1 lin [ton îud lent tee .1 be ot ud i lam d te mist if ai mi )erg Sae nly. go. ady laps gui Cheques for $200, $347 given mentally retarded Nortli Halles Associafti for Mns. W. lIba, direcier et Bic Bic mci all Rciarded moi Workslmp, ioed flic fhabens ane Sody. act 4 ttrtiby ARC :"mkligGlSmuu carde ufiol Wcbo.Tee membere ucre lain fb fer sacle Bicth pulie. foaia ro tac ie meetiug. Mci. L. Laegedyk, Mci. J. Bacten, iccaierer Ueanerlipciarmairace repoclcd Bic Knox Presbytccfai fiuber:alaBie NWrllia Csarcli Yoaig Peapleas Society, Assoiaties tcr flic Mcîtally taillon, liad deealed a chaqe tfor Rciarded. Iwo0 loe cassociafion. Aise, Bic Mns. J. Raliain, bond et Bic, Casadiati Leglos, illton liad Tinkcrliell Nursery Slel demiced e cheque fer $X47 fcam reported Biece anre tno pe Bicir rceni dence wlecli 6411 be sCliocl chldrea attaidig, tram aicd le defray mcet ofli th e teges oftco to ivcyear, wi 0e7pen aerred lain ~ aI p tue lielpece aid eevecal leTinkerbeîf pro-cliel volonteers, bet Bief marc iem', lncaled la Pari et Bic volaileece arc iceded tcom acu addition in flic ARC M i. Wirlla ccly, Adeui Services cliairtoon, ceperted Bic ep= bouse bold ai flic ARC reble ai Sept. 1l ion sueefief oner Ma0 pcople pretient. 'I RNix execitive meeting wl ibe Bic tiret Monday la Noembcc, aid flic pulie la lnilitet attend aiy et the meetings aid cee bau Bic Association tiaicilons. CNURCN OF CHRIST No. 5 Sider-odad 4tiLlne Tr'afalgar SUNDAY, OCTOHER 17, 1971 0.00 a.m.-ible Scoo. Cl.ases r aIt auco. 11-0t .iui-Ntorning Worship. 8.00 p.. t'ieaehing af th0e Guospel. HIGNWAY GOSPEL CHURCN Tlui Puui.,uuîîui Asseoiblica of Canada 11'.îklîelcd Rd, and Huoy. 25 Milton PI,,,iu.: R.,1. M. Christenon Tl. 878-2064 THE LORDS DAY SLINDAY OCTOBER 17, 1971 q.45 iii -Soundy Si-boalt lot0 aoîi.-Muiing Wurlp. 6.00 yui iFluoily l'iayei. 7.00 p.m.-Eveni11 Range]. 150ei Serivice Tu-sou,', 7.30 y.m. - Bible Sidy. iFlîdav,800p.x. -Young Peuple 's. Psam 37,vese 4- Com. 111111 buv uuy unlu ttse Luet. Tr-ust aluo n oHim; and Ho 'hall1 bing it 1 pais. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 30 Otai St. N. 878-2022 Chrisîiana gaihoi-ed in ihe I'm of the Lord Jess Lurdis Day SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1971 030 a.m.-Beubing ot Bread. 12.15 y.mr.-Suday Sehool. 7.00 y .-Gosyel Seriie. lhednesday, a y.m. - Pi'ayei' aud Bible reading. 1l arc Welcutti u Thefe 01 Set-cues Whuuuui' believeh bhat J,.- ý1sis he Chist is 'bute et u.d t Jo 5: t. ST. PAUL'S CI'URCN THE UNITED CHURCN 0F CANADA Mainu Si ai James Sr. Miiter: OIV C. A. Haine-, B.A., M. Div. Orgeuts atnd Choi- Leader: M-,. Haerold Magve SIJNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1971 0-45 a.m.-Mniing Worship. 0.45 a.m.