l' h. Canadien Champion, Wodnesdlay, sepaomiir 8, 1971 W.I. DIck school weIcomes new principal John Lenz As"d from, se ev mtdent ai achoalsa admliitration, ville Publicecol cpatgp laafr acn randW.LDico principal Jo Lena. Ken Travbrdga v =a «.v tahl uchail ymaey Tuu'."d) PentelLairp ofosr Fairnien Seboal As Nrclhc yomigatem and staff usa greto prAcApl Bh Mdanvi toeb larbgta a spedtal novu membar ta, th oer dtias aprncipali Broaok- Mc. Lus: racelveli ispublici Georgatown. unitare ha ereenuy lAves vita hWA vrile ad tva Mlidran. l'ollovtg bigb ocinat la attendait Waterloo-Lutherao University, vinra la majoradt i taGro seud grodotd vitb o Bochear a Acta.er. Prblncl lm0 Hearceived hAa teochar troaiig ot Lakeshore Teodooro8 cottage and toogist ae yeors a Howard Wriggtasooth SemaI uit oneayart Caitenoiot Senior Public Scboot, Georgeto, hefore moviag ta Staoarttoan Senior Public Schoot. Thace lae taught cd"aona year, via vica- m'inciDai meo vagir crd vu vire- SISTER FRANCES ta alan a nen porincipal, taidng aver duties ai MUfton's HItoY RoarY Sehoal. A former principal ai St Augustineas Separte Schoal An Dumiu elle replaces former principal SRater Alexasader wha las retursed o theU motier brnle ai St Jcoeph's donnent ta Hamiica, ta natte a book.- (Staff Photo) Playgrounds, day are tremendousi Ploygrndis oui diy comp sessionsscnded Augant 19 vita tac olnd-up "Disnepland an Paradc". Yaamgsters lave stice rctrcotad bock tai tac routie of schooi and basanawrk and sumacras ion and octivities are nw only memoricu. Plapgrond sopcrvisar Mas. Gai Toosmun tld tais paper tac summer octanities pragroms 'nuould op in fine style" wita aenait special avaits adding tai lac incentiva af tac sumsoer."1 faaclii eenta fla neoc dop camap progiraon uooiîgotad ibis yeor oas a lonmendos isocialsa, aipecially tran Une paunguten' paot of coco,. flac mv compoita, tac Sixtb LLoc Nosigawepa Boy Scout camp. vas idal for anaroigbt autiogo, ube said. Special evns innaining al piaomda ocre an incestine fur everyone," siac aaptoincd. This yeor's apccial avnts nclaalcd o T-bail tauraiment, costumes dey, art cotst, swaton aid Une Mc. aid Mca. Pisygroonil Pagcant. Campants for ada ptoygcound provcd succassiai and Mca. Tummue said she bapai tais port of lac progrom, vill contiue Ogoun next yar. "flc baninail schedule inoaiing abe hdaygrounds and day cama aisa vorkcd ont oieil. " W. 1. Dick vas Une ooming squad, dcatiag J. M. Ocoyes in a close contait nar tan end ai Une nan. On tac pragram ai evnts for ail pisygroondu, cacb cnjayed outings af supeaviacd snumaaing, .avenger honte, boita nlles, trips totelbacy.actsandslcrafand lamercs sAng amigs. "Special meenta ai aach plapgraund and dîy camp inolvad aIl the clotéco," ite noatd. Lots of arOlvlles Spacial eenta ai day camp tacoaugbaut tae sommser includad taildinggfrt, o dag show, gomes day, mock olympicn, manster day and trips ta Kaiso. On the i ofispecoalaavantsaet Bruca St. vias a pirata day, marntient day, pot show. puppat sbow and parent,' nighf. Festival day, thldly day, goufy compatitian vecto. pet showv,minnowflshag contait osid isataun soa highligbtad tac sunmr pragromt et W. I. Dick School ptygraod. Yomngsters eacaiiad ai J. M. Dcnycs ploygraaad cniayed special mains incboding o opare day, "ig " tac cootesi, pot show, gamcu day, mach aiympics, nioctiao day oui trcasare hait. "Asde Om tac rcgular playgraund rautinc, tbc yaaigstara oece aisa 10kmn an supervisail trips," Mrs. Tumomnn cxploiocd. "an Juiy 90 cbildren mnjoyed an excursion ta tac Ontacia Scieace Centre la Tacanto, in August 45 cildiren taared tae African Sacai ai Hacbtaa and ta Augusi a bmslaad of yaungstcrsando laders nlaitad tac Canadiea National Exhibition." fla ne le iadcr ta training pragromn, involving 12 stadens, NOW OPEN SUAR RUS LOUNGEI AT TH4E CHARLES HOTEL 7 PM. TOl1A.M EVERY ...FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FEA TURING QUIET, RECORDEDMUSIC AliDA RELAXEDATMOSPHERE -SNACKS AVAILABLE- oaOMMuoaoooaoaoofmoobioonm imnimioou Canada for Christ HALTON CRUSADE WITH Evangelist .1cm MacKnight Highway Gospel Church Pentecostai Assenbiejs of Canada Sunday Sept. l9th Il A.M. 7 P.M. Tueaday Sept. 2lst 8 P.M. ALL WELCOME th tun Oic i Aacipal and acting prnciml for n lard cuimocutlva yeur. Ha ye1 pm ar Mir. ][Ans via ionsrtve maietnt ta lin intaielnt of inouctn oit eHlalon Couaty Board ai locationsa central office in villea. He cornai tuW. 1. Dtcb .hlY.ualified and l'on cortiinly inopreomeil vila codol ani thoe coaanomlity,"1 rev principal taldi lais pier. ne entira coaunity magna 'y vorm, = a and pensive, l'en langorivord a exciting par lare il W. 1. 