Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Oct 1971, p. 20

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M Thse Canadien Chamepion, Wedvesdoy, Oclober 13. 1971 NOTICE 0F GRANT 0F POLI Electoral District of HALTON EAST Publie Notice Il hereity gives ail pol bas brou grnted fer tbe elertios ais pouding tor Bhe sald électoral district, ond liaI sarb poi uill lu beld on October Twenty-First (21st) 1971 tram 9 A.M. til 8 P.M. Daylight Sasi Time aliah poag pinces lisîrd as Bhe talloutag sbeela. (AI botteai 0f ltin setie of Grant et Poi) Notrce la hlerltgiven litI lte persos isly uoaiastl as candidates ln Bhe sai électoral district, aid only for ubse votes aay lu rail, CANDIDATES ADORESS 1. Robsert Biaise Eiq. 279 WratwSod Dr., Oakntlie OFFICIALAGENT P. W. PerrsQ.C. 2O7Labrsitare Rd. E.Onk. L. Kenseti GrIot Esq. 1l3OQueensAve., Oaknlll OFFICIAL AGENT JohneR. WIBa 2 DevSonuRd..,OakvMle 3. iihard McGratb Euq. 1495 SeagraunAve., Oakvillr OFFICIAL AGENT Marshall Heslop 1479 Seagram Ave., Oak. 4. James SsewRsq. R. R.L No. %, Georgeteun, Ont. OFFICIAL AGENT John R. Hame, Q.C. Ml8LakesitareRd. E., oak. O uir ail porions are itereby requirei le lobre setie aid goveon litnielven arrordlngîy. Givra aider ay bond ai Oahelie, Onterio îbis Rlgbtb day of Orleber, 1971. P. Jaaes Cognai Returnlsg ODurer, Ontario. Tfll ouing il a comoplété ecord nt ail Poing Subdvsons Md PoUing Stations in tir Elecloral District ofliHalles, RanI ra Pull No. 26 in Esqusoing teoPoil No. 185 in Osheie. ESQUESING TOWNSHIP (26 ta 35) POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 26 (RURAL) A & B:- Canprlsing lhe St, Bt, Rt, 1ti dlteiai concessions, Loto 20, 21 and 22 inclusive. POU.ING STATION AT:- Coamialy Hall, Glen Williamis POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 27 (RURAL):- Comprising the lit, Bai, and Brd concessions, Loto il le 22 inclusive. POLLING STATION AT:- Rer. H. J. Kelly, Huy. Na. 25, R.R. ai. 3, Speie. Hilton PLING SUBDIVISION NO. 28 (RURAL):- Centprising the 4th. t and Bit concessions, Lots t1 to 22 inclusive. POLLING STATION AT: - lies. Ibos. Sceesi, lR No. 3, Georgetown POLL[NG SUBDIVISION NO. 29 (RURAL) A & B:- Contoprising the 7theand Bt cocessios, Loto 11 to 2 Sinclosive. POLLING STATION AT:- Struarlion Ceaaiuy Hall POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 30 (RURAL):- Cemprisingte t aid 111h concessions, Loto 1510o 19 inclusive. POLLING STATION AT: -St. Alba's Parlsh Hall, Gle Williaa POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 31 (RURAL):- Centprising port of the t, lBt nd 1 ttitconcessions, Lot 11tand part ofloo 12,13usnd 14. POLLING STATION AT: - SI. Poid's Prlith Hsill, Norval POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 32 (RURAL):- Contprising the lut end Bairscossions, partoftLots 1, 2and3 and lts te 1to tinctusive. POLLING STATION AT: - Hiton Heigits P.S., R.R. No. 3, Milles POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 22 (RURAl .):- Centprieing the Brd, 4th, 5t and titconcessios, Lots 1to 10 icusive. POLLING STATION AT:- Hitîcresl United Chsecb, 71k Liae, Hoesby POU.ING SUBDIVISION NO. 34 (RURAL):- Compcitieg the 7tit and Bt concessiens, Loto 110o 10 inclusive. POLLING STATION AT; - Hilîcrelt United Citorci, 7t LUne, Hsenby POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 35 (RURAL) A & B:- Cemprising the t, 1thi, and 111i cocessions, Lots 1 to 10 inclusive. POLLINO STATION AT:- Pneetroe Commullty Centre, No. S Hileroad TOWN 0F GEORGETOWN <36 ta 60) POLIINO SUBDIVISION NO. 36 (UROAN) A & B: Cemprising thal