2 Tht Canadien Champîon. Wednesia-. Jufy 28, 1971 Press province to give grants, soonei A hrieftaleled at Bhe HItaln Conty Board ot Educationis July meeting lent Wtdeesday tek iliat Bhe prnvicial goveramneet poy 100 per cent of their gruet lt Bhe heards dormi Bhe hoards' fiscal yer cteh rail Jnary le, Qeemher ted thot the granle te paid accerding le the normal cash flow nf an optratitg hoard. Accerdîng le Bhe hrief le per cent nfthBe hourd's npendig i dam cm tht fiont six monthof othBe y-er hutntBe provnie i 1971 hed Onty provideif 37 per cent of Bheir short of the gratn duringthBe fonst six monthn leaving Bhe municipaltty ta pick op 71 por crnt of their share dormrg tht tirsi hol year. Accerdteg le the hrief, Bhe poit s, the Qepartiuent of Edecatien dtays les paytest of gratn aed a ïgs bhhmd tteeugheut the year ned the Ined on the municîpalitits Essincreantif. Tht msmicîpehhene setter nu 40 enroil Po Co Pr< Csrctnt Recreation progrates weerevieceif during tht monthly meetint of tht Rtertation Cotnnlttttand Perhs Board on fliorsday tollocteg reports frote staff on the nartoos Tht PoCo prngram. a ceinhination employesent nervice ted leadership training projeet hod n erollment of 40 wdB Bhe major iterein cppearig l e i the emptoynstnt service aspect et Bhe prograin. John Cottehor and Randy Bond appeartd et Bhe mtetig le tequire ahout dtlayn in paymint for rnork porfortntd. hi cci pocnted oct Bhe poyments are made wtBin trne or three dape ot receini tht cheque coine the ,-i'ployer. le ont intance Bhe emplnytr cas tle h aile to makte payenents more promptly. Learu camping Tht PoCo ptegramn hod ahao hod c camp out for girls in rnhith hodgtnd for thttr fnod darig Bhe three day camp ted learned camping shîlis as cell an mjoing a rtceeation progcam. Th girls cere aged 13-15. Tht crafis aspect of Bhe PoCo progiramn îî 10o bertductd 10 thrttt days a ceek rather thte hive. Ecephosis wlI te on macrame, ty-dyt- hotik- thin andf molea divmng. Reports on t scontming pool 10 July il îndlnated total atiendnce aI 6,373 for Bhe ptriod. Sclceming lenneve in tht firt sessionnnac33ierolled vAth 198 arhtdolddfnr Bhe second session. Il istnxpeced enrollceent cntl rie agai for tht third period. lec anys; firnt hecacte mnet et their uvadahîe tonds aret ied op te fndieg the Board's eperîntin aed tîte iLtitct an moules horrorntd foc theneltîes ced for Bhe hoard could ht an n- necseary charge if Bhe depart- ment would teaitain lis tait share et t correet eperatimie espeediturtt. octe mnicipattte arguet Bal if Bhey dîd net have le pay snch a large perctntege oftheir share ne early te tht year Bhey cecid neet munmes cn short termi Ilins and nliet itrtst. le a tern tht site of Milt thereceould netlihtly htvnnough fnding et any rate le inest i short lerm bein. Hernever Bhe imaller cotmmuais are hart hy the system. In Millt one il ceit thetlen f1,350 te hankint charges for lons tant year hecue their fonds cere depîetd hefore Bhe end of Bie ltwnsfiscal yrar. ed in Dgramn Recreaton Dîrectnr Bob Martin reporttd tht cdult hoor at the pool from 6p.m.leo7 p.ne. as teosg rnell attecedd ced t neoms nd todiflers sesion cas aine meeting a netd. Playgrond superviser Mms. Qedl Thcemon reportedl icreastd erollcent ai Bhe ptaygrnnend pogram ctBun average ot 32 le d e0cirn participctig at Bhe J.M. Qenyts Schinl. tht W. Qick and Bhe Bruce St. sehools. Enmnt cn Bhe day camp program, of 30 for Bhe tirsi peried cas asle idrul. Bun trips tei Bhe Science Centre and to Centre Ilaned are planeed an ontign tor Bhe vhildren in the