Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jul 1971, p. 17

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itendent 00noted deputy Toronto ffecive 'et haut it ai the will bie MWl an ton and I staf f impton yearn. Ladone, Ïve ait tpptag rosit lis. of g re By Henry J. Stanley Asnew erent wao undertahen hy the Haltos Boit and Crop hoprevement memhers this year -a Booirise tour af projecto in The tirs) Olsit mao ta Oie cornlieds<fua Harvey Nurse, R.R. 2, Georgetown. Ose fileld of crn is over eight fret high, rons'derah)y ahtead of normal for Ohi sas af yaar. The hr>de trials were thes b=pctd Blades, Lasso, asd Atrazise were rompared hoOi singlY asd in oomhîoatioo for mollo)l of grasses and hroad leafl weeds in cors. Everyose thes travelled )sy car ta Tom MeGee's ta inopeot ai Alfalf a field. A portign of Oiis field was treated saine six years 010 wîi agrirsîtoraf liosestoste au the pH was 5.7, ssmnewhat tue fow for allalla. Yields os Oie treateid section of Oie field were o se oe-hall ton of hay higher wîi 75 arr cent alfaf fa in Oie stand as compareol ta ory 50Oper cent in the antreatad sectioo. Enperhnent white beano Boy heans, white heas, andl turmps were disrssed at Bill 'mabe bay wtale Oie son sines,' Oiere ns no seed ta sacrifice safety mn Oie mame of specd," Mr. Tbacbray saîd. The Canada Safety Counril blieoes Oie proper plare ta start oreating thîn new attitude tacards safety is ta Oie homo chon rhîtdren are rery young. Eaymng attention ta tearhing rhildren sofety in the far- home is partirularly important because of the extra hazards bound in a rural environment, surhi as chemiratsanAd poison sprays. Hamards oflhlghwayu The faret population aise lares extra blghwaybhazards teaase of fantar speeds on rural highways and ever-inrreasing traffir demity. Rural areas are Oie sites Of thirer qurters of all traff jr deatta and more Oian 42 per cent of.traffic injaries although Oieir populations represent lessOihan 40 per cr01 of Oie national total. Acridents tabe plare when PEOOPIP . érg. tuftjgttd .te sorontroleo forces. The passibîlîty of Ohi happening ix greater in tbe unrontrolled farm govromrnt stould elimîoate rducalios taxrs on property. It utould introduceoaxpecial educa- lion tas on încomr ta more fairly dustribule te coxîs of educalion. «Theo itcoutldo aay with al thc las rebute sctomes il's irramcd up to correct Oie iseifuities of the prrsOllt system. The rapid inrrease in thr sse o) powerteqsopmest and rhemnirals on Caiada's farmns mahes rural salety practires morh more Iportant. The Canada Safik Counicil in en-operation wiOi e Canadiai Farmn aid todustrial Equipmest taxbitute is sponsoring Farfi Safety Week oatiAially from July 25-3t. The suri of Oie rampaigois ta brmng Oie argent need for salr farming methadu to Oie attentbon of tbe rural population. -This is part of Oie sol ety movement'n programn to rhange attitudes lowards safety f romn apatby te o rooern," J. C. Tbacbray, Erosident of the Canada Safety Cooocil, said ta lis campalgn message. Unsafe arts *hrgreat majority of or- cidens incloding farmn arcidents arercauued byunsafe individuel arts. Disregard of communsnne safety practîres causes far to mioy deaths and inuries on Oie far. OftthOi virtimos are Youog cideo. iSoespite the greal pressure to lTce Ontario governiment sooud realior ty 001v tat lax ro-baîrs aod crrdîts arr 001 the luwe t unfair educalion taxatbon. Wht ix neodrd ix a bosie rcborm of Oir mutre las structure.- lbat's bow Ontario ecderatîon of Agriculturre residrnt Gordon Hi)) reacîrd sotro te teard ttata rio Treaxurrr Darcy Me- rriorm. Speakingat the opening ' y //; / o) te regular quarlerly meeting ofprovincial and fedrral fioance EL TRC Y inmmitern un Otttasa. McKrough t CRCT saud Ihat pemuoners and otters B sns on lox uncomes old gel refonds is Our B sns of properly mnd males las under a sctemr beung slodird ty the Onitario govrrnmont. g a -Ontario ataeady dolen ouf more thmn f150 million in tax 3 L0 rebates," Hil1 saîd un Toronto Widnsday. ,l1canltundrstand . obv itoantu te ge inomy deeper %r -unbesx of course ix' te brep r c5.li.n usrlesx fureaucralu tuxy / More fondamentaf W* I .Wmxt have amore NIsînoaraUI fundamental reform of the tax AOsnIONoALOUYM ssem.TostartwithttrOntario UMLIN Infection ofîro entors trees - tiirough tire scars - EtECTRIC Nutrient detîcuencers prmtuce . 