nhe Canadien Champioe, Wednes. bepteanbar 22, 1971 87 Award Hilton Falls controct tender price is $790,599.50 Afinar Earth Movnog Ltd. af Oshawa wae awarded a $790,559.50i contrant Ifor the construction aI Hilton Folie dam andl renecnaic near Caephetlvle, hy Haltan Ragian Canservalion Aolhacily membeco at their cegcta. meeting sept. Te Oshtawa fircm wae lte lowst oI nix tandems rceived lte prevoon weeh. "Worh at the eile neiIhegn n noneon tee compmny lebndnd and the colntnlgnnd," Mac MacKrall. the authorityns connlting engineer tld the anecellve. TIi tendec wae lte bent rceînei, he tld lte gronp. The Hilton Folio project wll ceigulate tee flown of the Sialeen Mlle Creeh, aiment; four miles octh-eaet aI Camphellille.The, dam lie a ta iflent high and 8il lent long and dl 10cm a 35 ocre ceservouc. Loue abjectar Naseagoweya Reeva Mce. Anne MacArteur wms tee oaiy meonher neha criticined t6e Aoteocity's actions on tee Hilton Folle projeet. -I as jont neondeclng il Naoongaweya had tamn appcoaoctd," nile eald. "Yoo mode Milton fuly saare oI what neon happening but ignored on," eh.e tasbad ont. "My crl coneervation." Autearily chairman Barry Humphceys bld Mce. MacArthutr ta conld resel aI leoel tinece nen ha hail paroonnliy been tatane tae crl about te pcojecl. "And l'on nulle weing la go again " ta admtted. Vice-nirman Alan Wright enggeeted tee astbanlty send a delegation ta Nassagaweya somelione le the immediate future ta osîline t6e entire projecl. The execelive agreed on tee proposai mnd orronged ta motonlly decide opon s date loc one lime le Octotar. "I have fosght nomeroon bttleloer you mnd son lad up. We banc a lot of nene meontaro who necd ta ta mode owace oI jont wbal'n galng on," t6e township renne eutd. Ne cepresnaive tee aie attacheil meontare for ot anhing s Naenagaweya reprenentative 1u attend the menting nelte Mleleter of Mmne oeil Nerîhere Affaire Leu Boenier, when 6e visiteil Milton ocea qoanciee in Aogset We bave six qenrriee le Naseagonseyo and ai prenent are in the midalt of a probleon wtth Milton queriez, eile exploleail. 'Il neoulil bave raprenentative tram Nase- agaweya attend." Aulhority onemhers tld the reeve the meeting woe cailed hy the munster at short notice. "It nlill wold have heen a neerteana thing ta ask; Nassagaweya," ele quipped. 20 replies on help ad Champion clanolleeda witl neake yoor phone rnmg-jst ais the adverteern whn repnrted socee wlth smail ado on jot weecita adition. Oe mon advertieed for a man la help with oulaide work, andl coold bave hiced 20 men heom lte repies he got. Another pecean liiei a dog for sale and remivad eight catia. (The dog nean nold that day.> Champion claseifieda alleu ai trckh, cars, farma machinecy, hoeeehold gonds and motarcyce. Try lim and nce. -Milton Faic is this Frlday and Sturday. Den't mie hie annual showcaoe of agrculture. Residents conc.rn.d PIead to save treles Two lettans Inon lmndonnern, job la te neante savng, mnd tee contral of Mole St. nemI oI Martin rond la jtest wenk'e mnenting aI remaindan areaopple hrem wlech St.î mad a mopy neon filid wite Milton Coonci, angail tee Iode bang onen tee rondt ollowmnce an town cti fon cefanence. te hie mnd coint rondt crelet ta npone Thoman St. Noce will ta et on raply t6e conty englean tld tee tracs le prapaeed recon- tee et sida aI Thoaso St., 6e Mn. tdcKereie teat preonivollon etruction pregrome on Thoas eaid. of the landecapa leaturee neasoanc mnd Mole Ste. le town. Coonl dectded ta notily tee ai tee prime canuiderottons le Mr. ail Mre. J. K. Cauison, 165 Causons teal seaifimtons fan detgning tee eew etreet - "We 'ThomcaslSt. onid if the Thomeas St. tee rondt job and o list of hrem te fe tee proponaed contruction job lnvas cttbng dawn hemit, ta col are available fon leeper- will have no allant on te "'tele con hardly ta regorded as tien rit t6e lods hall. maoanit, and ponsibly ail oI te local improxeonent." The A second letton coma Iroon L. hanes; honeee we wn't tanan Caaieons agrend rond repaire R. McKenete et Mersie delmlaiey mntile have finise ao were ncaeory bat hapail tee Fonerot Home, neha eepraesed pre-dasige eludy which sbauld ta hanes neould eut ta deelroynd et ton cosen sbt a o ie rif telle September or canin Oc- tee tomne limte. "ta teto day acnd teauldotl old onople trams nehch totan." age nen the annironeel leai on il ta dauhoyed il Mole St. le eneryona'e mind, cooncil shosld neontrucled in Ibat arca and bave o progroon for pientisil tee eîdeeali le nehll meule the hree. rateer tban cetîlea 16cm tran tace. "lia-coliail progresu dane" teey nerote. maytae great, bst ot at the mest The copte airso toi tee roaid of these heariiol ad tond- le -o local speedneay" onw and moche." ha nenate. "Coneervation fee the