Ask prlority in recycling C6 Th Canadien Champion, Wndns Septenther 22, 1971 Better way of ljf e W.I. resolution urges waste programi for Indians topic Moi W. Sucpmu=eerhT bae pohe enith s.Icdiana laIetceîcsAccili ry parla ct Canada, mait MoiRabrfElic, teaecfci Tise oesclicii pragoami mas Eivg oco Onecci". Then rolli-al Campinlclie Wmiecs l cfi ucf e dcld hy Mos. lcyd Styles "vs imvenectpc vl lise ipeni Ue attuhe m.f an cd Mos. Le arm.A te cee in your cormi Y1p mas Biac, miI a aem ffer Use kd Man wcc read hy Mos. lcrmtttm eygv lisE Oem cdMr Stewrt kles, ccd misa a clipplof f rom scggestios senica a acon Caect. Nature and opiti ci an "Stop liglit et titi sy i-omner efoon EVEN ORDINARY THINGS sucli vs weeds ccc take oc evexpected iteeucy in the ee ot a smvii gcri echos looktcg for aentwer Informative skçiton W.I. program lite Neceegaweye Wemen's speekers fer thitet contributions A tasty lunch was serveel Dy ce Institute iteid their menthly te titi meeting. lTe itostess, Mrs. itestess asd te luncit cemmitice, mneticg et lte heme et Mrs. Cui Nichoelson, mite epeced liter home Mec. Ciegg end Mes. Deigle. Nichoelsen vs Wecleesdey, Sept, lte greep mes elso titenked et flllemicg tite siegivg et O Cenada l15. Titere mes e gevd ettendecce wrr ttlose teig pert in thr suit. and the Institete Grece. vi memiters acd cerne visiters Te poecident, Mrs. W. Freemnc Obituary eperied witit e pvem, te tostitete Ode mes sssg and lte Mary Stmi Che rpete Mrs. Gordon Lucy Busiesc cossted o eppoimtmg c vetmng delegete ccd it eerai cervice fer Mos. Stella liei..y) iof Millons and lice interGuelhton Octr 26 aett27, Mae lect of 263 Ontario St. grndcleldren. nmin G eelpit s Ot attend te Milloes e ted Sept. i et tite Res' C. A. Heiser ouficictrd et csen meuitercn tegete lit MoKersie Fuseral Home. Otattrio, vs errenging for dii- lie e ont GrdnrLuy Hsite ferent membeos te teck citer de iTrnoGnriHsia epecetivc --Spcn" et Sreekvtite vs Sept. v citer an ilsness et fîve Hlall. Theeirlmcwscc er-d werlit Mcc. Lecy mes lte *I a O N ity "scymng coesthig nice aiteut daegitter of cte lyse Mr. ccd Mos. cte percen te yco leit". Themac Henry ci ton. Site mes Te progrcm vescvener. Mes J. bort ce Alsesit, Sasitk itd O «Sereed mthin".A ti pes Sersivers vise esclede tme ted cubie reion.Asts mesng sities Bveerîy i Mos. Leerie Mes. Frank toem, te district uniofMlnadWlim Puitlie Recettes Offîcer ited iteen Luecy et Streetevilie, a itretiter De asot-Ys * mnvited te te meetimg. Mrs Mercis Henry vi Kingston, tme Brown' eddressed te greup onsSistr Mrv. Geoge Fletciter O E A ccd gave veiscitie cdvîce pcrteicmvg tv tte vfic. 