Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Oct 1971, p. 18

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I §§The Canadien Champion. Wednesday, October 13, 1971 New officers take over John Perrott heads Optimists New officiersa elIhetbi t Thuraday when lieutenant nnil iuirmtng dlrecifc Bon Arpîé, Ja Pod- Club of Miltn ere hnadl i Governor Bill Vivien of John Perrottacceted tbe winski, Peter Criasais, Bruce an impressive ceremonY Bclinton visited thnelocaliclub's prenldesitl gaa Miofiead nlon, otn las d Bil geceideete pie;ý 4 f-m.tIr = 1obî. AU emo n oath et Omagh realdeet Ken 0cr, who has ba offce batteah U.I-Gev. mi disg tepont for 18 nid lame promB lve and wrk by te 4-H A c hi eve rs gahrrgadlecüdo h Meadmad u alirmsti plan troul hike yearahead.urig ve te avi Other nificers are vice- Mr. 0cr thanke ail the meniberet By Mrs. Caca Patterson A large nimber ai nelghbhrs, friendu and relatives gatherad at Bone Centre on Tuesday eeiiO t. l hineir Mr. m Mis.Mel Moluan (e Jacqueline Leacc ), raceet nemlywadu, wli amlclaes esimwer. lhe young couple mare sealad le deceralad chairs isider a cascade of piekmad whitebhale, utreamers eux ballonne. A beautifel rose corsage mas l entad l md ld an Uic Mdemd a ras b esrae for Uic groom. Thesa mere made and gives loy Mcs. H. McCaim. Mis. Rabert Brnmnridge as M.C. read an dress a e= le i m =iseeorn ng eduUales on appropriais poes. The brdc man auslsed by bier cousin MargueriteaCregg and Uic gruom in nmrapsn nearly 100 gifla. Mary Elizabt Curtis man kept beey makiiig iea fron Uic rihbcn lame. Laler Uh icde and groom bad piclue lakssn, meacing Ibeir prelly rin, headgear. Tbcce mare five balalao inoe frone. Nmncy Peacnck aaetd miUi Uic gifla. Thasa w eepassed arcund fer aU la aec mud jater piacc oni a large table, set mith a white lace cloth mnd a centre place ni suttran flemers. Jacquelie amd Marcel Uianked Uiair many friande for the beanliful gifle mnd the iovely party, mbich mou arrmnged b3' Mc. and Mc. Robert Bromnridge and W. H. Devin, mnd halpe. They ivited ail la visit Uem eta ilseir tinm home in Guelph. A delirium lunch man sereed and ail preentaenjoycd a social finie. Friends attendaid froue Elmia, Arris, Bronte, Porl Credil, Minsesuga, Oakville, Guelph mnd inmilly.. Visiter Mcs. George Peacnck upent Uic mie la a pattant le nerlingln Hospital. Hec elered Milton District Hospital on Salarday, Oct. 9 mnd mas ienved by ambulance on Sonday le Barliegton. Friands hopa hae neon Limpoves. Mc. mnd Mrs. Aden Bâtimen mnd snm Michaeliamd Barry ni EMira mcrclianday visitors mli Uie Cacil Pattarnen famly. We are plonmsd lai repart Uial Mce. Myrtle Lese ban Uic cast envnd f rom bier erra mbich mai broban i a faO mnd le nomr diig ncily. Friendu bnpa site mili onr hab toh lame bier band. Harry Crnnier of Milton mae a gongt mîi Mc. mnd Mce. WRl McFadden foc Tbankegiving dinner. M. and Mrs. Hcrtlay presilents Manie Be mli aill Raberlaon marc Tienksglvig Mclntyre, treaierer:Da Mrl1ey pueste with thair san.le.lan d secrelary Tom Brmnen Elgersoea and daaghler Joyce et Smeoih Rock Falls ie Neethae Onitario. Mfr. mad Mrs. Robert Mareshall wecc BSnday viellace wlth thaic daughter and aon.i-law and Foeeily, the Miean Roeen in Toronto. 4-H Achievers The Hornby South 4-H Achievers held their second meeting et Omiagh Presbyterias Sunday echool rooma on Saterday, Oct, 9, wli ail 20 mmere attanding. Hadi Nomak, club preoldent lad ie rapaating tic 4-H piadge. Rail cSilwan HNamna book yoe would lika t0 own." '10e bille plenuad for Oct. 9 bai cuocaiiad beaos. oi rein mlii hae hald on Oct. 1O-oltartieg 4ooe thc chucch et 9.20 oie. te Rattlesnaka Point for a hika on thecBrue Treil, aise a trniea teint. Rika Vandavalk raperted thal white books mouid not ba pecchauadnas plannad no another mlar mas chouan. Leaders Mci. Pettarsenanmd Mms. Kiarnan wara le charge of grup