erto o to No. 7 Hilsay and uest et Heun Street. POLLING STATION AT:- Josepht Gibbons Public Sciteol, 41 Muore Creuceul, Georgetown POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 37 (URliAN):. Cemprising duit portion of lin Tous ot Georgetoun noirai et Euig and Cellege Strerto le the toue boots, rosI of Mess Street te lte toue timits. iocluding Ontario Street luoth siles:. POLLING STATION AT:- Josepht Gibons Publie Scheenl, 41 Moore Cresrenl, Georgetown POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 38 tURBAN>:- Centprisiog thal portion nf the Toue et Georgetoun nortit ot tIse C.N.R. to Euing Street aid est et Haie Street 10 lte crecit. POLLINO STATION AT:- Joepb Gbbons Public Sceal, il MSoore Crescea, Georgetown POILING SUBDIVISION NO. 39 (URBAN) A & B>- CensIinnidoBal portion of the Toue et Georgetown nortt efthBe C.N.R. le Coleage Btreet and the tous timits, east et lhe soen ro f Ontario St.reet. Soultof Cellege Streeteand titenorti tn limtaland urol 0f the Credit Hiver. POLLINO STATION AT: - lieu. Mcc. Pearl Rerity, 1se Mouslalovlru Rd. N., Georgetown POLLING SUBDIVISION NO5. 40 :LNBAN: - Cenpr:sutg thulporion ofthe Town et Georgetown sortit et Choc Street troim Main Street le Market Struet, sertis ot Mdl Street trent Hucket Street le Couchas &treet, norlt fron the sesth aide et Messorial Parkbte tho C.N.R., esai of thewest toie Brui, ursI of MainStreet. POILING STATION AT:- Ambulaice Bonit&ig 25 Jasa.e SI., Georgeown PQILINOSUBDIVISION NO. 41 (URBAN):- Contprlalng Bhatportiai d he Tous 0f Georgetown, snth 0f Maple Avenuse to junrtiai oft Guselph Roui )Huy nu. 7) uni Main Street, easl 0f Mals Streetto theI Gulp Bosi )wy. No. 7). PLIGSTATION. AT:- Sacre Coeurli. C. Chanci, Si Onei Si.,I POlLINSUIBDIVISION NO. d1l tURBAN):- dtnn ut Boportia ci tho Tows of Georgetown snti 0f Quimn rtqle ajrioste GuelphiBaaiidMain BSet ai tiar oth le ho* C.N.R. maâu ho Guelpht BondiasidMain StretttheC.N.. POLLING STATION AT:- Sacre Coeurn R. C. Chuel, SI Guelph M. Geergetown POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. U (URBAN(:Copnas Ba pon= ofthe Toue et Geor-getown, serti et Durban aid nion itee=e. of Gselpht Street and Ring Stieet le tho C.N.R. aid HMnmi Vleu Boad, met 0f Qsa Street. . POILING STATION AT:- Res. Mns. Ronad Baiae, 38 King 8. W., Geergetown POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. U4 (UBBAN(:- Cemprisingdotlu prtiai 0fI oue le. Ge eo sertit of Mapge Street le DJurham Uni King Streeenidth!C.N.li.eadso ethe GelphRoud toe ingStre;t aid tho C.N.R POLLINO STATION AT:- lies. Mrs. Fred Asmlbony, M8 Durbam St., Gleergetown POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. ii (IORBAN):- Cronprlaing Bhal portion o! tir Too Gere osrti of Vulleyvlew Rosi extension, alot Of thre l Mit et 0f Meémoril Punit, misi ot Coaie Street (serti ut Muple Ave.) POLLING STATION AT:- Park Publie Scheel, Hyde Park Drive, Georgetown POLLING SUBIVISION NO. 44 (IORBA):- Cosirsti dotportian of tho Toue of Georgetown, nurti 0f tho Crédit Hiver,gwst aide et Main Street front seuti toue Bioit le Courei tBrait, sei ai Cburcb Street HucMaret Street, aurthos Huchet Street to Young Breat, Wst ai Young Street ta Courlas Stale, suti ut Courles Street le Maple Avee eton Maple %e blockithon seutit ltblockanmd Wst ta Wst tous linuit. (Ail hrunes wst of Main Street aid helos Haple Avenue ftra part o! tus pollinil nubivision). POLLING STATION AT: Peck Pulie Seitail, Hyde Park Doive, Georgetown. POLINGSUBDIVISIONNO.47 (IJRBAN(:- CensprlongBa prto ofthieTownf Georgetonenorth 0f Eisari Sreet, egt ofManSee ttheCréitiver,esefGuelph S. )Huy. No. 7) to hoedailitver, sotiof Maple Ave. to Risard Street andinclair Avenue. POLLING STATION AT:- Holy Cruss liC. Cousit, Malek St. R., Georgetown POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 48 (URBAN( A & S:- Coapntatag Bhat potion et the Tous et Georgetown, aurai ef Rasway Drive, eut ef Ehelly Street, sosteof Rdsud Btreet aniwsI of!GueIIit Street (Huy. No. 7). POLLING STATION AT:- Holy Croai liC. Cousit, Mople Si. R., Georgetown. