Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Sep 1971, p. 9

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- IRTHS DEATHS I CARDS 0F THANKS C A SFE? R T S2 PRUDUCE FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 8 HELP WANTED ur CLASIIE RATEaS Sat AR r nd Mma. Pat Cant- THOMAS, Gardon (t-etirad GamOr inc-e thanha ta ail wha hn h aade llli PICK your otan freezer-corn, 1964 MGB cnertible, ecca- S8ELP needed fat- half day iyce (eBeverley) f 64Guelph, sumat's Gas Co.) - At Mil-,senl flotots, carda attd ugifla Tlpae i.Cndin 11Mi St. 20c dtoe. 878-2279. 2920-4036 lent conditio. Beat offe-. pat- vah ta clean 2 - bed-om alwe t.. aePleased t anonuac ton Dsrc Hospital, on Fti- îond ta ail] who cailad n os on 8 7e-2341 Chamion TMiton, Onînela PPhAone 872006 afe .0pmparte. hua. 528389 5ct9395. eet brho hr agtr aSeptainhar 17, 1971, Got-joot. 501h Aaaia'erar.a~~a lriaatta0.iB'tOtt tnROO TAOS Rd.0 prbus 875259 __ ______ ____________ ry.~~~~_____ ____________ 8021 AHAE. OTCMN AMaas TaagrR. Hm c930 û-4116 aaheaiae Elizabeth, wellh 6 dan Thoas, helovad haahaad Bill and Glad Randetl. anaGunEEaNnea - M.a t-tnt. 460, 2c1t6 171PNICTaaat8A UJ-i ring il., 4 ais., ai Guelpht Gaaeral of Isabetta Saeddon; dea- fath-. c2l-4117 Rn AL. FOR R0t-. ]Mia - '$.5 int 15an, 910h _tnULtietelrreur aspita on Septeiahan 15, 1971. or tif Isabel ('Mr. David Thom - i.e aen thnnano, Soaism - oon -10 a nIat etanatall MaciNTOS apls inta Apyl tis on onaon) of Milton; dear brother' . Watttld lih. ta thank ail -81.2inimu ehtt aaaaa for 1 Sn. cOa ter anJ thnaa S apaasoraltat -otht-t. B30 ank of Nova tela t-eqnind ) 3Roa- oSE G-y Doa -an corerlatinat and friands for 25 i aat attanatf, ina m nt owacntinrs A. G. Hunter, Cuoi., 1,800 toiles. 878-3274. esnbten1 n .Epr (lim e i.. n )ofoa at- Roaedrt a. FaneraI servaice was held oa gifla and carda racainad on Oaaj tm anin,-, adnias an iune a at.ttatta alnt. )4WtenLa 3-05. ___________ a.reffared but otnt c Io L.Mitnar laetaa»Monday aI the MaKiReu Fane.- 23th Waddieg Annioat-nary and 2c22-4142 19t8 ata.N tia H.T. 302an V.e airy an.. _____________ ounce the hiaih of thein- danti- al Homne, fatttned by criernat- a big atanajat thanha ta Wilmrna APLE Ca. gradeA -04 $L68 TORId GTt H.T. 302e, V, aay v-8 owr t-4i33rdi, 21-f e, Enateen Litian, weighi 10 iOn and Miidt-ad Maon, Ruth and ýalm thisP.n 1,il,«i, Fm-T at-o e.nn bus.a Milta Heg S15 pet-s s., i az., ai Milton District Ted Walter, Wilina and Lame- atoist tt. acet 2kn ddita,. fro hat.Mton Boairhd o a coniin.8--83-fe 6cl45 p.m i r E hLET RICAN hpeie-& qsia on S8anday, September _______________ îa, fat-saab a happy~r nnnaonsotaana n evactn, fiom Huidin.a6 2,3i 3 Eoa- 52.15 lmbr-eieaprnle 081150 a th Noîh yonota in hiidng 2c3-834 1971 HONDA CB. 350ý enani- ahip hasic. Eapat-ienaa nai nes, 0,17.th ot Trafalgar Ctnn- DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY LLYNtaad.0 a;as ro odto,41 a:i enaaay. earle MnhOn . - SeE -Ma nMna 0y IN MIEMORIAMIS ma6ny Centre. ____________00____,_______lentcondition witý arrier &8621-4895aer u ETE r rd r ayHart- and Mariai -Loadea. 