Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Sep 1971, p. 6

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£ fise Canadian Champion, Wednuo., Septeeber 22, 1971 100"i .* #.A.H. convention Conservatlonlsts f Irst Trop shootera, huniers, Btumas PM mus and wmna lain imply aijoy the otdoero ot"tal Federtiai of Age and Bouters et the Blo Sioetauu' Club, Milton. Wie itustlso and flohlg are lbe commoo Ioterests mitici bonglt th. dolegotos and coit became hpaet iog dlacosoiooi and buosess meetog tt oth th luihuters and Ùfishoraien are caoser- vatinisi first and hacieni aodi fisitetian second. Iliroogli their dlsuuoo niensiers of te liait Ballon club and the delegotesaettendlog epesdasneedeaire ln tonservai of tiie eviromnait Bow, arrow deer hunt consîdered Iliere lae strong poaiillty s de anoun ml hl aid n Ibis wue mithin Uic oui yeer or ai, bat il o' mai ihU gais. Ac- Uiere lea gaid chtance niof Boa bam ond arrom hait. lnan ntervhaw hiaesell laid o giront there. lThe publie ae. ceptance ia gnod ond Ibis is umeihing ms have 10 volai," b.e STIIIRING THE WITCItE BlEW 10 s gante hase dmbrco » ha sakit tha barvail s Yooug todies mnvented Saturdoy moruing at ftic Halttt vern'o to a o asmous bat Sportsnsen'o Club. Actually thc buge pot maused for o cS Uic reereollon value moi very raout aothei Zone six convention Fniday night. Katby tuff ifod W o hav iti's om sr adlo Oulevilie, Sasan Lee Ewasyhe of Wsflaoeburg aid Caidice mitha boand urmow," ho notd. Horney of Oubville are ubown stllTtog. -(Staff Phboto) MunscS Midi Uic recration value accoonîiti torgely for bis dopartmest'a deuire 10 bave o hait Ne said the actuel 11111 moonIt really Uic mitole purpose of Uic examcise. in Halton He noted achn" sphiloophy is o gromisg lInerent in recreoin boutre, rathar thon shaoting Uic iggait aid mont 1A bambountisg Maios la boi eiiect in Grey County, Mailaidin Island and Bruce Puinsda. Public = ucepts uf, bam hailing isbet th Ib a boni beaue of o at ou e f remus. Bom buotens ane sot os spt lu trovel in groupe aid the nise factor ia tomer. Secoaut t ofhsad altier reaoos loodomner-hunter coofficto are femen. Mani skie intensive study was beisg dos adhb apc n ores msntd ba :oted fo r iol period. i kiedghunli ad fue om 3e fer Unr malne aniu hehatule litas = ,yea00 n lho:gl mark and couservaition cf lte waters aid milderea landa. Ibe coenion mas lte finit 10 ho hailed by the lialton SPtmas' Assoction and if mai e family effair. Campera boinne "e ae oIn be gona lb. nvi ced offg Mlii terg cern roui Friday, eveeing M Wir theUi adults i. outil thc men boure of lthe monning. Saturdiay morulas mas ft of han mth delegateu try'ing theï bond at trop ibottlo, loe dm eand olher game t the clb mitile lte yosngalera aijoyed lte iceoic ouldoors and playod gamai of their oms. Tourof are Wbtle thte mes haucitled doms tu Uic businiess muting atrdgy Uic momun mer. lainiuo a tour of Uic area and vited Ballai County Mais an ld Kelso Coooervit na among OUMe points of iterait. Seturday eving aMa fult bouse t the club, tonlIppittI ai dancitigo to tidmmusic andfon Ulmt mite hadolt completety eouu the onocvaie ig beoe, Uic dance mesl t i cee bourg. Dae Garttey, areî consera.tIonofcr Blait Evan, Dens liomell and Don Menaitl mer. omog "titose rqlraiutlFe Deparmu 0fth Ladsan Fnut I lt Qakville gif t filesmoyhocomngbaira Conncl er- in to li gt W Iand. eesoptllll asmeil1 ttai Ualbaids s..It and sonth i P. Bev on BRrmie toIt fiais St ., mail of thc CNR mesibers of Milon Causcll ai eh t by.pau. lin, moy h.e Monsy Uiat Bîltan Csiisty sonaim tosn. Coac bea u h.e ked for oitille Causfllor Don lea adhacaty hl CodnisceucnZ tiiOdy to itoul thai ho invited 10h secbamictbleha ieexti consesgit on Uaeprpoa. ml= th.Appanuly landomir Cauncillors oifened ns e tba ara a o d Olvlucommnt. DELEGATES CAME froin ail airer Central Fodoratin baot by thelBaiton Sportome'a and Waitern Ontario 10 attend the Zonte Six Assaciation liesn uekend. -(Staff photo) meoeting ci tha Ontario Anglens aid Buniers PM"ý- MILTON fl DOMINION HARDWVARE PAUL COULSON WAS electeit prenidont of Robinson. vice president; Pool Coolson, Zone Six of thte Ontario Federulion of Anglers George Chombers, vice prenitent aid Walter and Huntens Stmday ut temr convention imor Emonyke, lienpreaident were etected to serve Milton. Gond Blake, secretsry treosorer; Reg for to yeors. -(Staff Phtoto) New Zone Six off icers Paul Coulson president Pui Couisn of Milton wa0 otecteit president of Zone Six of the Ontario Federntion of Nonteru and Angleni at Uic convention held ai Hsltoo Spontun eo 'n Association cluistosi uesr Milton