C4 The Canadien Champion, Wadnaa. Septembar 22, 1971 A bout the iJ town 'mwîth Doloires Melanson U Mn tD H. Menton, Mns G. A. Mce=and nMrn A. Zvita nIl if, Torona guets of Mns Gmyn toiena 6 Victorie Ana. onL tho ttetthe HtonpitetAxirylw arY à Ha. and Mns. Robant Harnnmet ni St. Catharines mare vinîtons tau thestem sobn1Mlton vth lbo da ween. Wble hons, Oiay W paid o niailtu la. Ha.nd Mns. J. W. Craeu ni 422 Woodward St., their farman maotantneuighbon mban Oay limadin1 Sashkatchewan. W/harton Cregg of 422 Woodmard St., and Gon Goto ni Tarants Robert Cnogg ni 422 Woodward St. qmet on enlope hoblidny . touringthebariims and Quaban. Ha visitod! mith ecousinc ora fer - dapo in St. John. Nom Brunsmick. - Congratulatinons nnd beaut minhon goto, MarnaI mnd Janhie Moion wbomoere mociet on Friday, Spt. 3in Guelph.Marcellaoadolrk in VOWS AND R Ledmithsifood marketendJuekieiaisreepinfrî] Gollnmny. Wa Clsurnh on Aug. loin with thair fiends ond relatives in mlobing thm n bang Maf ni Wallner. Thm bei prnuperlty. health and happins togathon. Breton 0f Kilbi Ladies frnen the Got Togethor Clnup ni Kox Preshytenlan Cbureb atteindeitan open air meettin et Oie %iane ni Mns. George GalbthO. e RR. I, Honhy An intonlbusainess eeting met eordneted md ton We ding mas ernetl hy Mci. Glalbraith. Hnppy Birthdny la Mia Son B ofe ni 1 Applehy Lina mbo A , i calabraise bier sisth birtay on Sody. sept. 26. VVW Ha. ont Mes. Boan Gorvais anet aughtons Donlena, Diane. and Gebiof ut3 lMain St. E. reeently roete tran n holiday maekend in Standards ot yel Kingslan. muis9 deenni Preshytarien Cia Hr.and Mes. Bruce Gaodnmn 310 Marti St.. eently vinilad Oie manrage nf Bruce ont Colleen moontoin. inrerly ut Robmnod crn. anet mm ni Bruna net Pet Rine Lake, near Bemdley, wbore theY 01»rtoa ainsstore, ont gau 9/alkor. 01ev. Job station. iietd at the Boit miahen fan Oie bnppient ai hirtlsinys goes lat Miehoel Kneole -e'esnny an 4.20 ut 395 Maplemand Cren. mho nalebratos bis tit blrthday on Sanday. Han.L. Vlasbl.e Sept. 26. ie bnde ln Oie d. ond Mns. Coron OniSundoy. Seopt. 120a speniol serceas onnted hy Nov John OGibride anet Oie M. Murrny for the retidenta of Hainon CentennalbManor. bias Marilyn onfly son of Ha. a Martinplayet the union tonenuompenynaehoir gruup. Comusc nion mai Wolbor. R.R. 2,h givon to the residents by Ree. Murray and tes mOiervedh y the yung The bride enter peuple. It masnaine la ons yong and aId. mizing togalho with navor a on Oie armi ort sin ut a îoneratin~ gap. a flanc length A-lin do elegonce. mitb Congratulatiuionad incene gontmlisboa goto isus Stieily NoilsOl long putiet ileoves of R.R. 3, Camphollville mho celebnoten banr birthday on biuidny Sept. train. nie bride'si 27. more tnimmet mit Ha. and Mes. A. E. Croineiu, Fiee Sldanond Miltan, reeenlly Hen heir mon on a paninb laces retumet from ammt'saliday in FoeepoctGrn d Baams beadpince boldi On Sundoy. Sept. 12, Koxau chuir touk part 10 Oie 02t deay lmitb voil. She no noeice 0f Kox 16 Prenhynorlan Chureh on Hlghway'Z 1.ni diorsar ot eoua roset Bru anhoma.an tsirlann anas Han. R. (Sheena) Dren.n eanvenor ut Milton Hospital Matrun ni bassc Ausiiany's Lama Pnrty mnuld litre la poinn out mhat a fibm job mas Kronendunk. Oie danbpail theeonvnrs.hetpend bhlndthOe scenais mochan, mho iiter. gove ai thermuelven la imoa Oie Olthaenimal lawa poetp onothor nue- nie hnidesai non. bien mbu set up tables, ehairs etc. and all ocganisations mhn Carleen Wattn, holpiet did their iota melI. Mony ynnng people came innmard mod bride, bina Jane vouontooret Ote balpli meli. af th groom. and 11mb Colback,. 