1 _______________________ pair of Chinata Golden helmat. Aahiog price $750. 878 ., atpaiiOt Feite- fnee Gattinge-) are c2l712 Th ooddia Ladyion Amns. ete -herlnt; 6388. ______________________ leased .ta anntanm tihi hhsh BYRIFMAN I n ttntg mem- b2-16 5.Cnda hmin enaSpaeer 22, ti19 ha a it. 87-898 1967 ALMUHStrnF-RCPINS yin si fir aydognie-, Jenni- 0150of0 deai--hunhand and fi-ai-My famity aad I aaouid ihe & -21-4132 npwrsernpie iat ie rn,8Sn a4pm e 3 E 0,rLynne, weighn 7 iba., IltlerEd, wo paaaed awayylotepress aaraiaaere thaha;s FOR SALE esFO SALEe ats tome I-at lmatc ia frmot. 8at. top.me Me- an a Oakviiie - Trafalgar Setme 41967. tII ail oar friendsan nteigh- FOR____SALE___ Startiag Friday, Septemher an hest eota VA471 ant2m41ia dica tet-tinntgpy tee--d Mi- billesa, opitai on Sepieniher 12, 1971. To hnam -me 'nener aaid gond- b aro for their mony hindneaaen 17, Maaintosh appian, .Pascy &Bn fe.8861 0110tyDpnIaetApyt i 1bitu i-ait gnaindehiid for Mn-. atnd bye, l and helpful deada ot thin nod jSKATES, hayas, aite 6, in iHOUSE traiter 60' n 12', aorn- Cea grade; Fredattia grailes. ton District Hospital 87&-2383. r, W, H. Fetter antd Ma-. amd Wiii ahvoya bting regret, j ime, TMy net-y apeciat thanho gond condition. Beat offer. 878-I pieity foranhad, aciih pet-min. 19ting containersa. Ope0 9 a.m. 8e21-4l52 t-a. W. T. Gailinager, bath of But hean-ta ahantannai sala dean- ta Dr. Hantat- for is vnde-- 2670. 1021.4141 Phone 878-4144 tocat 177, ai- 878. ta, 9 p.m. Roy Baaafietd 87&- INE. lian, 15, fat care of my hsdhnd ai ail -4511 Murray. 1c2141848 6355. 2c21-4102 7 WANTED SALES peuple, mate and le- dET7IE-Sadaipi-Ae the anes thont don't fan-gat. lians and 1he hind, unden-stan- 1921 SKIDOG, Giympic, 24 maie, n-equi-ed for onn- expand- 'THE -Sadaipie-Loningis remembe-ca, soife ding servnice of 1h. nornes at h.p., gond condition -Bant offar. VACUUM Cteaaat-n, nom and ____________ CONTINUOUS noppty af 108 Milta. office. Experince ami ta antnoonoe the bitn of Glodyn, daogbie- Muriel, 1 ont Milton Distn-ict Hospital and ta 878-268- 10214114 rahnitt. Sapit-n ta ene-y mabe. 7-horse maot-e. 844-1516. an assat, or wil tain quolified an- niaier, Anigela Lynn, 7 Iha., Ronald. c21-4139 RE. Charles Haine- fan- a net-y Vacuuîm Cironer n- c 515~- 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE 7122-4S5 people. Fan- interiewa, cati Mn-. 21n-tf ales., an Sapieten-e 18, 197,1. -ofrtn service.