Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 1971, p. 1

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~ke ftuÔùuî Elîampion MILTON, ONTARIO, WEONESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1971 Second Class Mail Restration Numer -,0913 Tsventy Pages-Fifteen Cents. SmoII.r crowd, botter show 25,000 at S Ae d ppe sl lsy1 and tihe acilvitie," a iseamns f Un tSehow. Weatser iresltsaed a esthoaled ,1atis 19o1ssa Calder of Preston reported raie Friday aid Saturday but it efitiai of tieSteaitEaeali Tiisoday moriio. Mr. Calder ssever caisse. Sutday attersolon, weekend, but tise orgassizers of Steans aid Atiqoe Preservero was 101 seitis a ha[edi itno ao a ed pte30mme nai hnteso a f-ho ur ù tise show seecnt tise lest it Assai. which sponsored the dosenpoar tisai formed lakes seorried. weelsmsd meoaion ssd tise 10 aroaid tise groutds. But Mtiiday 'lit wsti ats gresi soccesi irevious shows, lise tai wan sioiog and tise aidoahy thsehuuthowseeve Great seiher uisstdity rose, leavlsg show- cmrhd ie =u c asdrte Attaidaice f igrswr goe os aicostfortshly hot. equipesnt, tise deosinsiartiais a bit fraiosm ars each da Lasi yeor Steam-Era htated ai ANCOfHER HOOTIN' TO<JTIN' WEEKEP1D mai co'opecutad uaid isaet tise organizero hon coma asnd gaile in Milton aid Bac 1111 astis excellent show weaBaer. Ahove, the Steues-Eru resun rus a fun lime for telephoto lana taken a long viete ai Main St. Baoaada of participats and visitant 0f ail «and a ie-up 0f antique vehicles durlng the ugen. Tise thrae-day show pockad o crowd into parade tiscougis tosn on Sahuirduy. -<(Staff Miton Pour Grounsid andi avn tise waatisar- Photo hy Slaves Diils) teammEra estimated 28,M6. Tise ps-evtis teaot 20 memisors eoiiiited record wsea 33,0 in 1868 but ai=o f rom tiseir collections- directors lent tisat fiur stadcs ionogcophs, isooiss, fitte ili aid prer 0 i tse: postcrds, barnyard sculpture, top attesd.a wa 30,000. '1110 mots, china, lerra 10010 atd year't crowd was a gaod average isssdreds of otiser itenm o 1 crosed, presidest Calde ameroos 10 tit. Wih excellent weother, gAt dsstdafem us front ie programing of evertts, tise 101 L:untford of Brampton and raiminn seesi off sethtisasi c boot Iva Datidsms hopt tise A total of 30 niea anins 8 crusedu lots tappissg asd aides asplttissg witis music. joises assd vittage fan tractors, 32 anoncements. Ssturday miscellaneoai large exliis, a entertoîme nt ai tise stage record170 gasiogsine, 2Taitique include ieGrn ie veticînsa nd ai eves 200 modela e th Grn Rir seere th andaigcr Entertainers groop t rom Dely prads hrogh he îýDonovile; Monday tefanions fcOaids ai 4 p.m. and a paradie Maurice BolYer ("King ut tise from Mitai P10na 10 th fiair Banjo"), liddler Laura Heigissey gcoaidt ai Battrday morslstg Er 1-er-l in helped wece ao highlights. Dan olt f in seeird Dirctrssai te ispayofMilton Girls Pipe Bond aniquectornait dqipa 51perforined lrequently i front of aiiu om eaPment sud tihe grandstnad and led tise 4 p.m. Pcivately owned antique Parade ecri day of tise show as collections were torger thon avec nefl os the parade tisroog tawt, hefore aid mony mew esiiitors' Saturday. mmces were noied amaIl thCets diptoyn. Tho country store dld a Banal tysad1fsaw roaruif bosinss In canidy, home Seftigadlgswn mode prenerves and hnitted contesta wece iseld eocis nf- goodo, and cvns featured a i erona tihe grandtand, and5 rtn on is, picordo, sentais lin-p rae n flies, souveni -Steama Pofis" demototrationsto1 show how lise newsPapero aid otiier asvenfr balle gai tractars are nlarted. items. Arontd tise grounds Food isootn seere hnay anl sosesiitting, wood cuttiie, o seeekend wlts sofit drinks, sinigle milI fans 10 test tise bamisorgs, hot dogo, pie an englues' itrengtii o rais ceusher isochocuesi cois-len the mains aid severat tiiresing machines itenms. Msnday's hast s sa vere n operation ail day, echr intesse crowdo hined op 20 ai a day of the show. Nine modela lime lac o drink of celd water ai trains rai oroaid ai ovat trucks fosottois isaside tho Scout Hail, ter tise