12 The Canadien Chaîmpion Wsdnsday, October 13, 1971 Lewis tours Halton riding answers questions lut Sheridan Boots sel! quick here "I sal B Oie dep tee MWear bmpion clasifai Mivrtor came ant" aid thie happy lait souli. as but, teille am . "lisais Stepsmi Lent, dem Jinm," one lsient sid to «Iodher las Oi tonnai te waai Oie leader Ontarls New Demecrîtic Party leai a procesuian ol NDP sorbers and pres eres Oi tshOe halte Of Sb = -=.s Cllgel abvifle Toenday atensein. The lies girls sera among livr 100 studonta who tsrsed tipi inter tei hear Lews ansser questions aisa quona and angser ssai The seaoss he Il on o i huildiogl's wide corridors. Flles over celui Lewis attendeit Oie Msellion lesmediately aliter a saol lonchen ai Oie Cluh Gala"y le Oakvile . flot mernog hae haed Iloien sver Ballon Coonty in a helicopter with Ballon West caodidate Walter Moikesicli and Baiton East's Ken Geloh asd sione sim malo.olretlng wli voters PI Borington BaUi lei Ballon iWest riding. Durif te Sheridan session a girl inld Lewis she had teait a surimur lob aI the Ontario Hlospital ai Orillia for Oiren yearo Nine prizes for Thomnas horse entry lions Thomansof Smiville inpped the 16 compotiters le Oie liglit horie clon eta Miltos Fair site four lirst prizs aid. Ove second prises n ehot compotition. Qther winsers sierte Boss Harrison of Leaside, ties lirasa; N. Sauth of Brampton aie firnit, teree secondis aid tils thirds; Mn.' G. S. Matthesof Acton one tirot. Leslie Lawrenceof sBrampton hadl teree fornts, lies seconds and lies thirds; Mir. aod Mrs. Sain Corly of Jorvis ties seconde asd lies teirde; Ameru Stables of Oahville one first and one second; Liirs Ganside one teird; SOrs. Boy ElOis of Bochwond a lrd; D. Rester of Uxhrldge lars firotsanMd a third; Don Hea= of Milton one licol; Brue McDoffe of Boclisosi one I irst; Wilina Astinoof Mississaugo a Ihird; aid Andrew Doghly of Jarvis soe Usord Bowling Laies'high sisgle. 5281 Cry28eooi 264. Ladies bilOS triple, Joe sould 738, Me005 ho5h 5snle, Reg Gray 31l. Meo's higl tile. Ret Gray 740 Othîer gonsinsgls. WI Shielda 312. 251 1 a Gray 292. 222. Nip Gervai. as, Hsaols spes 77 1551er trp101 os. stis Marnas 711. Ni0 Grsîa ie. , de Cryeressa ais. colleen on lsoir il. NIp 5 or 17, oy 5bor 15,rlorenre 3 oar 14,sHrold CANAIS METEO GIRLS ,Laies' 55115 single Cil NePh011 7:5 Lîdis.' hiI triple, Masn Celi Cîrsi Ocsîu mrgr se.st Ti.0 16,4elsrss1stsTeasdel 5 fr 1, oýflm ssr 14, Twl.ssfrl1, couper 4 fsr 10, Pearson 2s io 9 RATPAOERO Lildie'highlspige, PItyllis Leaestont 313, Lâcies hlnh triple, Grire Lithe ,50 Oies. hih sisile Oeery <oies ". ll. Inos 1h triple terOai lsesT. T -w ree1, .oeCleo27- .s 5.ghe. 238, Gesce Little 244. Sîriaes Ocstrphy Cýaeso N0, Ohm Coih5 55, Stry Mulectrr 859,4bHges0 0 o CThse Usisit wto 5fo 15, Thse CtOialerger.s, 5 r1, I3-Reter, 7 fr it. s1 r5 sspestr l ls Happy Htdsitr, dsseittTh but ceeul lie refused work tliere tst simmer hecause the persaonel officier iell 8o ltalaChly devoted ta the Conservative party and koes abe lqpotedOe NDP. eisdubted Oie accoracy of buP taee t i sied hie dk:t"ýt aniS do al oatiaatr job se have o fellos litsepat caillai Shulman, and lieoi.Yo peopdele th iis aras enty have te aoh Clinten Dohe, if yoo dont hetieve me." Kaoehn systels, While Lewis coldn't be' menviocedilthat the girl wsn helof r fhiled hecoose of potiticat bliesfohle didot hesitate to hasch Oie ejotein of whicli Oie Onetario Hospital la part. He sald tee syolem, locked mental Mllea in, Mid said it is possible tei ont up a mere homosse way 0f deotlng wli the probleen. He said th hanpltal vss svercrssded, s.aiorstalled aid hado't received enosgh fonde tai dona prspor job. He îdsncatad Oie se sf cottage unita aid yoong waoeroand accssed the gsverrnsent of helog tac pre- ocoupied site prslessiooosiom, claiming lhey weren't dsing justice ts Oie patients Lewis said Oie U.S. sorcharge and toni tesefita t0 U1.S. hale firmo shos o si tisi, hoie voinerahie aid hoie delencolene Canada ls te soci a move. .%Aporteer", He spoi sf bis party's code sf c orrte beliavisar iehich vcould mle ilt impassible for a lorelget linsi to ciou their suirplanit le Ontario and tesinhtheir nase Il a goverinmeot. Be said any ida teal Oie U1.S. caratd about te ecsnainy of Canada lias been proved ami "tt's time Conada w A JAMES RENOLES, formerly beod superviser of Glendole School in Sicoon was rccntly named noperintendent ef Halton Cesnty Jol in Milton. Mr. Bondiles wifl move with bils family te Milton frein Simcoe le the neor future.