mrck, diemonstrotiens and dieZpuon. Ibc girls displuyad Uiair complatad samplas oi liwadiuh asnhruidary on hock towalling. AU warc nicaly made and naveael lied made a naw pattern. Oe hiadt lier tirc workad uing Uic utitcb. Enitting, aeoUiar caft for Uhi lmnlact was damonmtralad by Danielle Major and Triuha Fisb; Uiay showed how la cast on ctîtcheu and plain knltting. Maebere; mie could not;lotit Uen iracticad wiUi yam nmd naadlen. Lelearehea A discussion and notes marc givan on upanieng lainuea tima fer plenumc. Rtading mou o profitable may and an inepanniva hobby 10 gain buomladga. Travelling mou anntlmr may tn have funi le linue lime. fipe mare givan on uuitchle clnthau t0 mear, paching a nulcase, tipping fui services rendared, using traveller's cheques if travelling est ni Uic ontry, mnd souvenir huyleg. Thea mot regular meeting mli haehfeld oct. 23. Thc Uiome mli ha pers"na care, mnd Uic laaders mii deseonstrale metbncr craft, makeg led loyo. Acage si re haWl conmade for lt. John' Aiencem naebere lai adifreai meeting four on Firut Aid anud resusclitaion. Mc. sud Mns. Davre Lecie mnd daiighlers Breeda, COral mnd Margaret enjed Thanksgving day fcstlilltes mi Uhir parens Mc. mnd Mns. Rstest Lachie, bilIon, aine attendig te famlly pacty mas Mns. aekes faUier Mc. O. A. Kummer of Peseon. Congrtulatione liey. mnd Mc IlRe Lemis on Uic blcUi ni Ibair son Pbiiip at Milton Hoepitl rcenly. Mcs. Lewis mnd haby mare meicomed home Thersday, Oct. 7. Birtbday greelinge lu nec friande Ken Pemtrees, Mary Pemicenu, Margaret Eeblnec, KeiUi Seelen, Mce. Stan May mda Peler Le Richa. Oenl mises for mmny more happy yeoce to friands ceiehraling medding omniversacie: Mc. mnd Mci. Aden Baumn, Oct. 7, Mc. mnd Mcs. Jim Boue, Oct. 14, 10 yecre, Mc. mnd Mce. Haek Ford, Oct. 19, Mc.mad Mcn. Morris 'Dinar, Oct. 14, mnd Mc. mnd Mcu. Gordon Robimson, Oct. 15,. 52 yeas. ALCOHOZICS- ANONYMOUS MEETS Pj'ERY TUESDAY 9 c.m. Gnoco ANGLICAN HA f'ING A PROfiL Af' DROP (N. BEST DEAL THIS SIDE 0F TOKYO Hihay 2 JutNort hof 401 87841 e 0 0 On behaif of Milton Lions Club for the co-operation received during tour Annuol Blitz for the C.N.I.B. If we missed you your donation may stili be Ieff at the Bank of Nova Scotia or Contact Gus Mowbràs. at 878-2381 termi of office mnd gave specle Irae e aintien' mlvea fer thcir eepport. Pait pressidesl Herb Higae moved a voe ai Uianie to P=dn 0cr mnd cled him Uihe haut presidmit me ever fond". lIdcion Tmo menhere, Mike Boughtcn ted Bob Hostie, more inductedee dc u a ieeet~ acubid notped aetht psans Lt- clb teecend bout sus le Onstario. Ml OPTIMIsT CLUB 0F MILTON exacthive fer 197-72 meo Ireaident MairvhalSine, m treassra Don Morey le l. err installed Thusday loy LL-Oov. Bi111 Vivien of Bseliegton, cm rom are directore Jtie Morton, Ron Arpe, Joe Podiwlsuc ofithe keymnen hle formhag ofthe local club e fem ycars ego. Bruce Fendley aed Bil MoGinhs andput pealdat KMiur. icered ha the front rom lait tu rlgbt are mecretery Tom Vice-îresldent Bil Mcetyre mnd diractor Poe Cremo more Bro0wn, Lii-Gtiv. Viviani piesident John Perrott, vie& easet vrhen Uic photo mec tale-<Staff Plante) Their Ontarjo: Your Ontarj4o: la Cassevade Ontario, su a sges imhasfay bai harasa sbloaed admiistratiive aigbsssc ..lachief concern foc the humait potaniel of ils sedees ... paid for by the people mbn cao afford iiieasl ... se, much moey for sucb liste hancit. la Casservative Onario, car insstrane s la corporate plesie - ami yas psy, for Il Mue Ibmn 200 prinale componice loed in mmny rosits mad o much profit in1 youe peemiene chai oIdy 65 cents nf cacb dollar is rciuroed on compesation (Saskatchewan's psblic plan returas t5 cenls) . lbt a oro -no-faali fraîue that dors not inclsdc propcriy damage 711. (if al i s la Casecvatve, Ontaria, the Gaveansenl bas dam seehlg la effset Oes pusaking poicez.. . bas peopoeliooatrly protisceti femer