________ ___________PAI______skaes,____7 Nei, 10-B Mai-lin St., 878-9511. ra-mi parentsa are Mers ami COLIJEN - In treasun-ed mem- c2mfarîis ele Simas . 1pir PAI Bune- shoey aa 7. lhtn Street, Bon-tinglan, 639- PIANO oaaded hy composer- N* 1. Longo Reat Entai., liMc.ý IR 'y Fletcher. ar f t pou-affu Wiandsze3 . et haobey3 ponts,20 0262. lc-lf-2626 PUPPIES for tala. 878-3148. for 9 mon. Sent, ban-rom or hoy han- of the Oabnitie Seat Riblte ARI -C ain a Rm-and fahen-, Robert, erba went Mr. and Mra. J. K. Mohon, 3c21-4l18 inenpenainety, any conditin. Board." 802876-tf - ATI abt - Cntharnles ofd RliR- 1, ose yen-ar oa, Saptember Camplbeliilte, -mania liha ta nay NORTH Borlinglan, ideat toc- OLP - -FASHIONÈD cadat. -- - ____ abt neSih fRR ,17 1978. ht-m mach tttay enjayed te otiats, 4 anael cobonial - aptit on chesi, $20; ahina cahinet srn SI; FIPPIES, ln Labradoi-rae 834-2195. 7028-4083 LCLG.M. Daairship re- itton, ara pleased ta antntonce One sadiosai ianeiy year ban Clastît mith their many fi-iends half acre tnt. 634-3911. tliht-oc" aa hy haggy, -$20; t-t- 878-4589. 3c21-4127 RIDE ta Cottege and Spadina qoires iicensed mecania, pan- binat tof thîti- daaghier, pasad, wha catied on tht-ir 801h Wed- 10c21-4122 Imal) atoro" bahy 'butggy, $10. 38t-EK01ra bna tfram Ti-emaine Rd. and Lome, fabiy wi1h anlomoatia tana- eigbî 5 Ins,, I oi., ai Miltan Rime aur grat sorrom Oeil, disg Attninen-iary ceiabn-ation , 87e-3419 aflat. 7 p.. 1c21-4094 pg.8420 k,1Bana Lise, ta at-rive in TarOatO mitai on esperienan. Plat rota 'tIiici Hospital, an SaPtom- The nhonh tit me raaninad ard the nOt.erosepr-essions LINED u h and osil dat.anb b)-t 742-h 645 a.., Manday ta Friday. shnp intctading gnan-antaed sai- era 19, 19Y71, A tiny sister for that nighn, of goald tishea thon chay raaain- diapats, 85" long hy 260" mide. YOU WILL. LIRE bayiag anar 10 PIOS, 9 tcroha ali. Ota 878-265. 7a204O21 at-y, aecnlent mat-bing candi- lina and Jasper. No ose con eeeer tait. ad. A apeciat thanha ta th, est afiar. 'Phone 8782.7 huilding matct-iais and anal ai Campbhell 878-625. Sdi 4153 USDa-ittfrtnCm-ios i ofaybnis t EAR AHBCR-Vce andGad gave us courage ta meat il, ladiesa of St. Davidns Choroh 1c21-3740 Ct-otrda' Camphbelila Qoih Ï PONtES, 2 ta 5 ycara oid.htntccatadCuao-pySeicMngr,8025 Alida (sas Giagonai) of 416 And courage ta itean- the blnc, acha added sa moch to the oc- servcice. High qoalty. Phono Yoar - t- - 8 t S t. 878-5358 af- 2 can-ge St., Miutl aapnna Bat nahat it meant ta lana y ou, casion hy ut-t-oaing and prapar- IbODING MACHINES, type- Cancphcttntiia 854-2232. 