Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Aug 1971, p. 1

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VOL. 112 - No. 15 Wte ityf ni s e as ' MILON, ONTAROO WEDNtyAY, AUCUST 11 971 Hospital Issues "match &Ys"" challenge Launch Pakistan relief fund mpyenfMianDistt Hasptal %hce avc tiepigihl Of an estimated 6,000,000 Pakistoni cefugees seho are sick and dying lse, fies ia relief camps in India, have launched a Pakistani Relief Fond canspaign in the isaspilal. A sinmember relief fund cnnllfittee has bren fnrmed ta spearhead tise campaign and a 12-mennier canvassing graap has bren ont Up to seage a montl"ng Septembr campaign la raine money for thm Pakistani refugees. Chalenige anl Their campaign has heem gathering moneentum dnring tse PMn week and tise enenaittee has decided On, throw ota challenge ta any ntorce, nffice, induslry, ticen nr nrgantnatinn in Mat and district - "match an if yen con."1 Bill McGinnis, maintenance naperintendent at the harpital, On genierai chairman nf the hospital eseplnyees' Pahistani reflief fnnd. -Every esepînyee, lise entice medical staff ond tse board nf directnrs seilI hie canvansed fnr persnnal donatins," bre esplaised. "ýWe seill accept rans, ciseques nr e payrnlf dednclinns." A coopte of zany promotin gmnnocis have heen drcomned op icicreale interest in the campaiga and tn bnlp publicize tise fund. Onie is a habing enmpetitinn fnr tise maie emplnyees of tise tspilal seiicis sedl bre Jadged hy HoseHpital Aosiliary membrrs wiOs prîzen fnr the test entrina. Prize-winning entries; weill he rafflefi off attse ispital and aiready the men of the staff have pnomised tuadontbrculinary brt and cnule op seithsome nnvel creaiinsn. Eren tise hnspital's ad- ministcatnr ltnnald Wonds Ons loniing in tise prnmotion. He Promises toi sass cars ail day long, some Salocday late On September, fnr any hospital emnplnYee, dnctnr nr directnr willisg te nseli nnt $10 fnr Ose pruvidege. Tise idea nf Ose Pakistoni relief fnnd han caugsl nn lise seild-fice ornond tise linspital, Mr. MeGOnses repnrtn. Pictoren of nfarving, dying cefugeen have bren pnsted on buolletin boards ond press releoses fcnm Ose Comhmned Appeal for Pabintani Relief (CAPRI, are alo bing pnsted at the bnspital tn, show Ose employees how serions tise Pohistani situotion eeally is. "I didn't kbmw monh abiot t ond 1 didn't gîve a damn, nntil 1 saw soume nf hOse pictnces and cead articles on tie refofees wn Ose weeisesd magaznes," samd oestaffer. "Il mode meno îcs 10 sec how terrible Ose living condions are On India." Cyclone, tidal wv Tise CAPR is condncling a national cnmbtned appeal for fonds foc Ose Pabîstani refogees Who have mnved inoaon ora alceady mainoocislied and totally mneqoîpped to deal witis Osee. font Nos'embrr a cyclone and tîdal wan'e devastoted East Pakistan leoving millions homeleso and wîlhnot fond, shelter and medîtal supplies. Civil onreot and monoons tollowed ond loday six millin cefogees are elostered in about 000 cefoger camps. Tbey are living wn sqonlor and fîltis, dîsease os campant, many are wîOsoot clnthmng and shelter. Cash wtli do the inoot gond as necesary supplies con hie pchased thece ot faicty ceasnnable prices. Canada's enmisined fond seelis Service club co-operation nooded in