ïhk etanabiea aampxon MOILON, LONTARIO, WEONESDAY, JULY 28, 1971 S'assa C1ý.,, Ma ,1 ,,,,, N-se, coi13 Tmosîy Pages Fifîooo Censo Plan recreat ion complex for Crawford Hallor Begior Conservatior Aotborily approvrd proltor plansotle develop th.e Crwfr Labo bLet a recrrafi or compter. Sketch plans preoerled la 1the Aolborily makte ailomaeces for cmiggroueds, a piorir area aed r turail aod esenlualy a swbooeing pool. Th0e place onlkored by HBCA plarror William Warwick show parking provisions for ar oobimaled 220 rare. He lelil tue esedolîse membero Ikal 110 parking lot seoold belp redore parkieg congestion Ikal row rexieta e; iat oer. Ho eoled tue provision of o smonooing pool mould limil th0e nuier of people swbmleg le 1the lobe. Plees lei buy a 138 acre parcel of lard akollirg Crawford Lake aI an esliinaled $70,000 mere roplaino Jobu Ho "ece sires.b otuled.' 1the prog out. Lake area f. Ther lard omorit ey Noestimage of the total noard mas appralord aI oopeooeo ioeolved ie devetoping croe 1967. te 1968 HBCA th0e airea of th0e aolioipaled date the Crawford Lake area. for onstructioo toi otart were diocoooedi aI th0e meeting. lmeel by tbîo Cfooîomao of 1the land ose ail- lone wI lie, vsory board Brook Harrie ooted sWrma Acont ribl N os eee Mro. A. Macrthbur of 'lfimajoo Aan Wrketcbo Nasegaeya Township bad ooed ss ele, setc ofei edored 110e porchoor. The Dsedsit," le pinfe ooveois poeelyieEoropeoand oold rot attend th0e meeting. Arrange fends s t o Moey for 1the porobace of th0e StoporgiraI y îeteeded' for iproormeetsonO the Foorleer Mie Corek in Qabville. 'thal projrot bas be poolpoord. proirol wao deleyed cr111 reel oged by reeldeole of year. Mr. Ileploen ooggoolod th0e of t10e roados, lei coriil provionce woold pay 110e elire îghl. TMe petilioo alco cool of enginering aI 1the inotallation of otrel Crawford Labo 9001001. th1e poolieg of timait Ti sa us rlmnr reidoobial atesas. but1î thi aIl 1001bl priolandr floree ways I Celi wr sboeld boy Ibeor la are aokrng thal stop oorarpmoeetlfards," corlirord ererlod or Thre Mo. Wright. -I woolde'tl 101e lu coorg eac and weoî sor'aeother<aledoe icdent." 10 leme bere coiieg mail 10l1 ie localed on Arqsire onrarpimer land We 0001106 norlb. Wilb th0e acquniiion of 1the are clop egs ow Wor Crawford Labo propeely and BtLLBILLY OMIS for the WlI. Dicb commer ploygrocnl, deseopel it a moroleg of fuin oeil games ai Crotenniot Parb. Restiug lentbrsiy are buttomt teN to rigbb Stepbeu Coabohn, Lina Gersois and bosn Frome. At top cre Woody Sornersll, Derick Neetands and Joanne Aoger. An offernoon cf fu plannrd by t10e leaders mac cancellei due toi leciement meailser roelitioo.-Ilîoaff Photo) Norval school Reed offers helj Lawson cool to 'Ibo Aecsooo b rase Norsal Ss'booli aouoece of joy for the people'oflNorsal1aod Jolane Nod ted bis geoop of Noosat aod Dînteict Ratroaseen. Homeer Bred andbonscoborto arroI ready tlet th71e malter Aie a natoral dealb. Sesseal montbo ago Reeri, assompamied by a boodfol of Norsal Nolopayers. protroîrd 110e onssgol slosoeo of 110e Norsal lcbool. Aller doersonsoloration the boardanone.edtheosbool mouldooemaooopen. Waolseponcion A t Wednssday's mneetiog Norsal Scitool osas 110e to pos cf doscs«sonce05 agaouin ba lettr le theboord Mr. Reed boggedthe board toltako ooooodiale action bo proo'odr a boodergarten for 110e boosiet îboo year. '1lle board plans 10 bos the 12 regontoroil bondergartre olodenle bo