UZV YZVJ k#u#*fJ BIRTNS CARDS 0F THANKS COMING EVENTS 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE 1 ELETT ICLASSIFIED RATES 1 ELETT GILBEiRT - John and Lymo 'Thie 'Halton Sportomieos As- C..'L. Cissas, Ba-ar, Ho- i Iijji (non Parkinson) of 162 Coon- sociation wioses t0 tisank Tise y3 'Rsa ,-rsh Hall, 2 to 4 Tolapison. Thse Canadien 191 TMaln si. ercial St., (Mlton, are pleased Canadian Champion for ail the p.m., Saturday. November 27. 878-2341 Ch-mpion Milton, Ontario n 1 annoSsce tise birt of tisor caverage they gave us on ssr Candy, 'iaising, issittis0, sewn, ETL.DAM MRIGE ORHMN ARAES le son, JasonMAexadeweigt 7Zoe6 Covention, alse for ai] dooorations, draws and tes. av- Os ENGA 000.7 - N OsOOMt ntnnoao tr is., H oz., at Milton District lise donations msade isy lise ailasie. C2-33 FOR SAL. FOR 005Fr. =F. - -$1.5 oinmu chaî,,,,srge Mr15 vo -Hospital, on Saturday, Octoiser osorcisoots in -Milton, thaýt made se000 P. , r terafi. 051005 000000erII, (00 000 clums«) 9.1971. First graundcisild. for Mr. our weekend convention a suc. Bbienlezer Oharois Anniver Il-lu.25 minimumo, harg, 0.5cs, thosooto. aod Mnr. C. J.Parknson and ces$. ary Serice, S anday, aow forise SO0000000Ocash .e000 firths grandci.d for Mr. and '5ev. Hepisuro, 17, Il 0.01. Orly. Res. Nicisol- CO~E o .,. O1O h000 -di&-Dâ Il.0.a.as11 n Mrs. J. A. l7ibbert. c24-4349 Assistant Secretary. son, Campittalille, guest sitea- IN MLNsOoo.o -it c1. lartPepid li,sof ve,.. For Ail Your Real Estate iser. Asoiversary Sopper, Taes- CLASOIFtRODSPAY RE ESTAT0 i , .5 , olum inchT -ROWBOTTOM -Dýoug and We wiois ta express or sin- day, Octoiser 26, from 5f.0. Deadl,,, lia. 1,»ilab tim 5 p.. ,10,y.S E T E C s ed, Terry .10ee Coolsool are plea- cere Oisaois to Co - Operatives istO-1800 ao0X Nsjonnss W nac. fitir Os 25cV NOVA CAMARO sed ta annonce tise isirtis Of tootrance Association Guelps, -HV O ACM tiseir daugister, Jesoifer Ano, tise Halton CIA. Committee 'Milton Seoior Citizens mcci DEADLINE US 12 NOON TUESDAY CHEVELLE, CHEVROLET STELLA PARTON aseigist 8 tis., 4Y4 airs, ai Otwen and ny loyal 'Halton frieods on 000f., Oct. 20, 1971, aI 7.30 - Sound -Hospital on Octoiser 7, for lise tovely gifts and plias- in tise 'Presisyterias Cisoci Hall. 878-6705 1971.- -Fit grndt ase o nt eseng iseld et tise Bsyne A isus load of Brampton Senior 1GE T E O 7c23 - sry prorandants ro Commnot Hall, on Octoiser 7, Citizots acili ie our gu esîs. Pro- The Cndioe Chamspion, Wecdsesday, Ostober 13, 1971 9 G E T E s and Alice Cooon04Wlim1971. If aoy of my policy isold- go-amn iy St. .Paol's United 1- OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS CRSI O D and Grace-towsottom. ers find tise oeed of aoy assiso. Cisarcs Womn. c24-4290 FOR SALE CH ISI &RDC FOWSLEOOSOBLE8 TrHRINI2 - Mr. nd Mnr. J - 1ne mci e frdirections. __2____________ ______________88 REAL ESTATE LIMITEI os ~ ~ ~ m ceg(o ~elos .Ri n aai etsrnto Tise Ladies' Aid af Nassaga-, R.s3 Tilin, (neo ponoew) ofR a n Sarah 54 -Hya Po-esyoeria Choo-ch wiîî IF yooo-e interested in a us-, HERTA isorley. 