878-6378 cbaracternluc reaf cotors un r~\Io . CUSTOM FARMING -COMBING-BALING -PLOWIf4G -DISCING PLANTING (CORN & GRAIN) PHONE 878-3454 G. S5. HILLMAN Remember "George Doesn'tWant Ailthe Businssi Jus Yus. Sunris A VIEW FROM THE MT. NEMO TOWER yards, homses, haros and hivestark fromn the is breathtahing on o rIeur sommer escarpment edge. -<Staff Photo) moriig. One can0 see for mites the farmn- mort envîrooment, 'lIe nom sourres of power aod more powerfxl eofuipment art înherently progressive deorlopments wbirb save ronniderahle mAiual labor aod iorrease productîvity to the besefît of farmers and the population Oiey feed. Thley hocomoe hozardos Orl y otan Oiey are ssed tmproperly. There is pfenty of onidence Oiat Ibis takes place mucb 100 treqoently on fermon. Shields 'a hoîherl A surrey by Oie Farmn Batety Cauocîl of Ontario embraring 200 farmon fournd that 40 per cent of Oie trartor mastar sbields were nmxsng aod 20 par cent ofthOe power take-off shields mere eier mîsscng or ineffective. Apparently, many farmeru conxidered adequata uhieldtag as tee mort of a hoOier. But his xafrty maîprartîre greatly Ancroases Oie uncontrolled power hazard andthnisstherisk of ac- cidents. Wbile tbero are masy modemn machines A mse on farmu, there are st a great nomber of older modeta hoisg oporated. Maiy of Oiese have inadequata brahes aid steermng obicb resutt in accidents. Farmers are urged to folloso sot ety instructionswhen uitg aro martanery and ta beep their older machines property maintained. No chlolen Tractors, hecause of their brabisg rhoractarintirs aid higb croter of gravity, are no t desigoed for bîgboay ose. If farmors must mse Oieir tractors on rsadn, Oiey xhould mate sure children are n0t allooed 10 ac- company Oiem. Noohere else is a worh area rmployîng powertol mactmnery se mntegrated with bome fle. One result of his is a bîgh proportion of young chîldreo hilled or mnjared on farmns. 'Glose car hie preventeid hy heepîng bildron amuiy front Oie worh airea and homng expeciaBly asert for children ohen osis g macbmnery around Oie homse aod barn. Modernîzalion Tbe big majority of farmac cideots are raused hy hoproper Operatmng praredarex. Modemn tarming reqmirrs modemn safety practicex. Farmers mmlsi tth about the safety connequonces of Iheir operabsons hofore tay start worh and mraite sure ttey do otat is required ta mate Oieir farms saler, healiher placrs in wbich to mort and live. I r~~~rop As renmrtant f0 i alata" raa du to r eeril, and is orh more p o u erTeC.aiý hn prmaudnt thao alfla, farmers e f IIf t o u are beig enrourafed te derote a A Osl Eurpose orhn portion of theor arreage te t. OwnroI by Harold R. Pattorson, Mtilton, rerrntly oompletod an The net) ev001 for our soif and ou tstoodîng rerord of per- orop improvemeot memibers is a formance. tbis r t hstour to EasternOro , VS io cs sire t 27ad 28. Visits mil hoe ta de t e tV'lyCres) 11,501 < eam Oie Animal Researrh Istitute a) lourds of mîlk, 444 pounds of ft. lipeok's at Hornhy. BU)l bas exper montal orop of white Central Esperîmentat Farm. The Breed Ciass Arerage is 189- oncreaoed hAs acreoge of by eanso a ro wneh h ay have a Ottawa, Oie Kensptviie College 182. heans ta NI acres thoo year an Il0i future in O o 000 of Agrîroltoral Toohoology, Oie hopiogfo ye l = of 30 hsshet per The las) stop was ta examone a Easters Breeders, and dairyan acre or hîhe Ho has a fieldof bidsfsot reboilA Oth coo a s thru....i.ai..a - ...... c. I LIIickcen-àegg war~ Es almost over «Suprrmr courts and pro- vincialiicgixlaturex arenîtgoiof to soive farmr' marktling probicmx . Ooiy farmrrs can satîslîuctorîil solvr ttosr. Ontario Eedrratîon o) Agriculture Errxîdrnl Gordon Hi) oas cooumenting on a rrcrnl mertng o) rgg producers; from Our provinces. Rgg hourd o)f- ficiais and agriculture mitnterx from Ontario, Manitoba, Quehoc and Nova Sculia met in a Montrrai htl on Monday, to discuss marketing problems. The> establixbvd a comttrr tb propose a solution ta prrxent markeing conflictu. Riglit approarh Ibhis ix Oie rîgtt