Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Sep 1971, p. 6

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SThe Canadian Champion, Wecdnes., Saptumbar 15. 1971 Start.d In 1947, 90111 growlg Role of sportsmen 's association keeps changlng with ti EyEaiaEarft lai Itadadielhi of lbe Der-t ai5« lbe camae of cosairvati pragrai lte dlub aiderlaites Thte Hallîn Spr sci maent of la"d aid Pariais aid illbam udis war ta witia lb departmns ara biaded Assiciatiai vtsadigs ai zaie usi lctdis Ballon, Peet, Itg e luit of lte flsaran ty a very activefisiig citairom aid isasariai changes ainci Ed. Wenlwarlia, Welllagh, Waterloo aiia=r Xai Smnitia. Mettas cired lte iral meietinag aid Brait cisildis. Kilmtsloi wai oral iliuctid Urgeasticlnes oftlub iatthdIb..O..F. Acqure land alli tra ciy l d i lao- fine sporlsnin la o HaIlaOlla ai ngil a~ tait Prdiilyos hi lb es gr ali iprl ita Deparlaneil if Sh:li are ai Mtay 15, 1947. hh atei i finte tas bring the ~ c amawa l= piai P a in wiais yanailaeri wbo Une lite ir f cot"Isy arglag ifrager filosa b formitta abr hatr an th lb iacqufrad 1i cres of laid lbhe<po la in ilisias Cetmas =ci tamam i lblr awn fiaeren ogthr t sarethirfor a claiaiaia ai a alla for Park îwe hiir itiara if ';e; titi dilata lafihselela ommnaain ternia. Whiile lbe citai maiy of ltair aclvlllia. tsanns ta lh b ia itsng adfer ii iava i talr no doat sidiriof prelecta duit saut entirily wlfta vollae ii= iit bmintiaera. At lbe aid tisara noten. n hv wisddi aid conaevation il wiuld labour. lbe clibhl ais aunarctoud preant lime liai stin lîf ie fo*yeranoia ilner thve tea miseur raise lub du omiiitsdaratie ieaadrlt as cimpared la liai major contribauti lbe carrent club la maiting. At ltaI finIt meeti Ed bOcKin waî elerted preaidmlt aid Dr. E. D. Young aid Ken Slildswirtit niri-prisidesis. W. G. Crosier wai lreaiarer aid H. C. Moria eceetary. fiai exersllve boidy lacluded A. H. Tofford, Chtarles Burss, Houston Luit, W. Rswliîa, William RaidefI, AIt Bien, F. B. Bray, Wildir Kerni. Nelsai Roinsomn, George Marley, John Keaiedy, Dewîll Galliway, Maartyn Heilip, Willam Wais aid Rue Robtertaon. Clubafalded Thai dlit beld meetnlna vacant htalls aid mterevr e cîuld find noom. Whiile lte papalarilyiof lbe clati isamedalit operabi itecanse aawueldy aid aller aily a coopte of yart; iermlt dwitndled aid lte coit foldif la 1953.' la 1957 conaervation ofcer Rosbert Rteid ind a htanda of dedicated sportsmen rallifd assurent aid ail lbe clu atit bin iperalion agala. Eddie Adamo wvi iamid presideilt lte re-orgataid renturi aid bidea a groana lbl PAUJL AND) DEL Cmalas, asied, aid Glan lbe Ontario Fedieestion of Angleen ad inelideui Glen Saoidera, Jackt ElliolI, Ferry Hall, Ausois Mellang and Jim MeLean, standing, talk about Hütamra tateheld ai lte club lio weekeid. - Tuf fird , Art Citarlîn, Wiif plans for the onting cention of ZaallX of (Staff Pioto) Pesn aid Jacka Claymon. Sisce thin lte clubi ias coniued la nervi social ali is 194. En isw lbe clsub la aatiauiiuaaaaiaaaaaaaisiaaaaaiaiIa apirling needa for ils merniers ranllnally iprsvlng le W. aiera happy ta seav oaaaanara la tha Milton iris wbaen as well as itenefiliîg lte butilding aid lbe gratinda. fia ai aura -E cainoily aid la aine exleil blas fiue mauiavon broigi a Hai liabilstariaa theprvince wiat itl arreaciis otmceaita iprvisaisnt ta lbe Hoonever, me are nom tacateci ln Hesputer and E projeeta. clatbbae and greade ai hava changad our basiessoncame ta - Jahnprovinal boay mantar s a p ir aa In HNoemiter of 1957 lbe loas isat«e=S vtdir arato lb air f l Hospolor Upholsterna lte Ontario Fedleraliata af lbs weekend. 