878-9190, OLDSMOBILE 98 BROKERS se isae t n old a Lonoieos and Bazaar, ed boat and mater,alttseisestl 2c24-299 189 Main Street MILTON t ouincetie birtisoftisir son, Mdr. and Mrs.faMarce1lMoisan aiseosale ofisaiison Ts- possible po-ice, sec Bort Porter EkI~ U ~, Josepis Sydney, meiglst 7 iss., 3 (nec Jacquelise Peaccs k)aisis day, Octoiser 21. (romn 11.30 arn. sos at MlotMarine & Sports. SPANISH ooions for sale , 29 EN JOY THE~ G s. an s., at Milton District «aospic- ta express tiseir siocere appre- su 1.30 pm. Gentlemen wrlconse. tc24-435Ï Ontario So. N., 878-9889. G.M.C. FINANCING. ai on Friday. Oetaiser 8, 19751. ciation for theo sonde0fsl show- Admnission 11.00. c24-4350____ 2c24-453 GREAT TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES. TOWN Fr tendered te tiser un Tacs- VACUUM Cleaners,* Sn nd APEC do y eeing, Oct. 5 ot iBoyoe Meco tise Candidates Nigist. reioi. Ropairs 10 evesy make. AP SCe grade. $1.50 pec GENUINE PERSONAI INTEREST IN AFTER - SALE 526.900, 3 isedroos biscki isnng- ENGAGEMENTS Commntstay Cestre isy ciseir spoosored hy tise tJniversity Vacuum Cleaner Chisi 51 buos. Milton Heights ar-oos SERVICE slow wiob allarised garage friends, neigtsbars aod relatis- Wotns Clubs of [Milton sud John Street, Borlington: 639- fon, Halton Board of Edicat- lreivn oi,4le ah ti 'Mc. and atrs. Mervin A. L ons os. Special tisanknsu t«r. and District, sodîl (be iseld at Martio 0262. Ikf-2620 a uidn. 2c33 ATars fuille aiseampet fnso- ar lesait annorcycn Mrs. Robert flruwnridge and Street Scisool auditoriums os -___________ i, ed recrooios moif, entra age eset arnc the en-str Mc. W. H. Destin for cenvoniog Mosday. Octobr 16, at 8p.. YOIJ WILL LIKE isoyiu0 your JA Kbiedroom and iicisen. Teraes. geeta Ricfisr dauPrer . AIl canododates soili epet building materials and coal a A K R C A D O - HaM~ey, son 0if IMrs. Lco-raine c24-4418 Evcryune osolcome. c2143747 Coawfords' Catnpbellville.Quliuk 3 ANIMALS FORSAEDPX- 2,10 Ihri, Harktey and lise lte Mr. Gar- service. Higis qoality. Pisone hssore serni - deOaeised home nos A. Harkley of Auton. b Tise LiseraIs 0f Esquesiog Castpiselille 8542232. lc4l6-tf EXCELLENT Sufoîlk rare. CHEV - OLDS siois a 2 berooom opurîmens ____ar_-oldnga______ad on lt floor and a t hedrosom IN MEMORIAMS Tanse din ao Ha on asd FRE tikt 9orpr78-9871. _c_4__ O TARIO ST. S. MILTON 878-2393 aparîmresî Opstaicn, close lu Friday, Col. 15 as 8.15 p.m. ty drasas, in sels ut 1 ta 1,000, 1 DORSET bocred rare. Pbone dcownlown. MARRIAGES CHAMBERLAIN - In lovisg Loonis pi-ovided. Consse and mecs ou wshite or yellow pa-per, ooly 877-6658. 