$14 The Canadien Champicon Wednesday, Otober 13, 1971 FRESO PICKED CONN, o scrumptioss the Chudleigh taras sorts ut Miflon, one ot deiicacy, is poptilar autsmin fare la many severai turms in this ares where confsmrers homes. St rus be Soilesi or barbecsed--eitser ru pick tiseir oses cors. -(Phsoto by Jark woy resaits in flavortul esting. This Young CosPester) lady bas lwr kusds tuS ot fresis cobs ut cors at International plowing match at Jarvîs farm this weekend Thsis week the 1971 edfilienof Use laternatioal Piowing Match and Fanso Macisinury Demonstcation su Seing hlaiu Harewsed Acres seur Nantbroke la Naidimand Coonsy. A Sartsngtau man, Jack Taylor Seads the Ontario Piosemen's Assocsation sekici is sponsoring tSe match and dispiays la co-operatien wits Use Hotdinsand County Local Cwsnlttee. The nsatch ru frues Tuendoy, Oct. 120t0 Saturday, Oct. 16 and Usure are hlghta eack day ut the matchS SetS on Use fields seiere plowmaen wst compote, mith Serse-sicasn and tracter- drawn plows, and la Use 75-acre tented cîty wliere the vaio urpiemeot manufacturers and suppliers show off Useir wrs Steam eqiipsent Everything trues 1972 automobiles luto re and home building supplies, home appliatees, snowmohiles and other recreationil Items miS Se on dssplay ai tise tented city. fles o datty soonhour purade Usrougs Use city, cooking and tashisn shows nd enen seme antique steam-dcts'en tares eqespesient la oporatiot. Sune luol oseners ut antique farm, impleeeos are aooo those disployiog at Use match. fIe entice match covers about 650 acres un Harewaud Acres uod nesghborng tocrms, about tise miles nout-east ut Jurvis. Datfy progracl Gpesing day Tsesdoy inlacd neveral tractor classes and a horse show liesiteil lu enitibilors frues kv., oeighlarmng cousrties. An intec-county contool lac junior plowmsen oged 14 la 21 seilI Se held Wedoesdoy along seili severol ailler tracter and horse classes. ibursday's program escludes au latcr-schmil compotition toc Sigs sehesi studeots. On Friday Use jtor mlaer-hranch chamopions, ittermediote champions and Gntario seesior champions seill Se oomed. Speciol eveots include o cumpetition for provincial directurs on the, Soturday, the clous tor seardens ut Otario coorties ton Wednesday. the Canadsau Oampionohip on the Thursday, the mayoro' clan on the Soturday, and Use taesiog of Use Oturio Qucon soUte Furrow which opsils oser trues Thursday la Friday. A contest in horsestie pitching seul aiso he Seld Satorday. Severol Prom Halton are compeliog wn vorioos classes. Itallon Comnty will boot the International in 1974. By Hery J. StAnley On Friday, Oct. 8 Use West Central OntsrioaHNsItein Show et Erin Fair kad a record 75 enthilatrs and 194 Sead skown despte Use really el etu Haltan w.a wetrqsesned 17 enlsikitors. lbey placed as tStaows: Siee rail, tirat, Turry ILeste and Sert Stewart, twelfts, Fred Nurse. Yerln ulsl, aecasd Harry Maue en Sert Stewart, tisird Claude Pieket. Neserve junior and reaerve grand chamia bull, Nacry Moore End =u Stewart as Gurodana Glaissur Bay. Aged 55511, laurts W. T. Cralg Rteid. Heller caît, third Sertrans Stewart, luurtk Gordun R. Sinclair and Sens, 1110k James C. Neid, seventk, Sentira Sennett: tirteenUs, Jeffrey Nurse. Juniur yearling Setter, teSts G[aude Piciset. beauieaingSller, urts Fred nurYrs ttnth Thsumas L. Leslie. Dry cow. tist Gurdun N. Three vie for prizes in Shorthorn classes Neturd W. Gardlsause ut G. W. Lasky andl Sens, N. N. 2 Alsertetdy Farme, N. N. 5 Nltn Nuckwood second and tisird. Seat ser agt tise tup ealslitar la Use market steer uvur M1 poundtt, losrtor