--Chu-eb Schotil oc ail depai-iments. lui-et-y Oucillies fotr babies.a AIl Witesaie Il GRACE ANGLICAN CNURCN Miltoin, DotAacie. Roi-tnt- Bev. R. W. Poster Asiuisi;nt Canon F. H. Mason SIINDAY, OCIOBER 17, 1971 Tiit0 XIX 8.00 a.e.-Hely Communion. 9.30 a.m.-i-. <)huh Scbnol. 9.30 tin.-Matins and Set'- 10.45 a.m.-S-. Cboi'uh School. 1îl00 a.m.-Huly Roîbait anud Serimon. Tbu'ud.iy, Dulubut' l4tb. 10.00 .m-nHulu Commtuniun. BOSTON AND OMAON PRESBYTEItAN CHURCHES Miitister: R- W. R Leii, B.A., B.D. Ï1784128 SUNDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1971 BOSTON 10.00 .m-Wt-..bip Set-vice anîd Cbui'ub Seboul. (Nur-sery pi-oided.) OMAGH 10-15 i m.-Chi-i- Subuol. il.30 a.m.-Wui-nhip Sel-aice. A Cor-dialIitiation lu EstecOcO lu Al THE PREtaYTttîAd CNURCN IN CANADA KNOX CNURCN MILTON Ministe-; Rev. John M. Mui-i-y O-g.inisi' Mi-î. L. Vlanhlum SIINDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1971 9.45 uns -S, Chai-uS Si-boul. Teen-age Bible Claîs. 9.45 a.to.-Consmuiiuus Clasn. 10.45 u.m.-i-. Cbureh Si-boi. 11.00 arn.-Du-bne Wui-ship. Ser-mon tifle, "The Sychen Wor-d." Nui-ser-y faeilities. 7.30 y ns -Yuung Peuple's Society. EMMANUEL SAPTIST CNURCN Conmmeruial tri-et. Milton. 78-9606 878-3542 Spu.ihei-. Rea. Nai-man Rouao V ului'u Bu-ui Churi,h he Loi-do Day ,UNDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1971 9.45 an..Bible Si-huit. 1.00 a.m.-Alarii Wurtip. 6.50 p.m.-Song Service. 7.00 p.m.-Bvning Wai'slip. I'Let us enfter intotheHoumae t hue Lord milli tlienksivisg id inta His Courts miBi i-ai s e "I esu aSU. Sura@r prompts WMS debat. WNew inah flic re fer canuge" w.sth tbee ofs et fli an rally cf the Brampton Preabyterlal Wmm'sMiearmySagfetybd b fui Prabytajn Gercs, M eanaaa -sept. 22.Iliso callysMrlc w- u e i latia lrecWe a mualdcalttadch or rock opera, uastng flic record "Jeaa Chri Superstar". Thec record partraya dmc lant <laya o e t ia aa if iey er csperieuced by cmfepecay pae, aid a ap d oanea oso flic rcerdig theefi cat te seorefdp, by Mra. Betty PliUiips. Radingrelevant o le It opera .inafc fr.. th Nlew scil >Bible aid wcce rcad bylt. Mary McLean, lir.Mrae BSoyflie, btrs. Am eman and Mca. dc Groot. seady Ppara Misi Lofa Peucle, re Mea icefary otfflic Wa., S cd Ïa tertbcr diacuasien on flic pcaaifaltion and aeloed thelad"c ;e ta p ea da yqe oe la Bia fli majrty et ladiea ail2 d lich meLig tit flicc young arftiste ulie made flic ulaepu had eyeteayea ie b aieseira ne varle lamae tellawe bye ryer b hMca -famblyn treeretiens WMSaiedecLrd liaiedang tac Bi Cli g tfatca efte m lpàlo a te dat bafo- theai cle bof eabjecta "leare" lecaded o "Bllet MSt. MRy'". '"Sterno asplgrt, "Cter Ga"Mi ofd the efifl Mclt t w- aiicuicedic ahe ual ei for 192 aria lie beld in Nerv. dockCernbel Tbonpee ai -Grailed permissaiai loeBi liiee e tewebi banleg Art Gallery et HamltOon te Id =cncedteiBcfefeBc