nonsh end of tise fair aid mony hooats ran short of (Cosntteed on Page 10) Visitars came from muar oai lac 10 owe tise show. Thse ofMficiai r goest hook indicated titey cm a , w r from virtaty evecy part af ,&-= wowi-ee nea-on 4 Caiadiai provinces, aid lwo visions sigmed 10 from Now A two-car collision os Higisway Zealand. President Calder 401 wesihosnd near proised tise Asserican meeshers Campiselînille Wednetday ai 'ai fault seho hollnf 10 claimeocth ie lices of two Toronto nicoot or antique claie aiuth of aires residnts. tise border and hring their Margocet Hutchituon, 40, of ostoisits, coveralis aid tuai houes Weston and Dharam Puri, 28 of 10 lise Miltonshow mit only 10 aie Toronto rere kuied in lise crash. il, but 10 o part of il.* A pamseufer inthBa Pari vehicte, Farm equlpusent Tise ogricoltral hall wsea ttrned into a '"barn of C o n c l t yeuterear" seiBa ai Inmmense C u c l t disploY of vintaf e lares tooto and equifpment in use on Conadian m uluc m centuiry. Entoisita tpiiled over int a eccdouncb hal.ori exthitof mini-repica of rer o rc l stcamn-driven nf s, model b tsasoccre fra10s oaid angines. Th evocatcy thothsocoe Befteatsth Bacransand ai on Mitun Coaicil, tiscoofh tise 0H THOSE HILLEUILIS ... Anyune attaludlin tise Siesm- ra1,'1 a Steses-Ers director aiUi HMibily drIver Carl Rome Erarenionaon theaweekessl gotoa heily-full 0f laugho m o0f tise sesita for ina! mater to s-Gagh ovO ai hie pars-ir E. J. Hfayes asstertilmeot prortatet by tise T-Modal Iflie andi Baefr givat Il s crafll --<Staff Photo) ansinff aid car. "I siever saira car bah an bad andsia s-ua Weoodseillihanecto hoe filted ispa coonicti appointaucul, clark Jacks McGeachie soted Bais seeki. A lient terni memiser of Council, Me. Woods dled Satorday Sept. 4 nesc Bae end ut Bac iseo yeac tar in 10 etcis ise ws eclected in Gececohor 1969. Accocding 10 lise stalules. sere o cacry on coonicil occams hofone Gct. 1, Bac seut matý ieh f ilted hy coanicil afeoiniment. Tise appoilnaen woallie forBahe rotopletion ufthBa Since ihis i an cleclion ycar i Milton, Bac tuai's sndmiation meeting isa Baely lu ho Mondoy, Non. 22 seito election tscdaicd bar Dcc. 6. Tise electiot seill ho foc a aie pear tares 10 hein gtBa aimat elaclion in tise seitheBa Unlocked cars gone Ustocked cars and cors seiBa Bac iescy laitin th Bcignition hone hoon Bac tarfetu ut a cats of Baet aid stoles cars in Milton Bais yeor. Miltn Police Deparimesi officiels report 23 cars hone hoco stales Bais year, 12 seiBaine atn tine seei perîod aid t5ofutIho 23 hod iscys laIt on Bac ignition. "People mut mahe tl a pracîlue tu cemuna thaîr car iscys from, Bac ifnition and lucu Bac Igiotios 10 loch," a spoisemai tran Bac depactrnct told Tise Champion. "If cenidenlu sec saspiciaas lookiof peuple u'swissg aroaid cars, isoues or parking lots, Batey are adnlsed 10 contact lise deparimaut lmsoedlataly." hoe aid. Tlseftn from undockad cars hone aien iseen raported. Stercu aqoipesent, clotising and go-cerias banc Baen reportadl ataen. POL1SHING UP teir well restoresi Baker sPorting a pretty hls-iatte point job. A total steanm essgise are Clark and Myrtie Dcll of of030 steàmc angines seere otars of lise weekend Otternille. Tise big bitte esugine wai o sigist tu Steaco-Era reuntion, tise 110,5 one held in1 hehuld, ail retresi and shineti Up aid Milton. -(Staff Photo) ian kIlIed HoSpîtal names 0Q1 crash dii Judiths Bcaîkosni, 33 , ut Wdllordale, wstlasento1 Milton 0100. District Hospital sufleiftram dicecla numeroon cula and fractures. spiti Isle head-on collision ucrcrcd Hilto aI 3.20 p.m., jot cast of Bac expectu cuunly une. Milton GPP hore on onveslifated lise fatal accident. Houp aid his appoint teh cummi OmaeI, who died scisedule foc tise Haltott Coaity Board ut Educal ou. Couici in eeing a replacement for tise laie appointany cigiblecilizeu who oa rît ing lu terne. Sosoci met couuci I n t l delcoled candidatasi n lise prenous nieclion batli ho nul maudatocy. Tise apposolmeut oa made on a uimple majority ut couaicti volet Dclcalcd candidates in Bac tact sounicipot