1 WINNER 0F "BIS BERNUE"I Mrs. Betty Dolby receives Big Dernie tram Canada Trust manager Don Smith. Mrs. Dolby guessed 641 White Bird teathers in the jar at aur Milton Fair display. The jar cantained 640. Our thanks ta ail 989 wha filled nul coupons ar visited aur Milton Fair display. CANADA TRUST Milton YOUR NEW BALLOT WILL LOOK LIKE THÉ$ Omagh 4-H members get bock into action ay ffl. cee Pullerma.i Claus Parade un Dmc. Bm il ton. tei"hs era beatoe on theïr =aet Mr. PaNhibe parents on tits apeclal accao. Rtnof lb. Birat euctsre party far lte The club knembars made We juin la wlahlag th-a maay fasaly andh -ew Ouna waai heln au Fclday. arrangemsents fac a bimeOt, orsue amodvecsaces Ia>stacIeen o cet. i et Bayne Centre wltb 14 «tre aIil 1~J l CagtutealaRvad theïr 31t e te"bin pla py. IThom telUt Iigb coatinue ta 3 . Helen Mca. RdW. Leawisonte bitheof Eaclce wa a senres wece: Mca. Harold Rend, Vandeboon, RUts al aillte their son et Milton District a delicicus lu Mc.. Jue Slttkes, and an whbite Vadvn jonu Hospital. ck.Gfaa cartis, Mca Mercis Turner ad Hedi are la, make p lana tac a Aaatversary ennddln Mis. Faux Bail Pries tor lckY tra.a.ire hainta Unte Bruce Trall, Mr. and Mrs PJak R4owtec peta draese were cecelved by Mca. slacllsg at Rattlaonske Paint.FuatLe lctadrenty fa asa inll Bealy, Mca. Sbepherd, They wllOtake theicasn lunch.t If t a a.cprlae pacty tac teir onbiandaye Olla Baty and Frank Pesack. it cala. tae cegulac 4-H meeting A lunch teas uervedl andl ail usll bebell. enjoyed a social balt banc. By bisai _permission of tae A uducellaenan abater teas board et sesnion at Ornag b late-sile la Mucray Maure et pi-aubyterian cbardi, the 4-H BaclIngtun and bia bride-to-be club wlitaid almetigsi tUe CONSERVATIVI Miss Norma Urile et Toronloai 51 Bay schoal causas at a cst et Baya. Centre a. BSunday ut- $2 cent per maeeting. Eacb lernaan, Oct. 3. AbnaI 60Orelativen musaber weilgive a dallar la bellp of tae greaa (te Cartwright deicay Utla saut. - faalethncdte Yaung The leaders gave ant me aei couple tU gitsnandl good telahes pasaphlets, uutllalag lthe reqaice- tac wich tUey expesedUthei saeata. tne graap snack and Il- apccain. Edner Gatec and discussion an te craIes wbich 1« Ita Fed amaniged lte sacial mesaiero may enake tollawed: > ement. A 'buft napper was tee are mobiles, a katWs m &nYe y aIl, article, back esabreidecy or a R E E L neeimeetino atUte Hareby nlutted lay. Hedi shawed ma1A Saout 4-H heab donSaarday, mabiles, Riha VandevaIn. Z Oct. 2 ut 1 pisa. tU 20 girls slanad patterns lac ntuffed laya, registeciag. The rail project alippera and a acart wer hw "Facaa an Flînens" la an la tae Isitit causa. isterestlng une that tell Racit girl Uten teas given antphaalae tae vaine et g00d ltread, a lapeatry acole and a cltluensttlp, tench basic first aid squareo ahnck ta saab a asaple and encourage girls la practice tac teir book. fTe gicla taand saiety albanme and a. te blgb- duttemlaidecy very latereating. seay. REch girl tli decide eebich craft St; hawed the need tar site teil mahe by te tird - iapaoved healt habits, boeplag meeting. aetaily nit, sing lelance latne FTe saeeting adjouned at 2.115 wlsely and pcavidlng an pas. and mesaiers are bapiisg > tppaclanty tac gicla la snak far afine day (ct.B9torUthebthe. m togetiter. Holiday, MA Welcaa.ed Muster David Ratan batdayed . #A Te glsawere welcasaed h, te laut weehend t lts grand- z leaders Mca. C. Pattersa. and parents Mc. and Mcn. Llayd May 0 Mml. M. Kieritan. The 4-H and Roy et Arias. Brather Paul piedge was cepeated, and te au a ganat wit is aant andl dlectian et attirera tean held tU oncle, lte Craig tteyce tasally at Hedi Nawah prenident, Anne Haraiti, utile teir parents Rick Opsleen vice preaident and and Jay Hawaa altended the lS Motnica Lalduabi an second vice convention ut the Ontario president. Riba Vadevalit tas Uadecwcilers Caunril an Frîda, dlected secretari, andl Debarab Seturdai, and unadai, at Haliday, Fie te treaucer. lan, Gabville. - Teiqisane cammittea inciaden is pie1 Yvonne Fard, Carol and Diane Fogauains prIse d My laliba, Joanne arink, Debarait o rCeagrtaatas tae eyde May > Fuller and Monira Luheauki. OOcciif iolpiea > Il teas aaggeolad bi, Dussieile Cunestaga plawlng match, m Majors tat te club naue b piusvlag witb barsen. m Harabi, Sents Achievers. Mr. and Mca. Paul Ford at Dais- W ville iotaaed a diaaer pacty ai Z Cendacteil business teir bame an Fridai, evening, Preaient edi awah Oct. 1, tac their parents, Mr. and u condarled te buinesa tac tae Mca. Clarence Ford, FitUt Lune naatisg. I aa caccied uat te an tae occasian uftIheir Qaui ecard booba b wtel la saler, weddtag asoiveray. Otiter tika Vaadevalk attered la guests attsadisg tere Mc. and niquire aboutsne and parrse Mcs. Jack Fard ad tandjly, D)r. naugis lac aS membars. andl ?