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 49 tURBAN):- Coapriasil ta oto of the Toue ut Georgeton sorti oftSargent oai, eut of t anree (btlnit incloding) le Siteily Street, seuth et Risari Streeserti and wst aide ot Rensuy Drive. POLLING STATION AT:- Holy Ceeu R.C. Cousit, Maple B. R., Gergetown. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. H0 tURBAN) A & S: Comprining Bait portion oft ho Toue of Georgetown necti o! Sarggat Rosi, mim ad seuti of Rensuy Drive, wst oftcIntyre Ceesceal (tut nt incloding) wst o! Boirites Creaceol (hut net incloiing), including wst side ot Deinex Slnd. trent Coarles Drive to Sargent Rend. POLLINO STATION AT:- Formier Metre Battai Developaiest Ce. Didg., C2 Guelph Street, Georgetown. POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. S1 (URBAN):- Centpriaing tâtai portion of the Toue et Georgetown sorti n mist 0f Charles Drive, ineluing Roustow Ceescent and Mclnlyre Crmcent, seuti otRexsay Drive. POLLING STATION AT:- Formier Hetro Belalt. Developmt Ce. Blig., 232 Guelpit Street, Georgetown. POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 52 (URBAN):- Centprining Buat portion e! lin Toue et Georgetown nort et Sargent Roui and Sinclair Ave., ouste!f seuti end et Detcex Bled., seuth uni must e! Charles Drine, suIte!o Renway aiindetof!tie Guelpht Rd. )Huy. No. 7). POLLINO STATION AT:- Fonrmer Metre Ballai Developoeat Ce. Slig., HIt Guelpht Street, Georgtown. POLLINO STATION NO. 53 tURBAN) A & B:- Centprising tiel portion ofthie Toue e! Georgetown serti o! Bhe seuti toue Ilei, et of theuweuttou lindI, seutotiSargent Roud adi rsontinuation wst, wst of Deirex Bled. and Meentuinnies Reai. POLLINO STATION AT:- Heastalsvee Baptist Cbsreb, Masatatavies Rd. S., Georgetown. POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. M4 (URSAN) A & il:- CemprisnefdBol portion o! tic Toue et Georgetown norti o! Defren Bled. uni Weber Drive, eust e! Montinvee Roui, seuti e! Sinclair Ave. and Wst et Duncan Drive. POLLINO STATION AT:- ousutalavies Bapliot Charrit, Moorntalvies Rd. S., Geargetown. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 55 tURBAN) A & B:- Centprising tiat portion eft ho Toue et Georetownu nerti e! Bhe Touns seuti lindI, multof!Homlntiieu Reai. seuti ot Defren Bled, ma et tie mut sids and iecluitg Regan Craicent. POLLINO STATION AT:- Honsîalavies Bapliot Citarek, Meuitalnlos Rd. S., Georgetown. POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 5M (URBAN):- Centprising Bhal portion et tir Toue e! Georgetown North Suds o! Delrex fron Weber Drive Cnes. Wnt and Euut uaie o! Weber Drive and everytiting inaide Bhe pocinseler of lin crescrol. Note: Guiry Drive icludlng serti side et Derax Drive tront Weber Drive te Guelph Rend is in PaillinS Suit- division No. H8. POLLINO STATION AT:- SI. Asirew's United Courth, cor. Meailalovies & Sinclair Ave., Georgetown. POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 57 (URBAN(:-Cetc n uitia portion oftthe TowneotDntrgetowenenrttof Webter sute! Dn Drive, wst and seulth et Reylaue Creecenî. POLLINO STATION AT:- SI. Asireu's United Coanek, crc. Mouaaiieîr & Siaclair Ave., Georgetown. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 58 - (URBAN(:- Centprlsing tial poctiof ethBe Toues!f GeorgetoEst asise e! Weber irons Defrex Svi.te% Reptaus. Sentit, Eaut and Norti sie o! Reylaue. Galry Drive huth aies. Nort eude o! Deiron iront Weber le Guelph Street. Evecytiting sentit et Sinclair Rd. uni haid in river mnd must e! Reylaue le Hall Reai. iecluding luth aidas o! Guelphit.-math of Sinclair Rd. and tot aides et Todi Reai and Armtstrong Ave.-asouti of Sinclair Rd. POLLINO STATION AT:- St. Frasela e! Assini S.S., 2 Duarai, Georgetown. (Seponote Sceeol) POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 59 (URBAN) :- Cntpcisfing Bat portion ofthte Tous of Georgetownenoritof!thesmotledl oftie Toue, mute!f t(bult nt ctuig Regan Crascont), seulth ofDelrex Bled., wst of Hait ReaieandDGuelphtSi. )Huy. No. 7). POLLINO STATION AT:- Bi. Fraacis at Assisi S.S., 2 Duncan, Georgetown. (Seporale Sceel) POULINO SUBDIVISION NO. 00 (URBAN) Af S :- Centprising duat portion o! Bhe Toue of Georgetown seutheofiSargant Roui, Wst ot Mosetaot vewe Real, ente!f Deirex Bled. POLLINO STATION AT:- Bt. Franis of Asatal S.S., 2 Damas, Georgeewn. (Seponite Sceel) TOWN 0F MILTON (61 ta 77) POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 61 (URBAN):- Centprieieg Balu portion oftthe Town otHMillen, rita oftte C.N.R., C.P.R. and the Base Uine up le 401 Iligituay. ocet te te tosoe liniu and eele toe jonction ofthBe Rose Uine and 401 H:gtway. POLLINO STATION AT:- Holy Rosary Parlsit Bail, 13 Martin SI., POUJNGMMEDVUSO NO. fi (IBAN):. Cmaiplong thatpota of théeTownf Uion, ortilof MainBr mg u t felte town lia, 1 saelh cithe C.P.R. an westof James b-eg. POLLINO STATION AT:- Mull.a Si. Faiblie Seboal, IN4 Mhrdis Si., POILING SUBDIVISION NO. 45 tIilRBAN »- Conaisisg t oto Ofthe Tomof Malto, sertitof Main Strect, gaigo f James ietasi 0f lthe C.N.R. and west 0f Martin Brait. POLLING STATION AT:- Muil Si. Pubkie Sebsal 184 bluta Sit, Milles 1 POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. ai (UItBAN):- Cwqiprl gliait portion of theTown of Milton. nort ofthe C.P.R.ea"tf Martin Street, aoith of Woodward Street and ltensiaon eately tthe àrd Une, wuet lthe Brd Uàne POLING STATION AT-luabltor, 8 arios. N. POLLINGSUBDIVIION NO. 67 (URSAN):- Ceaprslng lhtpion o! lte Toun of Hilton. nnrth of Main Street, eut of Mar ti reeand south of the Canadien Pacitie Rallway Une. POLLING STA11ON AT:- llsly Ruar" Parfsh lHa, 1I Maila St., Milton POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. B8 (tIRBAN>:- C prsntatortion ofthe Town of Milton, nortit o! Miles Street, ;.0f1he ues.tolytous auri, southof MainlStreet, andwestof ell Sreet. POU ING STATION AT:-, = curait"a HM, Ballai Couly Agrlcaura Society Grosdo M ale POLLING SUBDIVISION NO.UW (URBAN):- Conprising tiportion 0f the Toun of Hilton, nortit ot OakStreel. east of Bell Street, aiutit of Main Street and wrot o! Conuneriral 1h. POLLING STATION AT:-, 9CBra Ha, BaBlon Coaty Agrlrsllueml Society Grosis POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 70 (URBAN):- Coeprlalng titat portion of the Town ofMilton, nort0 fOak Sreetmad lit exttnsion eastery to the krd Unre, soenth ot Main Street and the C .P.R. rlgit.of-uay to 1he Brd Une. P01LING STATION AT:- Royal Casadian LéoIn Hll, I1 Chirles B., Milton POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 71 (IJRRAN) :- Cinprlan tisaI portion 0f the Toue of Hiltonnortitofth loai aide et Mi Connetery, est of the