6 The Cooadien Champin, Wednesday, JuIp 21, 197f Omagh Two stolen cars Ieft in fields By Mrs. Cerf] Paf orson Rluth with on electrir bie forb Mr and Mrs Hugh Seaty, Me hîch hl xpronsed their fh and Mrs. Robert Morshallnà oPPreeialio md aise for fie 1 Mrs. t)vnnil Lavrooce otlended porny which mas a compieto the foneral oervice of the laie sorffiîselo 22em. ASt Join in1 Mes. James Miller ait Creemore' oismogltho maoy more years Ontaio oo Mondoy July 12. Mrs. togethor. Miller passed oisay followmg a Stoleaccar M s ie 5105 ma inmopitlt min a A Chrysior sports car meni out heurt condition. of central ami hoohre lhrough a Karen Ma rshail, John fonce hil t ree ami lamied M Pollersoo, Pool Steoart, Vaterie Wop a fil onfeu fhLo, m Eflia, Terri Mooniotephen, aIl of sous22 of Brilannia Road in 2e Ibis aires opent Tuesdoy, Wed- early heurs Friday. On sesdoy and Thorsday aI Yorb ivestigation hy poiceita Umveroîls last oceh. Those 4-H foood thalfthecarhadhoennltm 22ns S f5-veoe-old groop of beys ami froms the OabviSle Branle aires. girls eojoyed the compony of lise driver andi occupants of fie La cîber 4H memhers front ail ports vehicle mode gond ithe escape GI oi Ontorto. The idea of the trip aller the occident. 1000 t0 totrodoco thern 10 StopIn Oat Field 24 ooîcersîty living, a discossion on A sîmitiar accident on i-H and what il messi wilh ideas Saturday mtrnsmig resulei i a or, os bois il could hoe inproved. cor travelhong on Dorry Road 10 1w, Suiishe poeiy hreah lhroogh a fonce and O sirprise annivorsary partyto beome bgged dosnnsafield of Dri hon0e Mr. and Mes. Robert oats on fie farmi of Harvey on Oroicneidgeoo their4th meddig Camipbell. The driver oft mis amoiccrsary cas beld ait Boyne cehicte atme mas nmi localed aI P ioane oo Sonday Juiy 18. More the scene of occident. 1n 101h rot tbo40 relotices of the happy instances police hadithe damagod w coople gathered te entend gond cors romoved hy tom trucks. Ma o'isbes and enfoy o flfocship. is reenveelng Brothero and sisters ond thlr Gelmwellmwiihes ta JisJarvisof Mb famies and couoino had a Hîgbmoy 25 cho ca a patient in dclcosoomnohr H îon General Hospital Ho mco Gomnes ond races more floocg o farm accident wîfl a Lai held for the y osofoters omi for teoctor on Thorsday Joly 8. He Dri tbe ladies shor hichng. Prizen suffered beuises and shock chen p cool ta Mrs. Jon Srownridge. thiossn front themachine. Jim is Dis Mes. LornefliooandMrs. Elen docin ell andhopestleehome Dm Anderson ,A brootîful corsýage inaceeh * for tbe bride and a beutonniere Mr and Mrs. Robert Marshall Dm th1e groom icere mode by o frîend hofidayod wîth the laller's sistor Jol Mvi. loitie Tosher. On boboSf of Mes. W. J. Machay ai Rîpley and si tbuise olteodiog. George aSl enioced beardisg the ferry ai fin Oeooîo îgc prsrslvd Bob ami Tobermoey for a bncie stov in Oni Hornby 4,000 turn out for lanoiii Island. Tliey repos te f arm crop in Bruce counIr ok verygood .i.ha greetings go it elley Jrv:s oe-yoar-otd on dy 10, Lid VamieBsem, Mes. arion Snider and sa yner. Congratulations 10 Me. ond ro. David argeant on foie 31sf ohhog arseiversary se July 25, Bail Sehedules Scores for Dmagh Minoe fthaSl ieams. Sqoirts-July 12, Ouag 4, icville f. July 15, Dmagh 1, on Witliams t. Pee Wees-Joly 13, Hornhy A DmOnagb 15. Joly 15, Dmagh 15, oumqooi 12. Ponhimo-July 14, Ern il, sgh f, July 16, Glen Williams