1>48-t chaîca 130 t-a. 878-9815 af liot sale. Anyane mîahîng taIo .,O 2Ie-tf o annoance the bith tof tbain- No ne lever tasme. iag lb. t-a for osa of thain- sartar for taie ot- rantat.t.4pm.3c 8 4-25 8 lrht aefrces pledaepetat on. b14 n. Edmn, maght 9 Ina 3 ilioaty hare witlhout yoO, lcng actinve mambera. Phone 878-6962, Het--i Station- EXCLUSIVE earty sketches REG. poitei Do-etya-in27ftpc-p. c1469 PR-IE HL -s eSI a'Milton Disrc Ho a We anisa yaut mare eaob day, c21.4163 at-y. tc-41750f of Miltas laale on 4 mati and t.am iamhs for soie. A. G. PR-IEHL t ýeptenma- ric H apit. For life as non the sanie ta us, pt-iota, taitahiae for lmamiog, ai Humter, 4184 Watht-mt Lina 634- -___Sinca you mare caited Osroy. 1____________ 39" BOX springa plot mt.- 02.00, tax ioctadad. Anaitahia ait 6057. 3c22-4143 WANTF25 FOR CAR WASH IOOJE -Edwa-d and Suzan- Youalleno ona ast Faewell ir wleehsOid. 878-4269 be-The Catadiot Chtamîpian, 191 n e inea Gaidn-icbt 0f Camp. Dr avnsaaid gond.bye, COMING EVENTS cacas-t' 8 a.. and 7 p.m. axtanp Maia St., Miltas. If ot.doîing hy BEAU.TTPFUI, St. Bernoard, 1½ 8 HELP WANTE DO petdag Souri C]vleara pleaseai ta an- You mt-t. gane befanae - mal Wedneaday. 102"-082 mai], ptcaaaadd 15cta cuem yt-at aid mua,aaaedaa gond -Apyi esn polnce the bin-ti of tem- tan, ieed, Bingo tramma aaary Maaday LARGE glîsay pt-unis 0f Cas- Ptostage, 1c3818-tt home in thecc.ountmy. Hast of- NOTICE: Tha Roman'sEqoal tii i eaa ftntihlg ýdaard Allen, weight 7 hal., And atly God hamea mhy. an 8 pari. $500.00 Jackpot. Haiy adianCapinao htt fat-. 878-3408. 3c214157 Em-plovmet- Oppattoîty Act, a 8 oza,, at Miltas Distmict -Han- Sadiy miassai and lavnagin t.- Roauty Pat-iah Hait, Miltn. 5 a 7 aiza $1.00, 8 n 10 ai siso AT1 tT50 onas3 Ot5 PUPY sae porehdt.- pruia, ih lai an Seplatat-e 17, 1971. A memher.d by bis mifa basie ri8-3882-t hlstx ahmutacmayback and tan atnd Red Bene eaxoeptdions7 , diciiati . B EL R .LD 010 sache. foi- Mamy Elizabh. and sons Robart and Fhiip ptaataaî.5vks.,t$20turccampany tanda Schauzaems ti ofso diariintaln stu.e- ati t - 21.413 00 aEchra, St. George'sChnrch,at.da-. Enqai-Onow aoiChamp- Red ale,St1 vre., iat Lon ach t7851 .am. 79. caotaanrd orematacivtat 40MmmS, -Losoaiiia, Taasday, Sepîomhem ion affice, 191 'Main Si., Milta.. RadBt-, i4;1 auge t-lt-la nai 7-57 33a' îc oaeptsaa 'Miltan, Ont. 82 lin-tf CLTRRIE - ta iat'iag meoOt- 28, 8 pan. Good prizas. Re- punir_______ -t,:ha, f40; 2hke gaoe rithoca YARIN ge- ccntqdartrsad ofmaxo thactiero,02 COMING MARRA GES ot 'Myrtie Mlle, saha patted fî cshmaats. 75c. c21-4120 TOP SOIL 25my aitd aha ibm no, $80; horEAN gtandiagd qlootreg. -anaatnîtn tan it b ctber, oaay Saptombet. 