'te grese tes cite itvsered te have te District Presîdeet Mos. > Gieoge Hesderses attend te g meetmng. Aleter maiig e foc epesîg remarts. Mcv. Hesderses istredced ttc sit, > *Wemesn's tstitete. î, e Kitec Titt The perte oece M vs li tekes ity te esecutîve ccd eve ' WY. 5 semmemiter, Mos. Andrews. Te stet pectreyrtl e meeting in poegress and te secemer c 5 AKESO REOt cckmng secit qeestiens as, mites ccd iy vitem mies lte mstctete --- iermed. mitere Aid te Ode and te Mary Stemart Ceiteet erîgîsete, ccd elterveucit questions. lTe ccsmers gises ity te etiier memiters mere instructine te vii ccd te imcmledgn mes tested ar sn e quce suppind ity Mes. Hesderses. The prive fer te Mest cerrect ccsmers ment te Mes. Edmerds Wite mcc lied fer itigit scere mitit Mos. Brown ccd Mrc. Mehies. homein odsdtoci.'shoov hi NEW FOR 1972 Mes. Brocs avnd espli.ied ib% Mos. Hesdersec. LfMITEO NUMBE R AVAI LABLE FOR IMM Mos. Roiterts titesied cte "HURRY- FOR BEST COLOR SEl WATCI5 HOT FAT A merd of wercicgto lvil cite itaritecue irvm Tite Cesvdian National Ictiltcte for Tite Blind. Se cereici ci itot fat ccd speoits menth fly ic lte air. Titoy ccc itcoc yco eyes. And ecclter ip ceci-o tito gcrnlin o figitter fluid on slew stcrtim damcgnd permcnntiy. Dcclt 826-2M l gin. accidntachacite tu hcp. Spinareport Mos. Acdrews gace spý escurfii oepr f Use "pc pciiaticc pocreol whlcb the lstuceccnderlaali Usis sitisica. Ste oepcrled gccd puhlii f ram Milltn Champion, Ai-laisFPee Press, Guelphi Meocct'p mcd Toonto Star. A ccllecfice mli he reoniced mgci narlin Ç%Oc.ce ccd mo t h oUsUerest." rare hbisa" mer. on dlcptay ccd miii De anaîimhie trcm flic Rfacgers liter. Moc. Lloyd Comwfcrd face Use mdlv, "Perfecticon is icI expented itut imProeceet is". Tise meeting tsrced la Use bacinesc on haed mlacli iscitatei intructlions la Use sei-retarp fa colla a mItter efthaUsmcc la Use towccship ccciiflev ca of Uhesge an d lircrid Use top of Use dccfercsc carne On se ornier ee is v s si Anem d:Um rtt c ba occii'ned i. che slvilya s A coers. in icaUsercraif Will lhe gv inCcpbilv'iie Oltt. 10, 10, 1 acdenmcycisi- toied ia mexit te codntc moa. Elliat cr Mn.- la-k. Then ares missesties mlii ba baid in Gmelph is Dublins it. Uited Cltsr-l Ont. 2t mcd 27, aI mlarh Uie il iv bepei thUe fviiomrng resolisfrm m Use ictilaite miii loi presectait. naiturel reccarces ad cmc10l cf essirvnisci-cal pcilcllccare cf communc cocmraUn mb etwoe icccntry and "wIes.m the amcccl cf sclid macle bac icrmiied amccallY in recenl ymarsanmd "Wliereai oecdly accecsible sacitaoy lacdfiii ites are beicrni. difficcif acd cs.tty te " moeni sre and larger i-rlOsare ceeded, te meel Use Aliccaci demande and "Whereai scîiUary landill cites ccd iccics.ralcra dispoae cf saiid miet but divreard Use end resait ci depieflvg Use fitite ssppiy cf resear-es acd "WIs.rmi recYclicg Or 0e-us cf maeariala te lis. cciY lconf terni mcdicco fcr ccp maste dm 1a '-llserefone he it l cicdUaI Use Fedlerafed Wcmec'e Icalilshnas of Cmcad, reqcecf Use gccerrmscc cf Caneda fa sef a dehisile peicy acd prcgrucn on "li-tler ba il reiscced thUaI Use Federaf cd Wcmen's htifIutei cf Cacada reqcect Use Ganemrmecf of Canada te gice prleritY la oecyclicf and reconversioc vs a crrnc cf wacle maferanmd f-collier bif i recclced UsaI