Dmnagh 2. hlets-July 13, Lowville 2, tagit 1, Joly 1f, Procor 10, sa 2. Mn. ami Mrs. Douglas Leriche ter, Timmy and Rohhie orned on Friday from a Imo ek holiday 10 Cape Cod, osachosetis, N.Y. ;hedide for DOrngh hiamo cn sr Bofl. qoiri-July 20, Dmagh aI m%0 WeJuly 2f, Laivl ai gliean Joty 27 HOrnh ait ontam-July 21, Hornby ai agh, Jaly 23, Dtiagh ai Eri, y30 DOnsgh aI Horoby. tens--Joly 23, Feariasn vo. agh. Joly 27 Palerme vs agh. annual garden party By Mns. Jisi Hamilton The 2422 Gardon Party of U Hoeoby Sai Clob cas hcld ai Sl Hornby Sali Park oo Satordu mugbt, Juis 17, 1971. Prior te OI progrosi o crocd of 4,000 poop or more gatbered to catch gante of soîthaîl hoîcroîs Dli Willioams and Horohy Santon ooth the Glen tahcg the honor Donald Chose, t10 presfdec ioelcomed eveeyone toIth Garden Party aod mntroduced fh M.C. for the eveoif, Vine Mouotford. Sanie of the foc talent încluded lob Gracey ch cao really play the accordion se sing. Little Jody Janes of th Lacer Base Lie aisedid[ br pet on tbe stage. The bigoattraction moo the pont rides winch were enjoyed byth ltlle foih and tenagers. Wor Beownridge cas on chargo of thî po rides. The refreshimen boîths mere hepi bmsy froi thî start ofthe ecening te eend. vote if tharhs id exlroded ti Mr aind Mes. Feank Chisholm ose felîclier s fore o îeiy Slocor for tic stage. Greelings AiOleesary greetingo or, Lowville Local fa head to fy Mrs. Richard Sosereign Os-cng th1e poil oeeh or s svrifamiiies feois Iocvdlc have îisitcd irienddiandrelatives v in thie soelbers sommer uollagc. iooaed and Audrey Coison iiied secerai do7-. mith alecvnd Ovo Coulsoli. Mes. Heooi- Coolsoo aiid four îkîoliler., ciii Jaiiet, Palli icid Thiecsienjoeda ee ait bhel cottage ond Vernon NMcArthr co, a giesi of Roy and i4lconoc Couler et tbeir sommr boscic( Thetrer lanùlies-- oU av Ilicir collages on io Bay ait laIte Kocogama in the Holîbuelos Highlands, near Doiset.i filas Ifaureosy and the forcer Barbara McCol, iiaighleriofMr. ond Mes. Wdlliam W. McCofi, Toronto, wr maeried Juiy f cn St. Ami's Uhuecli, feard Street, Toronto. Gucolo presenit fromn Loccile coce Mr. aod Mes. Roy Coulter, Mi. and SOrs. Jack Coaller. Me. and Mes. Ed Scott, Burlingtin, wealo goesls. Me. Scott cas tic fomer yrinciyol il f iv o Puiîiî i l iîbeec slîs i c es sciec~e and malbemalics. Mes. McColl roter- taioed the ceddmng f00510 aI a buffet supper follocîng the ceremony. The commonily wishos sea and Barbara mucb hoppmness. They miSl reside ai their home on No. 1l Sideroad, North Burbonglon. Menihors of the Afiernoon Unitl of Lowvîlle United Churrh Women met ai ihe homo of Mrs. ViOelma Norri i Guelph for a pot- 'àloch pîcmic lunch mn Jiiy 7. Ao eotrnded 10 Mr. ami Mrs. Ebeser Dabvillo; Grace (Mes. IJesart se laîiley, cho cill cetebraie their Carsoi nf Hamilton; an.d se ceddmng oniersary on Frîday, Stanley Turner of Sircetsvfte îy July JS. and cîdow oI A. Sorte. e esrthday L aetg are 25e resied ait tho tee FaneraI le Jofye meUre Sampmon on Home cn Sircetsvilie. lorvice cas Juy27,10 Frank Hsier on Jof y hold in the Streetosviloe Uniied n28o Bail Hocden on Jtiiy 31 ami Charcli aod mlterment ai Gravss le 10hi Mes. Jbn Carney on July Cemetery, Dumias. Pallhoarers t. c1 ere Grant Fcsh, Dovid Turner, il, Elgin Turner, Sari Aihortson, te Me. ami Mes. Roy Break tef t F)ranh Stevenson, ami George te rerentfy for the Calgary