54 01011 la. E.., Anglera aid Haitara. Two yeaes Amn C«iaisa Peey Hall aidi ned ai premidml of Z,,ne six comailei iaachou lte laid fat là afthlie Ontario Fedleralion lte riait ai Steelea Ave. abtout 5 19-658-502 1 Paritopsonae if lte mail active Ibm ittici tait of bflon. aia imiiai t i t i i mei late rain att huaiiera aid H onters coaie tram mniles fiaitermen , Coatisîn itildi a aid ta tai part la lbe assuai fmilbe of titles. tap abatx aid compaie for tae Ai mil an iteing an execattive Robtiers aid Couillon Teapy maluis ami clati, lie la iresideil if tra itarled la 19a0. lt Hali Eîvrenmeîlal Greatfaudesa Assciai, Part Preaideil att in reccil yiams conaervai c lbe Ontario Fidersai, aid tirai itou groan ta, b ie f lte ritaiemai of te limaiter aafely freolisl foneliais if lbe club. tralalag courae aperoled aider They earkin l maiy waya ta _______rn SA LE I Halton sportsmen End of Rails host con ference Rmans Halbin Sparismens iialueday. Fie delagates Assioctai iaiti atuboue mils bi o lalerealîd in liai partylaf locteivie at activity ibis wembal Satrday, lte agenda- will serve i.oor C v rn whbi hosties and tisteranen asia isatreimlder taatlihe mlad front sixcombeies file list lte watihaae tb ariand ready ta lli Vinis and rlatbhoaae for lte amnaa aone itaidie aiîlber bitnss sessioi meseingof thlie Zone Six goap, Sataday mieilag. OsinFor Onario Federaliai of Anaties Topira as tap Saidoy ar thein lor aid Hantera. wiillifi extansion prigeimo aid 6' wudts - 2 81. lang, la 20 ft. loag. A crod otarier 100 is expecied lbe laid Management fsOgnim. lu attend inelriatlg mires aid fine peagrain la o reulively new iaarrialy memben. fInis ia lte tiraI ose la the province aid bofn Reg. Pnica TO sq veIr the Haincu riait hast lte nemi la HaRtos. 6.9s A sa.95 Sq. YdyLE R iu 'a Delegates rm nat la i Il larsivis a land anagementilC EI l 3 9 is.ai,. Peel, Wenlwortit, alireenma betaien laidotiera L AEsIA TTI ec 'h fiaaiton,Wateleia aid Brant andlth Departmnt of lunds aid LSAEFI LAT HSPRC narts wlt attend lte Foreids.Basicalttheageeental M a 01nvf.lta f iris lte landaner added Il e lte agenda maien proteti oncei e attowvaiaailing K.I W . M om enSft & Son ..urrn for a lot of fun and os a piortiffis ppaety. DiaOnceg Ti 7829 tins, the buslins sessiions alongterniagremei tnred 123 Thomas St. Floor o rig e.8829 r .fi a goal pirtion of lte lala, lte deparieal itegixa Milton Ontaria. progranas ta ielpi formulais and cnres - ciepertadta rntt te.n u ad tstepartina et snagsang and get ta .u,. cher. c miralaf lte agena Laa t bourne abois, trop B ato. and same mare envï sporta nita liai stait. eting blang callefo tRe ail itr ieard un iH revu.. ccv, as meisT R eesolvacý mereprtls troma lbe depa. t aid a pesticade HLO aid pain'ý " cpirt tram Jim *ATONc lent apemg ite utsrted a chais ceacta: oppoilti ta fitaaityafl. 