Creek, soutitofOak Street anduwestf OntarioBSreet. POLLING STATION AT: - RoyalCuisinasiLégin a, 21 Charles B., Matou POLLIING SUBDIVISION NO. 72 (UBBAN(:- Compriaing that portion o! the Town of Mdlton, nortit 0f Neainp Nosd, euit of Bell Street, seuth et OaSt reet and west o! the creek. POLLING STATIONAT:-J. HM.eyes Publie Scbail, 2SSTboaai SI., HMaton POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 73 (URBAN):- Crnprining nuit portin o! the Town ot Hilton. nortit of Healop Rond, eust oft1he westoely tous limsntit otfMiles Street and esotflell Sret. POLUING STATION AT:- J. M. Denyes Palie Sebol, 215 ThomasiB., Hilton POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 74 (IJRSAN(:- Comprlsing nuit portion 0f lthe Tous of Hilton, nortit of ljerry Road but inclsling the Milton District Hepitl e ast nf the Canadien National Baluay, seuth of Heslop liaadwesl et Bell Street and ls entension sout t thli Derry lieed. POLLING STATION AT:- Milles District 181g Sebool, 3O Williams Ave., Milton POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 75 (UItBAN):- Comprising that portion e! 1hew ous etMilton, nertit et Derry Nead, eut ot Bell Street and us eenione te Derry Need, see1h et Heslop lioad mnd wst ofthie creeh. POLLING STATION AT:- Milles District Righi Scel, »S Willaas Ave., Miton POLUING SUBDIVISION NO. 76 (URAN):- Comprlotog thal portion et the Tous ot Hilton, nortit et Domy Rad, ouIt of t1he erseit. sentit et Hilton Tous Ceenelery andthe nairti aideof Btalton Contoontol Menor ibtet tuclding the Marier),uwest ofthe 3rd Lne. POLLING STATION AT:- Ontario Srheel fer tbe Des!, Clark Touer Foyer. Ontario SI., Milles POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 77 A & B (URBAN(:- Coimprining that portion oft1he Toue et Hilton kueus and described as Hlon Centonnial Menier. POILING STATION A AT:- Martin Houle, Cestosala Maair POLLING STATION B AT:- Pettit Huai, Ceutonlal Masse TOWN 0F 0AKVILLE POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 78 (URBAN) Comprising lit portion 0f the Toue et Deitvilie:- North et te Uppor Middle Noed, West et Winsten Citurcill Blvd. Sout et Lower Base Une, Eust of th Une. POLLING STATION AT:- Selder's Public Sceol, 391 Sarubuaslberpe Rd. POLLING SUBDIVIION NO. 79 tURBAN);- Comprining 1h01portion ofthie Toue et Debville: - Northt eft1he Upper Middle Road, West ofthe Bt Uine. South et the Louer Base Une, EanI ot Trafalgar Road. POLLING STATION AT:- Sulder's Publie Scbool, 391 Sorbamtiorpe Rd. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 80 tURBAN):- Ceimprining tial portion ot lte Toue et DOheie:- Nortit eft1he Uppor Middle Itead, West et Tretelger lted, sentit oftte Louer Base Uine, eaot ofthe Sinteen Mile Creek. POLUING STATION AT: Suier's Publir Srbeel ,391 Buaostiorpe Rd. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 81 (URSAN(:-CODmprising thelportion et te Toue et Dehville: - Northt et tite Uppor Middle Need, went eft1he Sioteen Mile Creek. soti eft1he Lower Base Uine, euts et lthe Oronle Roed )Hwy. No. 25) POLUINGSTATION AT: Palere Publie Sebail, MISîBronle Rd. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. SE (URBAN):- Cemprieing 1h01 portin ofthe Teono aville:- North ofthe Uppor iddle rudi, veut efthBe Bronle Nead (Hwy. No. 25) seeti efth~e Louer Base Une, east et iturleait B Trenaine Reede. .POLLING STATION AT:-Pslerono Publie Sceel, 2051 Dronte Rd. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 83 (URBAN):- Cempriing thetportion ofthie TowneofOeiville: -Nort fthe Louer Base Lino, wst ofthe 5th Une (excloding Lot 1, Coc. 5, N.S.