section ut the lal lais Mcatinnon terst. Willsn Fermsuof in Milton on Sept. il. Milton seonrds, James Lindnay Gardisouse entrien incided Use ni Georgetowen Okid Champion c=npe cose and Sut, Use market steer was skuwn ky heed'skd, and aise tive NcKinnon witk Willmutt in ticuts, three seconds and une resserve. tiird. Johtn MclGnnon, N. N. 3 Miltun BUYSiiEIFER kad tise ceserve champiun cowu asHrrp u eas and reserve buS and wsea rsrmnu a Hro f eg Sp in Sreeder's berd. Hs o rmeriyuof ilton purcisusen the Shorturus filsu oktutt top prsced kred Setter ut $775 at tour seconds and 0wo h s tise Meadose Spring Holstein Entries ut Stanley Cusilnd. dissersal nile Seld rucently at SnsR. N. 2 Milton Cuun an tid Guelph. Ne aise purckased 5-uts, r o s eo tw atld otsertorel Seller at $725. seizerîkhos.The Holsteis-Friesian Assur. ut MIARKET STEERS Canadareportsf 61 hed brougkl a Seat murket steer frunts t50 to total of t2Z,965 toroan average ut 850 pondics, John McKinnon tirot, per head. CUSTON FARMINS t fiGOMOIhlNI li BALINS e PLOWINS I e ISOINS fi PLANTINO CORN a GRnAIN hPHONE 878-3454 G. S. HULLMAN h h Resnembe, 'GOaass Dassn'tWantAli the Bsnsss- Just Yais Group of Holton calves à win Erin 4-H competîtion 1 'AYR By H.. Stanley McClure, Ken MbNOhh Grae ob nloson os reserv e. Io the DOn't miss this Suverol Hollan 4-H eehrs Sud, Donna Milton. senior colt cboespîoosbip the opportunity to f111 your compoted in the 4-H inter-cilu b .,h 4-H dairy colt club show minec sas Jus Moore, Terra f reezer ut these prices. compotitîoo ut Eces Foir oser te s heldi o Suturday atteroon Colto, Prom the Peel 4-H Gaf Thashsgîving Holsday. This sn the show haro amîdul Use Club, wihPaol Stewart oflHon h event ottracts club memeshrs puiran othsenlior wimmig the reserve owocd. MIHNiSog BFO frues Peel ondl Welslgtonth aU hoîstesn sction wilb 35 colves la the graod chespion colf fiendly rîvalry olways evideol. comPotîtng, Pool Stertri d ucos, Jico Moore ut Peel mus Ail exhihîLs are placed in a toost, te seceond ploce cls ib the ist declare siffler, wilh Dehhie h Order nom or discoss second or tlard prize grosp, sith lriueecroup, mîth Barry Neîd tift Outchers WllOt reev the economy of treezisg* chsampioos declored. andl Saodro Benett seveotb. At hoocs. 'inn eev be! wîith us. We'il be In the field crop section te top of Use second pcb.t grup The next clous vies for groupos happy to assist you. participants trues Hallao ploced were Dose Neid, Bruce McGee of hree cotivestfrom ooe cluh. For as tolows: aud Suryl Mccssecy, osUs Bill the sevenUs tîme Uout o t h McDooold in seventb place. Les eight yeurs, Hiton wo this Reglar 85C lb. tacley, terst prîze grosp, Loch McDooald sos mn the Userd prize oco. Sandro Beooett, Pasul_ Leslie, secood prize group, group.tsarodDoe eild e Joauoe W.lso, Norma Leobie, mS ntrt s cnd ut cIed la th % Lerse Wilson Sbaron Leslie, John Io the junior holoteino, tbetop ms.o tutboors.ru f sie t 9 B wh to hos Wheol, tsest priar groop, Denois McClure. Oata, Secood prize croop. Ker McNahh, Userd prîze grosp, Dove Taylor. Corn, ticot puie group, Dave Agnew Hoy, secood prîae group, dore cals w os bsho by Debbie Ootrhers, Aclar. Wionr of the serior jerseys wou Bob Robinonr with John Nior os russer-op. la Use junior jersey cdos, ticot ws Margaret Robirson ood record Jore Misor. Debbîe Butchers' colt maes cboser as junior champion, wîtb Morgocel Peel sas second with tbree oilier meoihors ot the Hallon 4-H Holstesn club sn tird plocp -Les Mctlorold, Barry Reid aod Brnce McGee. The Holtor 4-H Jercy, Guernsey, IJual-Furpore oborUsoco club grosp of Morg