4 The Canadien Champion, Wadnas. liaptambar 22, 1971 Milton Lions win Ontarlo Bantam bail championshi Milions Bonb on oarao a 7-3 vlctory Salorday tsEu aisd tisn £pd ialleza cl salti a 5 ogi -4 salaib Ckrrsupballvllo Ssaday aftoruasa us a mat dlasuasd. Jie Bfa" gama wua a tlil Boit utpta= ta utuhisa min pne - lodf tisa fistai dauial aithZ I s gaie ara scarelaas sailli isola cluba playlng on oepiolasly st-aog gasua on dofon. Ta-trrais Milton ralliai fandu liroa s la thisa nnisslg ond Ibair 2-O lead hald onil tish uae i saag Million soaed one =aui alsad O bat sau, cirlaud dsldla onde- isaavy prs-aons fro= theo aauclub. Rsaxs git tisoir flit htand Isola- frit a-uns oflthegarni la tha whan ise doublad and saorad hala Tieganta Esoaobit apairofasingleanmd a iduuble ta scora two rus aad pst halan taman aon avert bdo la tae toalninu.Miltonsacorod Isola- Ol==odfla rusa laath gane ln laalr ball ot tisa fasa-la laang. A mais ta Titubera, e fialdoa1s chutes ta Robertson, on oaa-or la l7ay, a grouad hal ta laa Sacosd onchar by Andy Hul lave bitas the big ruin. Rtoberlsn crassad lia piate altar gettiag au. basle larouaji a fueldrs chai.e »Il- Voculg ta, second onsa wild pilais mud aveitoniiy seola. Enagot a ae on in the flts, sont e mussas for as aeond hase an tha tutuh, pal mon on firit mnd second ou tisa elghla bit coulda't muster op solib offertea la avercoma tbe alim lead lait MOlton club beldi. Rasa Inisifa Far Milaon Rase besdled thsa pitduiag dallas and allaio four a-us on six bita, feaa tbraa battons mnd feced 38 Easeu: battors is the flual gamne. Ha mont the autire none tasalugu. Par haneo mnd tbe Essai: pitcbor, C. lCautamn, controaLs a fflcuit bacausa af tbe mat balse. Bailla encre coutonusly halng driad and dry balla put ino te aalam. Milton culait Essex by e alun marlon 7-R. Deve Roabertsan I inha m saala.Ko Fay iagl d o ubladi o aionti sg5 ts dm Cltaeat, Mllm b masao Dlto b tidfor theogarsbionata= ttdnse laoy could hab bo dry. Tbh umpîrea a-aod a astal lim turne isai shnalis 1mere edxalsgd Onaas.-ltla dafonuin e la Cio a Claa- sad ha as pa-ood of Usa boys fuor the la-mondas effort tIse ols "taeea aliua offart la put us Ure. W. made 18 put alao Sabla-dai and 23 S ands lat laicata rlaaly laaouom badi laoir banda ftUI an ry bard playmad te daoa-a la sala beldi Rasaxiittacs la fua as unsi ht its." MilIon hausoed N. Kerr- la lae a;ebhK alg Ssturdyt d laay ta abo amlla Milanu a-aliy. Mâit lad 2-1 et laa mnd af laaecosdialg mnd mont aboutd 5-2 atIsa oBf the alua lsla aller e tbalea a-in raliy. ta ontaat ta laa Osnal gante af laa serioi, Milaon bad lB bila la ciaupearsen ta laa savon bila la lae Osnai gaina. 'lTae big billon for thebiltonsclub was Timbers. lTae lait fialdor bit lion for Oiva, haaaaa-lg usce, daubilag lba-ao limes and pousdiag ast usa singla. Roabertaon gai us basa tmlaa saila bonI slaglaa sabla is asemae sortofa feailisit.Ady Hullj and R. Ranslay slagltd tale escb salait Fey, John Tonli and PaiStMo al1sisglad duig lae mantait, For MilIon Tosalli fia-d elgbt itrlike-oulaand alloaadl10bits for- Ors a-uns. Ilallisg 7-3 la laae halam oflahe olala baolag, Essai laed the basas salla Ibrea maiseaitive slagles bit Tusalli and bia fieldera tirnad an tha prassireanmd a-alla-d tha neut larea hatters lna erasa. c3~iiou HILTON JR. FLYERS openad thair pra-season camp for Prsecie lyesTursdaye ut Milton srins Pactices Hockey school Ststntmid Friduy, Sonday, a very nigst tbis we he h dlitebftl eya af coach-manager- Carl