Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jul 1971, p. 16

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$4 The. Canadian Champion, Wednesday, JuIy 28, 1971, . In local gardon EktifWlOiiPlant size of bushel ItECENTLY MARRIED ta St. Faut s Umnie dsiecl, Mr. and Mns. Douglas Bousiielil are msldng tirhomoe inToronta. Tise laide is thc former Elizabeth Douglas of Willowdale and tise groomin tiste son of Mr. anit Mns Jobs Bousicld of Pmne St.-<tttilton Photographir) Wedding Bous fiela Eliabeth Ano Balte Douglai leaome Mcs. Douglas Wilai Bous icld ai Jsly 3, ohes vom aid ringo ocre eschanged la St Paulis United Churcb. Rev Charles Ruiner oficiaied ai Ust 11 nes. ocdding ami John Bell, a briesd 0f the bride, acted ni organist. Standards of mauve aid yelloo floocri adorned Uic charcli aod ciibains oiUi claiteri of mauve and yelloo flomero martied Uic guesis' peoo. The bride in thedasgbiec 0f Mc. aid Mcs. Herbert Douglasofn Witlowdalc ami thc groom la Uic son of Mc. aid Mco. Joho Gordon Boustield of M0 Pane SI. lfclrloseePendant Given la mamriage by bier inUier, tic bide chose a lang e mpire-style gon of siti orgaidysmver aspesusde soie suint. lace motifs accmnted the blgb collas, hodire and long Mdy-poil sleeves and a lare accested pfithon bsaddrcsa hed bier 100- tiered, lusger-tip itlusion vel. trscaied mith malalang lare. She more as hoirbooco reby pendant whdcb mas ai engagemest gi la bier gr andesotier, and shp carcicil a sesegay 0f pdto, litac aid oite llomers aceed by ycltoo and litac rlbbos streamers. Maid 0f bonor mus Uic bridc'î firît cousin, Miss Sirley Avareti ni Toronto. llridesmaid mas Patricia Bosild of Millan, inter oi the groom. Mauve aid Vdlloso Hues flic maîd of bonor oce a lsng goon ni btecp yelloo miti oite accensocies ami a oite gandes bai. Shc carrmed a oite gtiering basket of mauve tloocco acecnied by Uic yelloo aid white bues. The bridescoaid ore a foll length blac empice-style goon asti ohit gloves, soms and gardes bat ami she carcied a oite basket of yelloo ilooecs arcestrd by mauve aid oite. The attend ants oc pendl pendants, idis ofthUi bride. Groocasoan oas Barry Ferguson of Mdlton, a laient ni thc groom. Ushens once Nil Stcao aid Ken Brown of Milon, brienda oi te groom. Wl memberu tour Kelso A pîcoîc aid mii la Kelso Museum mas cnjoycd by mfembens of tho Mounlain Union Women's lositute, toc ibeir regular July mceting. Memboco soen lach beaide the malar in tat ni theosld Doit Alexnder mcrm bosse situateit on the gronds adjacent la the moseuco. A nhort buisiness meeting mas held oîib Mrs. N. Langton tscsidisg. and Uic date toc Uic Septeinher bus trip mas dorideil. Plais ocre albs disciioseit foc the Waisen's Inîlilate eshihilato la h dioplayed ai the annuel ft] fair. Msem dicector Dr. Newman oelcoooed thc meishors and a iroor filoord througb the museomn bsidngs aid groundd. A soolor laur Uirougb Uie park moctuded a dcltigit aitereain. .-Yosngstcri are baving tun lune days a meeb ai thc three Mitai playgroaids aid the day camp la Rotary Park. -Dani'tmise thb ycar's Steaco- Era mission ai the tain groucolo, laber day meebesil. 