lattccy tickets lic heuiell. Siece,.Th flituda ane earrarkc a expanshinetfBic Gallry. --Gcaifed permision le, Dong Agneu le add $M1 le the suf f ee In gane fli leweld touerde a laid = iarton avocat yemr etcot éci lever cernpleted. -Paeed a recelttion rv lag plana le re-btictere Bi mat tHalles ai long ai fliece la el ide tdity toc Nonea- gawey. Driv.rless truck flattons phone booth A Bell Canada iteeiaic eBiot ladt eppacailly liti lie vehicle wu canpletcly daieklied bye aiuatteîdcd, ulien flic truck gai nke Sck, eter tlic Stik ilartdlte, roll acd. I agil raTvhei eBio i f l phone booBi te naleed et =tyeScobie's Tire Service, III1e LlacRd. lait iceeli flic driver of Bic tuck, catied Milioe Police lavasilgatcd Bic b' Arreu Peiccleoni et Londeon, tnùIai Fclda eenig, iitii appceîiatc1 f5 ente, graaparcete, tr ed aid Equlpmeot dleplaya, mafcty contaiers, tireceqslpmenf fer Bic berne, tire triucks aid literalare icere as diaplay trom 7 leS9 pan. la Bic bell bofli evniiga. Tue filme csntifled "Fice In Ny Berne" aid "Have A Wondcrtul Evning", icro aboutin lahBi Clips pale drau winer ices Mce. Dais Smdiit of3 Marntalnic Dr. ai F ai winier wcas lire. Wiati et t5 Cemmecial Sf. MPle wioece lic hesonel ichic conteste for Bic mont paret ic eopen boe eucd grade tour aid tino af Bruce St' Sfoel fauglil by Mr. Biieppar aid Mns. Becuielli, grade luoet W. 1. Dicli taughl by Mns. Keewles, Mci. icie' grade aie claie ai J. M. Denyce aid Bic grade touir daes et Mci. Baltair ai Holy Roeary SeuoL. Fiften tiretighlera ucce ai bond eci cvnig le dirct eople Biroagli the hall, explain diaplepe and bond out ltlecelere aid pencila. driver okay ARHRA. An R.R. 3, Gorgeleown iemai I H SO oD cesday, hbm lier car eacesed O iv ii î ait et contrel an if i, O TOMEll R ISTca- aid eevecid a icleplione pale. 218 Mais St. Milton Marie Cloideoi, 35, icai treaiedait Georgetwn istrict 878ter 7 Bic accident. Hec cac nuaaned esa o aa-u ai eeilmaiod $Ma damage. Milieu OPP lnesged. i-ha Canadian Champion, Wedniesday, Octaber 13, 1971 -Th MUcln-r.ern -s hmin4ofu t-i ek caleay are l mecag eaea iauohm iod. Flims, displays, pumper Nossagawey a at fire hall open house C u clBriefs to Fa c bed da fer t ire =eigi delior I yand I 1 Pi-avide systemnail delivery. 2 Keep your furnace in hip-top shape. 3 Ofter a budget plan with ten even paymnents. 4 Give you emergency repair service, day or nighl. 5 Finance a new furnace for you. distributor wiII R. G. CLEMENTS Base Lice Rd., Milton Phono 878-3431 BUtLwiulGTON At Bic regelar meeting et =,,rweya Ceaicil lait uceek --AcceptedBihe bidetf $M fia R. E. Austie fer Bic townehip tuck. fli tecttblprcitl boglit a Bic old aie. thun~li ~rvi~ j laya iles dol mda MIa hei ekeeat. oilct mam hn h Mc. Agneic bas decided ta te the Ontario Gced Ronds convention.