> South et Brilennie Road tporioerty No. 5 Sideroad) East et Treetaine Read (uent toue linsit). PILING STATION AT:- Bepse Ceoaaily Hall, No. 25 Hlgbuay POLLING SUBDIVSION NO. 84 (IJRBAN):- Cern rising nuitporion et te Toue et Duheille:- Northt oft he Loe Base Uine, wst et Winoton Chuorchill Hlvi., sentit et Brilennie Road, euts et lte t Une mnd ils projection nertit. POLLIG STATION AT:- Perey Merry Publie Sebasl, HI Brilamia Rd. POILING SUBDIVISION NO. 86 (URBANt:- Coonprlsiog nuit portion 0f the Toue ot Datiue:- Northt et Britannia Roud, wsnt 0f Winnton Churcill Bled., seont oft1he Uppor Base Uine (Steelas Ave.) east otf the Ont Uine. POLLING STATION AT: Ferry Herry Publie Sebuol, MI lrlianaa POI.LING SUBDIVISION NO. M6 (URSAN):- Cernprioieg nuat portion et te Town et Deteilte:- Northt et Britamia Rod, vent ot lte Sut Line seutt ot te Upper Oese lune, eot ofthte fih Ue. POLLING STATION AT: Ferry Herry Puie Scitool, 263 Orilannla R&. POLLIIG SUBDIVISION NO.il2IIJRBAN):- Comprisinethat portion POLLINGSUBDIVIION NO. 87 (URBANfr-Camnpuit h1prtion of he Townof Hilton, north of Woodward Street,esaut of Itrin Street, ofthie Town ofOakvlile:-North ofBrlaonloaRoad,ut et the Ht ne, south of the C.N.R. andwest of OnaroBStret. leoathoftthe Derr Road and the Upper Base Lino, eait of NO. 25Huy. POLLING STATION:- W. 1. W&C pubije Sabinl, lghhle DrNe and the ouIt fihit of Milton. bmI POI.LING STATION AT:-oye CmuaitylBal,No. 26ligbuay muJMOG SUBDIVISION NO. UI (URBANIA à fl:-piig that POLLIMO SIDIIONNO.U tURBAN):-m oisin< tatportlon portion 0f lia Town ofiton n orti of Woodward Breett 0ftiuTown0fOkvie:-Nort0f BritanlRoad,Wcela oNo.25Huy. ésjed..ean 0f Ontario Street, miat et te Bue Une, aMd west of and the Waat inait 0f Milton. Soutb 0f lte Upper Base Une and soutit du àrd Usne (eut twn linat>. liait 0f bUinas o0f Trentaine Road. MiliuJN UAIlAîIInge.~e.. NLBSAINA, an ~masS al s 5Hao POILINGSUBDIVUION NO.1 M URBÀON) A à B (NOTM) WRBS (W TME 1H LUNE:- Consprin Bt rtie oftho Tous of OakMue as bou:-NorttlloUWWay-;etrc C.trni=boodarye ofIai 7 ta thiUse, Labeisere Ruai. Wust Bouaiy, Brd Uns md son boondaryotPlan 715. Eeouduy,dtbUsse, I.aluieaH I ta sent buriuy oAppley Collage,aaiutitah Lait.SouthSndry, Le" Onarie, POLLINO STATION AT:- Calvany Baptlai Coanet, 113 tatabre Rd. W, POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 00 tURBAN) A & B:- Conspelatontiot -Z0fh Tou 0fGkil iOln- Nont Sanoy iE BodnuebmoyPan 579 aidli prej.rtont Street. Z 4hZ làb dayRéec POLLINU STATION AT:- B. Joseph'& Sepanute Scital, 447 Wanaatr Dr. POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 9l IUBBAN):- Comprislng hot portion oftieTuueeofOkville ai!ollos:-Nuntih oaidorysuthhoaiony ot badsiai laris, oin iaaiary, wsi tuuniucy of Plan 61S, oeui toaidary 4th Uise, sontt henuy Brdeload. POLLINO STATION AT,- 1 SeiilePbi Soboul, 118 Bridge Rd. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 92 (URBAN):- Cempriainl Bhal porti ofthe Toue o! Gabelle ai toluse:- Northt tudary, Rébecca Street, ualt aonduy, eaut tusiry of Plan=60,e ta uondury, egal luiary ut Plan 70, sentit bouniary, Lorh R. Roi POLLINO STATION AT:- Calnury Baptist Courek, 115 Lakesitore Rd. s. POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. St (IIRBAN) A & SM- Comnl-lslg Bta tuaiocy sen go iir 0fPaÎ76Ïuttai ,si Réecca Street. POLLING STATION AT:- B. Jospls Sopane Sceeal, 447 Waealainton Dr. POLI.ING SUBDIVISION NO. N4 (URBAN(:- Cenprlsing Bat portion of the Town ofOakviile as ollows:- Northitunday, louaitbotndary of industriel lands, wst boaiiury. wst tudary o! Plan M mnd projection le Bridge Roai, rail itomdaary, wst hoasdury. ut FIai 619, seuth hoaindury, Bridge Rend. POLLINO STATION AT:- Broubiale Publie Baisai, 1150 Bridge Bd. