-I The Canadien Cham~pion, Wednesday, October 13, 1971 83 We'oe al ii1 thii s together. On October 2lst, more than four million Ontario citizens will select, from among themselves, 117 people to represent them. And. at the same tinte. they will select one man as their Premier. Bill Davis has said to the people of Ontario: -You have no necd to judge us on our promises. We are asking you to support us tor our pertorm- ance... .for the decisions we have made. for the policies we hase introduced, for the more than 130 items of legislation we have iniplemenîed- Consider that record. The establishment of a Departnient of t13e Environrnent. and assistance 10 firms invesîing in pollution control equipment. Thc banning, of' loee,ýing in Quetico and Killarney Provincial Parks. Summer ernployment for students in dlean-up operations (Project SWEEP). The Endangered Species Act. A tougher line with corporate polluters. With clear decisions and vigorous action like this, Ontario can breathe a litîle casier. The Davis govemmenî's decision 10 haIt the Spadina Expressway coupled with a pledge 10 provide greatly expanded assistance to mnass public transit. has brought us dloser 10 a rational solution of our transportation problcmns. The Provincial conférence on economic and cultural nationalisrn rellects and also contributes bo an expat3ding awsareness of the potential of our country and otîr people. Davis decisions have hclped t13e (aitadian publishingc industry; special provisions hame heen written int Ontario Developmnent Corporation loans 10 encourac(-e ('anadian effort. [o preserse and enhance what is distinctive about our societV. And therc hiase been a e1reat niiv 0113cr Davs s evernimcnt decisions... good decisions: No-tL-uit car insurance. T13e task force lor oti-track betîing. Expanded uranîs 10 dav-caire centres. Detoxitication centres. Expanded hous- iion a rdIt-geared-to- iîcoine basis. Irce miedicare f'or the needy, and for people 65 and oser. And bosscriný, t1e aise ofmnajority. \V'hicli brin3 s uis back Io vour decision. at t13e ballot box. For dcmnocracs 10 SLlCCeed. il's not eI300gI 10 îalk about change. Change 133 Lst be made bo lappen. That's 5513v Bui Davis is doing things. And doing thns-or people - s surels ss lat leadershi salaot 'In l3is first sese n13 3301113 as Premnier Bill Davis has dn3onsîrated the kiî3d of leadership an3d gos ernnilent Ontario needs. With x'our support on October 2Isi. lie ssii! econtinu1e. He cant do rnULch more. 'F[JDavis is doingft thiingys..for people. On October 21IS, do something for Ontario«.. Support Bill Davis. ON OCTOBER 21sf, VOTE FORJA MES SNOWTHE DAVIS CANDIDATE IN HALTON EAST