Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Sep 1971, p. 23

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Third Section MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBR 22, 1971 VOL. 112 - No. 21 Jim Forbes turns scrop into sculpture His "f ound art" takes on strange shapes INTERMTED IN FOUND ART as eSl, 2½/-year.sld Tommy Forbes issfds a large rat made hy hec daddy. A heavy morli of art Tommy 1usd truible holding the cal even ushile orated hn ber favorite chair. ~(Staff Photo). By Jaet B'ida Bsiiwinkio, au elephaut, a cal, ornerai osuas ami nuerous aliter "ifoord ohiecis" graco the Georgetown home of Jies Forhes and bs fatiify, at 76 Ewloo St. Mode maiy of odds and ends of faces ettoipent, 1900e oid "rehces" osel for aoywhero frues $10 te $100, and are in costant demaod throughout the year as hirthday, aooinertary or Christmsas pruseotu. As antd fao of fourd ohjecta, Mr.Forhes gots mmlt of his supplias trous ueighhorbood farmers and pays mare for 910 materials thus they are worth as scrp. "Really il's a vory ioospensive hohhy," Mc. Fuehes esplaioed. Drestees Influence A sr cailed "master" ai 19is hohhy, Jies Forbes soa hoe berue intoreuted in fouad oh- jorto after ho came to know area sculpter Joseph Dreotoru of itochwood. "i' goror yos coolil sy ho badl sme hiod of us iofluence os usy monk," lie oaid. "710w 19at mas oner four yusrs aige." Old wreorheu, horueshoos, usower lins, utirroile aod chatos have toton os oumrous odd shapos and designs iu the Forbes homse. Aesatchiog set of sadboato msade frous plougb shares, a mas puobmng a wheolharrow made of old wruschus and mails or as alligator made trous a former hasd mow are scatterod aiong oboînos, tables and the buffet. SoveraI 9usd artifacis aise grace the outdusr roch gardes of the homse. The ides of "beauty lu in the eyus of the beholder" is certaindy true wben one studies the fousd objecto. Severai items couid lie ustohos for aoy sesober of usiies or ohjecto, depondiof os oto ts imhmig at the art. "The final objet depeuds on what materials are soged," Jim Forbet moted. -i ore as oid piere of equipeet, nisalite the coespleted object and worh f rom there," hoe said. TheyrcaDhbla Mr. Forbes gathers otd equipusent aBter monk or on weeheodo. A housepainter hy toade, ho mayu ho has couse te hso;o msoy area farusers througb worhlug os bis hbby. "They fisd old junk aroord their home or fields and raIl me about il1000," Forbes mmid. "il's better 19uo chasiug them for supplies." Ali of Porbes' "iosod objecta" are buitt at bis homo, 9is creotios nioualized the esoteriats gatbered ami mouided to shope thensorcli object 10 placed us a separate box for hoîstoong touches. "Whes I have orneraI objects os the go I toto heusi oxaes to a wetding shop doootoooo. i pay the owser for as hoor's lune os the welder ami YourChev/Ulds deaeritrduces thue 1972 Chevrlets and Okismobiles. This is your year for a nlew car. Bc glad. Because hiere's a wide choice of irtîiy fine cars;. f-ronm Chevroiel yoiir choice ranlges al] the way froo lte iippy littie Vega, the litile car that does everything vieil, to lte big ('hevy Caprice. Rerneioher, ail Big ('hevys g ive you roorco. phis power steerîng, powier front disec brakes anîd if yo il get te VS ellgine. autltiC trantsmiission. Ail stanidard. BetNNeeni the bille Vegaî and the big Chevy >ou get Niiîa. 1-i i s i the flot- ioo-big, oot-too-sesull Chenrolet. The famoos-for-depcodability Chevrolet. A shade higger and a totîci sporlier thaît Nova is lte Chevelie. A inid-suze car ecith a lott otf big ideas. Especiaily ilt ils ride aîtd passetîger conîfort. Or is tii lthe year you slep Lnp bo Oldsîîtohiie? Cutlass iakes il easy. Titis is the itîterrttediate-size Oidsittohiie, vi ith lte style, contiforl anîd perf'ormtanîce ltaI says Oidsîîîîîhîe ail te wvay. ('ttiass. [,îls voti iii att Oidsiltohiie a couple of ydars sootter. If the ride's lte îiîing ivitit yoîî, hetter go Oids Delta 88. Hard 10 brlieve il's lte iowesl.priced big Olds. Anîd itN big ail lthe way. Big it, te cîtîttort ou'ils (i-Ride systelît. Big ilt stantdard fealnres. Big lît lthe i'eeliiîî oif leadership \ ou gel os itit yo tIre beliitd lthe ie. Vsielter yoti go for al uitle Vega, a1 depeit le Nova, sporl\ ('ieveile oir ('ntiass, or a big i iala or Deltat 88. yoii gel solittliig extra. ls' caiied sallie. (iea l M0oor" valie. OLDSMOBILE AflWA< A STEPAHEAD seeyourClmvWoet/Oksmo1-bile dealer today, Bukgsa t a n sdhouide l m. ideia Yu... oi,i saineofh ae e ouip entiilltd . o na0 0i ai Ot.Cl complote several projecto in ose eveslug," ho quipped. As eshîhttor at 1910 yusr'o Steaus-Era reumios in Milton, Mr. Forbes poited ot thatb he s te diopîay bis mort as monh as possible. -I try to gel ihous 10 show as oftos as I cas, " 9e replied. His firot opesiog displaytog of 9is art was at the Tail Homse in Georgetown in Noneesher 1969. Ho has aise hors 00001 artiot at the yfornsi Arts and CraffsiShow, has diuplayed ai as open air show opossored asomilly by s brewery, a craft show at Streetonlill asd aus19or at Brausatea i..brary. 