Pinosoro ssbool. Bred riaimo Chat mbols ois 12 bondergarten stodeets arr regooterd oseral parents are beepieg tbsor cboldre borne le asoid lettiof thrntra'l te bes. In les lee Rerd offrs oshat Must Wo'aouniqoe sort ofn arrangseen. Ao'knoolodgonf t10e lack of sapotal looing of 110e booaool Resu olforeol somooooty belli. ti s elp 'Hoo abot letbong os poode the accoommodaton, and yoo somply prosode 110e leacher oeil normal basoc eqoopmeot' Wr sool soosodr strustoore aI a lter date mbee fooding mogbt 10e more asoolable," 10e sagfested. 'Hase Yoo aloo ronsiderd oolocatonf a ooempty portable? C'hursb banemeelo; base boe offerod. I am sure Ibese hostilv asoemblel tboofbtn s'on 10e gr7c0117 omprovrd opos, Il i0 booso tbey moglol posode corne tond toc tboogbt acoong tbe board mombers," th0e lettr read. Oosaoso 1the leltr osas reosoed only tmodays prior to 1the ord mneeting on investi- gatos oo 1the allogaoone bad eoî boon made, Dorector Jîm Singleton blid the board. Do lbey bnom rosIs? 'l'm not nore they beom the sosî of boidingscbools. Ho said 10e bad ns esîdeece bo nob- sîsoalae Beedos daim Ibat sboldreo more beong bopt borne bosacor they moold have bo trasel by bon for bledercarter. Me. Songleton saod an insesti- fa1ion oold 10e made bo deter- mine boos many cbildreo are alîssîrd. "Woare able to maire staff adlontments in September aodlmose staff bo pressore points os e havse 10;' 10e nald. Th1e oenolle of the invstigation ire espertel aI the Aogont meetrng cf 110e boardl Laocool o plan Esqaosoog trostee Bill Lamson Tragic crash kilis young Milton co& A yoong Milton roople lied oeil ibeor 20-mnontbold daogbtor O e mai ineo s emirni.s eciouos scondition on Hamiltcn Georral Hospital lclloosieg o imo-sar sollision boit of a mile ost cf Guetpb lise on Tee Oîdercad, early Soindav mrnnng. Jeflee Harbley cf Milton unie asa resolttoslonjressostinedrn the soisons Ms Ombles 21, ai fiaiistss toeerl Hospitl cto'ooig 1the i 30 a.m. a'ssident and Me. Hartoey, 23, dord sboetly aloer t p.m. bondoy esoning n Hamilton bospitll Fair condition 'F10e Barkley'e more lramsferred fcom Miltan District Hospieal 10y ambultece on to Hailtoe boopitai bocauce of 110e orriooseesc of tr inljorîes. bisa, tomu onîs chilil. s reportel le fair condlition le the inteosise rarle oeil of tbo bonpîtl. fie iriser of the otbor setacle, John Crie, 29, of B.B. 3 Carnpbllir, le reported rn fair g sondition on 110e letemse rare fo teit of Joseph Iront Memorial C osepital in Horliegice, cofferieg 0r from shent enjorîies, brokoe ol Ioro, froctoroil rigbt arte ami Se leg andl moltîple fase injurîies, Ocriogion Police Constablo H Close Arden sayoble is contleoîeig A bis investigaio ocf 110e heod-oo ,'1s.ssiv front end Aamage FI. esia i spprcnîrnatols Al $2,5S0 easb ' a Tbe asciâesî ossoredmbheethe W Harbirys osero reioreîng flrte an vsilinf foieis ie Hameiltoe. Di fie couple, maroleil for about Bs tror poare, lisoil ie tbe Ipryside te oras beore mosleg ta Mitlto. Ac Mo. Herklry move mîth bics Ca famlùly foom Wlinpog orverat m yeocc ago and attendel bt Ca Pobieo andsi h 01 c rbol le liebon. i Be mus employed by tuduumlr mi Quari.., BN. 4, Actioe. H Mos. Harklry allerile bt re Brure 10 and WlI. Dirb Public Es BEqoeuirg Couscil ber tuo bie and floree lîdrroad, prfoolod prompt actior on e ocer of 1the oeriooo car-dusep reqorsl fromn reuidern of Milles bouck collision Friday, mkirb Heigkle for a Ibrer may stop ard lejuriad 12 porsors, leclodlng 10 caution bigklo aI, the interection ckildrer. of tbo Erqueuleg-Nauoageweya Jerk Zaralta preseeled a Twelve are hurt three seriously Polibior, o buth sides Moeday ne o bigkts and siges fori Besîderi sîgos 10e Sidrroadi and on Il sootb. A o th0e tamn I "flore floCre Sido Tsoelve people, 10 of them DeGeoporie, 14, Paul, 7, oeil poil alteosl oot loto tfie middle of Mounot Nemo tiras tue Aotborit obildrer, mere lejred le a cor- Jameu, 12. 