't theluveoOf actvity il esesîng. up and sezi home a0111.10 p.m. bao iseen in former elections, Thtecousicil chombor sere the Oison 103 of the 200 polsa oece moîoly hocause lte press relorvo seere posîmi oas ampîy beard ross. Officiais isad dif- concentroîmi on the candidates' mont of the evoning. GsIy leur ficulty rcaching DRG's ai the isoodqurters and the candidates reporters orcopiod the press Otiier seven polis hut the renulta rallier t9on oaitiag ai the leas room-.one lrom lise Bilion Oece conclusive enough 10 cati il hail. Champion seio pisoned oui renaiSa a nigsi. .G3eIok: 'Money power vs. people powver by DU O'aseffy Sweep province aoni Whatcui The defealmi NDP candidate eleclios, Ken Gelois, sammed up the election ao a "clear case of ouey power over people Power". Geioh wseu over. ohelauirgly dofeated 21,350 to 7,164 hy Jii So, 09e PC Gelois, 20, isad spent Tisursdlay afOtersoon talising la and oinciauragmng positive supporter. sfedrave leo Georgeowon bose, a rrivngithere about 8.30 pin. Be tRI lied le a lea supparters, ami thsa departed for the NDP's thene a teosminates belare a p.m. lete o lriiSiarvs lloonsalready ovîdeutisy then 090109he T ories weco going le oua, oul osdy mn Hallen East, but also ornass Gntario. Gelois lemoolf was onder no illusions: "fi loois isod in Hotton Easot"', sie ceoanhesi. Geloit sid le coolil se0 no Ihllereoro pcovincîolly hotoovo the Lîheralo and the Couservutiven, isat did concede ltaI ie oould rather soc the Uàberal rnmer, Robert Blaise delent the Conservalive MPP. Accomponyisg Gelsi s 0his aile Edi09, as avenants payable oers and the mother of a ive- year-old dangister. Asised obal she t9aagisl of iser ubaad's abviaus delent, abe remarsod *'It'sprettygood forthe liraI lie this is a Conservative nlronghold, eoPeciaily Gabvie". "A conviction" Mrs. Geloit remarsed tisaI ohen sho Cîrsi reaiized hon hiiohoni hod pelitiral aopn'o.- tioo, sheowaoagaioul iî "Bul il's sont of o conviction wiis hou", site cemarisod. Geloit managed leoithle os o lese Salmoa sandweiches: ' baven't itad time le eat supper, ilsi la about a l ve isad le est tedsy". He aba rasarsed ibat ite bad ssanagedi te pull a mai le is rightsleig durlug the dsy's campoaga. Aller tliig ta somne Milles supporters, Gelos 1eRt the UAW Centre at 9.15. Bolore be leli, ie tld lit aupporters, "thant ysu everytuily, oeil hoe bonisio foor Yearo". Ho ilsen drove 1t eo hik ville iseolqoarters at 373 Kerr SI., arriîvog thece aI 0.35 p.m. Badino stand Tise Gaitville heodquarters, a coovoct tore010 lusheil lih' it Ivooll borst 0700 hocause of the vucohor of People lammcoci lto the preouses. Thore ocre a Con genls bol Most of tise peuple hadl le stand. Tisere wsea a television in tho coraer af the raomr, and every se allen oamesse seauid crase Has secs bo s bose teir porty oas dalug, A group of reparters botlenboled lielsis abs seesaed eery bsitter: "Ye itad a gosd plat- formn, andse0did isbe ieraIS. Tue COservativon 00onisecause of msOsOive media saturation". Gelos soid 4-at mooey isod won over people. "Il miaites 700 sooden about our values". Geloh iso bld reporters 4-at there shoote ho lmals on oupeoditoces for polilical campaîgns, On lthe future of the NDP, Geliih Predîclel, 'Il nul liecore very Oalionalistîc-Gntarîo has 10 bave costrol of ils economy."1 Belleves le Il Gelait reouarited 4-at votleg Oas a democratir procesand the People of Gntario had coted for the porty they oaated. "I believe in the democralir pracens," ite quoppod. ECOerting Gelais os tise electian ulgit leur oas Has campaiga msaaager Bans Tirippleles, a momber of the hislery famuily ai Wite oits 1-gis Schoesin leOas ville. Thrîpplelon, o recoul member of lb. NDP, mid the Tory Wio oao o nlear eououple nI the "terrîlyiog power of mouss media". Ashed âteul is reactîoo tu the election, Thripplton sid .it was sony disappointmg". Be maid il solooy ami 4009 deliberatian and wi09 the tired eupression aI a m'an Wbo seeased le bave orked cory itard. F)rotratlag Gelais bad abaut 200 « 250 uspaid searbers assisting lem, 4009 hus rampoiga. Gne of09 colusteers, Bruce Socles of Gai- vilie reassrsm, -l eopsconl Ken lCouBosed on Pugn 210> massager,-<Slaff Pbsle) ELSICTION NIGBT TALE .... Bsian Titaippleisa conifera aith lise I4DP candidate for Halles Est, ena Gelais aI NDP beadqourtmern u aisite T¶srippleton oas Geisits cacopaiga Snow flnally wns it Scotch hiock key pol 'I