Use Federacot Wcmec'i Institutes cf Canada requsct Use Gocernemf ot Canada la procida incesficeS la pricale industries la encourca cisees la recycle waste and lamue renyclei materialsanmd "tfcolle bil oesalced UsaI Use Discuss Fair exhibits ut ladies' meeting Mes. A. Wtevc, Jchn St. ii Mm. Nooris sinturei Mos. Milocmcc istesa la tic regciar Lecliera cf liivia, mbc menting of the Mocclain Union gcav mcl iterestisg and Womec' laclifete. Tise presidest vslcrmýatic falk con demoratlcg mcad epoemn oc Frinndslap and Chtina, ac shei ea ed trcm Use Ode toitcmed iyth Ue Mary her molber demc thcougl Use Stewart mimdec mas repealeit hy Years. ait. Mos. iiariac as cccrfecp Deiegmtet tc the aoea ovecer lliacicd tic bcsfe ncnventin mce camed and ad presecleit ber misb m laheis cf rneicded Mes. O. Farlcm mcd cppoenieniO. -'Cccinc mcd Mes. Veinc Movrris. Tbcse to pcicfor Foiendchip mire attend cte training scissa are reied Mes. Herocle ccd Mos. Faricw. Tise meetngi-inced hp singitsg Tte esua donation fo ais thte Queen foiiomed ity tise opitcnage ic Ecrea mms lastîtate Gocce. Mos. Facicis mcs ccccscss ccd Mcc. Jesaivgc acticceer for cte mismitacs spolie itoiefp on lier trip in taie miin mes mosl sccessitil. Esglcnd. entendivt basf misites Titi istes acd commiifee in toom li ladies cho mere bier chacrge sernid luchi. gssse pe ago ccd itad isnc entetcmd cf c lcnesc is Mrc, Norîs' boe Te ideci mnagczine-vmere te te on tccd for Chitmas ccd lte dsptep for Mitec Facrv'ies dtsnessedl ccd crticles prcmised. RELL Ttechnisrge for lte dessert 28 mes denîded ti-oing coll te lecercî service. tocitisarers For cere nepitems Doc Haistirit, Gerry EllwmecA Jck Fileftcher, U L I Meovîn FieIter ccd Barry F E I Ftletchercand c Ai-ar fiecd Evc S RV C YOUR SHELL D EALER BELBROS. (AAPHICMILTON vî 878-ELL ýt'p.nýhS Photos EDIATE DELIVERY LECTION iA Cae tc make grnafer iile Of acci evrmeal ucridelrit to slis. puie a Useerctcglcc cdecoiecal ucisi as Is Ibis oegard Pcllttmisn Pohe are laldisg a caracait arome Ocfaric irom Saria ta =faa ibi tcg maisy clliei faels lm aucmcle acd ilI conte Usrccgli Cacsplieitclite cis Oct. 7 mc Use mayto la itl, recagitei Use mark cf Use Ivmflfute i clcitlisg multe usferais fer recycling. Aoeqcestnf thUe Roctary Clcb ai Milton fer a dmcation ta Pakistacc reliai mac acedmc a mcfion mac pca»ed actlilc Use treascrer to umd a fetocc suil o lai lIo mrlby cause. lTse vltage min he ccicmiied mebe ffUelsilal mcd comide. Usur- itpecle me g. Seelasmemhersanmd vstonsc mard "ceglies. Moi.1R. Cooki playcd for lis. carcota lipm aid Mos. T. Biradley prensed lier cecrefcop'c ccd freaccreo's report. eera Mi se acù;loa caisle suac Uselos repoa ecd t b.r. P. W. Cooli. Thebemchns mere hdeormied cf a "1mmtlis bweetc" meeting cf Use Acglican Chercli acd acc cf Use tat ratp cf lixaie Clicrcb Sept. 22 cf 7 p.m. The meeting bac Use Usuce "'Ncm le Use Time fer change". Ieu butte. Moi. P. W. Cccke read Use si.'cfre frocm a pcrfion