3c24-4406 5c24 mernocy 0f my dear motier, Robert !BIaise, tise Lihecal casd- 31.50 pec bsook aI The Canad- - HANNANT - -PASSA - Dr. Ca- Lauca, wiso passed aoray Ocîs- idllae. Evryune onelcotue. last Champioo, 191 Main Street, 9 CHEVIOT esces and t rani adtenie Parra and Mrs. Ma hec 19. 186. b24-4333 Milton. tc23-421-tf 878-299. 3c24-4414 7 WANTED 13 FOR RENT COUNTRY dela Lunt. de arra «Meico If we-isad ail thsescocld su give 2 3 YOUNC dooiss and 15 rasb TA nse.8844. FRIHDoOs rgui-$44,50,b litleg r iks hice City aonounce tise marriage af 00,4 gise il. yes, atnd murte ' Milton Ladies' Ausiliary for MOPPAT 301 elecic range, bits. 878-6854. 3c24-4297 STA atd 7434 csRNsoo, rr, o om forai lises lac dit ivig massis i sud- Oheir dasogiter, Euz Maria, ta Just su go te biec isome tonigbt ihe Alentlly Retarded preseots auîornatic timec, Ldcindt su444 rat etrlylctd ie John Stuart Hanoant, son of Aod find hlec scaitisg at the Ido 'Burnss atd Associates On doar, ligisord ose and panel, 90 4 YEAR OLD Welish poay -cow mcooorc - in-g qu00,o syplieai 878-9779. l3c24-4410 0096 gloos doors holcisen scits Mc. aod Mrs. J. Hanoant, Mi- doner. dmntai ndfl Gc'day guOaaust. 879. Others (romt ,ilb soddle, $70. 878-4698. Oe 7.85ooo .3 m ROsi os -s15R mo-oems Pc. bah n 3 pied t on, fOt. Sadly missed and aîways ce- ioas -Living" ost St. Poul's Unit- $49.95 0000 lit Codîco's, dasco 3c24-4292 t7i-254295 mafs or board optonul. sobom ecoosro memhered, Elrner asd Mtarie ed Cisorc, MilIon., as 8 P.tO.. losc Georgetown, 877-251.1 - ahom erainmr McDoosell. c244337 Mos., Nos. I5. Delooooos buffet. Ihii 3 MARCH cross - basai eo,, Cooops..hlnihll 854-2129. ioi fireploce, entra hbedroom. OEATHS ~~Door prizes. Admission 81.80. lamiss, 90-100 Ilbs, $100. 878-237. ___________ _13c254352 loim tc ise arrangai. _____________ HIL. - In loving mFutory of c24-4401 LARGE glousy prinso0f Cau- 3c24-4412 8 EL WA EO ELECTRIC HOT WATER $13,500, 2 irdroomI clopisoard 9 ~~~a dearihsaad and faîbso- EP ANE MARTIN, George - De Mon- Gordon, scis passed ascuy Oct- Atteetios loady cutters: po adion Chaompion staff photos, GEDN- eosod arsIETR oi ieoosn. brel dsail, lsn day, Octoiser 11, 1971, as tise cher 16, 1969. laci suhpper, Taesday, October 5 ie$.0 0sz 15 soi isioo-. Beso allfer. 