arena campaign Asoitance frnm ail Ose service hall ad' pnnnibiy a coteed mnd ail we penadsed was lt clute whl e reqolred if efforta tn swOntadng parliOn conjonchion npearisead Ose campaiga", Me. teild o sese arena are t te belO Ostte projeet, but emphaoized Beosis emphaoined. snccennfal, Linsn Club pont Ose aend lai tegin fnnd-eoising penident Date Brous ltid prnjerf nasew -npeentitn wiOs Be asised tise Rotaey Clubs to memahers nf Ose Rontary Club nf nOer servire clubs. indîcote lis sapport for tise Miltn in seebing tiseir et- Possible eventa pcoject and appoint three four operatin. Tise pnssiiity of weebly memisers to a co-oedînating Tise Linsn club memiser bingos, sealiattena, nnowmobile cnmoottee. emnpbasized Ose Lions club On nt crae and canvaming for fonds building the armna bt mecely sece mentined. Memisers ogrerd te, considr spearheadig the efforta. He "This o nt the Lions Cloub Ose coie tte cois miîgt play On Ose moted Ose need fur a cnmmanity doing alone. Wr seent lai couneil project. Hustie-bustie tempts voterse tummies Tory steak, Grit corn, NDP chicken on menu to raine $2,000,000, Tise Indiot goveenseenî's estimate o ivureet is etweer $175,t000 and $350,000,00o. Oes cnmpelitn TFie Milton Hospital commnittes decidei their eompoign mîgi gain more onpetos if t isecome a toonowide tompaign so tisey bats Osrown out Ose challenge la Ose enire connnrily teget itolei and gîte a donation. Tise Milton Brancs of Canada 'Tront will accep donations front wndooduls oc groops ond Ose hasPîtal employees are boping OsaI ficns and clus will loin tise campaign and compete against Ose haspîtal employees _sot wn dollars but in perecetoge donations based on the noseof meniers or employers Campognmg aIOe isospital g'ls ondeeway docîtng tise"o wees fAgotnd wîlcontinue mliil tise end of Septere Theme is, "Tise Need iseNow."; Sign up nnw Atynne wisiig te taise op Ose challenge tn, enlpete agaînsl tise rospital mn orged 10 contact Mr. MeGinnîs ne Tise Champin edîto r os sonn as possiisle. Progcesnceports on tise campaign wîlt te fooad in Osis newspapec eacs wees. Tise isospîtal's eampaign commîttee inclodes chiarmon MeGînnis, secetary Paîîla Ccydecman, poster ciafiemat Geelie Wilson. veine chiarman <Cmtiised os vain, 2 Use tablets for fluoride? ly Roy DOns vnters' tonsaies seiOs a vaciety of and candidate Walter Molseseics Tise pîrnie taises place Milton Cooncîlior Chbarles ohTrt wsfe rt Tise menu On Steaks tac Ose ftadstoffs. are haoîang invitations foc o -Hi Oscoogisoot Ose afteenara and Johnstn wist bas bren an solid Canservatites, cocno n the cois lent uffer Neigister" dance ta te iseld ot Ose evening et Coconalion Pars on opsposition te, proposais of ilooride Bruce M cGrego) for Ose Literals and chichen Besnîmeno On Ose corrent round Polisis National Union Hall On Ose laiseshore in Daistille. Halten in tise lodens watee snpply, snacks fac Ose NDP On tiscee of politicking comten frnm Ose Boclînglon a weeb frnm East Liserai candiate Bosusggesled flooride t biets E O c ulae orhe palita toctivities snuateaks barbecue and dance -asdyAg 21. MoOseseici Biaise mnd tise Litea at r dispensei fror ton bail wigist ulte tcIe en se mehnd wsiicis Ballon East Coaservuves tes heen octively campaignOn . roîn Osertaie sOnda ar