A NEW F'OLK CHOIR performed for tise first lime durlng tise Gaeton, Shirley Conseil, Janice Werner and directer PetIt 9.30 a.m. mass at ltoly Rosary Churcis on Somday morning. Gaseronald. Tise gs'ntp has ossly had four rehearsals bust did a Sogesnclade, front row left to rigist, Bernice CSaneti, Soan fisse job in leading tise stnging ai Sunday's service, andi tisera BradleY, M. Cisapmsn, Jeanne Hyatt, Elaine Rsju, Pamn are plans tu make them a regular part of tise 9.30 mass. Tise lisoma, Shirley Carroll, Joanne Lewis. Second row, Pat ides for a folk choir athe church came from the visit lust June Caires, Dale Chucismacs, Shirley Daly, Marlese Poirier, of tise 5O-voice St. Andrese Tise Apostle Folk Choir from Shsaron Bradley, Craig Thlomas, Geralit Conneil, Nancy Nova, London. -<Staff Photo> CathsyCarroll. Third row, guitarists Tersa lendicit, Ititcie -à-amio M.M. Robinson Super seniors blcank Nelson By Deus-Jese Byeas (toodoafternaon! Zomee, sebot o setis a ctivlty. My litle frens Benny, Volarie, and Fmnny, mare maring sei bard I iasit te rerit athir seritar jsst fer Rhie meebas ralsan. fier tiene te Cernae Caming, soit yau miS hi hiarieg tram lir lofer. Wa're nuaihir I! Yen sir, lobe Roat anditRat. yau Rels Blabi. Ohur Riper Semùor Football luain blashid thi eneaiy seniors 33-0. Ho! Famny gat o morisai sp sise teli out of Rhe stands ithRlbar bot dog ad rame face ta fore seiR Rhe Nelson front four. iNose yOU bom seiy Rhey bast> Spociat fOU. READERS WRITE:J (Continueit fao Page BI> çresevativa but leravidas o Ienefita. Tisa people sebo abject toa heneficial amaot of flsaride beig addeit ta aur ater supply are noveriWsard ta rondeais or de mithout these foads. No oaa la askiag Jiai iSiw hi have iodine remaovet teom oor table soit. No me sSz rýeonse tise revog of patelsin as Tis henefbta of bath af Raese are wefl knams. Some people feel that heasse their chlidrenas teelh have heen painteit witb Ioride sait a remarsahle radurtian la cavities has bies soted, Rhat Rhis meRait should passibly i adapteit. Thsis methait decreases Rheamasat of toath decsy hy 30 ta 40 par ceat as comparait vîth 65 par cent radactiaa mith flsaridoad master. Ibis treatinies must hi tises hy s dentlltot dental technicien aoi it wasld hae imupossible ta lid sofîcient persenel ta provide al] chldres meRh Rui besafil. Tise fleridatios of Rhe water os also mare ecosossîcal. Na ose danms that fisaride i sy tarai mil redoce Rheincidesce ot tooaR docoy 10 par rail and it certaaily doas sot replace Rhe toRt brssh, bomevar. wbol a boas Rbis sa and one me cassai desy aur children. The yoaoer Rhe child la aihes floaride sa addeil ta the moter, Rhe hitter for the child. Sicecety, (Mm; B. Edmards 360 Moptemood Creor. Milten School news Kindergarten group makes applesauce 'ise appie seasas s here ami loadergartes yoongsters ai Hoiy Rooney Srbosi lt part i Rhe spirit sfIRe seasas y aiakig Rheir an appiesaice, muRh the gidance aI Rheir teocher Mes. P. Martii, aithRe scisoni Feîitay ssorig and aftecoon. t'svounggentlemen, grade t3 staietess et Georgetown District flsgh Scisoni, visitait Hoiy Rosary Sebool Rui meeh, os ivitation f-rnm teaciser R. Lositry. The studoota and Rhe grade sux doas morisei tageRher os art peoteris. lise tmo stuitenta, baR aiajorig i art, mere tronsportei to1 Hoiy llesary isy their vsce-prlacîpai Mr. Craig. 'Vice-princîpal Briao Fichami mnd teeciser F. Speiter are talung a course i perspectives taris Tisursday evasit at M. Z. Benmett Scbool i Actas. Vlsit lisrary lise grade tseo clase aI Miss L. Petesavisiled Hilton Pubiei librury Rhie meis. lise chideen enjayd o very itarastig and aduralionai attersoon mitis isharias Mes. S. Cosmay. 