Plymara. The club) Horkey Sahlasartas Sa opacts toise a poerbil antiy hanlthe juirh ty u- gh 27, andfaila Il alarla tisa 1071 junir hcke was aain sesustforMillion Maor Rocka bis seaitsand a numabernofligbly rahtd piayers wsrae ohnd Ifa 'Ail-Star' toamas ml or apauog sessions. Aboya Hymens <laIt) instructa isepefuls baviag try-oitsonsand for to o tise ice. -<Staff Photo wo damSo maba isher an 'A' -isl mei, Sept. 20 la 26, lu -Mont yor fa-honda at Miltoa onsea-valian Weak lu Otlario. Faon its meekend. sort, hII ie 'B' teeon, tisa Hesua-Leagua saat Oct. 22. Tisene sait hcan us stanoclo fetopfr te hocksey semait Ibtrsday avaiag aI alaa a'cta etie urena. Aay boyssalsblsg ssit irea ead la attend. Whil1e mait of lae coachsa managers bava beon salectodf tse comisg maisos, laere ira st sonne apannaga laIt la tha ba leegue. Aaoyoambwo daola-utu g lueolvad mils hsochay la la monarer uisaald a-ontact liai tbggs et 3243 Mata St. Woiti pione iba et878-9083. Meters are champions USW claims titie in Industrial series in TabaiI playoffs tait Tuesdeay oigbt, Leevers a-eesrdad tiseur fii sala of te Milain Industrial Siftbali fluaI pley-ff series by d=on miterl 12-4. Wismingptie, Fred DeBoer, mait lise full route for Leevers mnd faed oncest batters, saalaad dmarnmd gave up lune htl. Lasiag pitcber, fris Rcisoo, sensa-alieved isy hala Ted Casonand iU Wauio theasixb. COoboaed thay itrucks aut savai betters, welbed lbree and elîmwed 16 bita. mtay Camophall paced te teavea-attack is ol a isaoe-raie double, c single aod two RO.ts.' Hondy Nyharuis failamed saila fourasinlesoad twa R.u.l.s aise. Dace Octes ta-lpled mnd Ralps MeCoa-sici iatted tma doubles. Lane Oonisy, Bran Haoward and Jon Dalen ail oluggnd doisles mnd aingles wea-e ht isy Fred DeBna- (2) mnd Alaen Staise. Far Melons, Bais Iluban lit eat te plate mith a double and ca siogle. Doo Kesa-ney dauied and singles wea-e iscîloo by Jota Jarvais (2), Steve Geraisl, Oaa-y Naylai', Brion Carter and Ed MeLeod. Big sala Melers tuaS tise Milton Industriel SeftIbail League tile lent Tbursay nogist saien laey scoa-ed an avea-mbebluig 12-2 vîta- vec Leevers. Bais Ilioa usrled te sainolag game tac te Maer ca-e n d famned savon battersi osaud ane free paus and elasaed adly lame bits. Fred DeBoer mnd Laay Bennett Tykes start OBA finals bllte l>s mill sae action agalit Osippama lu te fia-t gaule of Usa Ontario Basabal Asuaociation pla>saffa aI 2 Pmn. ', Saturday mises liey aost 7 kW Osp et Roba-y Pars tan te Mamisa-y Fsieon hauaaed 1] iaM fram te. selfloa" mby doagaoameadaathgit te sesactleinathe fialsfaLma OBA câamonnii saed te pitciog duties for Leevera. Tagoiea-e thay atrucs out tho. batters, deait Ghee malhsanmd gave op 13 bita. 1-O mad Metars tank a 1-O leed la te fia-t mises Bob ftabssn dram a malt mnd scared au a double amasbed by Gary Naylor. Durng te top af te second, Matera glai ater a-im misea ton Sticisle resa-sod second an an Oslfieli na-a-na, advancod ta tbia-d an aaaingle hattad ky Joba Paisao and scaa-ed mises Brion Slavon sscrifioedl out. Tise Miter plant t eiakd up ater a-us la te alrd mhaolmno.Slickln rescsed finit aa an infield nia-ar mnd came home an a double olugged by Oruon Stavea-. Leaveca a-ecanded to nons la te fasa-a misen tar-y Campbeill aisgled and sconed an a sacrifice fly bit by lra-yn Howard. Larne Oonby acised flost on mn lulield na-a-r mnd came isome on e single batted isy Allon Stokes. Meters clked op a tao n -is lise f ifth mises Stave Oea-vais dosisîd