tte ccln ni alls, al stage Osis seeebend uithOe far neyerai secoha. Meno for Ose att 1p.m. aits races and gamen Me. Johson ooîd ise 00' Ose Asute pnlilical abuervecu home nf MPP aad Mlaister eseaing On chic.. snacs and foc Ose chlidren, a magie sowe dea ina lettrtoIse edîterin The Orc Mcego co-ordia claim Osere mont te a provincial semhOut Portfolio Jim 0mow aI coffer. and a peotessionai seater siing Canadian Champion mnd fr11 ilo Halo' Emgna Mesr electlan On Ose offing On tise nean Bonoy. Sano s OnWeil anwa foc Foc Ballon Eant Liberala, coco show on Ose laisefronl. soald te acvenlîgaîrd. Mayor Oraizto fo aot1 e futuire, bt Dnario Premier BU bis steuh barbsecues and bie on Ose cois will be Ose main face ifrian Reol, Comeiliors Go:rd han eîns i ot Duels basaIt yet amnounced one. Oscoses one earis yeur for Ontario oe Oseor "old fashioned polilicol Nixon ns siatrd to arrive aI Kat and Art Melanon ail MeGeegor noîd ie renigard Frase tise hostle-isustîr of goversessent meseters and senior pieser" sehics aill te isetd in Gas p.m. mn lime 10 mîngie selOs Ose agrerd lise idea oas worb lise end of Jl. To dote th polhticat act.ivtin ni Bltan Eant citil servants. BOn chef fnr Ose tille Ohs Salocdoy, Aog. 14. piehamiskers andi îon la tise 5.30 forliser investigation. cotinty basnvol replacedii ane and Baltan lInat ridOngo, il sentdd occasios On Peter Stenunana Of Provincial Liserai leader Robert p.m. cors roast. Tbat eteaiag îwo A pubie meeting 10 dîscuos lise oro co-ordinalor as nialed bo appear Ose local candidates are Baohy, seoisom preuident of NOnon seill brIbhe hoaored gorst, riais lans oi protide snme pros andi cons of pullînf fluocîde discssion aI lise test meeting n geacmng uplfor a fail vote. They're Ballon East PCs. alnng haUs mayors and certes of "modern" music foc tise "oid' moto wter oi ise bcid arar tise lise comm3y 'noncil, 10 le beld ut leaut ailempting tai templ Ose Balton West NDP execotine Ose ridteg lannicipahities. fasbioard" rosiren of Septembr Turnday of orot seci. 88-year-oia seamn locomnotive t Mlofamesi as Ose thome of Association membrs, wbo Sm the Steam-Era" isceame tise isoceresi aroonsi their neseIwI i Lr . home of an antique stease. possession on thte weebend, I I ) j r . ç u î s paseees locomotive on tise report the locomotive appearo 1lot S weeisend. seed only minalwrtla get tl v Old No. 136, an nO-year..l opecotîng ogoa. Inspections engiar whîch ws Ose oldest showe Ose boiler is mn pretty gond operating Canadian Pacifie shape ansi Osey don't Osini t eill ftailway locomoivte sehen CPR taise mucs tors lai gel olsi 130 relred itelant stramtrainsei operatiaf ogoîs. Il 'anar; 1060, wsea trucsesinmb Milten, complete omOs ail Ose nrcisnacy tendr mnd ail, mnd uoasid otI perte o rarmty for ont antique rails aithOe Ma.in St. E. yard of biff cesîormog olsi engaresi Home Eqoiptnent Ct. areiodmng ligis, bell, googro ansi Os te mcmber of Toronto romn Ose tii con uned te, isep Ose Tanrp Association sere on seieels turnaig feeely.' bond ansiteontOng peoodiy a5si "l *ulook0 aI thoseronty NO. 136 rollesi onlo the tracha aI gaoges, tisey'il shine lite nese lis nese home, bot none sean bneeOrubiss isenmiag more pcoodty tisn saisi ose enOsusiasti ebr lsherwenas Bome seto fînatesi Osetimmbc engiar