Bromnridge. The service cas e iamIpode. Mr. and Mes. Dresi cooducled hy Dr. Keith Mc- al ',%ein are tobisg rare of the MiSlai. Mes. JewilI cas ceSl .0 hOasehold mhdle tbey are oooy. beocn in fie Hornhy district in d Anniversor reîn r ber youoger days ami a bind I ygetig r frien a ail. She masoa patient is rit ppatne, t Mho miS celobrat e Missîssauga Hspital for a FÜPPnce whowW elebatemonfi prier ti ber deofi. Uieiinedutgomvora,~ Friends of Withs Hamilton cdl S lrtenas cLn bi district miS 10 hoe pleased ti bear hie is e sorry tobearo flte sudden doeat onprnviog ait is homo andi bis t of Bosetla S. Jemîll of Streets- moany friends mish bisc a speedy e cille, Iormerly of Oshawa; cho rrcovery. dtod ait22e Mississouga Hospital ' Anntversory iireeings are ion Wednosdoy, July 7, 1971. Mes. eshioded hi Mr. ami Mes. Grant Sayce cho miSl celebeabe fleir sJemîtt mas the former Rosella ceddmfg onntversary on Wed- Turner, dougbler of1the lobe Me. sesday, July 20. and Mes. Dacid Turner, sister of eMildred iMrs Larne Fish) ofM milles CMBL cottages ReoiiEvvn bour of docial floship f21-7580 r.7 enihiai if on oschange of OALT _____ -wie eephant gîfts and an 62 W.smsi. North KAISER Alumînani Hoase Siding ffor corefree beouty. f Enitones osy homeao onsec, otcco, îood fr e or hrick. f EctE NEEOS PAINTINO f 20 YEAR FACcORY GUARANTEE cea cc 0OF COLOORS AND FIO4hSlES I amne locatian acer 20 years. Facfary traîned onsto lers assure y00 of expert corb. You con aieal wh Pederal Indostries wîfh complote ivnfdeceo Phono for free ostîmafe. a Aluminum Doors 0 Combination Windows o uns Car Ports iL!± 0f Aluminum Awnings p1oeFEDERAOIC!OJSTRES rit 0 r Drumnqulf Go to, Australla for honeymoon trip By Mes. Cerfl laffermar Tommy Jones, Marlene Jones Congratulaions and gond Michael Lister,' William tiae and moshes ti Mr. and Mro. 3Terry Slephen liae. Cuerao-îoee Normna Joan Bailf Congratulaions and gond cho mire married July 1f in isishes io Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bel bel Ulnited Churcli. The Green f000 Myrle Speck) who selymeds are leaci froms iere ced in Bethel United Maison hy air oo Thuriifay Juty fZhurch on Saiurday July 17, ast8 22 for a honeymmn trip ta p.m. Bethel U.C.W. calered for Aaolraha. They mi e ho t mi the ceddmng rcphon. Vancoucer hy relatives and cii Thse mombero of Drmqi trvef hy hot front Vancouver, Women's hIsitule held their July with a stap ait Hoseluiu-also aI mootia 2 im faIa Pg-go and Suva-Fiji hor. wo carloado mohired ta hiood, aise aI Aohland *, New Preston for a bol dinor ait snon. .alaod andi lhoy m*i arrive ai 'fbey mont t0 Gali andi had a looh Sidney, Asoralia on Augmit 15 i fite LÀon'a Safari, thon ta tho Frionds wW meelflhemoon teir heautîful 0rose gardons os orricai ait Sidney andi belp hem Corlinle, Ontario. Mombors fet octtled in the nom lani chore returnod hi tho home of Miss they hope hi maire their homo for Festhorston, Miltin for o social sahoune sure fhilnd pfanne bnght refroohimenls, mmeu l ou gfinspanda enjying~ fie pleaiset doy a bareSe Party for Nora ami PlansfoAgotaeln 1 ferr n Toronhi.Friday evoe saine Ime.Ags aesan h Ju t li 0entend good minhea Congratulations ta the flic m aoy redomhi iniconmmjee on the socoess of the wîsb thom the besi 0if heoltb ami Hornhy Gardon Party on happmosss. Soturday July 17 ai mhich a Birthday greiigo go hi Jobn estimated 4,0f0 people