prograits. A final wind-up porade clth a Qisneyland on Pcrade thene on Augnet 19 cil cenclude Bhe sumener actîvîties. Tht Board îndîcated an intrest in porticlpotig and agrted ti look lattn tht pomsihility ut prociditg hnte cent hot dagn ted e nîchit drink in Bhe Rotary Park eithBe Bhe cenclusion of Bhe evtting parade. Installation ofane feertain in iRotary Park cou noed aBter dincusions cîth the ltewn staff; plans cere anournced tor the Rotary Cluh ineinhrs In have a pomtcnfig nemsion cn Rotary Park toi ponts ted tenches; ted Bhe perchait of tino newc eient- eded tenches tran approctd for placeinent near Bhe shuffit hoard ceurt cn Victoria Park. Benchen currently there have dettriorattd. -Aisertise your husiness in Tht Champion's "Who Ditns It" diretory. Hadih thee t e paid hy te provice te relation le the teard's cashtflow ittiay nothavehte teceaory, tor Millt or ethte len to engagt i tinancite pro- j .ecis threngh dthtnteree or hathk Stay under eling The hriet netes, -Tht board ef corne os cencerned ai the tact Bhat the carryng charges are port ot t cest per pupdl antd htece, mahe it more ditticuit te reenai ner tht oeillets of tht deperhnent." Tht heard's hrîet orges tO s teps he laee: 1. Tht htard reqoesle thot 100 per cent efthBe gronle poyahle on a hudget ht poîd doirig tht hoardes tiscal year (jnenary le Dtcemher) ced Biat rather thon a tive per ctnt hold hock now in ettect. recen- citiation te meade tht toiioclng year. The tree ingemts boards te charged interent on ever eninnates le emphneloe Bhe nted for strict hodgeting. The second reiuet urgesa more reulîstîr appertinnent of the paymeet of groule hy tht Department hc estahlished ie re- lation to tht eormal cneh tlo ot thc hoards. le ether cords Bhe boad nats theiniey whtn the ncnis there rather thon streral moeuts latter. StiIlne At thr present tînt tht province still oints $1,100,000 for Bhe 1970 operatios of tht hoard. Part of the prohlem lits inthe fort that thr hoards' andf inneiiîpalîties' fiscal year dores oot couiidr with tht provinces. Thr hattlr is as nId one. For maey years mumicîpolities have hadilE finance projecte and hear thc espvnse nf fiaecing until tht pro vince senifs grant money throuoh. 'Tie hourd's hritt. deating dBt eifucaion grants onlyrnillbc t iopîv of discussion ai a future hourd meeting and il approvrd hy thecboard ctll evetuallyhbesent lE Queee's Parh for considtr- 'CHE HOME OF Arn Cemiamn on Bhe Guelpht bouse is latet n a large IE. Tht Original tUnt mn tht Lotreille Acts as onne et thome that proposai tenul have tetit the hoe n an wetmtd have hee secinnety attecteif hy tht tno inluni tit moud omn titret nues. -<(Staff torgetten plane ho rcenstrttct Bhe roait Tht Photo). Lowville people happy scenic village remains Tht preple of Lacvillt art rejoIicînt aller hearing tht ifeemsion of Ballon Coutl Cenneit le drop plans 10 recenntcoct t GuepLîne throtigh Bhe vntlage. Ttpeple of tht village feet their rosit Es ont ofthBe county's monst seenie. At a pubhic meeting ndin letters lt the centy, resîdents protesteif tht rocd projecl ndi argotif tht road could demolîsit tht scentie htanty of Bhe cinifing moud tteoogh Bhe village. Marg Bradbhury cho eperaten the general store near tht park ait Bhe fooit of tht hill descrihef IL as lining pmmof Btat cil- hall can hie ten. They den't wntit Wfsle only a resident ofthBe At their rvgnier meeting Menday night, Enqeneg Ceneil: -Rtctmvtd a tetter et theehi trene tht Gîte Wiiiaem Mteer Sethal Associatin fer their geerons nupport. -teeve Tom Hill rtcivtd n invitatin