1the l neesectioe toseo caroý miliooo 1,9f0acres of escapter trock collision eith11e corner of Anoîker rbild Karen MoCabo, cosmog sootb oe 1the lemn lire, land. Flost Une, Esouelelg and 1the 10, of Bramalea la le Oubvile Mr. Zaealle bold îles paper. Euluesirg-Nesnagameya Tome- Huspital wilb brod and lrg Hevy refil Th0e aotbooîly plans t' lire, rear Kelca Conservation loreratioru. Bot ooado are osed beavdly 10y porobase 225 acres in 1the Mon Area on Frlday. Driver of 110e dutep trock Mike Porsors travellmg bo the Kelso Nemo orea and bease Ibis laed t0 Tbrer of the euorer are in Teoeroupakis, 49, of Toronto mac Conservation Area, locatel joot 110e lome of Borlieglor Hamilton Gonral Hoepital boeg ueiejured en 110e rollision. meot of tbo inlersection. Borbungtor bas ogrerd bo ebsorl lrealed for neriouu bond injurieo. Damage o 110e truck mon Simor reuideele of both sîdes of 95 pr ceet of the cost of the Iant O.ne of the yoangstere remains lnesmbmaled et $150. Dameage lei the the tomei lie bave oîgord te and ose il for pork ores. fia Cinkoille-Trafalgar Hospitul, one car mer estited et $796. Pelition, cool of installation of the land is eaot of Goelph Lîne neai resneinn in Milton Dintrict itbe OPF Consteble DIeu re ligbto o bo disidoil No. lîderoad and adjoies laen Hospitul and live mmr lreeled et Beibling levestIgaîrd 110e ac- belme Esqouesieg aed porobaseil by tteiroyal Ltd Miltoe boupilal and reteened, cident. asgwy.evrler go Driver of 1the cor, Mos. Joye sgmy.csrlyas00 oy,223, of Boamalea mns îrealed ti Milton bospilal for injered ribe and bîps eed mns laler retreasd. fie second adoft le the car, our. Mallette DeGaoperin, 36, alao of Boamalea, mus admiîrd lei Oak- ville boupital cuîferirg fromt intrnoat and boad injuries.4HO HamltnHospital ' - AU bot oee of the cbildor mere frot the Cyr aed DrOauperio WI famîlîrs. Thoce in Hamilton Geeral Horpîtal are Tira Deflasperie, 1f, Ymmne Cyr, Il ail Bîcky Dreoapeoîu, 10. There more sic DeGauporin cbildrrn le d te. car and tore Cyr obilore. jt Treatrd aed releeued fromt Milton Hospîtal mere Anne-Marie Cyr, 14, David Cyr, 6, Waye They work Cars seld, baby sîltere found, apartrorele rerîrd, a market for fond produco tooîd ard escn a 12 PEOPLE WERE 17'Jt7RED te o cor-truck the cor mac estimoîrd at $7001. Th0e driver of pory and caddIe seld came os collisioo i Mbilton Heigofa, Friday. Th0e cor the truck mas otiiejoreil li the collision._ recolle of clamsibed adns le last and o domp brock collideol, setoiing the 12 f(Staff Photo) meekos Chamepion. occopans of th0e cor to bospilul. Damoge tai Road stays same so does danger le tbo trodition of William Davie and bos Ontario Cabinet le the Ipadira Eopress exemple Baillon Coorly Courcil egrcrd blas mcb that if the people of Laoile do eol ment a supor rond lbey mor't gel one. Afler dumping $54,000 on the engineering and oil lecling and other prlimninary morb or the rond coanty cotoncil reviemed trior project mit