020 Hlghmny 25, mnd Marty Beets, 97 John St. e m om.Kn Mitnrc nd etued fron o tsar of Euope. 9/bile thon ý viaitet GOnmany. Frlnd ianceBelginm, Hollmnd. Smitîonlaî.. Meuve Blon Austria mnd îItay. The bridesaoid mouve floral ehi Mr. and Mes. Murray Tauker. Hligliway 25, Milton visitet friands in Ottama recontly. 9/hie theme taay took in Oie Gttawa Haughniders and Toronto Argo football goene. KInon Pneihytsnion Chureb organizet a trip lu Hamailtoin la hmmr LaÀigbtss Ford Christian Happening". About 50 peuple monm Milaon atondet te, hear evongeliat Laigbbon Ford (tebo la n brotho-in-lam lu Bdiy Graham.) Rap Honda ai 46 Cobbtehil Road. Anlan, ioortry ni Campholide oa n patient la buspital. Rap la fraiser ior Oie Milaon PIpers, Junior B Hockey Cluh. 9/e 1010 mi hs fnmily and friande ont mish him a speety reovery. Whbo ays pou annt go onymbemo mithont spandint a lt of onny? Ken Digmnan af 310 Martin St. ecently retornet fruni n six monk toue i Oie mmlt. Ho beadet Ion Sudbary finst. mbore hae spent tmu days ond thon on la Seuit Ste. Marie. In 9/amo Ont. bie stapai at o eim cn bp Oie National Museam of Conada. He taan lravelled la Edmonton, Calgary ond Banif. la Banf hae spent 12 doys an Peoplen' Park at Enho Cnonb. Trueellerscn untay bore. iree of change. gen Bo mails a day and eonlibuts money omlv, i and etien Oiev non. Ot ananda iront, df pou -ignore Oie ttIi tha iongu vamp siek duning las trip (satferlag monm Malnutrition) ont hae bas the duetor's bill lu NUJRSE GR prove il. /hile in Banff,. be tren biontain nllmhing on binant Norqay. Rn thon lied la go la mork for a doy an dthne ho enld buy a Judy Hardy, namppar aI taons lu noniort Oie tant Oit ho nuined durini Oie Ha. and Mra.( moontait nbnh. 11.1. 3 Milto Hemwentaon teVancouver whene hoe stvet in a boitaI ion mnin daya, frm the Sehoni thn bock la Calgary mInce hae gui une ride ail Oie may bata la Sud- the Hospital burey, heoe roloening homne. (9/bore lie la getting bis hoalthbahonh) Chitdnen, TO A surprise birthdoy party mas hold fan Jarry Komes of MWl SI. graduation e mba nelebcotsd is ilst birtbday un Satocdny. nie parly mas betd ot Convocation H~ thebhome of Baery and Annete Nesbitt, 173 Main St. Milaon. Mes. Isabelle 9/ei, 25 Gntario Stret rorentty molieneil irom o Bwo mokhbobiduy in Virgiola. Cungratlations la Coin amillie nI 301 Martin St. mbo bas lusI complelet u tree peur course ai ntsdy mnd eareod o diplomu la Municipal Admilnseation iromn Quaenus University. Me. and Men. Cliii Bornes and Scottmad Sony ut M51 Appleby Lana were Sunady guesiofMr. and Mrs.Bruce Baresin Guelph. Happy Birthdop 10 Miss Larcin Aon Suillivan ut 59 Mill St. wbo cetehnalad bier slalhbhirthday on Sea'day Sepn. 18. Hor grade ona elonsmuales aI Holy