20, 1866. DLVRD 6221.l2-16qatrhre ae etofr o uhpstoswl otne JNT RA ENIDALL - GRAVESTON - .Ramemhoed alanava, the Cat. Bingo anct.y Taasday aight, 8 DE8VRE8-2-31. c 9349 oartr 7e m. 3C22at 4 tf.m ltat ahee ftor ment contne JNTRA - Mr. andi 'Mm. Walte- Ganes- rie famity. c21-4129 pim, Legian Hait, Miltan, Spot. ELVIN COVWAN - 7343ula 7pm 323730ant thihrfa-t sRya Caoda Laisoula. y EDfmIatofalkid,-h Ivorien. at nlistCgsTRACTSu are happy ta anknoonica 01e PATTERSON - I toning t.a- Roal ada Ldi osiia06Ehnn CIT-et UEtS, faroare, on oSetsd, 15 WESTERN h r elu- Saohde ti lerain o rthcomningmatriugeaof ltait- an-y of adear honhani aad c22-3811 MILTONo schec d aatoara, di ring to ers, 6mus. aid, gaad qoaîiîy, eiaathe cîatdeparsonaoiLAB iuaghte-, Judith Ana, ta M- iather ar].nictho passed away _________and1c22 gaou rtion ers, faee dattrar Phon ithet-tn 1l AA1AL byifor Kndll sn fM.adSapiasîbar 24, 1968, and daugh- uhea on omnt lae and atei heai. Wealot Stacattoîlta 1-8264478 Hbl34 ABYnsitt-inmy ot-nhoma Yoo raceive by n. Jim Rendat of Moncon, ter Francea, Septamem 3, 1953.1 Castra, Fridayaaaaing, OIkob- R uB Y< S hsty gaod liaid Otanilnre. [lobe- h2-71for i itra-sohont chitd. C878aa 654.tnt do Brunsmicka. The medding Nat.hing con ancr tua aau jCi 1, 8.30 p.m. Admission 50. tan Fuaniiore and Appliane 82n21 *Cmpeetann 11 allah place ai St, Pautas Un- Tha love a heoni halait dean, Ladies pîcasa pranide lunch. TROPICAL and Fhacg, Office aad Shawm10edmnsrto ri cd Chorati Miltas, an Friday, , Fondi mamarias linger avr c22-40387 R ,10Mi ipoc8&4IPEET O AE C 1971. EX aam, 160 ain St., hoae 878-4 IMPLEMHOUSEREEPER for aldat-ly i18 ditnaio aptambiet 24 191 day, brp ht an itotioagittToh- OTIC FISH 3781. Opea eaniaga titi 9. ENT FO AL ople, lia. sn, close ta damen- *Liabitity innuance t-mmat.nnce kep - ai ai i ' he Fira Hait, Open 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. mat-hdayt Lut-g. sarehooaa stock. 2278 -_____________ Poil lima incarne Rh ed M - ig oa icTt4-î l T(ORS, hoame, pilmasaaMtu.87-47 c343 Aboa sremsbnd Marior Wednaaday, Oct, 6, 1971, 8.13 t p.. -6 p.. Sundoys Nipiaaiog Rd. ac44t-a dihanatisa aI'CLEANING lady for Thoma- MARRIAGES idadfm. c2l-4l138 y..Cihntrau om5MLr EOT ORS rll-, cariilota ,al day maominga, provideaw me Worh close la home Si-t EYOT -FRUSN-yie. C21-4145 acrasa trot. Houasn Boar-d of CEDAR TREES cqîupmenî tc. 878-9385 4 ra2po416io2 878-498.mol netet eurd 2t-y 4c21-4162 -0144 SmatlSO i-olms i-aspdabuldngfond.g Thrdy eaîmbem 2, 1971, CARDS 0F THANKS -Hillshargh Firamt-o-, Third EdciabulngfrHdi. Thrdy etAaaîal Tarhay Shoot ai Hilas- G ITNHEGT EFL forage harveaie., Mat- PAT -TIME bas driver, sa- CII he morriaga ai Fnedamich M. bot-ch Fcad Mill, Saaarday, GcI. 878MLTO6982 HT Cali 854-2624 sca-* Har-us hi ome- 2 Maasy anscrh; 2 truck drive-rs; ma- Cl844-0252 leyssarth Ifaîban- 0f Weady l with tothanh Dr. MCaa2 a 12Non.Shtgonoand 8782asy802 il onne) nd oanM. er-AQURIUS ad SPPLES EVENINOS -Har-us aetrf-tlaadiaig waos china oparalor. 