danger te yoeng echool as impoirtaet. .. Ie cIon msidar chdldrcc wi ta encreaseil il tee veny carelully, hefore Coing rond os impraned tao onucb. teroughtinte tou pragram." Othenbjectoms Fineto6e cal Tevo oten Maie Sr. reeidenta Mayan arton aet eaid there badl cocher noimil manae oer a are Ite hrem tri m cldows on proposai tu mccc tee toute tee Thomaos mnd Queen St. recon- uidewath brick behind the trac etruction - one je a maple tee lune. one aenta eut dowc. risc o Mr. MeKersie's latter wae sent 'Thoas St. woald hane ta bc to Crinty Engincer D. J. Conbtt hrmed ton, eereiy boribhe road 1the onty has lobes nnar Weed cutters are busy people Halon Comnty Wand tospector Contty Desg Cernie tld the agrie- Ch r ins fo 6te service rn culttural cooncotte ofl Cnenty btee $8 mnd $10 on borir. Ha Cooncilthere wae enoogh aortit 'id teere bcd tees 150 ordere tu tdoc ctlong neede in the et uneed cn the crinty afraady motb e bap2d aeonny te s anmd if cri turther rirdare ental tee end oI Septemhcr mile weene receined. bis mn wentd bie inst tee bach ordere. busy nette bamb erdere entil the Hae nlia k e r endl of the month. rdan l maivnt ielden ilrte Wbile tome of t6e omnere rr ladoere oaant fiedp if e gratafri for tee sernice, oteere wada ccl. If 16 'omaredrihe ancnot to cri-operallne. Cttrie pay in 15idays tee bil is ottached pladte contrming hs cudttoes la hie ton hill.pritnrcnrtelonola. H o no rOn risc occasion tw0 mec necre H onor ound cuttong wecede le Peel Bill W oods hie uetwed nBrigo wcre bound in Milton Piena. TheY Meonhers oI Milton Plening weee nupposed ta ta at 20 Board ohserned oem ûritst' Sideroail. "Wberexer they sec silence et teir regolar meetingl wends. teey gc, 6e salil. Wadncnday eelg, le hoson of Cornre tend tere neere for Wilhiam Woods Who pine OWOY mochines eittong idle hecae ha reccnlly. Mr. Woods a Milton lad ban onabte tri replacc meuncilior and o meonher of tee eludeet help rice orbeni starteil planning briard since Janoary 1 i. . t97ux Dump fletter a mistake A notice f rom the wasle bried on the crindition of te mangemnent branch aI the drimp in May. acece tas, te D ltnnt aItee Enniraonent towxrnship bas tabac stepe ta inlonmîeg Eeqoasicg Council cinprene tbeir eanitany land 110 teey mont close tee site of teir prxcexx. Hoeseer. rooncit muet dcmp on tee Fourth Lie eumr etlliriboit lsrlher pIons Ion eActn hy Noeea 30 neas ail o improneent oI tee site te te onstata. clerh-trasaner Deiman depariment enittoniner ontes. Frenh tld mcrel ls weeh. Tuno pamphlets explaînieg eneteods ofesaeitary bond fûtmnnere Frenh eaid on officiai 51 tee rvceîned by coucecil Moday departont aogied fr digbt. ._ong tee ahico. rmie- ait test cache oneeling/ whic. -Mxbawk Raceway t ga ne t md h1e end cf c y i Noene abdoll sdap Campbeilviiie ripens fer ils N fmd d witer fmeet front Oct. 25ita Dec. Issue af tee certificate mas 4 Its the man about the wiring, ma'am." I's true, living in anp aider home wîthout up-lo0 date w iiing jusl doesn t hold a candle ta truly modern electrical living. The changes that etectricat modernizution brings %vilt brighten pouir lite tioughout evrp roomT in pour home t or puais lv llie. You'Il have more oulets and vraitchv .vere pou mvant them v Citer pu lorinance lrorv pouir atvtiane - and yoi.rrn vcrrrO itiv. cmoil ofi* c lîirvalO covtrol. And rewiring an older home needn' tPe complîcated i or expenvîve. The cost wilt probablp be leus than po u D imagine, and the Hydre, Finance Plan makes il easp for pou to budget. mFor greater comfort and coneenience -and an extra morgin of safety. too - Cati pour Mqualîfied Electrical Modernization Contracter, ICTCO.OraskpourHpdro. .SMART SANTAS *SHOCP NO0W IF VOU'RE THINKING 0F COLOR TV FOR THIS CHRISTMAS, SEE OUR SELECTION RIGHT NOW. WE ARE WELL STOCKED WITH A GREAT SELECTION 0F ELECTROHOME COLOR SETS AND WE CAN'T PROMISE TO HAVE SUCH A GOOD Et SELECTION WHEN CHRISTMAS ROLLS AROUND. BE A SMART SANTA-SELECT YOURS TODAY FROM OUR LARGE STOCK ELECTROHOMI'S ATWOOD * 'lA INCH 26COLO V *(Iluns el eft) With contaempeoy c abinet Cnectrolk, Cee otn rieaoa ti frio ne ruine ren homeilennce oon. Non 6O SEE ITO 0O ISPLAY IN OUR STORE -REAIT FOR IMMEIIATEIBELIVERY BLACK AND WHITE, PORTABLES EERHM 7 ~ ~ ~ 1 IN2CiH2 cm By Electrohome and Sony COLOR TVs $137 TO $179 FO SOE ODLSAVILBL 519 0 FOn CAR OPCOATION IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM ELECTROHOME CAPRICE,.0 25" COLOR TV Autoratcfne tuncOe avenac tn ori honil niel chese VHF-UHF river sruper arbo tuner bi 66 e 4" speaker aonc en n nenvcabineen eoteee e YOURS FOR ONLY Ash about Clactrohemne's il yeor celar tube worranty plon CALL PAUL RUTLEDGE TODAY AT RUTLEDGE TV 200 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-4033 -i