attende iioosders, Davidi Cordingloy, lroms many porto of Ontario. JULY 17 - US3 ross brancie e~~ 228 MAIN ST. MILTON ]78-6391 Jail super W. L. Barber le promoted Wfl. L. Barber, suermntenaiî fe lb os JaSl in MlitfantSI Augani, 1088 ba hus omnn ti the puniio uf dept muperrintemnet ofthe Taros Jof. The appoionaent hi efferli Jaly 20. Nia succesoor basst petb appointei bib is assistant ait Miltoin Jofl, Carl Hill1, wl acihig sueltodn ntf apnnmn smode. Me. Barber servei ait the Ad Tranigere in Bramptono Gueildh Jafl andi prier ti jon fie departrment ot C=recI2 Services wurbedai s o site sergeani wiib the Prompt Police Doportamin for 15 peu Ne malics bis home in Prompt wifi bis mite ami ihree c r.in A manicant autiroim s isadow bel a driver cons outrage hl badlights. TIse Ontario Safet League remisais drivers fisait i simple commun ssme ti drive a a speed ibai cdll permit eoppin mîthîn the sreth of ruais dllamuiatied hy fie hadightu. NOTICE RATEPA YERS TOWNSHIP 0F ESQUESINO PUBLIC MEETING STEWARTTOWN SCHOOL JULY 29th, 1971I ut 7.30 P.M. To Prissent, Dlscuis and Explain The Officiai Pion forI The Township of Esquasing Draft copies 0f the offfcial plan may be i ospectef at the Township Office withi n the hoors off9 ta 5, Monday ta Frfday, prior ta the meeting. Wrlffen sobmfssfon regardfng the content of the officiai plan mil f be recel ced by the ondersfgned op ta5 p.m., Augosf 5th, 1971. DELMAR FRENCH,i Secretary-Treasurer, Esquesing Planning Board, Township of Esquesing. Ovce on yoor lfie, yoo deserce a car îiko ibis. Daison 240-Z. Oîlîighl iîser of the îugged 1971 Lois. Siveef Andi oery, snry poicerfuf. East Afrisas Safaci Raliy. So y00 know if's fsugh. There's a 110-hp, sis cyfinder ooerhead casi enlise Dalîuv 240-Z. Nameai Spori s Car of the Year' under the hoocl. Il moves yoo. hy Road Test magazine. TSN The folerfor is Iooorioos, fonctionofl, andi huifi for Dalsus 240-Z. More car Ihan drfving. Doep-podaied recfining huchefs, recesseai mosf people ever gel ti oco.w istrumensn and a wood-grofn -style steering cheel, Looks sharp. tiemore-for-your-moneycar PODUCT wa.,-- 1,-. 1ý1 ý 10F NISSAN THERE ARE MORE AT NORTH END BP t3s RASE LINE RD. MILTON. 878-2471 THES SCOTCH BLOCK DAM las fl1lg up and reaiing a semmen sirein conirol menisure, andi fentunen a unique mile-long lobe estai fighwoy 25 near Speyslde. ise projeci Fabri-Dani, on inflahod nublier ballnon ta eontrol die heighi of was boUt hy Halion Reglon Conoervation Auifxonity os o wahor in Use dam. --(Staoff Photo) Si 0 ice 1 A ne% tythe Hi liahsprovi ve a SI the Cois the Thel1 lie cornfîel an 2, Georg ait consîder g f Airazine on siigly a contreolo n weeds in n. Every f0 Tom Ait aIta f field waoi ago wth as the pl loctfor. la treatidos t over one ci stand as cent in If Expe Soy 'IN lurmups %i The rapi Lpower'eqt se Canad, safety Pr Lioporant Te Car co-operati, Instiiote Safety Wei 25-31. Thei t0 brig fi larmog mi of te ror; moment fos campai *the gr are caused acts. Direj safety pro, isoiiy deai lam. Ofti Young chilç Tax flot sbould reaf tixation. M biaoic refori structure.~ Thot's ho% of Agrîcoltu fOtario Tr Keough's lai reforio Spe cf the roguf. of property i scheme bei Onitaio goc. "Otario more than rebuites,~ E Wedneoday. ichytif ools unles of oseless bure More Wr m fondamentaf cf dem. To si Infectioni ifirougi lire Noîrient di char acterîsi cui -co0