878-9375. ___ uat ISaaie o boa M.ner and Dr. Richards and tha non [ift- FIat doge and coffra. AQUAIUM ond4 SIJPIiF ______88635_c2-11 bl392 AT A n lmoo f placinaCntald stes and saff fart-e 11excellent c21-4158 t-f ______________ G ti ob pae enricana i recaiaad tahile a recant 80146 LEANINO lady, balf day a AC FST sa it-ai Chorch, Unionailla. patiet in Milton District Hon- The Schaaeidesr Mata Chorus knsn ARu -sED casa tai-prplatace na transportation. Are ana lonbing for a solid pitl. wili proaca t a concert in St. lNewAI amatitet-; osa a Jehn Dat-an Pleasýa lt878-3136 aflt-r 4.30. future? Ara yoo a self stan-ter, DETH c1-15 W. J. ilim) Haitay Paei's United Cbarch on Weil a,-e crawler aod biada; as-ai t. 8c21.4t28 conacitaniout aad huaid wrk- DETH cl-15- ec 8 .3 pm.Adisio $:1971 Brwl oat P~% ITP k Cfl rcos IF4,A u iag? Than main the Dot.inion De 8ol 830pm Atîsîo St.n myrO relp-. Sponsore Cah theirs S138,h Fho40, A, Ru- Automobile Association toam, îlenO seali ihelI Oatknayra- Sasaaaadhy heehociehamo 16 fi. inhoamai -authoard mîlh pet. O; Fat-malt H, 460D, B27SD, PART-TIME As a Dominion Aultomohila As- OYCE, Cynthia Sommer -At furthir c2a oaid amauta do- ONC 120ROU hp.D ait-ro ait-ina t-d 6 is hCA. Maiton District Htospital, on~ itg lny tay in MitonHaspt. h C irstrt a adi Of tie dact & hall mvith black antarior, CL A - U i~Pa;AîsCc, STENOGRAPHER tanimo hv uratedatatto, yo atthia Sumt..n Joyce, daogh- attrara and staff asai thr am- OraapofMlnad ditît-ilt trot sot narmatin friand an Wat-c oCcralached. MusI Caac 430 milh ntaor: Fot-don plcoin ,tc cilait-th ers hib cainingsit gou I0 raof thelate MinnîeanadSat- olancetservice, alto la theagirl ill ha ht-lai ai Marmtin St-t-at comparabhle aaihoard. Raguat cicît-. Maaaalactarram mor-an- Ma[or: Forai 2000; Ford oaid Position Of Part - unme achoot aihua-)ohionilndiihg- ai Joyce; dar tinter of Esthaer sah faaad me as the groanai. puablic schont, Modoy, St-pt. 27 f4,995. Clearing aI $4,200 15%6 Il- Istalli t yaarseO & saa. Fcrgasoaa; aaad halera; aseai 91 ataaographer al iosn. Art efmn oin os- dca, Cecii Ingie) of Wood- c21-4123 ortdon Armstrong. aa 8 po>. Aay lady saha enjoas ahae na oice,) Ali modela oa aaîîing ac sll-yrapcllcd combine; atsea foi- HoIy RGsary School, ana cas jaio the Dnminion An- jachOtadyn tNt-s. Pridanatet --aaogiag atai Oaa ren-d music, .~ MA IEraîpa utage hart-osers; tew Diontsef- nattamobtie Association lam. Pan- .d Frank of Milton. Elaîta oaid Dan Pona-l m1a aIl 878M691 or 878-2911. MINTO eAIEolc ls a. n1adiag basas; st-m grain au- iton a confidentia interiom, %ville Fanea sersica Mat halai on ta thanh ihair matnY Iri ssfor 0214080 M2DN nai, Oc hyg, c. 2, oca ata vinita grain baxss Appticanîa muai 10e camitl iodoy. tiHome, SIt Keraie Fort-b coatt ahNDENr balaiio me-i taYlmîasaung's Fat-t Eqauipmnn, Clap- Cal typit wtaih busainesa espar- Mm. W. Siaplay sc ate ionemt s-antv 9hhmaalrnM. aaa oplsas corn Chaigs, AREA CODE ynaas Cornera, phoae 1-689 t-d.DOMINION AUTOMOBILE Rînteinceeer. ! ai, Na oe f. a Sica S . at-ta. Milan. 