These girls do get around The Canadien Chamion, Wednesday, JuIy 21, 1971 83 Spotlight on Milton Girls' Pipe Band ctitmlst ii Pi allt. . If yo're a reek e ie a, youare quite fâiiwtiste Scottiali munie reaslgfram thse hail ai Manday emeninga, and ita fot on Bruce St. achatl yard, prac- iisng for a parade. The Meilton Girls' Pipe Baud nmmbers non ii ooiobg bat UMoDn :iiL=nsaweil pipe = n ie« their maie,," qipped one of Oie g0*0p. Mm rectime At rofent Oie 14 girls attend 1,ractlaea qalle faitfatty. "Bul siilon the tsomer canes minis ail tie Parade$ and faira, weill bave ta promise ties a seeek, " sal paipendent Marilyn Martin. a but eciaied tagetiier Oiat "isactise makea perfect." Enecutive membtera of Oie gru ùiclude prenident Sasan Mani, vice-president Szanne Ricisetts, aecretary-treaaarer Zandra Miller and aaaistant secretary-treaaurer Marilyn Martin. MariYn Martin la Oie atlng Pipe maJor, mli Szanne iretts thisda major, Zandra Miller the drmsergeant and Marg, Janste and Vicki Bird as quarterimanters. Tise Milton Leglon Ladies Aoxil ar o po rsthOie band ai rvdes Oe Oi$20 a yeai to .loay crests, blazers and Inntr.ents. "Tse Legion men also0 gave us a donation liat year aid aleo stage danoes wli Oie proceeda donated to os" repoeted Oie pain president. he band bai been la existence la Milton far tise pain 14 years, origia=ly Started by Barb and L~nesLmai of taies. "We ued ta finance ourselves by selting cbocnlate bars and Chsristmas cakea during tbe holiday meason. bot -ith CO- nO sponsors mcli, we erany appreci;'5- ail tbat tise ladies are dring for us." 'tbe girls, rasging la age front li te 20, are easily recngnized ta Oieir pern aiifoFsnu of redl aid green Mcfficbol tartan. Tbe auiforns ront of mancblsg inee igli socks, green doubleta (for wintar mmir ooly), white blouses and matrtasg nies (fer sommer) and a plaid kilt wli teret type hat ta comptete Oie uniforso. Mainly a parade band, Oie groap perfornos ai average of 15 limes a year, locaily la oOier perta of Oie province and Oie United States as weil. Locally Oie MLTON GIRlS' PIPE BtAND bolds their meelcly practises ta parades acreas Canada ai mcll as ta Use United States. Thse Pisse Street Union Mail. The group is spnsored by Uhe Mtilton girls range in age fromualso20.<scaipoo) lagion ladiea Auislary and the girls maris and play in bond ploa an fairs, the steau stowe, Oie Masor gardes part) aid fer first lime iis year an th' amie carsoval and ai OSD Sari 05001. "Il mas qoite exciting I lad tbe teant ails Oie field,' adilei anoOier meotier of lia groap. "We bave played la New Yorks andf Pennsylvania for steaso reomoras and mill be bock 10 Pennsylvania again Ibis suamner." Thse band aIso enjoys trips tailSney Creek (for Caiada Flag Day), Toronto for Oie Orn eeos Parade and Haitnfor the ilafely Parade. 'We bove almays played la the Orangemen's parade la Toronto aIyears gone by, bat Oti year me meren't asked ta participane. Maybo Oie reason la temauoe our groap la so omall," Mbos Marin nated. ta a recent venture the giroup playcd for the Deenratiai Day Parade la Actai on Saiday and are pracisetsg for several upcommng eventa. Hrey Orubinstructs Oie ted ait tecoloes aid ac girl admins sbe practines "fairly faiOifaly" ai bar oms. Newv drums and cisanters (instrumnents eacb girl learns ta Play ai before site la givai her oses set of pipes) mere recently taught miOi fonds provided by Oie Legiai Ladies' Aaxlllary. To repay t0e Laginn Ilies for their finaicial assistance la teeping Oie band golng, Oie girls belp out refalarly an Oie Tuesday evening Lagiai tangos. New members are trained by Oie groap and il labea pipers aiymbore iron Oiree montbo ta a year before ttey graduate from thechaonter tlsthe pipes. "Yai gel aied ta Oie meighl 0f Oie pipes aid yoo den't even notice it mbon ai parade," aie nid. Tise bond la meil received m0erever il foand ias ai added attraction ta give Oie audience a chaige of pare, Karen aid her sister Suanne ai mell ai Suon aid Marilyn Martin, mnt doms Oieir instruanents and porfsrm as bighland dancer. Tbe remaining niembers of the bond aipply