1 - Douglas B eception 1 A receptlsn fori 80 ests trom i Toronto, Bramalea, Camp- bettcille, Prince Edmard Island aid Willowdate aroos mas hctd on Une chuc hall. The brides imeUier gresled guesla lnan bslleccup yellow dresi witb mialching coat aid bai. She oce wite sceessories aid a corsage i f burnt orange baby raies. The groomus essUer assioted la a turquoise long steeveil drmas iUi wlate accesoies ami a corsage of yellow baby rses. White wedding belle; and omail laid vases wîth flowers acceoled Uic tabies ofthUi hall. Hot Panis coc a bonnymoon trip oth te, Manitoulin Island, the bride chose a baby plie bot ponta drmas o iUi ohmt oie-ls'lnmed bal, wite acreisories and peana os liec necb. Hec corsage mon n oite gardeoja. The couple are residing on Torooto. A meocy condn, lit Uic day ni Uic wedding and lai be lit every aooîversacy thereatter, oas ponîlioneit on Uic table witb Uic gncot boob. Siowers oflhappaess Prior la Uhii marciage Uie bride ami groom oece bonoccd ai seveml sbomers and preoenlabons. An engagement pacty foc the couple sons hetd ai thechome of Mci. tovelyn AvareS! in Toronto in Marcb. Mcs. Carolyn Smithl aid Mcs. Herli Dean oi Toronto ocre halaesses in a miscellaseos sbower for Uic bride on Jonc. Another uois- celiasoss shower for Uic bride s beld at Uic home ni Miss Elain MeKen on Toront. la Jonc. A linUiron shower foc Uic bride bc hld by Strs. May Randait ai lac home on Milton aid a aiscellanes sbooec bonocing Uic bride oas alan given by Mini .Siley Avarcllino Toconto. The stodents of Glenforcît Sccondary Sehool on Mionissauga beld a surprise party foc the groom la Jsnc. The groom is on audio-visuel technician at the Gleniorcît licbnol and Uic bride is employed on a typist toc OHSIP it Toronto. Wedding Coffen - Emerson Standards oi white, plnk, daisen. fliey camred boquaîf yeltow and orange dainico, mnsn pinb, bine and yettow da=IeIc and cariaioq decorated St. match tlieir dresses. >o Andre'$ United Cbarcb, Ttie bride wan given ýn Georgetown for tic double ring marriage by ber istier.548 wedding ni Shiaron Joy Emersan ma wan David Houg and Rupert Chartes Coites. Rev. ishers were Rohert McKay l K. C. Johnstos otticiatod ai Lie. 3 Ed Btoer.X p.m. meddisg and Mrs. T. Receptin .i Itannees sdcted au organst. llevesty gueuta Mrm E Thiebrideisathe daaghter ofMr. Riptey. Strattord and tlAi aid Mrs. Gles Emnerson ni 84 attended the dinner adeeI Sargent Rd., Georgetown and la receptionatGeorgetosnfue esiptoyed ai an Inotructor at Country Club, Baskets of IowýWs bltai Rotary Park Poot. Thse and bouquetn ot carnatio groom wa the son of Mc. and Mrs. decorated the hall. y Rupert Coites ni 136 Ontario St.. flue bride's mother reciod Milton, and is a dispatcher at gamtin a teone yellow mait aid McKinley Trasport. drea ensemble with a corsage ai Made own giosn peltow antosIegom The radiait bride chose a long mother carnio n aThte rems gon ot white crepe oith mauv ihylo oecrae aid white lace accens doien thse Cat e y Clod roseorsa brait ni thc dress and aroaid thc Cap te oeHosepsoaap bachote. thdraid fuIt lesthe Cod, Massachusetts =i ride veitelltfrom a daliy headplee. worhm a urple . eripte eles Sie caccied a cascade bouquet utHe uiicag wsmaeveorlchet. mauve tippeil carnatios ceslred le coage ase maveg trh*l by alarge mauve mrchid. flcTTh opearealn il bride made ber on goon. home ai 174 Commercial St.,',la Maid of boom mai thc bridesa Mt. sioter Marilyn Emerson. The groos graodparcnts Bridesmaid wos Uic bride's troco Englaod attcnded the uinlar-in-law Mci. David Hosgh weddlag. aid flower-girl mai Nicole The bride attesded McManter Hongh. The attendants ocre Univeruity toc iveo years and la a dfe a Uke in long mauve gradala of Labeshore Toocher's gownu, accenled by mnltl-colored Cottee. St. Georges ACW ladies are a busy group On