2 mues norih ai 705 - 286-1660 RUTLED(JE TV 6668 4-c23-3735 ýPtaasa apply ta eltititg ta the ASSOCIATION ilNo.4 S c brn, iltn. mies ort ofBLSINESS AftfdiNtSTRTtrOR 201 Ring Sn., London, Canada i-tO OIJNTAIN, Elicabeth M.-At Rv 6, Nata Thaîr ktOdoca' 4f1 tn Ho Iy. 25, Wagon riait-aiai i. MLTN Milton ïDîntrit Hospiîtal, anaR t-csa a nan matchn ca ahnmt.CrtooaiI or Milfon 878-9093 26 anSMLO ý22 BA R GA IN Halton County Se-parafe harsac, Septamhî" 16 ,1971, ap -cae. cl44 ee oaosraynw p 2 -e gsnhlrSho or licaheih 'M. Cardineli, vaire of picaei. c144 csc sTamaa Se ady om. Af c2 NscaPreto bln holBar le laie Sydneay Noatîtain; deor A siocere îhank sca ta Dr. lcont dame ta dat-b, 878-2725. nentoa eddilPO o 0 FREEZER D. üs tb241 lnca tlodrl Pulno, nt. lothar of Enarati IJimI, Wtt- Lagatci r a, Dr. D.Rtoh241 TV uT .,vci I FR E ER p.h. paower taha-af) i-aha, Hur an Ont,21 im Chares and Lome Eric of lowanaad nursesaforthir silo ailion;deamaistm o inMrs.H- cial care, ta Rt-C. M.'Marraa Thei3brd Anniaaraary t-rsic- asyHri Atce AMountainof Milton anai fat- hia Ciaila, alsa afticara anai t-l Of Omagb Praahatarian S A LE SPECIALS MPaon haiaur 20"_________bar____ estierdcaad;step-siaiaraof alomhrsaofNo. 20O.E.S. ft-Ch.ch willbcht-ldn Sda, Poc-chiat20aTE PR R AS GN NT t-a. 'Esther Thamyton of Oak- endsa and relatives fon fomes, Sapîtanahr 26, 1971, ai Il O.t. 30' lamer atstateai mith ail 0f isetdPri(mn Cail 1aller 7 p.,.TM O A Y SIN E lita, Mma, Aima Met-rai of gifla and carda tohila a patient atnd 7.30 y.m. Thc Baston t-hait- 1 chna VFIF head, $62)50. Iscisavilta, Mrs. Mary Whitney tn Miltan Hospital. Thanh v-o m il panticipat in 1the mat-tmg crnG i eBef8854MITN-O K LE-MSISA A Milton, Mes, Evelina Wame 0f ait. scraicc anai the Milton Mata 4o, tomer inttatteai with ail Grain Fedl BLong. 878524 M ort -er workVI -vial MorISSISSAUGAi la-if estingion, fams, Levna Hart 0f c21-4124 Nrs. -Marjery Amos. Vaîca Choir an the aCctitg ter- chuotet VFIF haad $76.50. 102 Lg a bttl-- ahaaiai o taine lnn doFred af Bampton, vice. The mlaistat., the Ren. W. bIDE'S FRONTS . HINDO lafPiata. smiichhoard, camptoolets aby puncs and Inoabbaapung dnoefgotenEn s Wamihltaihaabaa rinda, RLewia,mwill prach ai t50' tomar inttalt-d with ail moachine opattt-a a a.iînsighharand relatives, En- aca-victs. Thare wiii ha a pt-tiod chne VH hcd 9.0 Pcraanatta fiaaaca-d ai thc fana 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE mo halaitoan ing Stan Seeah Ladge, Lad- of ralrcahmtanad fae -____________ OFFICE OVERLOAD VuaI srie fa-Sei Pin t-s' Ausiliana Nilton Fit-a Dt-- shap aflar thaaaaoniag st-mir e.ainexrchg. lana atHm. IltamtO an-pliment, Oeace Anglican Char- Et'cyn-ae is cordiatly innitrai ta Extra ht-ada îlot. seconai TV dit69. VMLuWs EN Atll 878333 . 