ansi tender tece feom 'liTA in a non-profit geoop wiOs s Bolton on Pro of hos trcciing a bsoard of 12 directors ansi firm's big iloals, ornerai more working membrs. Theloomolehas ren eas ilA are nteam hoffo ans me are yTlocomlov Tai n Tnpse men oclively empînyrd in A ooto Ocais Tsenp raiseay yards. Tbr club was Tsocton la r lc eisb sweho formes iOn 1952 ansi con a fese teson t ed ooei Oeni haca steala excursins on CNR linet bas bil ilstore in abarn a l hu an heen dormant foc a fese t s Bolton sînce te isooghislt fromo yeacn. Isiterent wsea sparised hy CPR On 1962.thacustoofN.16 v No. 130 wsea udlt hy lise Rogers OseaOnln ofxNa.s136. company mn 1883, tseo yeacs Ple ain Sucan ins e h b efoce CPR wsea focotes, ansi Ted mn u nt e s botugllt nese iy Osat raiiseay locomote emnning agoin ansi pot compony Ln 1958. Il tes mocises il 10 senei on excursin trips.S nast of lise Manitoba border ail is Thry have a uine an Sonar olsi ' woeimg lifr mainty acoonsi roiayecacses tisaI are Toono Ottawa andNew pricatley ooaed ansi re $1on,0u0 CRynltiOon eoetilaîing for iae soiot repair nnil in lq58witolthe mucS lacsoc pri.a mîomno nn lfor Ose bighly tomne olsi Toronte, daîlnas pepolar steam traOn encornions, falITH )lieM.om bu l dy mode one excorsion. 'ad. N1g TA OO On Ethtwsrtrdfo e fames an May 1, 1960 ser il Insocesi fcir $25,0t0, the Mc. Boume saisi lise tisi steamer vNO3TA OO OIEtsIsa ei-dfsesrie pr fotriple-brader locomotive ns deacrihesi an may also bse atailasie foc satie by CPR in 1960 seifl son be riding Ose rails once more. Tise train trip frase Toronto 10 "pricelens" by one TTTA dispiays aI stease ceosions, Toronto Train Tnp Association isos teones oud No. 136 engine O rangetille. member. Il seeigto brîrneen M0 alîbrogs il seont bie ceady n time mnd tender fcoco is osener, a Toronto lowyer, andi phono tom-set A second engine On use Ost ansi 60 toms ansi Ose rai tender in la sow aI Ose 1971 edîlon of ta triexusoswhilae htap ast bmnct day han sOnce been nccappcd. Thue annter 1l tans. Il otandn 13 feet Steana-Era mn Milon on lahar day ses rO nt-in etsi fe estopaslb io thOird wsea bougllt ansi retaces by four incten higis, nat coantirg Ose seeseasi. 'Wr trucses ber isece rentoration seoris. It wsea moved to member Slncrwaod Home's annllser Toronta gcnnp ansiO MO.lil sonie staeb sehics jnte anoUser Icose Bolton, se can trnck hiec Milten yard on tbr seeiensi ansi Me. Home io piclorei on the i n Ose cily. four feet mata Ose uir aboe OsaI. anysehece in Oie country." cos-catcherof the 50to60 ton egine-.Staff Phto) m fine mîven seben r ~ordinator resigns or ."lam moingu ontnomesing mnd nol avaiasie for cononer riese." MeGeegor bld tib Boiton's personel officer lo esehalsei ut Iamoniskoint districtnssperdviorofo EMO,iw te aweatisifllbetlngoi ng cepi aeyonteBleHesisrheenio 'rNsishe or s EMO office frose h EMO co-orsimnater ansi sais ibe teasiqaeers mn Guelphs. Be frit e ha not dispote ils toe coonly or replacement oos isc nai if tiehprov nciai EMUorgmnoîmton. tefore tise rosi of Ose yer. "iiae bren Osiniig about Ibis for stme lime." ise saisi. Ballon EM0 han conduel Me. Meliegor soud ie pions bo t'ainingprogramnoandilaid plan continue living ai isfarmiomae for noloradmsatersmncel w on Guelps Lise. Borlînglon, lwo lormei. The