Pick-your-own- grape. oper'ation fERFECT CLUSTER OF GRAPES t be ulppe heild ty Mrls, Sron, The farnly as soeidi rire an 'abandunnd" vlneyasd belid teir fa aitanda Oi,'on a Reltis contry Ai-on ai du'ityui basin." inlernut bapparu tamnd ta get soc naurie a rnuch m C m lte ni-t looitui banally fane bh venture -thle land dtoaraket Of Our P tugettez ta And lth mhm. froin tOn trbrn. vieeyarî titrougit WAGONLOAD 0F GRAPES ready fat- yoar-osen fatrn lu locali-d t-belirn inspectad by Mss SU-oz.net pick- ght permits Gonna crack big Stlrynddn vr b n-ý1 devlp: taa ueo id. prduictive a vinyinl flyJnelrs lte iii--ntuidiig i-e. "Ail the iaitadnedi v yat-rd lao new venlure taieally wuring ont ut hue t alt lry -e11,"nitena id. ie c-ynurwnujnape tA p-ier it t-de, Jis &O-u *t-al ytf. ndMes. J. Zvea buci ud ftOi frose ie id fandy ut 12, Guelpi pai-inue job lu Turnl. un lu unilth Orrlînglun wbenbe.sno a wik ietelittai eely nese residenîn to elfe eitit lte egular clintes n fe nd tit ut-na, te lte fui-n. lte vinnyni-i tend item e"city folk wornt-g un a enlublinitei yda-n ugo ity ut-self, leui'e*as-you. t-nidnta of lthe fui-nutl nince te Otrez baid taiten ovn-, itadl nul iy we lIve a ratites duil itemr developel tai prodnoe a ayroutine, Infra. Ot-on cOtp. Tie Oitozn t lte vineyni-i d. "Yel itus nee nd ai seell as lte fuin' tai ai. We sete city folkt CareelalpreparaUin led le nature and Tie cnt-n of te vineynt-d ta lte enlise, Isen everyday mnO imupotnt factr tawardn gn liit ut ceulde't ien =rdcn nunia nt ct-p,.sie Etiticuite. We Sied Ontpu nil Ile tsnd of citild-en tatni-nntnd ta bnlta t id lte vines tn lte sefre .a seil nd se find honme fmncing Inn npt-ing." ute satisfYiag bure," site lu seinter Ste vites itave ta ite Prned lu Per-fectin and cunun àrprise ital nily spt-ing, aIl lte vines have ta ~Stru fmil mved On b lin ld slit cot-d ta pi-eveul Brigo ra"and di-nnpieg. "Titen cornes lte aIl nei" liefure lliey discingnusiaigfi n u alllned aS lthei Guelphit nld se, hie nuid. "And if itas sie. "i wsea reully n nese nl lte btugsnd nildee vie bave ta u, Saiting river a tO senr- abotn, In' te pnsity Inn cninsed. "Wen tu tai-d." -non local penple nd ty Ovet-al nupe-i cluster-s ni ue day foud se t-esauelte vines bave item edvieyard ut lte bai-b =uni2ae iy bu-du, site ilrt. enîldtaed. "Tie ai-du ai-e nu- nus tie upurulion iten sen-t pt-nlen nd du lte nunu itonsitu of utsiTie danuage." ci. ufîi- geulle i-are At bai-veut rne lte Oz tefalli, wintei-andnurly fansly bas ta pusit bard nu "Iteme ta neyer enugi bat-veut Unie Il remnidu nue of piciting gt-upn lun thse nId coutry," Mes. ted In bhave t-nul slanuping lises. nie yonguters seuuld pick lte Frapes mrd peuple senuld coe for nullen amond ltnl ellit ithte bai-veut," alie rncailed. Fanlly Chitre AI itarveut Urnne lte nire fnnuily gelu tageober lu pick nu - rny basktets of grupen an Pssible ta self O ai-nu mrntsl. "We try ta picit faut ta pi-eveet ,, pudage," site soed. Se Overul vurinlinu of gt-apen ni-n gi-nun on lthe SI-on futrn, ielnding lthe ever populut- vaiitien of fredenia, Niaga-a whlite, patrîcia, t-nget-'n t-eucin incord. nie gi-upu msn ta SePlernier ta nuid-October or ut oie Seult fi-net spulu lte Mmny Eurnpeue peuple vtltg relatives lu Canada vtil it te Oit-un fa-m fo- n ideuloo aoi uthie -ever-populur frape bai-vent. "Several cunue ilt-o lte city lent ta npy n aflerusenus nuting,"1 ~~site euplaned. Tailles I0 mntinue Ie picit-ynnr-nsn concept appies tai tite pence and gt-adn of oie grapen uit lthe faai. Fl-ut grade giapen are 75 cents fnr a siquart batue, pîcitnd ty lte cliest ioself. Thone saine tap on Guelph Line. qnaity grapen (pick yosr oseni ae $.1 per itunnl. Any gi-apes i-ernng are seld for $2 penr A bsitel pickyout-otnn."lSittaes whip? * 1fç li "Whooenows. some day we may saine rate asBurlington'n. r crack thte big wbîp," Reeve Mrs. Building permits issued dueing bt building pernoîtu sere A. MacArthtur said after lier September reprenented ed in tite township of deputy, Don McMillan noted Construction vatued ait $106,380 haesing during lte uonlth of Nasngaweya Tosnnstttp's groettt and brought the valse 'of ~enber by building inspector over the past year was t te construction ta date for the year ristruction for lte mont ta