nsmd mas olammad baone on c ta-iple batled by Gary Naylor. Mitera talaied four a-us lu te sists. taon Sticisn bome-es aod loba Pese mha isad olugled mnd toen second soresi on a tr-iple sssisd isy Ha-ian Stavor. Bob Haisson slugled ta score Stave- and Robsan mes able ta icone minan frian Carter sca-uficedl tut. la the eigua Mitors a-ecocdad loir mare a-Bi. Rd McLeod reecisad Onrt mises be mailbut by a Pilcbed ball, advanced tn tbia-d on a double misanked isy Bais 5tobseo and sor-d saisn Brion Cea-ton saca-jfiaad nut. Ileve tiliveis>r.echad second on on aateld erre- scna-lag Rabsan. Oea-y Neylo- konged ait o doubla la score Oea-vais aid Neylo- mas able la score mise Don R(earae alan douisled. Our Naylor mas big mon at te ple for Melons s ha blanlod a triple, tmo doables and racbed uP Ghee R.B.l.s. taon Stia-ble tallamed mila a hoame tn, a double mnd ane ROI.. Brian Stuve- tciplod end daubiad, Bob Huhaus doubtesi and slugled and Jota Penson alagled tmlco. Steve Gervais "Md Don arssey haSti doîisled. For Leaeoro, Bra Howar-ddoublet! and Allent Stokes andi La-yCampbella siagled. I ~pOiENJOT ~ .~ Flavor Crisp Chicken -Chichon Snack 75c tnala Bo 51.25 EConomy Pak $2.25 tO ' Pua-ces Clicien Famîly Pas $3.95 PartyPals $5.10; 21 Pas. Cblisaan SEALTEST SOFTREETCE CREAM For Suais Sbabas, Canas availabtoat Murray Hood Drive-in Homneof etdliclous Flavor.Crlsp Chlckon BSau Liao Milon -.87O.6028 Open daiipn t1p.. Friday and Oaturdayn t.aam USW defesad UAW lu Milton blouse Leagua T-Ball action to capture te T-ual Cbcmpioosap Tenis tourne y Junior and senior tenois taurnainantos lIt ha stagad a1 Milton Teonis Cloub courts in Roary Park Ibis Suaday aller- mon, as the clubîis oup a bssy Campetitis far min' and manen's singtes, doubles and moxail gat ooderwey et t pa. Osa-g te efhea-oon tha junior fluaIs mill alsa b h eld. et Roary Park Sept. 180, oui soa-lg UAW 2&-22. USW won la Oralt lame 20-19. la te mont traet contea Wallace, SereOsni and Galsto aI la-ipledlfor CISW white D. Pansera Pay, Clana-amd Capito daubleq and sigles ment ta Catis (3) Taylar (2), Pomero (t), Navian (4), Wallace (2), (Fay (3) Warmingtao (3), Cleer (2) Gea-vais (4), Seraalli (3), Gela (2),usnd Caputa (1). Taylor soraed tinice tua- USW sable Nevis srtred four tbaes Saraflul tisa-e thaes, Gston SIlea ea-orng te frewcy, do su at te speed of laalia. "Ba-'u 'Em Back Alivel' starts soon Flyers in exhibition con-test Il moi. aily a feu mnsop 10i07 oosaad un -as tise Frldy agbt; dis Juioir flr ifiltJ. ; .b 00bO m onm Misar Hockese"abt se md ba- eB tonday uliagbne mli ha: tsald a. osil afl.a ln po. salUa aalula disa,"a 25 coatsand 70 coula ta ha lamlad in tisa alloernoon and avostag respeititaly. Modela from $425. NLe ar naole *.nsn -72 B wln Mollon Minor Hockey Association ty. 1971 -1972 ha COMMERIcAL LoAoUE O -maO is biail Plagia Ri tse oc U onl om' buwgao aor -im Chae us.o REGISTRAT O for 3, MiCUIa a foc 3, usactalla 2fr2 aonldsi. eea DATES ai @uALLEYROCKOR5 10 80.B3 ta Foraillboys - Mondeay Nîglifars f0 J uveni les) Ladie' biah isnle Icmne, l4 id ,à s s hai t r iipla Marni onOe or Cli4.a ond tola arna Marteon Milton &rem& - front I F.M. uâtl a F. DC schlli. SET 1 51.Joc o. hemd a-se SEPT 29a - UNS., SEPT. 30 'b Marrei mwonalaori, Mormtaelo , or MutataSirs, Marisslsans,Noa 2 fo 2,Elleeait1, arol o r lin, MON., OCT. 4 TUES.., OCT à WED., SOT O TNRS.,t SOT. 7 tia, Wallace (2), Gay (4>, Wa-mlnglan (3), Claor end Gwvas Ima eacb. Gervais mae a boy dauble RegistrainCls