Otosany lichanl sang bappy birlbday lat bier on Fidayoandasiencelebraladmwilha pertyetblierhome on Senurdoy. TOin Roton Aondliany of Oie 9/omons Mission Society bnld Ote baie meeting at thebhome of Mes. Willam Sent. 3074 Mais St. W. on Tuesday, Sept. 14. The evoning Dnyt. ai the 9/amen's Mission Society met aI Oie M honmeofiMes. M. Magee, 253 Woondward Si.,on Taesdsy, Sept. 14. Mes. Beveriy Aselton, 76 Aoue Bled., rncntly retamned fromn one moet holidoy in Bristal, Engaild. Me. andl Mes. Chartes MoulIon oI ltobinmood Cresn. reenuly relunnet iruen a tour ai Quehec ondOihe Maritimes. Pointa afinlaeront ai thetonr erelthe Cabon Troil, Gospe Penlasula mnd Prince Edmard has cer Iland. He is a grain Mns. Eliamop Anderson ae home la Von Nupo, Caiorela un ship at si. B Tuesday, alter visitiug mita bier sisten Mn Mebel Dsmns of Lydie St. Intenat Moi med brothocgEmarson Domn ai Robert St. toc Oie pat 10 dpi. 9/hile 0 -biane a vinitod sevemol otier relativen mnd friands in Milon mnd Toconta. Gis Onidny tan Dna fiandly hald n taremeli panty 10 han M 1 honat tha homne ofAir. mnd Mn. G. B. Clamento, R. R. 2, Milton. cohuoistn Onlotras Maeaon melcemnes natt frompeuple in Oie oursnsit oman si nas un o personat or social nture. Asesvares, partiesora visieai one aong Oie -ey thingsofn intanaut la, reaienso ni uitn o bauO Mmne Mn. Stanear hoap a Health Unit offers classes consant motta aven tae for expectant mothers, fathers tan in hgth enpteinaiImm. neen ni" Oie cepnan ainn qGS were exnhanged in Knox Preobyterien 21 an Roantyn Brouan botTone Mn. Peter dla ane daughbar tof Mr. Sent Mn. Canna d.-(smith Photo> ker - Brouse o a m mhite piilfed 31--vo. flney more mbite ited Knan plentre bats and narried baskets ech, Milton for of yettowandinauve cnotnec. toalyn Joye ltse ttomer girl moce o yallom ter bieColunO chitton goma trimonsed mita urraney nf- daien andl mare deaien in banr doubte ring baie. 511e nannidat nbhaket et on Angust 21. yellni aend mouve nonflomena. mon ongoniat. The goman mon Bilt aughton ot Me. inLagZdn. Jiea long friend ni eBrousof aihOe groom, Thetouiliers mare groom la the Peton Grismold ont ev Steeson, nd Mci. ore fionda ni Oie groom. Biton. Approimotelp 100 goanta et the etiarch attendod Oie eveoin e ception latier, meorig and donne on St. Clair Memede e gomnofn pan Hall. Milton. bigb neeklion. Lomeil Wotoon, brotbarn-0-te iand cathodrol Oie laide, assisat on monten oi res and train neremonies. h sponiah lace. The bridens mothor rceived lonned Wih earin a pink toce ensemble eding aio mith molbatng oeeennnnlen and a ng bier floor whiate gordenno ecrage. 'Tha rrid coscades groomos mothor asted menrlng n and mhite a tacquoise ennemble minIs bride alan more matdning acceenoiriea. Hec bain tao pendant. mon adorneat mith o eluster Oi mon Mms. Ruth dois. hnide'i hein OtoneymoouSoth nie happy coopte InNt on thair la moreofHan. tonopmoon trip tn Myctîn Beach, oistor th Oe Beach. Soath Corohofna. nie bride Walken. cousn won meaning o midi lengt rose th. Itome girl puik ont mbite ponti suil and a Valait, cousin nI mite gordenia cnoae. The bride la o stoffing asitent atgomiia foc the Publie Service n ono gomni