te tht Ope Hene aed ofticiai npteneg et t addition te the ARC wnrkhhp te HernhY, Septemher 1i et 2 p.m. -ientrnrted huiling leepecter Tamn McLeae ta insptet preperty ecntd hy iderry Hnoer. Lai 24, Coe. t, regardieg eperatin et e wrehing yard ted gmt e a rittet report te cnnicit. -intrer ted rende snperiteedtet C. E. "Boid" Sn luetrtct CURVE tiges n each aidt nfthBe hridge n Five Side- cead heirneen Cnceneions i aed 9' -Enderned c reenintin, pennied hy Georgetown Cenctil, petitîonîng tht Miejîter et Municipal Affairs net te eccept the recenendatien et t Select Coiitte n Etetin terne, nemely Liact cey rtsidtnt et Ontario sne the tiret day et Jannery te any tiectien ytcr etherwmse qnalitled te vote i ce mnîcpchity ht entitltd te stand fer ottîce le eny ether mnicipalîty and Bhat tht din- quahification et candidates ht rafor thret ceeus sers, pont siges tellig people chore gentrlly less retrictivethI .radhory feIt an do moot of Bhe tht Loille park li. "People htrelefore ted nnch groundis copte in tht village. "Tht dan't lmoc they coe here ced tot-payenent of tanes tople don't cant a nec rosiad. , v.sitesaid. Ber store ahotti a thminattd. sey cant scenîv htanty nd a , mtnon entranceleotht pak. eacefol place. Thot's chat Bhey Mrs. Las Brevet sauf "Il ceuld -Edorsed a rennînhion lis 'ant ted Biait is wv Bey came hove heen a nitame if Bhey had hy lGnehener Coteicil ashig cre," shte nalt. gont ahtad. Wttlivtd in a cnttage province of Ontario to ameed "Tin meny people think ooner Bhe dam and Bhat ceuld grant regulatiots, se as an't stop plans ut any tevel of hoveha ei t tahet nut if il cent provide a 75 per cent suhsido- overaiment. Peple moan hut thrnugh. Wemoved tcrthtr terth att cent innolved in att mattert sey dnn't go te meetings. VOnE on Bhe road titis year, shte naid. cater management, iclndl an stnp tl, these people stopptd Mms. Brocn said ihe ted htr cater suppo-, caler centrot t"she salif. honhned rented ie Lacveillt hut cater qnalit-. "if peeple don't go to meetings on a house in Burhogleon. 'We tid thmngs don't go their cao- le don't nt 10 have tu eave Bhe Car e t n hto' on fault. Ine gluif Bey valiry nhoogh,' Mrs. Brocn C r e to îdn'i go throogh cithit i,' shte ceonnented. aid. Among thont cho are Mrs. Frank Welltr's naies Wîth Bhat vîctor- over and dont especiatty hoppy cith Bhe stop oitted in tht report tant ceel veth Mes. Bradhuro-'s nent cinit work ordtrtmstheArn Coulsot. Bhe Hornhy Gardfen Party.h is for thetbown of Borfinglen to Had Bhe project goe t rougit Weller along cith Mrs. Chichi Couion's home Bhat nec stands dorsald fîncers 10 Bhe shocw on a spuetons lot it conlf he on n e o-as ou ey have for mny yt isoland sorronded hy leghcay. in Bhe pout. Vis si 3ràil - rio is- OPENIINiU 111 in WII CiLQIT [AST WI 4HWisconsin trip was a lot of fun Exctllent 4-H uchievement Bhroughout Bhe o-ear tarnei ftint Millen area teene a trip 10 Wisonsin ibis mnnth. and a chance le vien ifferent farming techniques, tarins and tht surronding countr-sidr. Lents McNahh nI Georgetown, Bill Stokes nf Cacepheville. Norma Leslie of Aveon. Sandy Bemnett of Borlingten andf Qave McKinnon of Milton motoref 10 the soothernstoate cîih "vhauffeurchaperone" Mrs. Hzel Reid of Georgeton acta. The fine menteri andf chaperone wece hilleti n different homes Bhrnughooi Bhe ninte. "We openeif our tons 1oi then' crnpstandfaniomais" suiionetof themenehers. "Ther cropo are ahtuifof ourshliere, hut not hy o-ln hig a margin." Enjey stay Mes. Retid nottif ste enjoptif htr slay"-very much'. "Ilieus certanl- a