tînd o) approacb, Hîi said in Toronto Wednrsday. ~Courts and lugîlatares cao givr former- elected marteting boards auttorîty 10 îmyiemrnt markctiog plans, but Only iîsrmers can agrrr on thr plans îilrmscives. *eATTENTION FA RMERS * CALL US AND IODER YOUR REQUIREMENTS OF FLY AND INSECT CONTROL PRODUCTS We have goond supplies of Rogor 40, Cygon 4E and Taco Dîmethuafe far spraying harns. Aise Livesfock sprays. MASTER FEEDS STEWARTTOWN YOUR ONE STOP FARM ANDOGARDEN CENTRE * 877-3512 Sfore & tOarehoase H-oars 877-L375 open tiff Sp.m Manday f0 Friday inclasive - Satorday tiffl 12noon ROCKYRIDGE BOARDING KENNELS REGD. NEW BOfILDfING IN QUfET WOOOPO SETTfNG fNDfVf GOAL PENS WfTH ENCLOSEDO UTEtO fONt f ELECTRICAL HEAT - PICK SP t DELfVERY D. JAMES EXIT -,3 BAIE LISEJ &~CKY RIDGE N 878-6816 RR #2 CAMPBELLVfLLE HîY. 401 O0CSDE RD HWY. -5 LOCATED 2 MILES SOUTH 0F MOVVHAWK RACE TRACK WEST OF GUELPH LINE ýýMILE ON BASE LINE. 'Mîik produoor and broiler chicken producerfb ave aready iound fins out. tast Jofluary 2 Otiro ond Qorbe c m it prducr agrd to sbare ~ maorkets. Now the% producr mi t 10 fli ther markets' nreds. la ..Andl broilrr chicken > produro, contnued Hill, "met in earis Julo to discus markets. f Marketing board representotves to rieprovinces agrerd to requrot a deirgotion of loderal powro, s0 1)01 car qotbp j0 share the Cosodoos mntt 0 *The so-colled cbîckeo-ond-rgg war i ncorif at an end,- Hill ooii. * ormers in the difforrot l prvne r insobng thot thry ,ao agrer on mâoctinîg Tfarrr n findtng that ogremr9t br-treên prvne a s.surc fair J 2 maorktstfor ail." ENHANCE ANDU INSULATE NOW! Pre hurg,.rasy îo isîfalloo-rs 9~95 (i and ooodo.o of qoality IDoo,, 2~ E Inuaenwfor Sommoer an $ 32 W,nfrr Windoosfro~3 Your Home Impravemnent SpeCialist. IOELN *11B Pior Wednedoy Jl 21 1971 B7 Farin Page. Form Safety Week Urge safer farming methods Tax reform needed flot more rebates JOU t aires. vev ~tjrurGnousnnmeneea ut vury seniornoUSing needs Housiog on a Otgae-o fnome 00,10 os pari of OHL's second projec may be nedd I fO*-I.J.U Proîr0aP . Mode rce.ing questionnaires are ookriiio returv tbrooas oooas An Ontario Housiog groivhbfactorsond current and and reirigerroorHrnis geard piOblefI 10 assist the surcoy Corporotion suaby 10 dotormmor foture Sousiof orrds in the fo icome oonl the nientm 002f00 the ored ood demand for ad- e ooepli iu tub r$3rd a oîheoooosrve ditiosol Oenor citizen housing in mniciiolilîbrIefinsrgrd. alr mooosîicldiog'isor iry Mîinîcorrently undrooy, such comniufoli rcprrsroiotîveo report, Couoîil con loîlloir thr -Haîfoo iounty Board of aodelhe resuiltstofbtOi xorvrey sioili as municipal offiiais, business- prgoail centsb0ooio aEiîuîo 0 rai ad- hasradotinctbrarmon iow iOrosoioladwriiorworb ro gr ies l o urqtlingoH ldogo a loroniiorooar solo Mîltoo's serood senior aod thr ciergy. aeoalu.io Cpîloql ecoists areCoborrgd liourilinrtoionefiictiver Monda oln citiaros' bousing projrrîovîilii. e Semor ciliors in Milton will iii thierovinciaî rderla tifocek. hîlit. roceive irîfors ootiig the Multon's first suct projeot, o 3&- î;overomrnîs iioooig yrogrom 'ITZ 4f.î-O 2 suite apartmeot building On and askig throiîf tiorîo'sbto * tSii~oS Ontario St. N., was officially porticipatr. opeoed las) monOi. Il w05 oc- Bro f000 hafl rspîed rarlier Oiis year. The 36- fome nreoroîd peroons moayf I 1a.. soit buildiog us fol aid Oiere in a no drahdb ietm i IZUN1E woltAng list of applicaits s0 OH la-ges thrm t0 obai a Mutn o orvi ted OHC to usinaief h mubicipal ltea oexo sorvey of needo tîosee qOfcs.oor rmtrnoiia do second sorti building was ofrhe lia-r)e shoows a nrrd for feasîble. senoorrcitiorns' boooîog, il 'oi Senol forms lîtris ho ao aportmeot bouildiog, Thbe OHC research tram wîii aithoogh cooîdroioo isgiven 10o 3 estiate the number of seni .or osr-storryoio uxbîcb do sot cîtioros liing in Milton wboserr rrtaroy.Artoo hosommo s iadequate or byond forcoirs ara io'îgtroows Ibrîr lînaocîal capabilities. bedrooou, botbroom ood kîtcbeo. soorebrnrsnot bavr a brd-sîittng om Trir sorvey includes an Soibroom and bitchbro Ai) apart- f ussrset ofleoomic treods, oroto arr rqoîpprd oîbstovr

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