elcl ou icludei G. LedriBa seio sougist Bac maya 's chocr, Coken Smsitie ai aspirant lu Bau position ut ceeve. Ken Marnsall seho cuslcnicd tise depulyreene's positiou and Franks MilIer seho sougisi a couicti seat. 0MB hearing rector of nursing Ena Darracis, pceesnty Mct. V. Piiceti is ieen r of nocifg at Victoria uecning au mntecim dicectur of il in Resifrese. han heen nursiai atie local hotpital tsice addireclor of narsing ai tonner director Mci. L. Verrait District Htospital. Bh a t l tise paosi on May of Bain d 10 toise oner hiec dues ycar. iJan. 3, 1972. Tise nese dîreclor is i101 adndnistcatoc Ronald expeciesce as a nurse, ou ai mode the appoiniment uostructor and ai a director of decitiot ws catilied hy nursing. Mcs. Dacracs hou spitol hoard's personnel seonkcd in nocios hospilals ail lice, huard cisoirman Bac woy fcomn Toraito 10 New- .Vauilhe said Tuctdoy louudland and hon heen invotved Bac ausoonicemeut ws ini nursing uie 1943. ,uic. Bac graduoted froso Victoria Olifi Scisotl in Edmaiton, Alo. in 1943 anddrainedfor nursifgai Grace Hospital in Windsor aittil -. 1946. Sise ceceined a ceclilicate in nursting educatiai and admiinis- tration ai Uninersity of Toronto i 1950. Mct. Dacracs seuked as assolaent dicector of nurses oaid inicructor ai Groce Honpital i St. Johns NfId. 10 195(141, thon an onsuluctor of narses ai Groce Hospital i Halifai, N.S. front 195110o 1953. Toresia, Reales Thaen ste sent 10 Toronto Genecal au nursinf office supervisor and evnsig aid nst supervisor ontl 1956. In 1957 shle ted at Groce Hospital in Toronto as onîtrontor aI Bac training contre foc cefistaeed nursiog assistants. Belseen 1058 aid 1963 tse did faneraI nursufg duty un a port time hosto ai Mes, na Daracis Scachooufi Genecal Hospital in Mrs.Eva arrah .<Continuson ae e 10) Can't appeal project just the assessment An DM0 heaciug lu iscar Puoliocs Townoship Couocil's objecio~ns lu Hallun Refion Conervation Authocily's plauns lu e ac cdenelopsoet of Bac Glen Eden Sirs c sill 10 isetd at i0.30a.ss. Sept. 16. flic iseselu seoi hoe hctd in Milton Counicil Chambiers. 'The Aulhorily lias proposad horrowiug tise $92,500 cequ'cd toc Bac rcdcnclupmn wues and plans toccepay Baecloai nisis fine ycams eiBa lise increatcd revne tram, Baa ski aperotion. Whcn lise seork seas tirsi ansasceed il hroagt cries of prutast f ram ai lesait Barea ara coasiil ut isheBa only oue tu lurmatiy prolant Bae decrlotain1 du lise seoek ws Pustiscs Township. Miurray Steptan, Manager of HRCA said Sonne esonicipoltiesc li reservatioms bat once Baelr questions sece aswed, Baey pasosd cesoluliona tuppuetif Bac cedenelopmcol. Susse reuenvations "Bols Nassagaseyo and Mdlton Coaniî hod reseevatiait hot ouce Bacy had iscord Bac fu11 stuc>' lhcy rere convince il i woueBaile aid shut lic caccied ot," Mr. Siepisco vaid. Hec poinled out Pusiocs convoi appeal lise projcct but 1001 lise assesomeol Bacy are hoinf 00h00 10 pop. In a press celcate lise AaBaociiy mlted the project seold tikety bave tat hoeted ap for snoBaler peur aid tise davelopment seors rant i Bbly hoe dona sose ouil 1972. Sinco 1985, sen Bac AuBaority assamed caitroleofBae Gles Eden Bai Ares, ottndaire figures bave dmhblad or saarly dauisled eveey ear oaid this ieceeaued demaud bas been met in Bac peut hy Bac extensiai of operolisif hoaru andtihBa clearing of o naew trati. Horever, tho attire uparation needs îsspcuvcsenl and epasion if il os 10 continue lu mcc Bis dessait aid it la Balis pruponed package of improve- ments toatis the subjct of the hearisg. Those municipalîlies wo cachier hodt ccocrvatioss lied ohjected 10 Bae peojeci hocate il wsea ot a reccealional nature ansi opposents of Bae plan oold tanpayers shoiid noi bave ta foot Bae hill for recreallat, aupes-iefly sen a gieui humilher of than pople using Bae tacititien coma frais aitaide 0f tise camity. Tise munilstitieu seul osuly bave ta pay a share of Bae cool fl Bae AuBaurlty foii us 10 ring in Bae reveuea Bhal Bac> aiticipute. VOL. 112 -No. 19 ~1 m

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