&s. ouas Fard and Al -aru agcsed la bellp Rond.and Mrc. and Mca. repare e a t futaco te Sauts Clarence Fard, Jr. Gifla and gaud naid" paa talciYunsg mon, rantDaub uthUt Fouth Uina. We lala salth tase, ua meure. Ha la survivedt byblis wlte Fteances and au Blly, Patrick, andl dangister Karen, alan bts later W. H. Dsulla and otern onald ofl Vancouver, Jba uaid Rennet of Torento and Otenri af Miltsn.. Il wss ana o etl lar1Lest fanerais avec bld tramn îoy Roaan Charch, Miltan wlth interment; la Evergreen Canttey an fiacidai, macning, Sept. 30. Scores et florali nhala pald tribale la bois mnaary. Ha au bore ad llvad bis catira lite au te faim wbere he died. Ha CONSERVATIVI JINM telS be mach sl la tae sasnsafuaty activillen. Wa entend slncere ayntpathy. Mc. and Mcs. Rutk Rawan, Feart Lîne, attendaid the Onarao Underasater Cancl tait convention held aI Hatiday tan, Oakville Oct, 1 - 3. Rlck teus chacaan tac tae sanvention andl tae buas te ee lbe Peut Scaba Divlag Club. 'lTe Friday ev=eg agrama wus a dance thU a ema eer Garden teith music hi, a Germa.t orchstra. Saturdai, tere teere pool casapetitiana, maclas an scolia diving, flippar racesa, tailled hi, a baqet and danre. CONSERVATIVE Tise Canadien Cbampiov, Wsdsesay, Octabar 6, 1971 7 Alason show tean a tMature et isteruthin stadies and mnaulu a. tae andai, pragrain, taalan scubo dlving and resavari, et boas Shirley tane's Bautique, articlen tram anderter Oshoille. The modela (Ja, terecha. Hamaî wsen ) a liadt thair hair Haut teishes and birtday ntyled hi, onait Hair Stylls, grentiagu la Denail Lawerence, Debsille andtElizabeth Arden Helen Reynac, Mca. Jai, Rasean, Cosnaticiaun teere la charge et Mrs. J. H. DufHy, Wayne Riebat, ske-ap. Mrs. Carabie Banner, Rd Ferry, Goalt speaber at tae banquet Feancen McKee, Mary Ruaid wan Walter Zacchacchak et Basa. Lunden,. Ottatea. Mc. Zarcharcbh la an Ceiebcaîiag weddlng archeelagist tUthlb Faderai anaiveraies ism waek are Mc. gevecamaent, un National and Mca. WilS Batout, Mc. and Historics. Ha bas boa. lalarestel Mca. P. Kablaac and Mc. ana la tis field and badl mas, Un. Relt Hilsa. CONSERVATIVE CONSERVATIVE SHOW JIM SNOW DOES THINOS FOR PEOPLE . ..Snow's work in the legisiature In less than tour years bas been otticially recognized and his appointment ta the "Executive" of Ontario ruling party gives Halton an even stronger voice ln the shape of things ta corne. Canadian Champion, Wednesday, March 3, 1971. ...There are twa things about Snow that stand oui. He's grass roots. And he's aworker. lt's the grass moots part ut hlm that makes hlm accessible to people. It's bis bard work that bas paid att in several ways. Daily Journal Record. Tuesday, March 2, 1971. ...No sulent backbencher, he bas spoken wben ho has sometbiog ta say. As a building contractor, be was instrumental in dratting a standardized building code tor the province and successtuliy convincing the government ut its menit .... .be tinds time tor the smaller thingo and if is rare that be does sot appear at a local tunction, be tf a tail tair board dinner, Chamber ot Commerce meeting or remembrance parade. .. Georgetown Heraid. Thursday, Marcb 11, 1971. Halton MPP James Snow made a weli deserving aump up the political ladder this week as be was appointed ta the Cabinet as Minister Witbaut Porttolio. During bis three and a hait years as MPP be bas proues bis ability as the key mover la the transformaion ot legisiation pertaining ta the building industry and bousing in generai. Hopetully, Mr. Snow miii not be without portfolio very long tf Premier William Davis establishes a special department on bousing. If such a department were estabiisbed Mr. Snow would be the logicai choice. Wr. Snow's decision ta clone or stop bis participation in bis construction tirm is an indication that be will devote ail bis energies and attention ta representing Haiton, and now ot course, the entire province. Wbile tf was rumored that Wr. Snow would be appointed as Minister la charge ut Public Works we are certain that bis raie is more valuable au a director ut Ontario Housing Corporation and bopetully as the new leader ut a new bousing department. Qakviîle Beaver. A VOTE FOR SNOW US A VOTE FOR DAVIS HALTON EAST PROGRESSIVE CONSIRVATIVI ASSOCIATION For Information Coli Compolon Noodquarter 878-4274 M PROGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVÎ- ana Mcs. R. J. Wiltasedale tehen liendi gatered la n the acculsio at ktlng anlvarsary. njayed flSawed hi, nch tU a upeclal! il gond -lh ter ie bap asple a. anlty teus sharbail mdagl tuea Uftae :T