ni Commission oI Canada, Toronne, rton mith daimt and theigrooma in theoilry lasiness mith bla lathen. nie bride and groom mero entertaineid at a prenentation gien by Mes. Don Wrigbt, Mc. Erie Slmart and Mci. John Richardaason i e bome ot Me. ond Han. Don Wright, Lnmville. bride more given hy Men. Phyllis Walber, sont nI the groom. Miss Judy Partont and Han. William McLaughlon; Han. Frank Cavai ond Han. Jim Gnomne; ondthOe laide' a e-montons. Me. andl Mci. Lon Wather mntertamoed at a eboorsal ponty. nie groom' a mmndi Peter Griamald, Bill McLaaglln and Bey. Sînnor gave a atag Party. Wedding Coke Thehbride andbler mthon made Oie weddmng cake ond Mes. Stan plice ni Comptelleille decorntod it. ADUATES nie bride and groom are mohing Ikeir home at the danghlar oif Mayiair Apantenènta 25 Ontario iC. Hardy 0f St. N., Apt. 710, Milton. agradoateat Gusu atoendet the madding LotNnnin 0 m Milton, Antan, Guelph, 1for sin of asaga, Banlinglon, Toronto, fo ik Port Credil, Londau, Stratiord, Oronto, at atreetueille, Hamilton xerniaen at Mîinsaaga, Belleille, nil on Sept. 8. Gonnoque, Perth and Ottawa. ILION MEIAL SOCIETY mishas ta ansoanca thet r.t James Gibson smaacad medicel practica un Miltaon oa of the Uiniversity of Ohona. Juniinte nSan liahasi's Hospital ie Toronto ani mne vear of ici 5t GhiOtawa Ciain Hosupital. FFICE NOW LOCATED AT -TON DISTRICT HOSPITAL office iaurs - s p.m. la 4 P.a. MaaiC te Pilie aiso Timas a Esseleal hvopaaia5isaii 878-3825 Gift for al occasions Engagement -Bridai -Anniversary -Shomer -Birthday SEE OUR COMPLET S ELECTION 184 MataSa MOItaa toligraof daunt eC eth i Oit wc te adl- lostint mithOe tosly. "9/a enaterage toiaghta ni moching tagethea one nai atdnt," she rcenl. Mmauondan the lapin atmi auplainai lb eimportance of disciplina. "panants are anoR ai l wok togathan la thai hil,"se sreetiW "/ explain aou capaenacesite aid -ariea Oerier Boa." toth couse henlthyare ead in lak nsecond panai," alli aid. "iTe mthans netsn la OieY amcre asg Oleia ana h aaathe irasnd bepay, t ai "Tarenths sangt itsOty ianutei he Progra m Wd tu ahautep csrno nbdl dis1 iahnsc n al y, ond the tourta monta ni thair uevmt naotb t bananeaton ava ha pugnaus sIeli pretImý, Mn LeVeY i10 partn bandis suevie.tO i tote,"ahenotod. "tw mn coma eecty in thoir pceanetns h breatldng endaxonto etmai e diat banane daily routina." ina Laey pointadl out thet rellalon thOe mzt~emi 10 tlndtedmd notodl it at to have omte rup hn- one, tee. dZ =noe. I We bave t2îto 151in the prngironi, ad 1500 Ouc maxnlium." Oaeto muet agnaa AU~ partcipants i the progneen taolt pbysiclan batore aiolo. "lWa naqalce e dnntore nanonunendation and siipptort aIt no enggestions," alli sui. tImpiortant fatot o, in'eed1 :jtpcegne cthea toltesot dlat etd ennia. lWa eincotrae exece, pet mîtOt ail tha eehenicat hoomhotld tonte tody, Oie enacl of pa th e prgainbasangadoeiemhat Alet ne pont tf the jmngroin raid bava beau discuslhon"If' sun ml "Houpital supervIsors have toto un enesp lImas Oin H; hon baesa proves thn pragrame la eoetaidy ahl hog i on.'o I co Mlto mainesayn and op1- Electnic heating has the perSonal touch. A modemn elOntric hoaîing nynltels yoti