1 Rxdaiait otal pc !so tiHhei 'dA I.iansurgas . u.er willbie Z I. . eld fudtiea the hlli EST DEAL S SIDE 0F TGKYG cf IL sHAs n1Tgaauy i lan tirei aia 111-am 0e tlem es fit i ria a id lie pey Uair bua ae iaaccipti tropai ar Irisi, ader liai l b dos dii antai ain ia petly treupaoo arnalclry liiWdry il Balaon for liai areinomnal aid do ait provide a Caa aliAutiaarty. ateose deterreil. Ptoabily liai kiy ta pillati, la nMi if lhiilprajicta liai baadiaaillsg aid fliahaitsf on tassociation wats iaaid lnda boduata if soaety'saietsal la haod wila liai Deaiemeal if idacallag the publie. Tis la Lands and Parents. attng the mont Iaiportant ta Haitat iaprovemenl la one thti chia tau o. nori projecl. Ia lte pait liai One way hn wlleia Il aridavia groatp itas worked wlih ltae itis ai l it y holding huaaiar alaparlaoent aetltng op itenahnia aely commiainh conuoncti pile , oa ence aid prvdn alia liai Dapartoanl of t.ial o au i atl for Wil Cgace aid Faile. au prie. ad jack Memitees if lbe doit take part Ciulteriof Campbitlvill aid Dai la suream iaaaiaonemeot; ai watt. Kitta if Riekwaid ara amnaig liai Agega will Iravel a aurnaom, aie itetlrtof lbe hiaer courses if= la feausible and wiaat Paul Ceailla cosordialitai liai ain eO l a preficabla, courais oeay. citarl iw litsreamn la lad anal Courais conlat of four oe- olbie pertinent data aid flaaliy baimitag aid wlbten th asake s recommendatli la liai studasa eRt veaitd lain Depirtmenl if Laids aid fastdamentals and aafaty, liaey Faciass bn an interview Am rn tiar diets under liai au, Coolsai, a long liane endislant nision if ftai Dapardiant. a aid one if liai mail deied lte lista wire illtalad iaaitlng doit membera. tlid liais reporler areidensavdie phungad dina- th la iead îffered ltelr ward iay 70 pie ranI. airvices for criii cliao-ap la ltae Perey Hall, Ams Coutin, Ed Stalton Region Conservation Adanm aid Bill elley ware Auliairily iaut lbe off er iad neyer bein latei up. aimu lte iral istution if fte vqae Ibeir airvice la tial cintrai. wu aiaa a W' A *a. MRDWY ""n 16t u ier Iai aa Wa ".a mi u alents if momniar and ara hmpqigM- e - container kftchai. Wiail tit aais ar Laaaa a taaya a do walma addtion ta th la cha aiaeiyoerabagne orferr? Se adif~ m C aipiiuafl. day at liait cl radtni ai a a alz-word id iikti =acar of aorte forthlia maia = bor 9 oiqwwufmd Tiae club minaberaip ia ltae id&& npt.iaald r aeali aiil-a a aiall id lçda adi &icne iua srvad bila. nbaie o wat lWarkaa. IL MIENM Alumiaum Ilause Siding for carifri iaîuty. i Enhoncis any home, nid or near, i sfucco. wood frocie or brick. I -NEVER NEEDSINTN 20 -lYEAi FACTORY GUARANTEE I -CHOICE 0F COLOURS AND FINIiHES ISarne location over 20 yars. Pactary lrained insîtiilers assure you of expert wark. Yaa con Ideii with Faderai laIdustries wIta complute Iconfidence. Phane for fri estimate. au Aluminum Doors Ie Combination Windows nom 0car Ports e Aluminum Awnings i FEDERAL OUSTRES OP CANADA Pool OF COISYTHI an. *43-0318 ANVIILLE aColonel adr Celebrates nus 8181 DIruliav a with a Cross-Carada Birthdlay Sale on Thurs. Sept. 16'h a Buy one al:the regular price-Get one FREE! ISaequinilai matin limited la 't- c heck iaaiti, it then Kei<ntuciky FiaS Chicnan Stoe ln youna&rai. a Maia st. J. c1IcK n~4x~ a.878-4171-2 lfyoulivein MILTON it makes sense to buy your Volvo from GEOROETOWI BRITISI CARS* Fist of al l,vou on'thave a o auna ou oay lotie logelCaur Ciuisericd. Secondîa of1 e back upaat gaad location oint, aur goaf repuiaiai-iîe qaiy serice, hbigh tade- inrsandlfast duiseery. Sc if ould make snsei bar Cour Voivooleom us, een iflraadidi'tlire niaeb. GEOIWETOWN BRITISH CARS 877-5236 Hwy. 7 Giorgalasea TORt. 304-20301 Co on ani by Asi Milton, Cy Hilsc Sentinel Trafalga Bell Bre Milton 1 Allan ClI Milton E Murray I Lucky Di Milton A Milton M Plaza Mi Johnson W10.25 Se Bill DONi West Eni Mille & J Bus Knig Ross Brai Johnson's àüst tu et 401 an

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