-(ýStaff photo) Country Mort Rockwood Acton EQIJIPMENT FOR FARM LAWN - GARDEN - RECREATION -Sales -Service -Parts -Repairs 3 Miles WeSt of Action Ons Hwy No. 7 Phone 519-856-4712 order your fuel oi now and use our easy budget plan. your ail budget is spread over 10 easy monthly paymnents IF you place your order this monti,. FOR FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY Coli 878-2381 The complet. home heuting service sus MGWBRAT 46 MAIN ST. EAST MILTON heelm a mpllter d m Ou a Hie crificized hO i aea Liherats and the provincial uores for sot moving towarde econoxoic nationaliai. Be .ged Oi m oit0f a 10 per cent lrlag onnatoral gain ami Plme other ravi prodocts enported fronm Canada. Lowie reiterated 1its party's stand advocatig spottei Roman Cîthollc ecndary schsols to tie end 0f Grade 12 le Ontario. fisse odvocatlng Oie grant haed an irrefstable argumenthbased on the teris laid sot le Oie .N.A. Ici, he aid. Leanerflirn? He told stodenta that commusity coleages sore 1101 viewed hy Oie iversltleo as a lesser loren of edocation. Identilsing hhosell as a dropoot, ha advocoted naine lotelgraion hatween the collages and aiversitien. "tit a lim for Oie onoversilles te lower Oie monat and let mers mortals enter," hie aid. The NDP leader aine advocated shoiole Grade 13- inicaisa Oiere sas o sonse in l, or in enonno for that malter. J. R. urde oD. OPTOMETRISTI UaIRLINGTONI IMALLI I.~OE~77 Thurs. Oct, 21 9 ar.. ta 8 p.M. VOTE GELOK NDP Phono 818-5192 878-6060 878-9769 i~h. 'Y IL' LOOK AT THIS SA VINO.. CANADIAN mmSA RMC REFRIGERATOR-FREEZ*E, RElRGEpm.uRÈ 13cl 30 , No Frost Zero. lpta , Icae mtra Buy now on easy budget t.rms or use y YOU GET ONE YEAR FRRF SERVICE A RICHARDSON'S 201 MANI theires: 2 ailostable, . Stor-a-Dor shelees. " White. ' s349-15 L13JRG On' uow our Chargex T: 00-~4 He's just beginning... Foi the last two and a hall years, George Ker has served nos oniy as the reember for Halton West, bAt as the Provincial Minister responsible foi the enroeni. We oe corne a îoeg rnay in enorron mesial conservaion in that rnme. Charges haoe beee laid againsi 14 2 compaeies for air and waîer poIboîion. OVe haoe speno $437 milion iOntario oince 1969 on theconstruc- tion of sernage treatment pianos and collector systens, Cities like Hamnilton are bulIding second- ail seasage oreateent plants. As inspec- lion prograin lor Sommet collages wsiIl ensoro the preservation of our recrea- t.onai lakes. The province is porchas.ng key tracts of Niagara escarpinent and lakelront lands. Research is ing con- ducted ,nto the recycling of asastes. The nwEnorroninental Proteotion Act deais rnth noise, Inter, Seat aned radiation. George Kerr s orking witOttawnaand nerghboring Anrerican states 10 minantain a high quality of le in the Great Lakes pasin. Follution s n respecter of poloicai hoondaries. As Miostor ol the Pnoronmeeî lor Ontario, he i 1 con inue to press mus;orpaities indostry and other jurisclictroes to meet out clean-up deadines. Keep Kerr wrmg on yoi ehal eaep unitrio Lise Iseep iserr Adoance poils. Oct. .16 and Moedao, Ocl 18. Iront 12noo Io 9 pe Burlington: 640 Nonthshoe oularosd Est 2390 Grensiien - 5087 Lakeshore Road East en Actoe: 40Acon Boulevard~ en CserpbsIIorIis 40 CamrpbeillAse "Mi yi 0 le le a hASch slid quichit aller ~ l P ~ 0 hi pshllcstla la oo«rai Hallmca hPl O '¶7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h mutiosriios i l e 100 Ohans, j,4hm by yossass llraal,lrYa the raile of lie lupav Cheapion claufle But hal d&Wàfed B. Did y three Ha on lion tel feuture? i foot bote Ken Geloi "ýcentein hands, v alltisg 0 black Stai Hoil next Thn Weli it's p ysour ridir provincial by plurol] and feuiro Qiseenos P 0f 12 votes and aneio. important Sisce 1) formie thil 52 yeas, il United Fos four yeans wbo posse( test's slip 0ou APATI CA] It sos aIs people of B Wedsesday's Seepeclsly Pl MA o nispie na leaco ab cilorec are Tisn mont pros and coi of flaseorde fÀ W»"PJWIMI La part Falls of nu outoit saie the h ceunti wSok sin Wo d and cc jamnt Evi 08taidq fllght, e-gel vacîtig Her seneth Why citizen j Me te the bea aoriste Wby shelpple who fini stere fe Why and se Why volultee helpiog cloos te way? Why clsses a learn ao Why discover