878-9819 NTC ieWonu qz Phsone Milton Hydre, 878-2345. roses scîis dioing area, 2 car Milton District Hospital, George A sulent tisouglst, o secret sear 19, sn tise curling caus ]nuagepo, ss ah aIacopn 3c24-4346gage 1 a oes i 6pri upe a rer nqie o rtChm- _ -Etplyses OpportociOy Act, 1- -3-c72&-f gaae Martin, furmerly 0f Geurge- Keeps issrernory esocdear ' sos op..sipr ion ofcsleR aiS ,itC onm. HUDppis 25 .:; 90 rhbtwt eti UNSIDmnlnn&9 cncrligarsw 505cR, in bis 600h year, beloseai Tino taises aay thso caigeof 6.30 fn., Isîllowea isy o pro-005fic.91M RSI.iio. H NDiois,29bn;07 rbiisits-o-is FRIH.D srn lon&90sen-rlsg ces cis husandof'EtelBauneand grefgra ieatrig amuica gMclboo-d oaid Pehio docs. 878- ex5icptions, disc-rimnion beI issaclo soppia, soiîoblc for toso sttOoo througb penp- husana ofEthl Beuue nd rse, ror fetursc m sico group EXCLUSIVE ooo-ly sketchses 6414. 3c23-4313 enlose of ses or mrnoital soosos. la~ Idy. 878-2363. Iy 4 fidoomrn-isk home & dear father ofCGordonof Orag- But memuory turan isaca every calcai "News Day Singer plus of Milton osoiloble in 4 scoîl -- Since sorne occuopations arr Yun 13c23-4317 bora, sitoosod in on att-ast- osille, Gladys IMrs. Harli bof. o short film os corling. Corne pris, soiîablo for frarng as "HOMIRS" noiinc pigeons. i-insidcocd rnore attractiveca 10, si- n sni5i ano c oss, ic- Coulsonf Of Milion, Jean fMrs. Aosaays rememisered oy saule oaid boc a prscie m em - $2.00, sas isclodeai. Asoilablo at haove roi-ra op ts 500 mniles. 878- p-rsons of one ses or tise othor, BEDROOM bcsorn oit- i-mssie oo 401. Ashini Lesle WilInî 0f Mutltof6r 415 Morion anai amily. c24-4332 ber. Admission 81.00 per per- The Cosadisu Cisampion, 191 9240. 3i-24-4293 aisoo-iserriess in Ibis oîorn oarnes m' Sio-od asa8 9 sorvisei by 10 groanhilairen son. c25.4304 _________________ Mois St.. Milles. If ordering by 'PEDIGREE Soffolks ron _s fi-r soi-b positions osilI continue aeo oniable irredi.soly, ad- oaid firee gmaet granaichilairen. mipes d 5 ecie os ieig.1,0 ahlt Clrest Pat teHo, C. RMs NVRARE postage. 1î81-tf qoosfiiy af gee. Phone 878- os sosie scisosier for mes or aIls Only. 878-3236. 13c-23-3749 2 eepsratei building lots. Ass- Resn Its ooa C al loeoa l 8 Iciose 3c24-4355 scornoso. Sîsi-i listsings are et 1 AND 2 berdtou aport- o- hlt Clore ionra 81e0.000 MIESAISitnddt xluepras fnet iildn h ,hde Si., Georgetownu, osiere (uncrat - FOR SALE ENTERPRISE di-Isse 30 Oas YEAR OLD Garntes Horseite pex 8cl6 -OO ioi-l daeg ss, h y d pr-L oseric ili b iselai Weaiuesday Mc. oaid MrsIeser iiler,._ range, OOlolaic rimrnldoos 15'2 bonds. 