controt the lomporoturo of each rotin (nour honn neparotety. Koep overy roomT junl as anarm an yoO vvnOl-a litle extra warmlh in the baby'o rotin, a liGIle nont in the kitchon eshea ytiu'ee ctGking. your IlYdm* 250 Matin St. Milton hydro Phone 878-2345 wi What Weil, ie t Our! Beauty j 9/hp We t We s Astei We b looka ou Ast and mhe Shades of ,utumn mena previewed in fanhiono fromn The WVilla ai the Beta Sigma Phi Delta Epsilon Chopter, Oekville, fashion nhow. Kfie Strath modela n hot pontas tet by Scoop, Pana CoUlard a cont and matching nihte by Claire Haddod, Nancy Wtilameoson ail woot doubte knit by Colette. Standing, Gtoria CoUlard and Doloires Metonson are weating evenmng f ashins by Claire Haddad. Gtoria's fou tength vent is a patterned velvet. Tfx~ STORE HOUES Moas o Oua. Tueday, WaeOMY T fw nmd Tteeeaiay U aa. toi p.U. Fslday to to, Pet. satunday 9 bai. VL [a< LADIES' WEAR 70 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-3813 laenntofbth men id moniaii milI neisomae ion ls 1tt ennuacotive penn of oponolion, nassiseneing Oet. 5. Tha Parent edonotion classes enduced nd direntod by Oie Hietoii Coonty Heolth Unit prepan enpeant mothorn and fathera fon thaer eneiflag anporiancas; eheed. 'Wewoldnnadiernerat thadisc on parent edonoatiat diocussions tIso pra-natal clase," aod bian Grae Laovay, dlrantoir oi narnaing servica. "«Itla1 a gond oppontunlty foc axpactant parnitstoleaabout the eneing toenllyeand aducatingghenotO minet menae dolag," sea notai Fortatbanstoo rbte poant adunallion tn'ogroina incitads n a n aM groep discssions, taro of mhlnh theatthors attant. Belginning in Oetoben Oie progron mil hoe balli in the nenoarne centre an J. M. Denyan Sehool eab Tesday oenering. Headlag eacb discussion miUlie publie bealth nonne Mns. E. Marner, mbo bans povdad and completadl nomaroon othen parent pengronru. "nie fuess la on trv nof n uiibelthful living," Mts Loa enlnd "Wa promota dia montinn ni altbfsl, living." She enplelned tbe qualifieatinsi ut eab nous eandnening tbe prngcan Oiogno tto nty. "Ail narsrv mont aefour yenns = eaolons belote Oiey ara bie sstaff," alia maid. "Tites 0f thone yenns ara in training nt Oie onrtha a yenr at n anivorsity." $5 tee Parent eduenltion clamsa ara ennducead et several hoalta mita thnongbont Oie eonty ineludlng thono in Milton, Burbingt, Oak- ville ont tGeocgetomin. Pansons mtntet in Oie progrn ara armedto1 mali thoir local bealth unit ton dotails. niere 10 e $5 regmstration ina ebarget toc ennb ioenily. Delvang intot discussion, tha progront denla mith the sublanto ai pcegnnny, tabac and delivory, poit natal odiontenent and "Oie taenily'. Rtelaxation tochniques, onecieo diand nomrk hbits are diseanaed fully. Unte- Oie . Dtd yen .edered if] rally id Hu etothon-tinnil diT Knomto togivebim a No, nna theate. Cab satmthebeer prove it. Then the tind it hattiq saothing th ment tu oai ltte patta experienne h dg u tie n Lateo ea when a mnth enby the on dampadît tokoovel atm gnve ttiei tie tOtm mri tiappen mbmi Gitan n 1 They don't w and pornnpt t'ocspmnen gl by smeety ho ptoying aooI datee hyx 1onty dîne il i eithiei', tor it guents nfton agOin? We are *r -- -» 1 7