Wcdnesday Jsty 14 Mcs. W. Powell estertained Uic membeco 0f the Aiternoon ACW 0f St. George's Charch. flic tint pari 0f Uic aitereain oas ipent la ciewing the scap booki 0f St. George's Courch forthe paît over lic ycacs. Eschrn oas playcd, the prize wiaiers lalaf Marie Toins ami lily Jay Uic bigb aid sow. flic tucby csp prise wcnt lai EUiel Hioward. A lovely lunch oas secved by Mci. Powell aid lier helpero. Mmi. LePage Uiankcd Mci. Powell for a lovety ai- lareain enlactaisiment. On liuoday, July 18 Mr. Acrmntrong irses Georgetoon cooducted Uic service la St. George's Cborcb and Mc. Wtsn o i th Uimsinlatr la charge on July 25. Rnv. Jeffacci la on holîdays and ducing Aoguîl Looville United Courcb oit join wiUi St. George's Cbsrch la St. George's Cbarcb ait 10es.. St. John's Nassagnocyn oit aino join on Uic servire. hos 48 dainty bloomis A gecsnlum "thse asu of s busise" la growsg in tise iront soutis-est ilsowr bcd Mf tise home Mi Mca. Mhldreit Focobmer, B. R. 6 Mone~. A ditanty, lscey oiscM art, tihe ai Mi tihe ilowec la net it!s ooly oeditty. Known la someaus IWhld Crane'n-bl"l the geranluno han 48 blaisoma visaiste tu thse eye "sud maybe more lisat couldnit bc emasted." "'on neyer secs one like fi betre,' soit Mns. Forsisuer, lis oouec. flic to ycac oit annual oas kept imieus turing it's tiret wintecos in a large pet in tise soust-eait liow Mf tic Forshem home. "toce planted it ouldeors lisese lait too stsmmecs but Uh i of Mit. oeil lin really somethlag ta sec,"1 she remarked. iiflbieW' Plant Mcs. Forshoor "babied" tise plant wlts vitacolas turing tise winter menuis andsrtao it tise plant recclved first choice Mfa spot lin e outtoor bcds tisl sprlng. "t pst h la tise ame spot <tise soutis-east bcd> ohen t plsnind It outdebors ami ohat a 'hloomtang" niaccess," sise stited excitetly. Alihougs tise gecanlues la kown for Ita pungent odor, tise tiower la su a masterpiece la 185cM. MARISIED in St Amireo's Usited Cisucci, Georgetoow, Mfr. and Mrs. Rupert offen are maldng their home ln Miton. flic bride is the former Sharon Joy Enmerson of Georgetoon andina on inaicuctoroat Milton Rotary Park Pool. Theogroomn ta tise non ofSMr. Sait Mns. Rupert ijoffen of lic Ontario St.-<(Milton Photograpii). Do**a*0000e.0 00000 8090000 De00 in a lwrbdathhoeoMm GESIANIUM WllTH 48 bînesomas la Uic jrise Forshmer, 4415 Fom Slderoad la serts Burlingtn thin ycar. flic plant started lu bloomiproiusely in tse garden of lise Focohoar home for thc first time tis yeac. Mrs. Frsisncr reports tic plant hail groom «"to tihe aise of o husisel" andl at preacot alinost 24 tiny flowers are ta bloomo. Store KatSsy, S, aMi Boy, 7, taIse n peck at momos prise specimen. Roekwoodl Mid Summer Discount Sale FURNITIIRE, GLAS, CINA, GIT ITEMU 114TFRESTING CERAMIC JEWELLERY 856-4735 7he 9kira Çh/1/à / .O00 et~~ 00000000E DRESSES4 HOT PANTS PANT SUITS 000008 MIX'EM eue OR MATCH 'EM,e 000 fo 00000. 5000000 boa*@0005. b 000 Wec Tetry C pes. oh excha1 Thic ht aid Mci Eghth 1 mas es ai Pyla inaClarkn of Mc. a Toronto eqnipma Bel Rev.l1 couple t Wayne cousn o orgai. flic ci arraige white e tangera f ic empire o onethe ho f000 wa collac ai acconiot A sol headpec ocallopec sho corr miînature aid orai Matrai bride's Baurnan Bridest Mitler of Susan Ta 0f Uic ho Carrai o groom Master C NORMA, and rings Unitedt C of1fr. a Photo) VOWS AN Ciurcs ou Stanley Pa D.m. ceresl Normas A. Of M. andl (MaePheri %1*4 - ý_

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