8650 or bonI offer. hic 15oa 10 5-2043 878-2095 - 8865 sîsctrnon os 2 p-m. Istormnt fonouerîy 0f Nassagarnepa, Asis- PIAN feuor, ligsseai osco oaid- 878-3997 aller 5 p. 3244286 HinLP oc1ai5 for boIt. day Ai-7n 16057 lreeodentc. grooe and Miltosili le lt PIN for-sale.878-3692. troî pancl. Use wihsosoo-oor -__________friat____con 1bl95t bmmodceee orne os thse oci-osios of soui 1 -24.4400 propose gos. Lise seo i-oedit- 7 YEAR OLD poiîsf gcîaisg. per osi-cis o cîcas o J beos - - 17c-23 ROGERS. J. Perd - Attise Oaks- 50th Weddisg Assivorsory in IAVEN goitor sn ses i-osai- ion. ýgus-oraie A-I. $159. Ofis- spiriteai but gcole, gsi-a osisi osoo-bsis t. $1.50 per soso-. 878 if ROOM b ooscc aid 3.000 sel. ville-Trafalgar Memoriol Hos- the IieîIosoip Rnomofna St. lion $0. 854-2467 onytimo. i-os f-sm $59.95 this reris ai chiîdrns. Fo-s $250. Cal adl-r 3926 aller 5. 8c24-4336 ý' fi gnhsous- oaid if ai-res pifai ont Mosdoy Ocoobor 1,1, Pasis United Churcis, MainSt.. ,c244451 GoodIot's, dascstocs George- 6. 878-9139. 564411-tf M1 ECHANICClans 'A' liceose fi-iss Pisoni- 259-2601 so- rl 1971, in fisls 801h year, J. Ford 'Miltaoe Citoiser 17 fromn 2 t10 ioscs, 077-2551. lbl6-i80 Rogers of 2322 Upper Middile 5 p.rn. No gis -pisase. A reicens KITCHEN suite srinh 4 chairs PsUPPY solo, soi-e brea iia- i-qoio-oai for rnajoc froscisid Bsn 598, Coni-aa Chisonos -Rd. W., Caisilie, seloveai bas- phsoto scoulai e appreciaird îor iaid do-m choir; sorpisose taloi UORD fornuin o f ail hisais, ture Foi-durs oaid Scissauzers. automobil- dcol-osisip. Ri-pîs btilton. 13c24-4335 f bosai of Irons M4. Losgtcy;ar tise Memoy Boois. bs244316 oaid chair. 878-4469. la40 cbesls, doossoors, dinisg sets. Lofs loi-bose Icirn. Roaason Bon 599, Cooodiac Chamopin. 'bisher af Murray of DOissilie gondi sslsctios of ses, refri- able. 878-4517. 363796-tf 8i-24438 oaid Lois lMrs. Rabert Coop- WRINGER nonhisg rnachine, erators oaid scoisget- wscoiers, DUE ohv ralri' FLLtri si csssîs 14 WANTEO TO RENT erI of Kitchsener oaid uncle of vo. old $70 orbest offoo- 878- seon assa oseai heas. 00e aiseooli isbp f alioriaMCMINkEENS 441dIo- SOp.n. 1c2-419boygLdLuedrimier. Jbs O-tredsioosIplinol Py-cînsMARTIoN1. îs STb,5 AMINLTOMNTO preiecooseai hy o brother, Hor- ADIG'AHNS o untmadApplieure noali Rocks.iya poor 659-sic- osiso-î-rai., i-ois RESPONSIBLE fossly rciii- Otisîn offi-rs sn OahsiIl anai bert Rogers of Rochester, N.Y. ibsdl ps oo- srlosfrsl o el Exshang, Office a04 Shsow, 3055 Cotelîsilla. 3c448 IO- opp'yýi-rný..r,'i-5 an Cl r7-391 3 Oi4isc po-hf- eoeislyrelph rer ono oî ssel lih osai ay. Nos. 6, Sr. Pool's Unteda Phoe 878-6962, Harris Stolios-' Romr, 160 Mois St., phsone 878 8c24-4413 Cal] John 877-6209. i4c244339 Mendicr i-f tise OosviIle S os. oss S. So. tisel Lanef Charcs Anoaal Bosoar. cM-. tc.417-lf 3781. Openseeings tlii 9. Real Estate Board______ SoDra'r a h aeCc447- Large osarehcmse stocks. 