muic for Oie girls. As ayearcend treat for thegirls Uhc Lagios auxiliary pays for Oie gTfoo taK ejoy dinner 001 an Oce Tin tue restaurant in Bolnln Tot Cinlace dosmer la ceial elcane after a year fotdypravtising. ilefore oor =s tn h 11e year tank me bave sornellsng 10 lomk formard 10. Mlser il's over, il's bock 19 Uhc pipes and drums, aid more bard work ta strive for snt year's goal," naid Marilyn. Alîboagh t0e band ns smail "mc are olmays lnoking for nom members. Oue motta la, qunlity doecail almays replace qulity, aid Ilials just mOal ne work for." Other mcmters of920e baod arc Caroline Deaipsîer, Arlene Grahsan, Be20 Harrison, Susai Martin, Marilyn Millecr, Patricia Pomell aid Kares Riekeits. TUNGUPONTEC&NTEOSbOls grosp Audrey Falkenstein, Zandru Millcr, Arlene of nine memisers ofthUe Milton Girls' Pipe Grahaom, Jailie Bird, fr20 Harrison, Vick Bond plays o tune on their instruments. ilird, Trisha Powell, Murilyn Martin andi Pructisiug left ta rigst oround thse tabIe arc Carolie Dempnter.-<-4Staff Pisoto) Foces borsed tmo aid a bail million acres in Canada la 1970. Ligbining storms con bc trackcd by radar. Dolch Elso disease ns spreadiog in Canada. Kelso music, students plan three concerts PARADE FORMAT for marcbong ml also a seeily practse sesusion for the gis. Hiere onfly th 0ip f tebn denmstate Uneir sii. 1ef t ta right are Betis Harrison BOOMING OUTASOUND la MargaretBird on tise bais dm=.n lhe keeps Pace wlUs tise tisierpipers andi drusimers inoa lvely Scotiai taise.-<ýStaff Photo) Studento aI the Relso Munic Centre, mich lu operotng aI Otario Slcbmi for the Deaf campus la Milton duis sommer, arc planning three concerts open ta the general public jouI before the ibrcc.mweek course in ekanter munic concludes. Tise first ail te beld Wcd- uesdoy cvening, July 2101t8 p.m. aI the Oubville Publie Ubrary, Navy St., Oakviile. The lslloming evenmng, Thursday July 22, Uiey wiilpresent a concert aI the 000 senior auditorian nsrting ai a P.m. Final concert la Friday af- teraoon, July 23 tl3 p.m. at 090. Wood darkenn mfon euposed 10 liglil andl air. Canada uses 162 miillion acres Ion agrncolture. Qnebcc ued aircraf I finIt for forestry. taadmng the group, Audrey Faikenatein, Jame B rd Marilyn Martin Tiuba Powell ana Caroline Dempster.-(4Staf Photo) 60 years minister Thc Pcv, Dr. B. J. Worr, o relired United Cliarch milntcr living on Thsomas SI. la Milton, reccnly relarnel ta Springdale, Nenfoaidlaid ta preacs on lis Oti anniversary inthe ministry. Il maait Grace United Cisurcs in llpringdaic tison Dr. Worr f iot prcacbed aller enlering tise inmstry 60 ycorn aigu. Henserved i varîous vongregatios acroun Canada aid retired 10 ycors ago ile ncrving St. John Cburcb in Stralford. For severol yearo lie did relief nons ai St. Poul's United in Milton. Hickory Srecs aily groin in Canada along the Lamer Great Labes and St. Lawrence Rivr A. T. MOORE CMP@MLVLLUI 'Ibere in no admission charge and citizenofibis oresare invited to attend the concert aid sec bon mcll the yount aicians perform after Ibeir 21-day ca couroe in string clianler music fBef are you 4isa{ INSURRNCEI 200 AMN S. F. 878.20»4 ~Th Salvation Army PICK-UPT RUCK IN MILTON & AOEA EVERYTUESDAVI A se)) cleaning electric oven puIS an end 10 the messiest jchore in the kitchen. No more scraping and scouring. junt switch 10 the automnatic cleaning cycle, and the oven buron off ail inn accumulated dirt and greose. Get a nolf-clouning ovon - and tube i0 eans' your hydro Q 0 21il Mais SI. milton hydro Phone 878-2345 * HALTON GOUlu * BOARD 0F EDUCATUON CHNCE 0F AIIRESS 0F THE CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION OFFICE Effective Ji>Iy 19, 1971, the noo addi'ess of the CentralI Ai- ministra'tlion Offivoof the9 Halton Coivty Board of Edcation, fomly lyocated ai 166Suth SericeRod Eas,Oakville, 2050 Guelph Line P.O. Box 5005 Burlington Ontario The Burlington area telephone number wîll be: 632-3863 H'alton C9,,9fy residents ili continue 9090us Zeciffi 1.922090o reach the0 Central Administrationl Office toit fr00. Ai tafflr èrea toiaphone numbers romain asnhanaed. 1