'lie foost performance of Sic nemty formait Hîgis Si.iol touk choie mon gises at Hoiy ftasary Liserri at 9.30 ai. os Smnday. Seves-al stadents fraai Holy Rosas-y ara aluo part oftie nov choir. K<. McDocgsII, tise renosee dirartor of St. Agitreses FoIS Grosp of Londton, te coaitacting and Iaaiig sistasce ta tise ses grosp. A tablolit fid itey mesithili et Msartin St. Stisasl on lisursday ta tecnoon soith0e scisonts cross Contry con mas iseti yesterday iTsesday c. The Norths Haitas cross country run miii hielit at Fairviese Pulie Schoot today sn prepaeatioo for the Haltos cross country aieet to ha iselit sametîuesnent oree. Contestants are peactisifî for tise big ment. A HaSomeen dancemiti hi haIt ai Marii St., aliler urison os Oct. 28. congrots te Murray Dryden, Jae Otiosoon, MISe Paisearden and quarterbaris Tue Bird for a cre01 gamne. Oftcourse me rmn't enduite aur coarhes Mr. Saiiley and hMe. McAdam. Se nos aie are samisar ana i the senior football leagse and mrlufg osa moy teseards Roat rhsaipionsfep! Asather vlefery Our Junior Nom sera e orn- lion tbis meais ami Rhey seere virtarini as melI. We msshed aur formier romnterpara Lord Elgin 10-3 Tisursdey. Good Woris Footbaoll Fever isas really struris Robinson soit is rartaialy ispired aur naseto of sexy cheerleadors. One ainsisr of Rui scooter sqssd 1 neglerloit te mention test menS mas secondt year veteras Carol Oates. Sorry Carol, you moy ha aisi! but yas do paris o power i your chiars. Andit. hareste, the leader ofthRe paris, coptote Vici Koacii. Valerie Voeasll isaret Hais, don't lai thi football tevar taise Rhe lumehght aseoy 0-sm aur Junior and Seniar Valieyboll teamas (of sebics t am chiet scout). The teai of 19t sep Rhe SaSSA and tisa PHSSAA (Peel-slalten) titles lst yeur asoa Young teamn. Tisey are rurte' te go Rui sesin and in leatue play Rhis meais damped Central thiea camnes ta ana. Beunysase... Oher ilaisi tehe haskatill lesese seere nat earlp as tortumote. Here te report the exthiitin galme aiRh Lord Elgn la Benny Bashetboll. Well, Ibis mes sor firot exlhition seris. Haro are Rhe sltta. ta aiso-aiidget play, Anm Copolanit aorad sesen poittiae 20lti deteat. Our seniors mes-a luenhosteit 35-la mils Tarry HeaRherington nattteg t1 poits. Our juniors Rhougs, are amothar story. They're tutastir! (Tliep are hittar Rua tisa seniors) lisap mlpod the Elgin sqsod 50-10. Diame Destande omis 24 poitt, Pauline Brederade 12. Tisa roachs ara tryteg ta arrange asothir exhsibition matais lus maris. Campitegtrip Lot's maya ast efthRe sport sente, bara's or an ROY enperieorad camper Cernae Camping.lisesecond seltfgrade 12 campars retareed train Rhe mildo of Algonquintst meeb sud amis, the i nful Mtes Rat are ulipping ast, yiu masîdo't hiheve! Apparenlly this grosp mon nat as ra-porotive as Raey coutl bave been and Rhe staff Whit. Oaiks Forecaster is wrong; juniors win BI ut Rleport Inter temtatfte finitthe scorefR et th e stn beu bye abin liiat n are tsg 1e me. BaUm of the idllas I ua Mis United ApeaI vote ms Rat :t.e te l ehin idt ire pelgme dei mroasg auoe ent l'inafraeit aIlyl aesli te Yeusgis mislgeta re defuealit te MsY pre-lesam toretat, bp s"i battesi rate fins mil bave Bh= =sl sasa tuolsit a e seang te W.O±. 1"IIeBS. .C 19TliiNa l alt satt uMal meeh tu se if est te et au Oum girls' tenuas t. 2, se rumnir te buve ressarbab test seau u tel witte oa oate m is ein 10 vnicg t eories. liseiitr lisstlgt opea n eyeu mus' misa ofal oru" hoees of dmwspl, Yas mOl "Is bave gil=u Georgetown 11-18 andl Rie gVent greup. out es o legte casint db a sll bhey isse a azs lTse yewo e t fuehoeu ao recoranoud mt tw w hi e a. put desen 10. isy tise Blablec tOur Posdrpi footbal hisai a"sa hi i e bt bat for a wbasing oainaton. Te Rhoraughiy lraaeced Paran 4.0 dsm caie bath ta enhars-s Oaks'ille-Trafalgar 13-0. Bath Perdeand O.T. are consplasig Rat sur"if lyl ogs Item utha Rae %Lte UOtfag hierogit? But aayway, Ibe- senit gsene la Frlday at White Oasis agaliat Gesseral Wolfe lise seat jastr football gaos la Friday aIse und aait cent balders wall hi lat lags et Ive setstouttcrd ae mare s l1111e itisappetetei. lise camingtrip tevelves e se aille lobe iteI»brgi rate, sleet und asom itoa 3540 Il. pack onyour hics! Yos hes merk miRte yeur ca-a grope -koiing, sttng sp lests, collecting seood sait orrssgisg entertainaient. It reafly ta grest bai if Yes gel miRh e gond grasp of his misa ail pull tegethir. Qusi '71 bas tteslly appesred . It mans marts msitteg fsr. OIel chock full of photos mnd gaudies for evaryone. Editar Pal O'Brin and baer mniross hilpars sbasld hi ronaiseed for s tostutic Tise pollution club and Rhe drame club ara meoan tiseir mey ta amothar sutresstel yntr. lisera are siga and posters hittared ail over tise arbool. Ciserk tise Resourre Centre and tise cafteria pop coalar. lise draina clubs is stsrting o naew production Dos't Drins the Wstar" hy Woody Allen. Gond Luis gsys! IIANGIN' LOIOSE t, Oigger Glus are eitng tReougi Rhe seadsof aIelu. Looks ont don Raere' 2. Commsencemnt Oct. 15. HIton Counfy Board of Educafion MUSIC PROGRAM COU NCIL Open Meeting Paterne Scoal Auditoriumi Highmay 25iants5 Tues. Oct. 19 1971 7.30 P.M. Milton District High School Wanna buy some candy? By JoeaPseMlsrslJr. Studens frms Milles istrict Me M" aca i el i nsahlg Useir lomidsIlis Saferday, uilling Os-easf llee'en casdie. lisse te leaterei! a bag seiR 10t or nore reliait cus ande uthe hoitiisal mi Ture is ba sehicsreaet $1.5 wll lieslt for oly $1. Ai proceeds wll go temsritlsuctgthi inssllo et aubde h ch eschirs He tesa gondl eppertudity te support ur local hlgb scbael. Comencemient, aur sciseels senssl amarts nlgt, seil i held us Priday, Oct. 29. lisa guest ; aker Rhie yeor will i Dr. D. agisrne, miss ta s meaiber of the Departinent et Oheieustry for the ttniversity of Guelps. Badeess ta the sports sene bOlosi bls disployed s tremendemi effort, Ihiags tIse resuae re lachlng. in the gaoe lest Wedneeits agait Gergetow, the Jactair Milo utnsplayed a guet, iteingelslg theeeles sel ine gisays..ndlweW4emt Tise Seniors hait e isard*littieg ganse egast tise Perdue Peathere as liisrstaY. Tanserrese tbey clash is th O.T.H.S. ia Milton. I girls' isebaell, the seniors playet a gsod gin, luslsg 31-17; the nsitgefe. on the etior basaI, crsied tise White Osa opposiion isy e nvlnclog 47-5 Wlns -0-Y bomn Kote mciarenwmu tIse minasr of tse ,money banny" whlei te the mascot tan "Fuite Galiailteit". A represetltve fer FACE MAsKING TACTICS 0f tise Per-due Pastsero (dark swceaters) seas qitthi evident in tis Photo 0f tise garnie altsoag tise referee minsed It Tise Milton Senioss hasnt Oak- vi&i-Trofalgar Red Devila tamorroe (Thursday)inb Milton. lis firno, Den Peutr, mus the guest et the eteitent ceesoil nseeting les Wédrteesty. Secialoie: Firat achiel dante efthbe year te ridy, Oct. I.D. tard. JT ISalvation Army' PICK-UPTRUCK EVRTUEDAY For FUEL QIL SERVICE VOUR SHELL DEALER BELL BROS. MILTON 878-6380 ~nobsk172 'S0CB1IS The Moto-Ski Zephyr * ZEPHYO 440 Wordo tike dependabte, rug- ged and retiabte accuratety ____________ Because of ils r0 ic tenqfh, il's ai great trait machine.' Il's more than fuit sîze and cati comfortabty accommodate Sedmfr r tnad twa aduts. Sedmtr r tnad t hao a big rubherized steet Ait Zephyrs have headtigho cteat track. A heavy dîîty wîth safefy switchles, lait tighto, chassis. safety reftectors an the side and A heavy dufy suspensia n. rear, a safety Sirop and chromed Twa big engines fa choooe bumpers front and rear. from Ih BSE336cc. winAnd att Zephyrs have otartîng cytnde orthe BSE 3 cc. primera. Sa they stant when you fwîn cytînder. expeci them ta. If you asant a famîty machine, Ihîs is if, * SUUBTERE SERVIE* OInspioed by the chann0 Oand elegance of anotlher age 0 COLLECTION THE RANCIERSR' O folanle as a gondolier's se..ad... or 220 Main St. Milton 879-6341 St. Mark's hp moonliWo. Encbonisg designa Braiscier diamos lignifit tise ntcisneu et ddHlullY mo1dellet by master artisans, lTse seuiptureit gold. TrelY s triumiph 0f lihe O Vessetian Collection - tise wehite loe fire 0f jeweelerls art. w 'I TOWERS 300t0e nsad wisha chasal rVHF seaitdl 6250. 40' laser enstailld ith ail charnel VHF hai S70.50. S50 toaser instalied aiuth ail Chanel VHF hred 001.50. Estra hesits t or second TV set). Iestsilad Oit 00. F. M. stereo hesit lostallet UHF hai stalled 039.95. Cominiation color hoad, VO F and UHF, nstallet $84.95. Automaic rotor. Intlled eepis of aI al îids. TV &v Applianoos 201 Main Street East Milleon 10 Phone 878-6949