DIAMOND WEDDING A7NWERSARY wsea mamrage. An open bouse ws eld ai thb celebratcd Suodsy by LL. Col. and Mrs. J. K hosc ot tain sou Murray at Camphellvillc. - Maison of Camphdllvillc, wbcn oee 100 cslled (Staff Photo) ta sffc" congratulations ou f0 ycars of J. K. Mahons celebrate 6Oth wedding anniversary Oser 100tfciends, neiglibors aud ducingthe lirat icar nitli Uic 154th relatives visited witi Li. Col. snd Battahion and os wounded in Mc.. J. K. Mahon of Camphell- France. Hie rceived tic ville on Sonaia one Uic uiar hoocacy titie af U1. Col. allectthe couple celehrsted o happy fOU1h ireac. For several yeacs hee hcaded aedding onniveru"c. An ati up Uic Lamne Scotu Regiment iaase oas lield ai the home oI lisre their son Murray Mahon, Mc.. Malion hon heen active lin flpüic Rionhv. ivs coonunity affaicu and chuoci The illins ave ivdin ock ai fi. Davidos Preobyteciai Caohtville aid district iiiot Qiac aid Uic W.A. of SI. oticr vo. lie oan humi on Uic Davidus arcaigcd Saiday's open faouly ferro on Fise Sideroad, hoone aid cotercd 101 i appre- lttler lived ai Ehonezer. he Uinm ciation foraSt Uic yeacs uf service the village.lie reticed aboutcight olie hon rmndered. flic i aise a years afa alter m-y y-ac wli fle memher ufthile W.M.S., and Craatord Lamhoc Lid. an active member oftIhe Servedinuoar Wommn'S ntitute. Lt Cal. Malion served Invertiesn iey wcre macried aithUi home of foer parents i Camphollvile o s ept. 23, 1011. lier sister and W nIf~.an~ ts liroUier, Mr. and Mrn. E. D. WoCfoe ~ Maison uf Camphollvile, wr Uicir attendants aI the weddiuf budget and thoy wd cllerfn ho e runs short 10l' 0' Halion Conty. buidget for LADIES' fec , cfea for 1971 aI hoe dplied ly the mnd of Octohor, Coaity Sacial and Family D A Servico ld Uiat cononttue lait accli. rdctdoodisnl Safurday, Oct Gray rdceanadtol $120,000tauuld hoe required 10 fet Leglon Hai ficougli the ycac. A to11 ta of 9*~ P.I $M1,0f0 liad hemn hudgeted for JACK< REEVES fiat portion ot theouperation but Admission .. $4.î ith ed ofJuly, only 23pecenti unh a dvs ons thIle Sucisl Proceed s o The Milleo and Family Services Departmmnt Foc tickets - Pin appeler 10 o in foc aifi budget8764 eupectstionn. The case 1usd repact shows the numhec of empîsyces ou the coln lias icreased forfih second munUi in a con. The nuonler ut empluyahles un Uic cules icconsed fron li9 i Jonc tu 17f on Juiy sud 215 i Auguot Thece Oece feaier un tlie ioal in Jonc fia si mal in thc yeac lu dite. Arec NDPs SO IEFiS roast corn Federal NDP leadec D)asid 1h.O Lewis oas scheduled lu speali luCII uNe suppocters Icuai tise ucea Anderson CATO culasg s aI a curn rosât lield at Se ne Cummuuuy Centre o Sslucday, liaI oas umaille 10 Tapes misse lil. Organisers said r Leois vilas called aoay lu Saskatchiewas ofoce tlie NDP is SEAN 0fagig a liy-clclîon camopaiu CONNEOY Dccci filaclilurn, Brcant cdig MP, illcdin forMr. Lewis sud spolie ioforma y lua croiod "Thse best big caper colicoateid et 300. liails East fl n2 er. NDP candidate ens Ieloli an titon West canidate Walter Muliewtcli wece smung f ive aceas.2 costendeco itcduced lu these 6 t~ .le ccoad. The umall sos ot a doctor aisveced tho teleplione asd told thc ec Ilalle th t afer was sut i 'Du u knouï whos lie will ho in?,' lieassked. "No, 1dos't," S., NU said thc boy, "Hc ucut uson anOkv 'lermity case.' NASSAGAWEYA 7 BIG DAyS Thuirs 30,0sct. F, NDP Any Enquirias s Wm. A. Johnson 854-2366 ma 59tli annivecsory tbis ycar. Aong the aoniversacy visitocu oas liii siacer Mrs. Nancy Hiawkins of Guelph who ait ho 90 nst mnnf. And miothocr special visitur wsea Mcs. falion's saint Mcs. Myctle Tocs of Toconto. Msany valtors fice couple recoived maiy cacds, floseers, gifls and fond Milhos on their happy diaisond wedding ceilibration. Visiturs came fruom Ottawa, Muntreal, Mi ssîssau fa, Windsor, fincetsvitie, Kitchener, Toronto, Brantford, Guelphi, Gcvnhrst, Whithy, Glait, Rtuchud Acton, Hiamitun, Mucnistus, Etilicide, Miltos, Camphotlvle and ares. 