35LbnaeBnO le -eneal erynt. chmetEvr fat. gifla, candi, flomars andaittendî. 021-4125 sali. Inaialtad $20.00.U O G N0c589 845-6663 and 845-6664 eenceetry vsisDr. Aikeheaa, Dr. Lt-g- i.M troha.Isald U RG N fl DDE4do ea,- 82 ATSON, Rnald 'Camero - aie and staff of the Milta. FIas- $20000.0 4 -4432e.n f2 E Odaientiy ai Meaford Gonen- pital fan the biadnasa and cure Utron a.a c etofr 7 iHospital, on Wedaeaday, t-caint-a dusiag aur saua FOR SALE HFF hcad, inatalicai $3993 689-6561 Wafedw lttati Btatafan07-432. .- tea- 15 1971, Raalai Ca- Mat-ici aod Lytat Cactaco Comîhîaatioa cator hcad. VFFl2 a11 JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN hao atoblaccaiba,- 21-4137 taj UFIFFR l-lasCOODîabooks.cca1 - 'J cf Dr. Magaroi Oct-nil l i-607T C:ic -1 roîh -ntacr 0495 - 0 Ia od I î,îý 5 2,760 $0.Pu E O T fCarlisla, in bas% 401h yar, sWaî otld likel t xpt,,, a 8 8 n07 la- if $6.5 -laalI t-s 7I la' 2088 .5 cl-4134PE carson ofMr. andNt-a Ca- aacerc tiale yoc" loaiaI PIICK aour -wm frcezecaccrn, 31 ANIMALS BOARDED aatfieraIl0 de 7 197f IT. 6-1-, aatclletatondil erqiearcn ih-colgaule h aoe n raihler of William Ritbriaia; trihulea, donations ta the tpi o i ye mes, inineIinitle;M o FIeat Fond, -hubing ami enPnas- I TRUMPET; 2 accordiioans, HO SE 466aem7P. 50117 stt-5m-hniid-fitginrobinac raiEg- rteRsi ubal ibrae ians of sympeahy in auor ram- 48 hasa anai 120 basa. 878-3618. nern Oaten blt atp ol ebnfci _______Jit)______________s f da hsbnd f-- c2-40 Box Stails and Pasture For Your Ne-st Car . . .Pioer -t homlbie n e. W tar grandfather. A spec-PhnorWie oana ndi Anne, ai home. thr a IaOaa a. ISOUBLE bt-ai 64h matit-att RICHARDSONeSAaibe x Faneaa mas baelaIm 8-the tai ahanhst the1î-a &rce faV R-alaNaroes BUK AIL atlingttep Fnan omity, the Hitl Ct-est Siart Light aad bonhaheif. 878.2016 af tam 5_____ PERSONNEL DPRMN alerdon, an Satnmday, Sept- graup forel arsnd lathe Rau, Pt. ERE Radio .Rbeto Mg o.L lr le, 1971. Intertnent Bc- Canon Moml niIe e 8EE ichit faniý fO 20W Mai. StanetdEst MAPLE CREEK FARMATPLRbeso Mf.C. tdn ail cent.ey, Burn-ington hindty sets were deapty appra-lan wahite or ycttm opaal >NN nte hsy5nm:Kemama Fuseai-a Home, Theta ty daw in setso t MILTON, Pht:ho Lias North, Elsaoasina. B E L L BRO S. 97 BRONTE STREET, MILTON. an 0f our anaderi praibablyhbas Homil Coigon anai famity. ion Champion, 191 Main Stanea88-99 7.23 Ta-y theW1-4d13ge1hst Miiton. 1023-421-tf Bail k

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