the Lamvillo people aI a publie people ond about opposition telt exioled. New off ices for HRCA considered A 00w ofbice boildieg aI Molton Heigts inbeeg cosideed b1y 110e Halcon Regîco Consersatoon Aoolboroîy. The huilodong mcd 10e onland boogbtoseral years ago adîorng the Koîno Coneevatior Ares on 110e Ecquesirg Naocagameye Lmne. Tenem building moidd conlain a board ronm and several offiees and mosld cool ae estionated $5000 lei 6,000, vice-obairmate A. B. Wright noled. fie HBCA rum renta office spore or Main St. abuve the D'ominoion Hardwere clore. "Bol me bure oolgrome these facilîiru", Mr. Wright corcladed. fie proîrol llooole mere f rom Collngoad outof LAmvilreto 10Olîde Bond eorlb of tbo bamIet. ta an rnlersiem folloming couely cooneil's decisîn bo drop the projort coonty enginrer D.J. CorbelI caîd 10e bed beee imltrcled by ronds obairteen Jbu lmarburooigb le fin the oad opmboere i m eeded and krep il in good cbapo. Lhoniles 'rare rntreîîîely limted le mbut me coni do lei ellileate daoger on telt route. Wr con improre draîrage, move e monotooc dilcb baeb near Cating Bond ard improve the buce of the roadl or buu tbroogb Lamode," 10e sid. Be added thaIt ose polet the colvert md li1e mîdered, the road resurfaced, and 110e banik troncord and corded or sodded. Wr mill otreegthee the asbpb.olt osheethesrfaceoisdebsîiest and bcos arebemng ponsed out, "10e saod. 9750,000 project fie egineer osd the pro- engineering rutiueaae le et $75M,fotr the pojecl. Whit0e the mmlt criticol portion of the projet mac trugb Lamevlle il Aid elend nortb uf Campbolvtrl ta Il lide Boed. fie ergieer deucribedl the Guelph Line ae armajor not- mot erterial molte Orm Barlntn and the QEW le 10gb- may 961. About 1.000 In 1,50W eera fravet the road esoryday nom and projortions endirate from 2,006 to 3,06f people mîlI ose il daily in< Ibre o fise yeorc. le 1967 110e rooety roads committar iccord iroctions to seart onprosiog the road and opgrade il so it soold hardie traffbc of a major sorth sot ortery. ta 1068 the egrneerieg fody masrrrted outard in 1969 ea loto tbe draft report mac eeleblicbed aed le toto aflter a eomber of dolegaîîoms and a oernes of thee tripo to the cite the comesitore adopteil Lîne O and toid teegneering departmeet taiproreed. Onre mio decogn mork more and more reet for meetiegs and rnformatonemre recriord. le loti mbee Boohengion Beese Jin Smonboroogb bofk oser ao roado sbairrn 10e rereosed i.vmplainlo from corne of 110e people and agrerd to bol a poblie meoeting. Follomîeg the Jone 10 poblis meeting Mod o rmmitior met Joly 0 oed rosommeolel procleodaîg mth Une D. Coonsol reîrcbrd the reroimmeelotios and tbo proîret wac dropped. fie regîneer caid the somte cf teroad bedcin the road 000e sery daeoerooc and snme Portions of the rond ribsalîs defîorent. Be prodisled ibat ii accidentîmold ocor asnthesroia mac ed more cfîe in yeors os Davis may attend officiai opening Scotcb bioi ock eersoîr, a wilO oRosoiabe ai the opeieg. Rl os project of the Ballon Nogiae alco hopoil aI Premier William Coesersation Atority, WIIl be Davs miii attend. Coeillors officîally opened tao epublîe aI 2 ail goseremeet officialeisîi p.m., Sept. 16. Tbo opruing mill al ise uissile. bo bell in coeîarctoo mith the l mac derided by membors anruai ebaîrmeres tour of nt aaigri, to bu mode by BBCA c onsersvation aciboribirs eoployero, moolil beu orvrileil ai cheiluleil for the meb of Sept. 13 the