Sndoy Coulson dccotes ns moch liste 10 preservnlîun o ut nltif., fiobix and cunservationofu mdife os ny man. Bun s coryboy, Paul mou exposed to aulngad t:sbotg sa1 s young age. Be gol active in club wonb msny yeurs agu sud tur lte paslt sur un eigltt years foi been lte doit delegalu fur the lialton Sltortsuen 10 Zone conventions. veryactive He uervedl for four yeoni os second vine preidmit, to yeRa ns fntvce prntn aid has uowbascecti 10 the bighait office unt ha aise. He is imrmedioae pont preident of the Itolton Ausociation, charmn of tha nofe bonleno cours in lton, citoirinon of the Rulton Negion Etivinontentot PIotective Asnociation aid for il Yeurs senved on the board of dinectons vîtb lte Ballon sportusen. wGeongeGChamben bion Londn ms electcd finit nlce-pnesideî Neg Nobinson of Mitchell F]Qi aid Gaice Club second vice- pocuidoot aid Gond Boite of Oak.- ville Nid aid Gon Club ou secretony-fireauuren. A nese U. S. govensment study shtows the dadliesl drivens on Uic togitonys tu 10 divonceit men. flic Ontro Oafety Leag se says thes' doalfi rate in traffic is 122 per 100,000 poputatio-five ties the average rate. Would give Unity Park funds to arena campaign Fonds earmiarked ton Unîly 10 noacu eonstruction in theames Dave Brusit, mito badl been Ponk at Mîltos ourîen MeannmithUeLima Club nattai thein Lp ins Clubs cf- entrance vill be turued over tu promoig a toon-mide conspolga forsma nameit cboirin of tha fonit'eaLio camaiogn for a for faids for a second orena MCSC. Jiun Seogen, wbo lied uem toms areno and cmuainity eomiiig a cemmity cnIre cbaired tite gnoup uince is centre, if a reconsiseodation by otit il. inceptin, nesigneit ou presideol bOttai Caaiaintty Scrvite Clubs Whien aicabeni met toit menk aid joineit in the tonnos vote le appnovcd bit s 12 meaiben lo nevico Uic donce aid ar Uic that nomeit llnuu the ncm organizions. tions Glubis proposai ton Uic chitonnan. Lait meni MCSC aicabani accus and coaimuaity centre, lt hld a meeing lu ncvîem temr vas nantimously agrendi Ual Te comtfitlee L hevin0 basai n tha Joue 'Festival" Milton Ceomonity Service Cluba nesOjuctoret ns Itha vce douce, micit mai a flop lu Uic gnoup woutd ie thte itest to-sidonis of at toms urgon- hue of $1,021.37 accordi0 10 Uic orgouusatin 10 spooritad Uic ization and sue othen meaber l'eaatnený's neport. Te tuai lf joint co-openatiso of tomo mil hoe tha votittg delegutes to tha giroup mui $1,798 n vthe baut. orOnsîatons. attend BCSC meetings. biCSC presîdeot calird lte dane "a disastrous los'" t 7ar b18 more loin Fund The gnuup vas fre w yagcca a ndi tua inc a high Elgitteen more local firmeohave Fitgecotiet e, mo Fdeoelu essut W ha fnong ra Nelief Fond in Milton and nia Mna, Celv tar a f ha e ai tri a OP distiict. Maiserlale, MeMDa Hardware, ela, Hoad ighmay 25. Their Milton Grecaisousa Kores1 o a Hardwre, Bell Bs. [Id., 1571 durce cont $2,M4 10 operate Plumer Sbap, Boniy Gneeei Ostaris lice Fruits andt ad incomo mus ny $1,927. bo-se, Henry Gorter Florn, Compiteavila. Womun'î Insituts Bomever lte committee MeKersie Paierai Home, Uaited have accepted lte chtallenge tuareed necently Ibot Greenitosses, Fred G. Cumains. Uinoms ont ity billon Ditrict dovlopeSe of the pubk mIl hoe boin srveyuir, Ballon FE"a lHosaleployo1 'ns mach on habldup for atIM 18s tmontha dae Conservai AiiGiandy, F.'. B. or bo M», Thoe. are only a few of the Items in aur FALL FAiR of savlngs. Toke advantag. of thoe. sale Items naw whlle aur selectian la stili comploe. Drap In and browî. araund. Vau'il flnd savings In *v.ry departm.nt at Milton Dominian Hardware. CABLE AND RECEPTACLES bCablo for eaef' movoablo for DOYER CABLE $4.77 DAYER RECEPTACLE $6.99 RANGE CABLE $0.39 RANGE RECEPTACLE*.0 DON TA the con Ho ali Bletsn abaut 171 Uic sitio tan or fer laser Mondai pin. tens ai the ici and six o Wedimsda and Thsur pis leon Other 1 follomu: tonou On tuanis tha teonso liv tenn as tenn l i Iliefol *ad their, Bill Go Gerry Bt Ni'eot AIlk Maorc Le Warren Ni, Pou! Nom David Elul Goctos, al Neibaîl, B Caputo, j Donald But Deug Don Froct, Jo Goeton, Gn McKinono Andnem E Jeffery, Di jefry Di Fouibee a& AndemthE Nichant Fleming Fleinington Gervaist Coires, Jeil Cartwright, Eddie Laiepr Greg Has Wayse McLJ Niait Wala Nom itocted itoo 1000 counicil nomination i dey. Eteclin di Dcc. 6 and pol 10 uns. 10 i sigit; i Bon .»0 la n.3o p.1 Seour Public Att music Bitai mt b No fc Aller avwec bindent ant troooferred Scbaol tu J. encountered the Panitway Uic longer mn Nie cbildren a ai pitittemo tend weother on rotoy doi bave bas ton 10 scitool. 1~

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