2278 CAPABLE cIiconing cadv, tO __________ OoisvilIc, wee thi- fuserai sec- c44f RACING solhs; "Bell & Hoos- Nipissis0 Rd. 1c7444-l( 31 ANIMALS BOAROEO wook i-i- dcv îceckly. Will pcf- PERSONAL f vice osili be belli ou Thoruay .W.L. .Rsrnmage Sole, Salut- el]" sopco-8 mosaie projontor; HA-0 I toprtfor o-licish, i-scompt 15 afîcroos ai 2 p.m. Isteraseot day, Ossafer 16. 10 sm. te 12 tIrocis - cornper-unit, oloeps 6 . HALLIDAYS OFF - 8.EO0SON Icais Iho aises si-t o-cqoir sous COUNTRY HOMES OS. Luisos cometery, Poierma. linon, HoIy Rosory Porish Hall. 659-3055 Coscybellvli-. 1n425 HOME D3ISCOUNTS ci-vsn 878-9692 sor 878-2975 al- WCULD thi-yoosg mass wiho T o-P uri sol-o- os îise custom n2-411Save Oi ta le1,225. Builai yooo- H 0 R S E'S li-o 630 p.r. 8c24-3929 "cs ihoc0hfsîî, i-si-gs to stop buile isomes, rosgisg froson 4 c244311______________ HoIiiday Dreom Home NOW. l fise aciduntas Sotoo-doy isidroosos Os 3 hi-droarno. CARS 0 THNKS Bioo omr osro-MouovSave op sn 8%/ sitis or OFF- Box Stalis and Pasture SAIFS pi-ipl-, moile and fr 1:0, dand (ioh Shaon Howoard TIise huai-s ore fr-m 5 10 _____________OF __ aINK Bo .m s 1500.8 l oi-po. oy TOP SOIL SEASON ýDISCOUNTS plus sad- nmale, ti-qirca fi-c soc expsai- th Msilton Hospital, pli-osr If y-s. sai oaid on hou to one Ra poisi Hll.0 Mickpo. MUHOM CO PS uloo oisso itl Jf As.a(ioble isc Miltos office. Espciei--ccle 7 70 1iJ-90 iIOli.G- ssioii ie Mosy thanks to or frienais ci-88 y boildinsg theo llidoy Woy Reanilerss 's csef. or osil train quobificai "I plin iul,cr,,rn ilh cx oaid -(armer neigihors for thoir .DELIVERED ... Coshs -boyors sbve os saidit- cpi-i-li For interview, il]f Mr. WOULD thi- pi-ison si-b pio-c i-ai,,opcrnsssa Ocsn hnnssoa smahy Cis os, 0hh1tsO isnaI 2%s. Osco- 45 piansoisil- Ni-, 19.0 Martin St 8. 5.sia ra i-thi- Uni-s Hall, 40 iiif7 fcsl 15 o oss Rani Cartrnright asd famiIy. for Mos IodRodaii s iI Evn ow n iaig 4 seos ssoross loi de APECRE FR N. J. Longo Reaol Estat-, 'Mei-r Pîie S ol tbc 3rd of OCtober clo a i-i-g -c aIl s 12 os c24-44 I li C w o 0 est Cisori-i, 7oh Lise. Oc-osci sigs. For -full dails & mono- Sois Lise North, Esataesing. becr of the- OchoOll Real Estat- oitoc ccy ports - pli-os mois flei-r. The oîicr horne 16, SaIsi-day. 7 ts I0 p rn. 166 RSoiieooa <ces. gagc assistoai-e, sec Hsibidoy Bsciaid." 8i-876if phi-c 87861107 c-, fisc Hall is bas 4 isidioos,, aIl on one My sisotre Ihaoks to ail pal- c24-42479 Miltaon Horne & Cottcgc Dispîoy Crf. 8171-211 -CN ba- ai1 hini-ai os ihci doto. fluor, i-soldai fi-c elei-tcic rons of R.R. No. 1, Campboll- l-56 551 Mopbc Ave.. Bo-lisgîion, 637- 3ic'sf 5iYOUNG ad occ icm43 t- ,'r 15i-24-4341 fisrci bol is iseocai very ceas- ville, for sheir kiedness oss my Eaobre os Boysc Ci-omosnili 5261,s dl 8-9.k Sot. 95. So. 9 retireraent. Ctstre, PFrîdoy escsisg. i-sOctoe 21 al -,S -,Sn 1-9 11.30 Octcici r75 o Dicicisci- 4, rr__________i,___ soohî sciloî Wc aiso have b24-4340 George E. Stoises. 