a combined residential deltings sameperiodoftuneas year was of $10,428. and garages, Ina garages, one $750,095. Tbree residential rosIs issued included two renovaîton and ose agricultorat pert-Tnt and tbree renîdentiat idential dseelllngs, tues starage shed. additions accouoted for $8,00f. Ainedoan Mlor Pl BUYWPobu Cwrd M~r. & Yirs Publ c r1i1 cli , Crnt ric . Vetocie Idevittlcalson Namber Dae1 s s AAICooAflfrooo 1t. 23, 1971 Selleng Dteae ll Allan Clcr-en ts &c on Mil ton, C'ittrir,. How You Are Profectod in Wrifing5, SFor 1972 Gar 12 rnonth or 12,000 mile Guarantea covers te enfui-e car nscept (guaranteed by tire manufacturer) and emissios confrol services. Ail we requit-e is thrat te car be properly maîntaised and cared for onder sot-mal use and service Then 'tf anything goes wrong and if's oc faalt, weIil t ix it free. Like engine or aintomatlc transmission tune op. Brake and clntch adj utments. Wheel atigement and balascing. MAecitanical or body adautments. Spart plugs, ignitin points, cundensers, clutcit and braite tinings. Aatomatic transmission bandls and clotch plates. Rigut clowv ta litte tiigs 1 tke ligit bulbs, vviper blades, beifs and itoses. We bud a qaality car. We are contident in Ols qualify. Thaf's why wc cari offer yaa sncb a simple direct and compreitensive guarantee. Snntite lest Guarantnn ni tinsses nourshornnrns. e Con you offord ony les$ protection? Se* American Motors 7972's now at ALLAN CLEMENTS & SON arone St. S. Milton 878-2328 alonu 21 muinutes ta pli-b n baiel ni gi-apes,", Mes. Oit-un eelie."Tbauosee nnre 1estperS uld pick natee a1 a1 nGt-apeuare plntd daring lte p.ktug bot lte rienparse an g lte sines. le gi-ape itarveut ta ls'nugit ta frou lthe f ield n tie bacitof a flat weagon pallir by te tractai-, lue eplained. "l'in lerriitly rtsted daing ba-vent Une and duelt bave mai-b Urne ta spare," site ented. 't supply a frnd of rnine seli th1e grapennund lue rnaieu gi-ape jnlly foc nue. Many people vluit lte fuine lu pick grapen lo- nitheni pnse-ving nt- fot raldng sielu". Iols ni visitai-s Ruse bas lte uperain woend nuS lui- lte farnity ta date? "Wn gut n slow nIai-t but sere t-eaSly plnmned seilt lte ssci-non. We lite peuple ta i-urne tnanmd vieil and is senrner thnt-ne barnly item a quiet seeend. Evei-ylig bas onied nuS quiSe senl." Oie cniladed. nie Otron alun operule a fruit mnd vegelable fta elith a stand n thir prnpet-ty ltrugitot te . rnsni. finir pi-efet-ence ta "dnfinitely grapen river vegelables. île monre lite bame," lue i-ecalled. IlKN GRAPES for markt, Mrs. Straz le fairning anal the areo jont fiee years ugo, flue careful So pli-t nly Ste ripest andl fianest Straz' are anse operatng a pli-lt-ynia n cluaice far nelline put-panes. Nese reeldents ta grape fat-r. N ABANDONED VINEYARD has bren restored ity Mr. and dotrnant arma bau bei-a develuped itt a oni-oeeaft pick-ynon [ru. Jin Stron andl farnily ou Guelph Line und Ste uni-e- oses uperation. How much heating should your hom e heatflg A hea ng sysCee sleold peovide eeliable heat ho m e hec ts-n- wcen' regueed, Chece's no disputing cleal. g Bu mncre thac ChoC, cimodeen tystem should prcide Total Con1 ert.Acd trot veansleresle air, s d o ? e.h coCen cid allthese leatures when your or olise, roe hedy ave teoîeo aireto ceeecy patoorhome .. .so aNat'a asair c tondîe cg unitcari bv ensalled N ATU 71/ EFFI CI ENCY q'hystmecoe al. tho your eeaeîeg HEATING.. 4Q7-0 Te thelrCCo the case fot eletoi TV arflee whict can e added Co youe heaCcg * ~.s ~ systec. Tis decîce removest bey pactocles II'NG1 ol. dusC feom Che o eculaCeg aie, coestocClp G Ileacng and lilteeg st. Housewicves usieg Ctce NG.. air cleaee hace lcced CleaC cusling and S cleanicg was eeduced bp moee Choc 50. NexC, Jet's acile about peoper h.n dity cocteol. Therens a case hee foe noce Chon G C QQ7t0 comfeotCbecause prope hucdiCy con benefit fornsof cespicaCcey Ceace conditon .con ca preetecC. Agoîn, havicp a NaCueal Gas heaîîcp tysCeee makes Ct eaty foc yo to ce'af ai higly efficient hurridiCy cnCec unit. Acd ahile oýere, one vsua1ecC -' '1e c ail, keep inevîca tceC osf ycbec NaCuc, :3js you'ee coicg gou por 00C hec DiCor!ro aie ypoCuton Be ce Ne' ce 1-i h ci-ps ', clo SCecce you heeeCîeg s1sCen iceto cusC heaC. III . ,.