sile. tai it. Tboer detegates of 110e BNCA bopre thai Ministar of Aotbuoîly mil tube part le 110e Energy anil Besourcer andl meeb-bung boue of 1the con- Bellon Wert MPP George Kerr, servatior auîburitiee. Ask three way at collision sce VOL. 112-No. 13 Plonners support day care site " Peuse doe't close me doWe," seboni sorrooindingo andil A s Mos. a1r lSone pleadol With asrosn the sirortfrom ayseig. mmre o Milton Plaeing hoes, saocîng uitie or eo buther, oard Wodeesday esonrng. "t osplinel MeWtîeimc. emildesperat" 'flicdaysero centre hbon a Follomîng neceral fule ieiroorial iopîc for csera atomptn tarelocatlerdayecare monthe. '11he Somnn' blied to centre, Mos. Sonne has agen etbisb ore in a bouse on saougt the bnlp aed sopport of Koegcieigh Ci. bol cooeicîl Milton Plannieg Board for a rescie on 84-narno pebition c'etreon the corser of Heebop oppocong th0e nite, sîgei by Rd. and CommoercialtS Planoing olmont ecerye lising oe board afler rocclilorablo Kiegslrigb Ct. Eachoer located oe discusmon, agreril tai efor the Ontaerio ha. the centre broogbt proposai to Mîltanrcooneil andl complainte from neigbur abut ecomîeed teland b ro ed ntoise, trooictandotilioaùioeof a foom ileselopmreî bo residenil zne. Mrs. Bosse also linsitotioeal. asbol permission bo relocate rn Fise nopporters of the day caro the tonship of Ecqoesîeg, bot centre offerel Mo. and Mre. mas moi with nemeroos Ob- lame ail lmyr Peter Me- lestions. Williame tbos i moral spot Focos bail rarlîr brd to otug arueee in ol deselopl10 building loto aboeg the tepropoca more eob reeise Beolop Rd. cule of J. M. Deryre fromthe floeor. lee'em Sobool bot Aid nol base reougb Plaefr1e crs eonte' me landl. Coceîl blobel 110e pansei tar the centrb Me deselopteni as At preforrel toe McWilane oy e bor yM.ln to rmaie as o clldoone Meiamropreceetieg Focos iAy rs Delopmerba. Faoosplamsbo ..We're nesor goieg ta, 1e hoîil atmm-stareybom-style wtottene o a buildieg suitable for 110e day care mtot1enoifrady centre operation ail gise a loeg ceetre," membr Ferry Barr Ceo CesseohCe years) oMr. mted. "11 Mrc. lSsne doi'se'b and MrsnSonne ' open lier centre, someone rers mdl mait b," 10e reptamel Lille blbr Member ll Wondo alno agroril '1he ceetre ooli regrocse h m th11e nbatoment. complete floor nI the home oeil Board membors agreoil the tepaie wocldboieconored bond shoolil ho reooei b rnto a irno boilronm apocîment îmîoîotoeao ail referrel the Miesentremwold tonrntthe osate ta orcl WiII hoId meeting on f luoridation fie people of Milton mdll buse an opportueity tobhear bth aides cf the coreni ilbate or Oouorilatîoe of the tome's poblie mater scppiy. A meeting b 10e bell nortoo e laie September pil feo u r o aoro parIl of olthone or toso oronu 'eeertleg the pros ami cors of flooride le idea bline ail butotemmro id nbemoinailehotil oMe MilIce Cooncîl ban mndlcatedin l Ril ottn a ttlady papro Mr some may oppositioe to the "fti projorb NRsee Non Barrie binally entionsy faise. "I sti man is oson th0e appeosal cf rooncil 10 so> ingltasngs 1010e tic Al os about bsten 0 th0e rexpents on the bone 10e osas sorrected-" Lameon mat. siud. Barris blid sooicit 10e frait the 'Ascordrng bo the press Bred maîterhbai oibe cootilredB e soîl il tobes bo oeil o hall hoors insister] 10e hadalt maie bîu miod bos tone for ihree hoors scbcol. op infasor ofAlfebAclbsocldboiea 'Ihat*s onfly o 70 mincie ride." sohîc rs Osthocgbt. Harros argoil cooncîl abborn Stsa0'sbereNReedmwon hisbfri locierst b prab l to hm, buti soicry ishen 110e boardl ollomol ihonrîin fa cor ail tone agamest. bis son bo go onto gaode cee Mayor Bra O t xrse oibout attenling bînilergarien neevton lesut reporiio aller a lenthy dispote. 