15, 8.39 p.m. Admissii-n 50C rtm S ai MoboosisRace.ic. Must be 161 FINANCE c 100 so-. obai horne ositb 5 bced- Mtysiscere thonks ta Dr Aik. Lod40e8 'TVoo po-sid Risis VEHICLES FOR SALE so slct n tgpont. pon pcIv cli- sios irisg thi-ougisost, i-oheod, -thearses and staffiof So. iI 1 EBE T LI vice. itc Bos 600, Cancdcin\A ctub g oras.fracmn 'Milton District Hospital, 10 Res. iochre ports. -at Oct7 V1XHLL os sA L anW shatpiso sllif ocifcc 1 Fotber Morphy, friends oaid ne y.r., Hollos Spci-osmesss cois 1116 RA.AL a, i, an, " O.-iPiiscfco pt 9 ons. tain 8uia-8 î. Icciims oiH ighbors, Iilote woocers andi hase. 5Oc per porsi-s. Ladies 30i oeri-isaled ositis ol P R 0 o D . U .. C ICerWhnÂItr6p.89 in.8248 E ove hs hms alHl staff os the 0.8-1). sciseol for praside. Foi- direcitios 878-4465. cîtonsel VHF secai, 162.50. 9515. 5c 24-4351 1.'., RAT~ i-s Busrns or Kay SBeil, office thirgft adthugtulesc24-4402 NOW AVALABLE 878-9511, o-es. 878-3997, res. 878- tiseirgm git n th oitals. _____________ 40' baser iostalcai soith ail 1964 'MERCURY Econoline672 dorsg y topinthehositi. oihire os the Mososic Hall, cisassel VHF isi-ai 576.50. IN MILTON van5, si-- RoOi. 5400. 878-7225 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 1sf and 2nd 09 c2-28 Charles C. Cairns. CapeiilFiOt 2 0 oe ntle hata fier- 6. 5i-24-4334 - _ O T A E PCATE 00e sceala liSe te epress or paim. Admission 50c. Loncs by isscVHhea,915. MAEVE JOHNSTON 1962 PONTIAC 4 aissi si-dos CENTRAL tIi-ssin i- v t4 e fisun c 100GGE aPc a rta sincere appreciasioo for tise the Camphsilsille Air- Rongers. chane uH ed 9,0a s. $75 on iscst obîco90 85446 lï d-, ri-bc 878-5137. Service Waitb Integrity a fcsn isutoes fr-m Camp- »ycare aad considerasien sce ce- i-25-4408 878-3117 isefo-e S 5c24.430 9i-24-4291 O.MBA. Memisco iscîtosîle, soitohie for piggtry ceineai fromi ohl tise nurses anai oro i-i- frin rea stf sMltRDsrct9opt Oldo Tyme Hosioscs. Mer Entra hesais (fIsc sei-osd TV 1-24 -97CE ~ i-i s,-,-,, CUSTOM ploîîing. Cdll 85- 9/ ocg ofthe-lni carro, a ai doring tise pasi thase oseis. 2t-P.csiacfcHbon sî.Iscîa 7.0 83 V 8. aoto.. radio. iscoa l 99re 2f aloi-o- p.m nsCin Madib. Combise Ist and 2nd. 'cisool buses lis tht door. Bora Thnk is a r.Akeh ndWst, George er, oit Brook-. F.Y' M.9tre22cd ss4170flbn Tioisas t-r Aisvsa ille Holl, Sol, Oct. 16. 9 p.rnF 12.0 Mb * strs hcad Intll sushpensii-i, A- ondiition. 