Ste phen Lewis exhibits best picture in show 6 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Octoher 12, 1971 A patntiag of a nde moman hy PASTELS ORIGINAL MISCELLANEOUS thden tewis of Miton won Ulie _adcae y sasan. Mca OUl paintng on fabrtc, Marie paie for Uic hent picture nifUic Reynld Mary Forr.eer, Tmisi; Clara Auckland; Jaie alt ahow ai Milton Fair lit Ourboglon Portrat or figure, Middleton CIflas c.Tti weeltkW A compleir liii if Uiird June Middltta. Still flte, JcMdden.OUl painttng uieri foilowo. Mary Forreaier; Mca. Tmtas usn= aette hrifls, Nancy OILS ORIGINAL MISCELLANEOUS Rasa;Jonc Mtddleton; Mci. Flomeri, Veroniea Aherne, R. Moe rlatînt c.Canerdate. Not aicd in media, R. 4 Milton; Mm Mrel Tms Mca. Sherry Hayes R. R. Haes; LoitVanh Musirn M..2 Reynotda, tondon; Mci. Gordon 2, Camphelntlle 'Mary Hay;trtVnBirhR..I Canerdate, R. R.3 CanipheLille. EForrester. Landicape mater, Cmjihcllvdle. Animais or hîrdo, Mr. W.- Mary Forresler; June Mtddlton PASTELS Miact.eod, Barlinglon; Veronica Ihird *Fomera mater, Joie Flowero, Mary Forrester; Aherne; Mci. Marie Twisi, R. R. Middleion; Mary Forrealer; J. Marie Twton. Miscelancoon Mci. S CanpeU.ville. Seaicape. Mci. Hopkins, Mldon. Stii hile mater, TitaiUird. Gardai Cverdale; Mci. Thea VeronicoA hen; Mr Karz, Mdlton; Donna Moldon. tcorreiier; J. Hopkins, Mdlton. CamiîecSer ae tharlingn. Siii Ie water, Veroatc Aherne; Chrd L sncp, aiery maeia Wtntcr landicape, Mns. Mary Forreiter; J. Hopins. Ahy CamW, asain Stvny meiagy, Coverdale; Mns. Nancy oUinrisuhject, J. Hopkins; Sherry Cmton ;SenWiluhy Ranoham, R. R. 2 Milton; Mci. Hayes- Jonc Mtddlclai. Mitn Mci. Kurz. Wall hanitng, Reg Toton, R. R. 3 Campheillille. Camn Waton. Sprtng landocape, Mci. TONED PICTURES SPECIALS Coverdale; Winniced Knapp, Landocape or itreel, Jane ATNEHBOR Waterdown; Mci. Twiss. Middlelon; MaryForrealer; Mci- Conerdalo.; Vera. 010,0eic i,,îiidape, M, s.-Ctaio AnkarcI a-orirott o-' Wendover; Marte Toton. Winter eynoldi; Mci. Toini; Clora figare, Mary Forreoler; Jaie landscapci, Mitdren Gailomay, Auckland, R. R. 2 Milton. Middieloi; Vers Wmndovcr, Oak- Milton; Mci. Coverdale; Clora Aitm tandîcape, Mms. ville. Sohjecl open, Mary Auckland. Antm landicape. Conerdale; W. Knapp; Donna Forcesier; Veroîlca Aherne, Ctara Auckland; Nancy Maidain. lone Middielon. Ahitraci design, Ramashaw; Vera Wcndover. Saill taortraîl or figures, Siephen Mary Forreoler; J. Hopktins; ie, Clara Auchland; Marte temis, Milton; Mrs. Kara; W. June Middlielon. Tinisa; Mci. Conerdale. Painting Itnapp. Stidi Ille, W. Knapy; Mrsi Loretta Gorven, R. R. 6 Milton; OIISCOPY ait exhthtled previoaily, Mci. Jane Middielon, Burliîgton. Landicape, Donna Muidai Helen Sovereigo, R. R. 2 Mlilton; Modern art design, Mms. Nancy Raaiîham; Mortel Mildred GaUlomay. Conerdate; Joie Middielon; Mrs. Reyolds. Flomers, Marte Toton; MISCELLANEOUS Toton. Clara Aucktand; Jonc Mtddlton. Framed needie point ptctare POUCE A'ITRIBUTED brokeo parh henchci Damage mai donc hott somc of th0e bcichei ut Victoria Park ta the actions if vandals. andl 10 yoing treci in the park. -<(Staff Photo) Mca. Koca; Eda Joyce, MUlton; Heten Ford, Milton. Wall haigo Mci. Jaiain, R. R. t MtilnlMa c. wrtggleamorth, <leargetoma; Marte Toti. Framned petit point pictare, Mca. Janien. Ftntshcd drîitwaid Mca. Wrtggteamorth; Clara Auchland; Marte Toton. Driftmood sottahie for a nficee table, decorated, Mrs. Wrigglesworth; Marte Mac. ilan, Milton; Mca. William Milton, Acton. PHOTOGRAPIIY Miapohot collectin ni four rolored picturea ni Raton Cooniy, A. Odenhach; Naicy Ramsai; Marjorie Pomya, Milton. Foor anapahotsofn onimaii, ail difiereni, Marjorte Pomys; Sherry Hayea; A. aters, Milton. Six Caaiai points ni iereal, F. Clementi, Hallon OES; Mci. L. FaiUhid, Mitton_ Catherine Carnie ni Camphcttvtlé7.Sti-hldddd'a actteitim, Mca. Etenir Had- field. Miton; Donna Coatter Raton OEil; Marjorte Pomya, Milton. Pochrait tahai hy an amateur, Marjorie Powys; Eleanor Hadtictd. Smx senery