cf Use ofc c Ruh tcitcmed hy Use trayer lin Moc. W. Marsalli. Moi. Lclt fane Use god licisghl ccd Mos. Bradley' gace ais iilerealirg item 10cmn the glid tidimgs. Mocs. Lcibl cery hrleflp yi lIm lcaes i Ued lidicfau Teiilcrinesw bller wcy br c t lite. tasy bsfeoesitisg ccd thocghf- pocihc ccmmntei ter.e expresse, hlisg fiaf flic iclerecf cf Use inebr wu Édciv. The, precldenf acWe ccd csy mofi0clsdelg thU Indien saiglheori, ccd ta lie mare ecl-amr ai ser deimacnde Send baie rtilcte Thle hale articles mere on dlcplap and miii lie pcckcd and secI te Klphlcalcce, Maitoba and Kecera lOeilcwcdp touea. Thve meeingclosedlU cihahycis and tcriis Use mcuel ctce cf friesctp, white Use muchera repedFUse Miopa -lcdcftcc. MsuE.Cubcncd ber i-samillee cerveit luchl, and ai teit a mary toleiditp and recewed vlgor reaclllvg 10cm, Use meeting and Use aliisitvere ct Use Sct berne. The bcufeil wcc Usmcned for hiec bisdceic. 511401 10- y Sai Pol -There's cil tonals cf the S iatas wby Sam gran. lc c rees vsiterc la lb. Everyoce kDe peoaai cek cul for hic oeg havwqbaisact misat geadnc t bard tu ciait ffc tandend cf lbe r parade. t brisE 'Jel laý dImm fiull iafereafuit," h. Jclmcy TO 1 kepf, wcud milua.,u colin nceescry con catrclhii firb crflfclcty pcc celgkcr cnd i perimis mccli feaimdurisg th isa field forint vleacnd if cp =ivt hycfe g Parade mccc the acdieces "ccuddmn cervi cn race ftiny "Jsf hctter t biig Use Jdb Steam-Era Calder. tai-ides hic 'lhe Spot aftIn clsiexiiits a trck in Use gri acollectionaof Mig Moi tof fi ciready ertier isigl iteocecla. Arn lthe parsng c cciig cf cci ird migra enerhead flcf l,ehap i vis citss e The Mcci Preserne, m Hlln Reg Asuscrity ascc mafoc bat excllent cix Sloi-fs as Us evercigit. Btan Eves Ussaf tf Mcly it middle or n linon are ait duci ccd il Ilermis reatis. Obiti. Ed A oecidect i 3l yeaos. Eds Haifcc Cecf itegs 30. Hf Born in Neit Ncv. 2v, 18a3 cn 1910. lIs Accelia Mmcd Cornwall, En 1943 lin mccmi St. ccd rae befoce mocici ccc toinriy Rotvn Ni Se. Fimeoci s. ittiKeosie Fs. Ush tIen. iiifîc It veogreen f lihbearers c sons Dace, 1 COTTAGE DELICATESSEN NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Alice Anne Day and Joyce Richardo are plaasad f0 anncecce ffhey have purcitased the Cottage Delicafcssen af 193 MOain St., Pau ad Sandra Mathins have ,ccinfcicnd a higit standard cf fccd and snrvice c the past, andwe promcisfo cntinuhe the sen high t candards. SPECIALIZING UN HOME BAKING-FRESH SALADS-FISH AND CHIPS BARBECUED CHICKENS- SNACKS AND LUNCHES -AND CATERING FOR BANQUETS AND PARTIES W. cac't Inavn withcuf saying f hcwm ,ch we cpprecicf. nvnrycnn'Ssu ppcrt and p atronageccer fhe past sevn ears. Bnsf cf teck fc Allcn Ance and Jcyce, and gocdbyn te cil Our friends ln Miltcn cnd district. PAUL AND SANDRA î. PLEASE COMI IN AND SAY 'HELLO" TO JOYCE AND ALICE ANNE THIS THURSDA V. SEPT. 23 AND HAVI A FR11 CLIP 0F COFFRE Cottage Delicatessêf - 193 Maie St. Mi Iton -878-6530