854- 9c747 Payoalynaris. ciaid home ssmai misor ce adDr. Macisoy. Nocag.Rfehei. $00.2512. 5c2-4405S Cominise délits. pai-. Ooly $70,00. Cisarles ond Lin Martin. cbo-e ReROsPICsAL and__________a________ b2.17i24-4288 UHE iscod, insiolcai $39.95. TOIA n 1961 OLDSO.IIE 442,t. 'l'ils 2bdoool yp omi Bc2 es44oo417 Bsor Corn-hination coisi- bcad, VHF E~T pis-o toeiso. pi-si-o ho-ciss 13 FOR RENT gon Adotsm si-opi ng i-ai-r typehome, is We oud iketeeýres or ethl' anua Flla a said UHE, isstablcd $84.95. cXTC FS oaiteo ci isns 878-6900 ci-t, Jo_ - _ _ Morsgageu train 1314% gsia liar ge wh an ni-hoso. Winer saoulai lie 10r seres rSatocday. OCi. 3 t2 p.Dis- pn9am m vdls63 m e432 3-BDOMdp mi, FISH: cos iarfs lot x1ilivn ony tres sinc eaeRs 'fo suer mrissd play of pei-i-d scoadiof gosss Aotoscatic rotor. IsalleaDp e9.e 9pt icklss63 i i2-S2 OD1CMipis oîsHocla 8n1 iigco osici-ie o hi nsYBoiio, mii-ncat, hibin & $69.95. t pte - 6 p.m. Suodas 1970 CHAILLENGER ,T, 383 floi Miltsn. 878-356. 70E REYLDS adLtg ith b scsiofi-aisnaisi-flrpaltii-ci- y si- ahi-bi- t-ae MIL TON l-IiiHTS CR 1- .-~.- a ' -3,244129i INCOME MORTGAGE FI" tt e, ,,iiisp-.biss- Fi-ci-k auinig ioi- o-ci-nt boss ocf ts- i-.c 'I' aIl titi-., hi-dt- OlO5399 (-,~i-i-i & i-tf SERVICES a ,scb o -cl8791 dar -ubossod oaid foi-bn-. Gi-ast !Milton assa Distrti-t Hor.i-ci-l 6904 Eeig)o172 DevIin. Spoiio lbosis si-Polis- rrl Socirty scilI rct ai 8.15 at TN EG T 13c23-4312 _______________ ssr Murphy, Dr. Aihenbecai, Bis' p.m. Rn Mactis Si. Uoion Hall, 87882 For Your Nool Cor .- . . SDOMaaon-t , 527-4557 Hamilton ' lors of SI. Josephs. piapils oaid Oct. 17. Or meisers osili ho RICHARDSON'S AQAIM anSUPESsirpvtenrn' ctal (9.m.-5 .m) staff of «olp Rosary Bris04, in charge of pragram. Bverysne ACUAIUM aai SUPPIES294ir. 23i't ncsic rssa. ( 5rm neigihors in tise Ornagscn- meicomo. c24-4289 Rai &T 1ct 97-4 15-23-4260met,164 monity and tise fairersie Funo- Rai VBUCK HAMILTON - Gct oral Hfome. Aiseo siscere shanis Siicrest Uniteai Cisorei f 7th tEs MAPO aI Mtilton showisg tho AT i -ERO poîet lu tise many friends wio hase Linef Esqsesiog, Tursey Bs 20-MITO SSee 4aI Oodres1hîosî . foi.lh-ticra. 782FI 1 corneesocadi un us anai assistaus Per saili bs hi-id Ociober 29, MILTO O ua r -.Sig eis B EL L B R -' 1 4T69 13ct23xtr4cah6t afe(ie ucl rom "- p.m. Adlts 52.06, chO- 87-99 24c: and le saxli The Chmion ThtTE StoragO tfor cash i afe h uea.Phone 87-99WNE Iro o-bo sein sc 's ts sso -longri 'Pronces Destin and iiMcen. cen 5-14 yeorn 11.00, sonder 5 Office, 191 Mais St., Milton. I 878-6380 oant trailers $75. for 1seanon. osr ws c' friosaily Champ- c24-458 pears free. c24-4218 lot 14018-si So-if 878-2232. 3ct-«9 ion Clossificai Ad.