orgamtatonw milessoutisof Lowciii. He camer peesses inmb sertice dorin lat italten from, Vancouver seee sprseg foosin Gien William telait seeve s oa Navynofcer. liiesidwtis tiseMarianneleisue Oakisciie Berce Aiban Masson, searcisandassivlesiwiththe Bo seio chairs tise couny finance Soot jamharee isot liere tes conommîler Ihal ocerners Ose bren no ter malte disanteen EMO depaOtnint oa son iso day Ose 3-yrar pertid Rob Nierop, 18, killed in motorbike accident Robert Nmerop, an 18'yearoli grole 1 3 studenî aI Milton Duirict Bmgb Scisoci oas iîlrd Wedorsday obhen is moloc luise crashed trio the rear of a trucks rieur Barrie. Rlob hasi iseen u'mnmtmng las girl friend near ParrySound. HerirfI Osereeail7p.mi ands iioicrs in lise accident sorlle aller 10 Jabe Nierap. Rab's father, saisi lhadhbesn ois way hoeislo Milton 10 go te ors aI Milton ileparlmcnl Store seiere bc Oas employrd for lise noasmer. Be htd wotees liere part lime loc Ose pool yrar ansi o hall. Wanled te, ie a pi lOob's ambition sing is enrcy 10gb nebool cers ansi ontîl bis deali s tOS 10ecome a piiotý R. ROB NIF.ROP C. HanIer principal aI Miton District Bîgi Scistol saisi "Ros btid pannesi on alttening grasir 1 I-rnLns 13 Idits year ansi the -menî. Li a H rk1e BHe wsea a fine yooag feilose mnd crry aclte. Be libesi ail sprt adwa atieinthm ' im provingt Me. Bonler saisi Ro a ipoces ighvchool Young L.uoHarkley l1mon focîbal ouI lubeul huchet o', oei ld daogbier aI Shaot an Tlh, ' uI.u r te,(, Rhi .lu.'ure Hurebuco b wern bille Martin uuualco un mo olouce of ut a tramgue accudent Ite semis Milton Deporîmeal 'Store, anga. iv repartesi 'iaoghimg an describei bmwi asna very ootgoing onproviog slosely" On Bamilta persnsandtey exresive. Geneaoospital. Bis iie sa 0300 Bondat "Be Hec condition wsea reparte piannesi te, seli il sehen ise 'camne "brigister than ever" by famil tecs. Be seas going lt hoy a memtberS Who have madie regula laggee anc. Be eeally libed hits daily tripe tai vhat Ose cisild. laise," Marten cecalled. Rnbh tes Faoily reports idicate sheI onod ansi drîvea a ide stece hie nasn the rad upisill and seil ai tarnei 10. lier seay In a npeedy recovery Service imece BoUs parents diesi alec a brad-ai Foral service ws e l tsin Collisinn an 10 Sidernod On Nrd anc Osrâagon Juiy 25. Lina mou TMilton Salocday ansi te body tespmtalized haIs head amnd arn <Cenisse oh, Page 2) injurien. bh LI il] id id Id m1 -I SecWd CIffls Mail Registration Number 0913 y 9 een ents. BILL'S BAKING TALENTS ore being teotefi feliow employer ond cantonner Mes. Morjncy (and foond not-too-noîinfoctoryî. Bitl Hepburn tred il tut. "Needo o bltle more McGinms, cisairmn of the Pokistnm Relief proctice," sise nommed op alter o tante or Fond orgamared by employees of Milton . two. BMý and severol ter isospitol staffers District Hospitl, gels sonne proctire for fthe àil br isaking tiseir best On the furnd-raising mole employers' boiig coateot, tac of tise competitton and tise employers bote zarder feotores of tise serioos compaigo te cballengcd eteeyoae in Milton tuatc oIrn raine mcmney let bnp refugers of tise stores ansi beat Osese ta tise food-roising campaign.- ceii strife la Paisistan. Bis "Hungarion (Staff Photo',

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