and Bob Nohisoen ond John Nior plored seventh. Hamnemade Breakfast Sausago 2 b99 I IOld Country Flavaur Polish Sausago 89 9b Lean Meaty Spars Ribs 5 9 el. MAKE FRIDAT F181 BAT S Just Arrived Fresh Fiuets S Sle [ I ll Fresh Ha:ddack Filjets Smoked Cad hCiscaes Also Fresh Oysters andl Salmon Steaks Wes En Sinclair and SmnS5 Clairdale Jacqueline Hellen, fourtk Claude Pieket. TJaer id Seete lAsirti Janse C.Rieer fousr" Farms lIIdI., thirteentk Claude Picket. Titres Yer aId keller Ihird Bar ennSett, tift Claude M4ickert, teats T. H. SicGee. Four year keller f101k W. J. ProSd, tourteentk Claude F. Picket. Five year aId cois oraeider, tilt IPred Nurse, sfiS JeOt Nuis. Nurse. 'ibis cla vrais won Sy tse excellent cois, Agra Acres Marquis Patsy, a cow wltk a ncure af iplI.PaeyS Dies, sead W. J !Wd Grand chamspian cow went la tse 'fne athUe to yea aId clasa, Allangrýve! Iteflertian Nae lsun S Daag Wingrave SIWswtsConty. Neserve, Grandkhonare tuent te Gceiwaad PrecanaAAnnette, slsawn 5 W. J. Kisapp of Waterlo. Ib c ty srd la u Spb enariliaed ky Peel ansd Halluin. JSdge of tiai shoaw was Alisea Faeettof Winchester. Halton exhibitors win prizes ut Erin Fair Holstein contest cflc w FLILM THDISU T 1410I SAT. OCT. 23 12" aImpt -ged r b-agula "STAR" ROTARY HOG FEEDER with Cat Bottom SALE PICE~ 1, 2Ocu.ft. Deluxe FREEZER Big capaty -tore 706 lix. af food. Checke 5.esturs - a ADJUSTOMATIC TEMPERArLIRE CONTROL *MAGICOATES BASKET . ELECTRO-LIP SEAL *FEATHIER LIGHT LID a COMPLEUE COLS *SAFETY SIGNAL LIGH7 Reue viles 2 SALE 199n VARIABLEFN rosai, Ilow 6 Suppliesaconflo.. ao inaIel,,,iIa teoperalue ontre'so AiL. oved faad ceson and proIils eaIhFi iesok ahousing la rug- PURPOSE enre fns a*Ill cerne CH! MICAL aHeavy alueisîe blada a SI.Irdy : L.E..I URN wir bVaabl and Fa,,r mot B'a .îST CaaT7 ap.e PRCENATI ACiîl n a ,.,Id ,,alaîîv SALE At -aî,d AUIOMAICALLy byhgse Restâte Value 2.39 zm Fa,,, Sale Prie AL CSA app.,.,ad Fa, & 101 SALE 1SS9 r Celae 220.00 CanrraI .ïï PRICE Lss THE"AIR KING" DELUXE CONSOLE HUMIDIFIER SALE 70 PRICE79n9 S1UNBEAM" ANIMAL- CLPER SALE pIMEa 59.99, 0Gel youee ito Hot Wiater CASCADE 40 WATER HRATER Cm 1d attpele uxet SAL PCAl68@99 Blade à Bip Fesse Regular Vanue 39.99 SEE CATALOGUE FOR OTHER CO-OP FALL SALE VALUES! LJ = MILTON 878-2301 - GORGETOWN 977-,221 hl ERFECT( diran us at ket eis isspei ght pe r Esqu t huddmng ed in the uesmng during emher hy buil McLean, Ires nustrurtion toc of $10,428. rouIs ised deotl ia stdw An, Buw Vellîci AAC Sellîng Ho 09For 1972 o (gurantes require is normal os Then if an engine or a Whee 511191 plugs, igaI transmissiI bulbs, wipsi We bui Id a otter you si, Se ALLi plan county kbar awards night The aitan Coun3 4-H Awis arda NiqS wt bel Idl S Paulr's Usstedirck. Frlday, Oct. 22, 1971 att8 p.m. '%e awards thh arsUe end ot th.e 4-SIag5liuril igrma171. tlaetistine E =a 197gntien la givus te 4-, Nurs e h ave complebed nidr roects andl ca e e g neti ilatls'en la outsaSadiSg achliv- mente. AIl 4-N1 leaes alpoSsr parents and la -etd pss are weicoeslmtted Tbhew ke lusand tes aset folSSseng tse programt. *ATTENTION* WE RAVE ON KANO A COMPLETE LINE 0F MASTER MORSE FEED INCLU DING Master Sseeet Morse Feed--Master Horse Cranch Cakes -Master Horse Sapplemeat Pellets-Master Camplete Horse Feed -Master Frisky Fa Pellets -Master Race Horse Oats Crimped -Master Minerails & Vitamins -Master Race Horse Oats Whale lit OIT SOME TO-DA Y MASTER FEEDS STE WARTTO Wl YOUR ONE STOP FARM AND GARDEN CENTRE 811-3512 Store & Warehause Maurs 87-7375 zl O2pes ff 1 p.m. Moasday to Friday inclusive - Saturday til 1I2 noon a