mnapUholi, Marjorie Pomya; F. Clemenli; Eteaair Hadiietd. CRASFS Shell craft, Marte MacMillan; Thea Korz; Winniired Knapp. Hand meavnî, Winniired Enapp; Mci. Aine Barker, Oak- ville. Alutmom lray neer là inchen, Clara Auckland. Alominum lray amati, Mca. Wriggteîmorih; Mca. C. N. Rooney, ORS. Acrangement ni four dried ilomera, Mca. Jaiaen; Mca. Toton; Catherine Carnie. Copper plaque, Mms. Wrigglemorth; Dona Coulter. dAy oUier criaRt Clara Auckland; Mca. B. Aihcnflead, Milton; Loretta Gorven. Cremeli emhroidery, Mci. Jamen; Mci. H. Stanley, Rockwood; Peggy Johnon, OES. Liqoîd eaihroidery. originat crealn, Mci. H. MeCann, Milton; Mi. Jansen; Mca. Tmti. Any article ni sculpture, Regina Organ, Millgroee. Dreoncd doSl if u10 nches, aitahe for sports, Catherine Currie; Michelle Filipowaki. Hand made lray, optinnal material, Mca. Janien; Marie Twini; trene Smith, Hornhy. Leatheccrait, any looleil article, Clara Auckland; Ron Posima, R. R. S Miltn. Leathercraft, any carveil article, Mci. Edna Joyce, R. R. S Milton; Clara Aucktand; Reta Middlemisî, Guelph. Wood carvno, Craig Feniherolone, Burtînglon; H. R. Harrison, Milton. Christmas decoralion, Catherine Currie; Marie Mac- Millan; Mci. Wrigglesworth. DRIVE-IN TODA Y TO) SBELL BIRO0S., DRIVE TrHROUGH SCAR WASH NOW OPEN MilAtvlon area motorists enjoyed the convenience of a quick, drive-lhrough Car Wash Lait Week. If you misned out because -of last Saturday s rain - drap in this week. For Saturday only- we re repeatîng our introducîory offer of a __ FREE WASH EVE FIL U ma*i It amu Mi W-,,r1111.e Artictes ni craftworh, Mca. Jonce Traai, Camphcttnitte; Mra. Karz; Mca. Jaiaen. Waiderait, OSD; Mr. Harrisn; Mca. Wriggleimorih. Decoraicd parcel for a amed occaaion, Catherine Cîrrie; Dona Coulter; Mca. R. Hacheti, R.R. 6 Milton. Decorated raidie candie for special occaaion, Marie MacMillan. Articles ni îoap carvng, Marie Tmiaa; Michaci McDoîald, OSD; Nancy William, OSD. Wall hanging hooked, Regina Organ. Collction ni aictaicraf 10, Peggy Johnain, OES; Otario Schail for thc Doaf. Collection oi teather articles, Mca. Edna Joyce, Milton. Collection ni monderait, Mci. Wriggleimorlh. CoUlcion hy Nem Conadiai, Mca Jonaca; Mci. Filpomahi. lisat pictre ho ail claones, Stophen Lemis. eI We Want You atour ta meat Yaur PC Caadidate FOR HALTON WEST George Kerr et -Brookville Hall - Sat., Oct. l6th 9.00 p.m. No Charge Refreshmeflts AROI GAI SALES AND SERVICE SPECIALN 5% DISOUNT Cerne in eariy and get Ie on the gUaranteut deiivery plan. Financln Availahie 473 MAIN ST. E. MILTON (Next ten Canadien Tire)i 878-3412 Lynx 0 or speciality is o LïQUUIity à7 fod mapic Loaf .~Coii,,Lb Froîfi Len PGLISH SAUSAGE Pkg 590 IPORK SPARE RIBS 31 99,, a PORTERNOUSE FehLa * T-BOUE or O ON r STE WINS BEEF 65 L. Lean STEAK Lea STEAK GRGUND CHUCK 6 a Il________99L HAMBURGER 49L0 NeoCcoNPCaeada AN D EIyA L NntnpaadFn e s iNw Ccîp Canada Fanon Ne lb an Can ad a ac e rpCnd ac Caurtlaad C..l ar Ad.~ 6 Macnth S4 9 Mlcietah IMhb 98ki1 APL9 g 1~ i Northa hetd ai large Te Mr.o aid da mecan, 9 froa Scoflao Mca. enterta BaUiel Wednea Adams aid Unei and chu OMMe al in their fiter, aid a d U.C.w. maaly c KiIb b By B happy toi 10 cond Commun Oct. 3 absence The G li&t Tue Kilbaide four tabl, in play. 1 James i Roberts, Harry K Jii Wall Ofiler are pre accrelar> Mrs. Al Mrs. Hec; a noceit Norma 1 Novembe Horn s'- hic Mca. I hoslcîs showrr a fine wiih Brander and neigt Miis Don married Mci. Rail number E Lowdea b A tree hy Mci. 1 ilach guet Donna w Followini Dona w« chair ai decorated rihhonî. E assinled il npenng ni CordinglE tumbrella colored hc Foilowùi gluts Dono thanki to and nvih trousseau enjnyed. Anniver nnteoded t Patterion their Sil, veriary on oorry to h armn n Fr Mapte loij aispeedy r PoFriends i are iery 1 May Death of Uhc lato away aidda daughler (Muriel) Thursday, year. She daughter Norman)i Acthur Dn; hec grai (Norman) Edith Non Kmeleh an her great- >iand Briai Turner ai Chapet, 2I Q.E.W.) Dianer Uine were 1