'lhe tamily inclades taosnons, Murnay of Csmphollvflle and David, deceased; aliao tlicee gcandclildren Jolis ut Gecinsny, Jacote uf Seanitford and Jai, deceased. NAIIAI LESI 136, AIton AUXILIARY NCE obOr 2, 1971 Il, Milton s1 Af. ORCHESTRA 00 Fer Couple n Girls' Pipe Sand Advise counicil on new house standards blitz Monday The new nchedule an tlor am insan izon, 1,5S0 foot torsicy aZida hsf MAt fee for atanirykul ioad 1,450 for asaphit levot.i In au, R2 the graon floor ares muat footilaut 1.200 square font tors ieoaoe allg ,2 fo tor =y d hl ,, fr lino storey ntad12ffr nplit levze ntl. 120 o In ail uthor reidntalnanes haitlng have 10 ho 1,050 for a =inle ntorey hui~ 1,200 forsa strc aid a has 1'MS focsa ta slrey daling alth a mians Of t1ilI for Split leveL Th e plnners smo. ceomdd fiat fie defin utrnfo re rshlid onclodo hsemients in the coon of conidmUi dwelnge. Maser. cf fie hriua Lii =. be11h golng dnn 10Me M da vnng fr-i 1 te p.-., asking for tuaoon for tae 1971 ~soifradfor tic Canadian = =osilite for the Blind. Orgaseranreport flore are 218 Plitaon .niaig hot. in the North lai are. absence ho grattdi hut altaout macy. fruadto. ifough Clohoeneyedid 4 TrsasDoa¶ Palmer, a4 shauld ho gnaitil etlar. lThe bar ag eluav o ho gratcdwiiat salary. denIed by board NDP candidate for Halton nomilise upU West, Walter Mulkewlch Ma;ority of ti poahed the flsiton Coîat ahen ho euSoi 0f ducatiai of wich hoe lu an emsploioo at for s lame nf ahsence with psy motthathle coutl sinvote part of i.s Urne durhig Uhc day bo campaigig until the Oct. S 21 etection. ( Mulkewich said hoe colii connider toidn o lot cf tiene off aithout psy. Hie ad there acre precedents and otd y freelng 3141 Wc him ta campaigo, b oard auuld hoe helplng Uic !helectco proceso stay in0 aokl Regisi condition. No meyt Trunîrce Fred Armîtage lie fehlng of the b oard memhocs the luti of Lions CNIB The quiet; strng, beaufful, dependable sturiy stylish, ovablel972 FordS are here Spend a QUIET FORD DAY Spend a lttle tme with a Ford and enjoy I oi peuae otn yuieand UtUUXU '>. s yoar ,iraiî i~ siare trie rirrliet exciteen of i braid nv eraLtifnil Frrîd. Tire new Frs ,6V ail sizes aind shades of lavary or r- Thýees urre ta fit yrrrr lite "72 GRAN TORINO Quiet because ifs a Ford Grari lb ru,',s tire exciting leader of the lorally nem Torinos. It's rugged because ofilis nem body tramne. lt' quiet because of ils compUrer tuned S-trame, body, suspension, angine and drive lice. A nom Stabai coii spring suspension makes for sure stability, and improved handiing. roirino, connes in 9 sîyish modtels iicluding sporty 2-door and larger 4-door, hardtops and roamy station magons. '72 FORD LTD Quiet Ptuâ Ford LTD is one o) the world's quietest riding cars, And that bas helped make LTD a grear nem Iuurp car. LTD s avaurices stanrdard teatares like power iront disc býakes, power steerîng, avromnatic tarrrisri35)1 V-8, aind ils elegant iiiieriors, are other goGo reasons. Take a qaier break... and gel Quiet P/as MUSTANG PINTO MAVERICK w The driving machine One icrugh littie car North Americas Favorite Compact tr.î i . i l fi'!t, Pr"ý -I.feii,.în r e, iruvourils. VIiff rsirç,,, Th rfu a,, i t ,,. irr, . , ij. j:rîr nîi.vrrrvliir.vî rii Ivt iiii,nMleCi h r vr , b lîicliigcilv , irrrbie.Mrivralusiiî ri - i.r Inrrr Canad,raufrnie car lias gorr, 4-drr vsiuioryGaer.Ecvnemvîsnsn j c ie ns cir ii ji Tiat's Pirto i8 buI ci, se Maverick. North A sricaadd SEE VOUR FORD DEALER. BUY NOW.. WHILE MOSI '72 FORD CARS ARE AT '71 MODEL PRICES.* ITILIAN - S&IM OILI or ILI 8ATURDAT,,SEPTEMIER 25th 8.30 p.m t. 12.30 ar. nt the MOLYIM108*11 ILL, MARTIN ST. MILTON J E WELS OR CHMESTRAr-A LL WE LCOM E BUFFET LUNCH VOTE -VOTE For WHOM, you say ... SSII OIT &IIS MEET 1001 MILTON WEST PROVINIAL ELISTISI SANBIIATI8, nt F111 111W PUIILIS SOISIOL, LOWVILLE, et I F.M..en WEDS, SEPT. 29 Forti taxes; Separtate School.ducaton, pollution, Niagara Escarpmenl plan TON ask the questios. Maeting sponsored by Uppor Burlington Citizens Forum Mulkewlch's requ.st LEARN MODERN LIULARE DANCING Clano bains hil Tecumueh Public Scisool todwa rd Ave., off Guelph Lino Burlinglon Tuesdays ut 8 P.M. ration Sept. 28 and Oct. 5 CLE-TEACHER-Stu Roberton S daml ane pn enh mas fla DUMPING ceservoir a West MPPI viroueîri swu pri Plulect S completed il operalion, Iru t0 sept. 10. Conservation fiai Provinci on inspuctan Thic 13 su saiat nuinher rcom rosdî devclopmere tacilites an flic vulumil daily hy ten i clesu-upws hoe. aithe lx comnplihedl s paintig huil Bran A sing le mi fidorond, Esç Us. sled ta Brampiton oi isjared titra residonts. Ida Adhio,: fi. Brampton craos. Pasian were sin Mitz, 22, dris sustained mini Labinoaicy at liaci injucie Honki 17, s injuriesnM. Ki Mitun District culeased The, semain an ai in haspita. P.C. Gary I OPP ivontiga 1 F