ncm jobs thon Manioba ... bau conlinurd Ibrir band-ouls and scil-ouls 10, forcign corporations ... bas continscd 10 fecti industries ihat cmploy fem people aI the eopes of ibnsr thairemploy maoy ... and donc il ohl miih public mney. la Cascerncive Ontario, faites ar asllamed le guoup, corporale profie are allomrd to go ep, rects are alloond la fo up. inieresi rates ore allomci l0f goup - and the wrong people kerp poyieî for il. :. Ceoeervative Onlario, foeigis awsemhdp ruelle and sape esc ablisy la rua our ema Bves ..oalsidc conrol of Canadien jobs. education and culture is allomcd tu genm. misile lie Tories clnse their cyce and Uhii mnds. mnd do noîini. la Caseervalive Ontiol, me Psy the hlgbess peesiesse la the country for lie femeel hanclils, mbile a proftable melter of iesurmncc comptmers rrap Uic remarde, mnd neither patiet noe doolor cmn cleim satisfaction. la Csevalive Ontario, pollution . ssauwed »I c.. ... corporations mc mamati ,nnl punised ... lame are piccemeai mnd puny m. ad ciizns 001 componice, arc mode la feci reepansible. CAR INSURANCE s I-ý - THE COST OF LIVING INDEPENDENCE A. NDP Goeeruea wili sbfi emaphid fam malesÜd a rendlpeople . .. olier eqssl nppoclenily to the wockcrs and the privilaged ... cspmnd Uic oumber andi qsalily of oce îeachece andccesourca people ... spreati the ciels ficly 10 incinde lances on cnrpocains. An NDP Gavesument wlfl guaesanee a pabody.raa ples sali with theca iesee.. lamer Uiecrosi f by 15 - 20% ). eepmnd Uic covccagc. spead the paymanls forceryn in lie accident. andiner al liabiliie... cul the fal andkill the privait:profi.. . provide 100% no-faell. ... lagisila strict cr-acea conmla 10 eliesinale mmne dangers cight ai tie soerce! As ND)P Gavensmeri wii enceae a acasamy plamai lac the gon ai theay rasier than prufit for the fem.d areas whcce the labnuse e... piemnie mensfertueieg here <inslcad oi eporting resoercie le mnbe mne cnd jobs in the U.S.... maieh minimum mage ton ai leasi 12.50 an hoar.. redcde the oel meek fhem 4t houes tu 40 mithouois ein pay ... ced. mark tomard a gsaceoleed income foc eveey family' An NDP Gaversasme wm contiinue te wesk toarieaffoier dinstriuionf tanes ... create a Reni Rcs'icw Board ... cente a Peices Rcvicm Bard ... ceate an Ontario Land Banko insituoîral estait specolaion ... create a Consumer's Bill ni Righls ...give aid tu cn-ops and ccediteunionos... rcale clfaie Ian system - based on ehilily to pay. raîber lhaîî ahility to evede! Au NDP Gaveraent wil netIsa reyesse Ibe givewsy haforé fi beea.nes man loIe .1h an Ontario Developmeol Cnrporationo nchannel moncy and growth whee wc need it .. a îakc-oscr eciem board le, safgaed ose hietbright andi cesnrc Canadien cneoi ... ceome corporations en selecteti naturel cesosece... e code ni decent coepoeclc haaiour ... and, o moreeaeeeccssaey inceolive poants to0 ioeeign-hased compeeies! Au NDP Guverssnt wii hplesieu a siagle, simple Heahicae Plan avaibi la teeepye ... fOoanced hy a lom prcmism fess than onc-lhied the peeo cosl for famdliee, lese tban one-baif fne singles) andi a fair las steuctue ... paying foe ail medicol and hospilal bill ... ail presceiptions. childeen's dental cire, and home nursing care! As NDP Goeeenasn wm eusses tiaag lama #0 prueafei plutionsad puabhpalters ... foecefelly aci 10 conserve ail son-renemable ersoacces ... safcîuaed the victims ni pollutions Uicoegb finoncial aid! mnd re-raining ... ceate a rome corporation t0 peoduce mnd market effctive pollution abaicesel eqeipesent! Make it Y our Ontarloo. VOTE ND P. IGEOKKenlx IM.P.P. il HeMlien Es Itrenslates IHa anti Lii Haln Eu Friday's 1 morning p hta mio.. ao net C BERSAFEIT CENTRE BOIS CIARE 220 Speors Read Gakville __ SPECIALîSTS IN @Front End Alignment *ei-akes *Wheei Balancine Comepiete Egnie Tuoa.np PHONE 844-6655 826-1 1: Thanks

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