4r. Lenz plai ta centinue iog in Georgetovnanmd amie ta Miltan diily. Authority balks at water charges Halton Region Conservatin 1»00 gallons ai voier sd. Iautarity aaeminro mxpraioed A praiiZ goon nve lair domy tout yack anar lac tahonn HfCA.eveayair taoafMiltoo'orecoomandation ago Mtatdlait ahe Aulaoity taat lac Autaoritp pop for vator mouId top voter for Kelo frai of from ton oeils, for recreotin charge f ram Miltan vaels, fuciâtico at Kalo Conservation providad the lova oeils mouid lae Acci. The ton inn anked HRCA dhu nar GisEuLae d tuapsyaa eeof 25cents foraevry ptdu alpec ___ vter. Accordiog ta, thea agreement;HRCA hm lae cigbt tai ne tae vater for taefr an Maintiee sf Un Atori tyvare van anotoor greot uccmuaslaie year tooperte vishraam, rmarlad. "floesc teeso vorked faintaun and caotemn facilties ai for aie yack at uneof aihacKeisa. Agraeing ta Une tana plaogoads," ala oiid. "hJ gave suggestian nauold cait H5tCA laman ai oppartanitp ta yack vita approximotely 1700 a pair for thc the chftdreand prora and voter supply. alogave us as oppartamitp ta nae dxectiv meminco preseint rier rosecs fr extsurunr eciedtastap oith the anvpaopetafosczttommr." agreement os paaviosalp signai Ateaseat ail pisygrasada and refar tac prablam ta lac nows taghcr tams par tmaon tt mOtira Autaority aithen meeting ulo coocludad. It vis an schcduied f or tamarrao excatang, succenuful sommer. (flaursdapi eveniag. $82,625 in permits out Pcamitailuttaitin Mutuelduring the monta of Au"um oere valuai mif0t 05 building inspection Rap Qiso reporat. Toc 12 'paroaita includad a 930,000 cor oash, o $30uta manafactaring plant, oui 8,000 addition aid laine oltam paradis including ina garagcs, s anionaing poal and sancral roations. Thec99 paratita issued ta date ta 1971 ara valuai ait $1,332,736. DANCING With The Trafalgar Squares Attend our Fus Night -it's Free Dancing experience is not required. Clais for new dancers starts Sept. l4th, 1911 at 8:00 P.M. Dancing heid at Eimwood tchooi Maurice Drive, Olakvuiio For information phone: OakviIe 045.9000,027.t903, Mllton 870-3302 Burlingtea 63.4-4403 JIM SMOW, M.P.P. and lthe Progressive Cosorvativo Association invite foulao attend The Forth Annuel Family Chicken Bar "B0 Que Specil Guests - lion. Wuî. Davis & Famliy Sosday Septombor 12/71 -4 te 7 p.m. Hamby Commuuity Park -Hsrsby, Ont. Adaits $1.50 C'hildron 75C fan thae booioa m a Watoer la hovimg oizwai dloyhi edng ovdegrea. Centiad moto éaime ongr lnl o cyan- vn tfoa lodaothe noed teapr dalm 1 ta -h lioa n in Ontato lbTh manarch bMOtiy o. 5fLmos in ghd a rpott Polo= la biù bopme sMmlld Chu Iaela 011w, illc ciii moa ctnbai dp dtr lor cmn oves kWS dam. Brand*ix3, Miloo DANCE Saturdoy, Octobor 2, 1971 Leglon Hall. Milton 9 P.M. fa 1 A.M!A Admiss lonE . .54.00 PaOr Couplae By Ticket OnIy ' Pracoods o .The Milton Girls" Pipe Bond Fortckois-M». .00005-5 PMRICPAL JOHN LENZ cornes ta W. I. Dico sahool siglaly rccommended and nith several years ci both tealching and principal experienca. Herc he rcviea-s soies on Une ar ainoot woth secrcisry Mirs. Lily Koater.-<4Staff Photo) Dutch Canadian Country Club OLD COUNTRY D&P NCE This Saturday September il MILTON LEGION HALL DANCE TO MI1CRYTE LUE MELIYS Mamboers DOORS OPEN 8 P.M. sNonM -omberi 12.00t Par Couple ' 300 Por Couple LRiefashmeits i oom "e. Colonel Sanders Celebrates his 81s Birthiday with a Cross-Canada Birthdayv Sale on Thurs. Sept.16th s Buy one at the regular price--Get one FREE! Sale qointOil, moy be latd in smn loa ian check oith the Ktlucky Falot dtaamn Store in yauroae Milton SPINMI Sise dciv ouraceto ta vaiai DYING V Foucart Foucart (bockgro ire. Brar laing tu nvaî.--(S L owv F. ny Mas Mr. oui hast ta family ph b'atanr on Familles. Dc able tata; anrn 47 Crnnb, F Mr. and had toaof Kico and niait laiar Toc Mat tastitutin o Sapi. 21 aurlbagton Restaurai o taur ai F oaitn. Waync o arrivai ha vacation -toyd la na;oynd2. machs tan no tac Mnd wrndc antique gi disploy ai glus. The glat Boston ai factcry bc Church a begia on S, AI mi TU HIA VII --------------- 1