1 t m ui esgesion ublie meeîting 6ealti vrcmn laie ohere the people cool l rare as bmard. 'I mas iher netibel by oseli a coni.sgeton Are principal ce 110e adminîs mtwtthaprvlocuii. trab on people on the North mb'b10 prslfoed Edosotoon Centre," î.amscn wCharlen Fay, cbrnrmae of the continue. mair sommter, ocpreeseil Alfer oppositîon to forîde oeil mamI' A]lie the toast bit inlerectoin e cooîg '11he press report indorateil mhat the dociore biail bo nay. red hal owon a schnegceeb ' bore ion bcsy 10 boslee bo <aille osobh 110e board oshen the rery rnhim boni bocaooe oe isard sser-ecbed 110e aI- mois lsnierenied. Weilos'ibhas omiratoon's rirsonenlaton toue bo bistre 10 eserpono le to clone the schosi. bomeoncsail tome;' Cooneillor Pop caîl. theboardbhad not oeresbed the boy rose bO speab a secoend admiistralion bol hail nopporbol Lune 00110e sobjer. "îles the only brior rocomouneedation bo base thnoe hantuegvus the echoul bell open. '!Z0 ulb iba atre gasd ce -S menr os onùstoben brr îî sosoos toben off. fie shioken n rother Rend or the paper. i tontes lbe rahbolt By gobby there 10mb il old 10e a ocrsous on notîsng botter than Mîltan rnstobo forbthe boarltsener mater. isay let1nbepiltCat o tins norb ci a situabion," Mc. saY. amnonsil, referrleg le ored's Naturalfluorine ilenb propcsab. Mayor Best sail 110e Mltoe 001er lors ondoide natoral fluorine. Whenhlensaiilbiemasn' sure bowm rnch ti contime C.oncîllsr Charbon Johnson qoîpprl, Vcou ranit base lot mch cf a goal îbîog." Jobuon na Ircbarel bis oppositioe tai the 'pie ogeam. pie Coaroillor Ant Mebancoe nsil bis miel mon petty moul maIe cbuolo andlgrailcatol frorna cp.- "istbetohavemy mid ce poar Busnre oeil crefose mîth faces bot bme omoerse Course. 110e mas mllrng bo bire ta bubb cidre," eportel as "o srry gioi Looeicilloe Mebansor notnil telt dm1", ai Miltoe Dintrict High white came cf the dactare support sbool 'Mes. Barkley reendly il tbe Caeadîae or Aieericar oreei on a recrpioeinî ai the Associations do not hark l liton Region Consersatioe Pooertlthe lusy aihcrity Office en Milton. Mayor Best coul il diciorbel fie soopte are sarstsel 10v hmui ta thich that some of th0e tome soc laooghter boss Msrs raoid hase Co pot itou 7the mater arotos is sarsusel bý parents o r eeeenetosltto prle tus les oilShaiey Lssns, brothers osho are toni bany le go ta the il sintere Sandra, Boias, boabîcunit orîthe denhalt ta base oody, Bîbby andl Juie of Mltoe mork ilce gimng the camne effect il grandmote Mos. George doe. Ibmw of Scarburocgb. Me. ree Barrie raid boe bal rrkley is sarvîsel by hie orderd booksaie no charge ai- coter Mec. Lorrale arsbry of vorating fluoidetian and meuHi ton, aed hoothers Bicb, Dar, bave one lue eecb membr uf oory aed Klrly and grand- coarril. Drpoty Beeve Percy )Cter Mr. Mar Plcllipr of Barr brougbt an ereebai nI books mpbolfood. oppocîng fluoridaîlun bo the Fuore sersice for the couple mreetig. lbe bu bria MeKersie Fanerai Cauncilloru Jobuson munderel 'me aI 2 paim' tudey (Wril- mby il il mns rock e gnuil liin eilart, milb inteomient le tepovince Aidn'trree fit le pet bt rgreer Crmelrry, Millon, in nair, and sofit drinks. MI M IL 0 IL 0 b t r i t