tritnifly group 10 travel cîth. I gens t wai more of e chouffear thon a chaperone." site ehuchîifd Tht group irothBe 557 mile icipallinontday. "Aodiveere treated ik îe con alt. when we arrived in the states,"nsenotef. Tht group tnîoytd inifividoul trips to a meat puchmng plant, a musical instruments fuctocy. lestorîcul sites of tht stete uni crisp culks Bcnough tht "eigit- horlo-" countryntife. "*i ins purtînoiaro- ceprensef Buat in Brier gops Bhey cun he a memer atntyors of agt. Here youngslers must hie 12 tefore Bhey cas te a 4-H meinher," she nottd. Euch nf Bhe meinters madfe mote Buat mosl farces hoil grade vatle rather thon rtgisttrnd tends. 'We compared caIlle types, grade and sote of herds." anohr ofthe teensnoted. 'Cftc gcoup aIl muet for a sciicene part3 ut a pool, ont might of tht trip and five of tht nix returneif home tegether. Miss l eshe nus met hy hec parents in Wiscensin uni Ihey continueif on a tansly trip Bhrough thr noutht Bhemeves. '11 cerleinl- cas corth il's weight te golf." Ms. Reid concîndeif "Tripsisuch us Bhis givr everynne a heller understsefîng of oliner farmîng ini'tiiîf' and techniques.' MIXED WtTH THE scentir huty et Locvill Roai is saine danger. This pictuce shows ont et the henis in lte ceai. Thit people living on Bhe coud have sai Bhey centi accept the danger thatexints an a Bhing Bhat hos LEo be uni are prepuceif ho tranti ut tocer spetis. - (Staff Phonto). he sed t le to ing and hn Surr n To g Bakers nd . SHOW rs. 5 Fr. Sat. 1.& PM THEt PRIVATE LIF 0FM ,,28 OC mi. OLMQs ES3 1-a-*cAoi a 31s ONE MORELLHOS TIM coloîr -Senier citiotes intferentedl la Qntarie Hientng Corperation accemmeodatien are envlted te Ii out a quetioteeire, avatieie titreugli the tern clerk' noffice. She'tl chertnh fine gil of Engfish china, nparktin si ltierware and attractive Iewetery for Yeats toi cornte Cloeei Ail Day tietday Open Tue. Wed. Sat. te6tp. Tttarn. and Fri.tetp.tt. 184 Main 878-9972 'y Bus OR BUSTI a B p il w h c U d Ale Mns. Nesete aod er Ileeghlb epeciel (staff PIC hoi Mr. Playgro pantef Friday. corntent lncky Encardt! exciting Yong a grond ne char cartonne he monde a hand i Pi4 of Memit Board a of tht 1 nuite et Miltoîde favor fi neet Qi Tw $2, car TWO t injurvd i cay 4011 n Fritta they e mestate John I Ave. w District ahiasin pessengf Aederset tahen hi tr acterE ahrasion Milt accident ' W OPEN FRIDAT SATURDAY A Mmml in itsuîf! 7FR0N 12 M001 SUBMARUNES Cheese, Lettuce, LocenMao Tomafnes, Saladi L -Salami, or Dressing IL -Ham S -Or the Works Mariols Pizzeria e Ciened MoOnday, Open Sueday and Tiiendcy tei Thusnday 5 p.m. ta 11 P.m. FridayandS&turdatîettetela.5. 152 Mill St. Millton 378-3202 1~ THE MAPLE LEAF WAY WESTERNE CANA & YELLOWSTONE PARK A tooioiiin 21 dnoi trip Deotng Joly fi. 3f. Augusn 1 id Septem- ber if. Ci tht OGeat Ce.n.fci- Lekehenif. Caluary Scomeivpif the Ceednif tonkien, Banff. Vannoec, Sien- ley Peck. the keatilul vellowstone Pacrk. Nnoh Dnkota niid Omnha F:O 350 & &AStPE A 16 dey toac depoiting Joi0 2f. Aoous 7, 21, 28. You ciiloii Upper C.onodo. Vllnge, Plains ani Aibrahaov, Nocihain- heriocif Sicoit. Btnacifof N-c Scolmn. Bn0 of Fovndy ond Anodin Na- tional Park. taO 2AS 59 CAREPFREE CAI iNsIA: "Coint Tour" A 21 dovinv- ifeyu.ivg Sept. 4, il, 18, Uni. 16. .,ii.5 Wy.in - tmoî, ivco. Dineyland, ni-d the batai 1Piet- 255 DAYS $ FtROM $59J NOTN TOURS IOFFER test ble.fress t ravi by ai e ttdi- Itied, wshrsste jsqepped coach thj a. tuifie sd as Fsr reevttiot end fret brochue tc sii 632-6938 or Taeet 36445544. Milton Travel Service 14aMATINtS.