300 in four years Originaily trous Milton, Jies Fortes lias made ao oulimated 300 olijorto oner the four yusr period ho lias tolies fourd objet art us a hobby. Prusenily ho hou 40 pieces of bis worh os hasd, the rosI bavnog heens od 10 friemis and seighhors or isterested perss attooding art shows ami ",pichiot sp" htt worh. A usodeut, jovial usas, Mr. Forhet ooted 90w ptusd ho was when officials at Georgetown High Snhool ashed hies 10 attend an open bouse at the schest aod instructutudestos in 9te techniques hohiod fourdi art. "il jouI msade usy day," Fochos realed. An oeil as the fourdi art hobby, ho aha sio njs workisg wi19 sculptormng. loverai dlay mashs are also recogoinabte when tushesg uroord the Forbes home. -l like the scutpturiog au weil," 9e laugbed. "11 is abstract in deoign ye1 offeru fores." Ail Jus Forbes' "worha of art" are sîgned witb a speciat esisigota, F oner J, for bis complote nme. Articles in bis collecion have mmld for up to $100 aod seneral itemst he usas cossoood t0 do. Maoy of bis iouod objecta have moade their way (wîth owsersi tbrough Canada and the United States and ose porticutar item was an eighi tort uscors, especiaily made for iriendo of the Forbes faesiiy. Some are saturai "tI lie tb use peiol os uy worh tb briso attention to one focal 1 r- spot," Forbes sd. "The oye ares oa especiaily imiportant in ornerai of esy worho." Ho aise explaioed that blachpaeitor oboe lwliuh su sed 10 add fioîshed touches to the coespleted fousd ohject. "Yet soe stiil pref or thees in their natural forest and coloriua," ho explained. F or refereoce purPose and perooal eeetos, Jst Forhes; usw tries t0 heep record of ail has worh throagh the use of pîctures. t nve mmld ornerai articles durlog the Christmas rush aod have no record whatuoever of just how rsany there were," he noted. "SO frous oow on I tahe pictures of everythiog and keep Iheus for reference." aenecal montbo afler objectu have licou uold he returns lu the cuphoard 10 loush t1the pictures of lus "suvnirs" bis wife added. 111 stiS gel a hidk o0ut loohinget former ohjecta t no looger have. There's a hayah, a dog, us elephust, a ...... MtANI AND CyMsBAIS is a proue found obtect! ausongst Jous Poches, collection. Made frous old farco equspseut, the "reluc" wouid oril for anywhere fcous $10 lu $100. -<Stiff Photo). CATS, AL1IGATORS and uses in kayaks ran moolds old faces equipeo halo odd shupet ha fosnd io lte bouse of Jies Pochas of and oeils titrs foc esodest susrs. Georgetown. A part lime sculpter, 9fr. Forbes _..(Staff Photo). Collect $6682. 14 Cancer fund over quota Milton Unit of the tJandiao The unit was p=ea edObars monlhs. 100 dreusings were Cancer Society resuesed their tha1 tbey hadt euored eir oupplied 10 cancer patients. regular esoothiy eetings in the causpaigo goal of $6,600 and Mcv. J. McCorroO of the clînîcal classroous of Milton reported t9e total amust Visitation (Toosuittor reported District Hospital Tueoday, Sept. coilected doresg t9e cainpaigo she had nly a f ew patients te 14 oas $66.014. Tbry oece vinita uth1e preorut lime. presnoid wilS their cetificaln Boot9 ai fair fronnithe eginnl office. 'he Unitlllhaiveaibooh in Z:7,. lirdivn te Noa l'o Building uithOe tair If' m E~ I ous dinea is year, loaluriog "Smsoking Il j 5li The Service 10 Patients Sams". Lîterature mutl ho J Icousmittee reportaid they bad anaîlable mnd usesc of the Promues Margaret Hospital in informsation ou the services A T.M O E Toronto for trealment. for a total pronided by theCacrSiey A. . M ORE of486muls urig Jneand Juty. Meushars of the Unit wiil ho At prosln they have patients mseeting with their ares ,904pmce requirog a nacohar of trealmeuto repreoruttine te tearo seh8t CAMPULLVILLU and there ouIl ho a great sood for items will 9e reqsired hy more votasteer drivers 10 ar- Prusceus Margaret Hospital ha 854-2271 commodote theor patients. altse a patuiet's:tay in hospitol -I

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