tudyO.9-12No Piey lu te savoila laulag sabla tasCoeSfrdyOt 2Na Hon Simpsn hadl tiresa ROts. la tsa fiti gama Cook, Fey, 1Stratu and Capio ail triplad. In la osa, $10,00 puar season a Doubes eit la Cook, T. Pomers, E J. Taylor, Gston, Bahlay, and Out uftofi $12.00 per season. it Nevins (2). I Feeapplles te fIa-st end second boy iles meant la T. Pansera (3), ic famlly; any additlonel boys IJ. Taylor (3), T. Navam (2), Feynfmîy-2hicl -(21, Gaston (2), Gea-vais (2),infmly-3.0ec aSarafini (2), and Waroaingtao ( 2). ~BROWNIE'S SPORT S HOP LT D) 150 Mill St. Milton 878-4602 1 OPEN MON-WED. 9-6, THURS. FRI. n-; SATUBOAY0- Asis Bretenia For the Basf Prîces ho Town on Tacks and Stpremaes MONDA Y NITERS SPECIAL HELMET 5-'5 NOW ONLY STICK 1.10 MOUTHGUARD 1.0 f i ROLLOFTAPE .20A t REGULAR 8.05 4 9 Skates-Ebows Pads-Shooldar Pads-Hockey Pants-Gartar Batu Hockey Socks HOCKEY STICK SALE 53 aad 5500 Sticks 3 STICKS Cusfom Pro Cotva Reg. 4.25 FR E Pro Strchts Reg.3.98 PRICE 0F t Noth Star Straights Reg. 2.25 lrn hsa a Ba-osnias ced Receiva cSkate OnobscdSharpeniag for 25c ALL YOUR LITTLE PROS HOCKEY NEWUS ARE 5H STOCK NOWI Discount TrophleB-Engraving...sk For Our Trophy Catalogua. Upto 50parcantoff.J EXHIBITION ~ HOKEY MILTON &lIIA 7.30 PF. SUMBAT SIPTEMIII 21 MILTON NADALIN ELECTRIC FLYERS JUNIORIB vs HAMILTON BEES LAS! YEAR' SONTARIO FINALISTS Admission Aduits $1.00 Studonts and Childron SOc Opaalsg Osat Ragular BhoOdule Fri. Oct. 1 t 8.30pa. T c oup mis (in un H e 1iaopali Tiai traitI pBat on M fis. i Atuma a difficu isakilaa luid cime Millon ta may as 1 maka is« Oakvlla lima aa Boit lB Moqltosl brnadt out mitntralos aulalndlu deadloaise Mâon alqs lThe Oakv lived, bc Dle c for PIanninl Mould a-q of land Bt ti igsway il oasday. Mr-. Mout changes in laid ts i multiple davelapone aT2uotly for 125 saspi lot srass a-o foot frontle would ha i daisity bau shospping Pi Reit PPlaannsa- mas a rofrot a dovolaooî PBovidad on dovalopmer PUT ' About 2,2 Yna- lu andea Canadion Ni Tite Blind asi tops for the lardoen tois tlins, rasai 4lury. Rata niaisa sire ceas facelisa faoe. Don't s happas. !isal Thon k's:. John Perroîe Bill Carnie Witt Navns Bitl Thompson Wayne Timbors Basii Robeits Joo MaCano Bob Blair Ned Glovor AI Turner Kirby Munro To. T Bail Sponsors, Coaches, Manager's a Usapiros Elsîny's B. A. Banin, Roc Phlllps, Murray Mctaonnay TMIiton Acta Body, Bill Currin. Frank Graham, U.A.W. Local 1067-Rab Blair, Cliii Osins. Hep Oates. Nlmo Gastioni, Crby Munro. U.S.W. Local 4tl-WayeimesGr a intBlce Gaston. 70lme'0a' amntn lcî Ta-A Loasa. Spansors, Coaches à Managers, Vauhat's Fuels-BrIan Nocins, Miko neis Canadian Lngion-Bîii Thompson, B111 Hodgson Otimists Club Ra Arpas, J. Arpa. Georae York, B. Hostie, D. Yocm ans Clamants Paint Si Walpapat-Len Appleton, Boni Haytes, Doots Asseitor, Bill McCoy. lJmpires-ion McCann. Bill Thompsan.8ill Cumin, Lawrence Cargîli, Barry McTrash, Bill tacGonis. To Bantam B Sponors, Caacbes et Managers Wil Ntccs and Ned Glace, Tc Ail Stars Spoissars, Coachens & Mancaes. Tyke-owclray Fuels. Oat Smeith, KirSy Mura, Eric~ Toletzka. Alec Roberts. Pna Wea-BroCctie Sports Shn0. AI Tirnter, latin Peri-at, Joe McCane, Val Caputo. Bantam A-Lion's Clubs, Dooag Hyatt, Olatnr Ciaer, Ken Olddaîî Aino Tonelli Midgets-BIii McTrach, Huck Kalîman. To Racroaton Cammittaa Speciai thanks ta Gn Wilsos. Thanks for puttlng balis and bats ln those boys hands instead of drugu. K (Nip) Gorvals. Presideet: Miltons Mînor Baseball.