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 9I tURBAN):- oinpclslng hot portion ofthieTowneoftOuile as!foilos: North Semioary, sesth hoaidsry o! industriel laids, wst ioniucy Foutan Hile Creek, Eus luudory, saisi;luaidary 0f Pian 725 milles projection le lande of Bi. Juseph'u Beluel, Seutit haaiiary. aentit taasiary of Plan 725. POLLING STATION AT:- Brook"al Pulie Se"a, 115 Bridge Bd. POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 9N (URBANt:- Cuaiprining Bali portion et the Toue ut Gabeille us tilos:- Not Booniacy, Bridge Roui and seuBh taaidary et Lots 2 le 15 ille., Plai 725, sauth bondary ofLots e3B linchi., Plam 653manuott lundary of Loa 43 le 52 inclu.. PIon 641. West lumary. Wanminuter Drive mda cear ofs Loto îlte 17 inci., Plan 653, mnd projection of Lot 17lte Bridge Rouind Shorin Drive. Rasl tumdary, West hundscy of Plam 716. South tuay, Rébecca Street. POLLINO STATION AT:- B. Joseplits Separais Sceeal, 447 WarmIasler Drive. POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 97 tURBAN):- Csenprinlng Bat pontion of tho Tous ut Gabeille as toilos:- Not lunisy, South taaidary o! industriel ane. West homidary, wst undory et Plan 641. Eant bonduny, TIno Fourteen Mule Creet. SautB tudany, Bridge Rend andseuthtbundsry of Lots 157lte 19inel, andiLes 228 B326. Plan 441. POLLING STATION AT:- R. A. Orc Publie Sebeul. POILINO SUBDIVISION NO. 98 tURBAN): Ceîpcising that portion o! the Toue ot Gabeille as follesn:- Not honura, Bridge Rouimad norlh bondsry ofLots 57le 169 inc.,mdilLots 226& 3M, Plan 641. West tamdsry, Plan 641. Eui tudacy Eatu eaidy of Lots 1 le 17 intl., Plan 653. Sentit tuniay, Soath bumdary ofLolt , e 2 i.,36 &37, Plan653, Lots91- 14, Plan 641. POILINgBATION AT:- E. A. Orr PublieSeboai, OBinDr. POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 99 tURBAN):- Centprioing Belt pontion efthBe Toue et Gatelie au bleuws:- North Bomunay, Roberca Street, wst iondaryTiri Une, eut lumdsry, East tuducy ot Plan 66, seuth lumdsry, Hueo Btrait POLLING STATION AT:- Calvary Baptisl Cosrb, 1215 Lobesbore Rd., W. POLI.ING SUBDIVISION NO. 10! tURBAN):- Centipriuiog toIt portion et the Tous o! Gatedle an foilos:- North ioniacy. Hagn Street, wst lundary, wst lumdary ot Plan M0, rosi lumdury, ount boniary et Plan 669, seutit luniuy, Latesitore Road. POLLINO STATION AT:- Calvary Raptsig Coarcit, 1215 Loluibere, Rd. W. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 1a1 tURBAN):- Contprlslng Bhal portion e! the Toue e! Gabelle as tollos: Not itomdany. lagon Street. West tomndury, Tinird Uine. East lumdury. Sest toaiiary o! Plan 66S. South nondscy, Laheetore Rond. POLLING STATION AT:- Cidvary Roptlut Courth, 121 Lobeubure Rd., W. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 102 tURBAN) Centpclsng Buat portion efthBe Tous ot Dakviur an follows:- Nruth Bondsry, set lumary et Uns 137 le 155 incl., plan 646, wst bumd¶ Bird Une, eust leiodry, East lumdscy of Lots 254 le 265 i.,Plan 640,'noth lumdary o! 267 le 270 inel., plan 646, uni Sitenin Drive., Souti undary, Rébtecca Street. POLLING STATION AT:- E. A. Dec Publie Srluol, 380 Beria Dr. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 103 tURBAN):- Uentprising tuat n rionofthBe Tous e! Dateille as tollos:- Northt Bonduny, seth unayo! Indutrial lamde, wst lumiay, Thiti aier, sant lemidory, mnst loumiary o! Plan 646, senti heaniucy seuBh ionduy et Lots 137 te 155 inci., Plan 640 POLLING STATION AT: - E. A. Dec Public Scheel,3M5OBeln Dr. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 104 tURBAN):- Centprising tuat portion efthBe Town et DateuSle as toilous:- Not leandory, seuth lemdary et industriel lands, wst lumducy, wse leusdory o! plan 852 includimg Loto 37 &38, Plan 901, and Loto 85 BN8, Plan J060.East iooniory, TItird Uine, Mout luiodry, rear bumducy et Lois 352, 122 te 127usde., 134t18 incl., 192lte 200Oincl.. ail sitin Plan852uandports et Bridge Rd. and Scacedale Crescenl. POLLING STATION AT:- Gîndys Speers Public Sceel, 2150 Sansay Rd. PLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 15 URBAN) A & B:- Centprising thai section ot the Tous o! Gabelle au teleus: Not lumucy Sauth sessdacy et Lots 352, 122 10 127 inel., 197 le 200 boel., and sath oniory o! Lots 311 B 128, ail sthin Plus 852. West lumiary, Sesl bumdary o! Lots 141 to 144 inc1., 185le 189 Inel., 139 mnd 191, Lots 48 to 544incl., 89 le 96 led., sain l Plan 852. Rail bomdary, 7hidi Use. Seth bmiroary, Rébecca Street. OLLINO STATION AT: GOdya Speeri Publie Sebuol, I11 lamsay Rd. PLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 106 (URBANI:- Centtsing tist portion et the Tous o! Gabelle as toleuws:- Not touniucy, Rébeecca Street, wsu hooniacy, wst hoaiiary of Plus 684, Eus itoaiiary, Bhirilfineseeth lusiry, sethouniary of Plan 6S. PLLINO STATION AT: -BS. AnusSeparate Sceel, I2M3Hln shrt PLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 10 tURBAN):- Centprisng Bhat portion o! the Tous o Otateille an inleuws:- Nort itomdscy, Rébecca Struet, wst uniary, wst itoondsry et Plan M-28, East lumducy west itomdery et Plan 64, South lumdsry, Ilsec Street and seuBh bossdary et Lots 34 te 51, PIon M-16 and Lot t, Plan M-16. POLLING STATION AT: - S. AnsSepaa Scheel, 2123Hixn Street PLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 10 tURBAN):- Centpcieieg Bat Portion o! the Toue et Gatdlle an toilous:- North hoaiiory, Luteshoce Rend, wst boemducy, silmutIsset of nrer BranleelJ boLINGa TAION AT:- Sou Wilnay PuLike Ontao. 1 hs n smdsr SIO Une, Seat l o u lie Gatuco.l 1 hr n POLLING SUBiDIVISION NO. 109 tURBAN) A & B:- Centprlaing tugi Borion o! Bhe Toue o! Gabelle as tollows: Not luondary, sortit ntmndscy ut Plus 1060, wst undary, wst lumdary o! Plan 106!, sauti lumdsry, mnst undary ot Plan 1080, excleding Lots 95 & 86, sout lumiary, Rolueca Btrei.t, OLLING STATION AT:- Glulya Spers Publie Sceal, 11 Somaiuy liaiEs POMO POILB wst lu POLLO JouaS POILS Ofthe T Wai lue POL8, m POLLU portion Street, Btreet, POLU POLLI? Unel, g Onariol POILSE Bi. POLLIP of tho' Uàne),ea Roui. POUlS Si. POILU) portion Meidle Carmins Creeb. 1 la Bae rear of L, Plan 961 TrauBod hetseen dividing le tie n: tlnird Li POLLIN Roébeca POLLIN portion o Midile B POLLINI POLLINI portion el lumdary noundscy POLLINC Réberca. POLLINI portion o! Street, se BrunIe, ca POLLING POILING portion e: Lotestuce musterlytIL POLLINI Jones SI. POLLING portion et Elizabeth Brust, e utruet. POLLING Courth St POLLING portion ot Btrut, uen POLLING Chuet SI. POLLING portion ot 1 Btrut. We Breet. Seot POLLING Cousit SI. POLLING portion e! Mule Cre] POLLING SI. POLLING portion o! Btrut, se W*eek, Ses POILING St. POLLING portion o! I lets abattit Btrut, esit Dive, seul POLLING St. POLLING portion eftI Port Dînve lots abttin et Loto 1221 ail sitii t à Street and POLLING. Mary Drm POLLINO I of tho Tosi Park Drlve luay a li iday i

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