flamtonEditoriai, Page We suspect tise public ils shoot as sicis of tise public flsyhsg bctween secondary scisool icacisers and tise Board 0f Edocation os we are. One week tise tescisers reject a settiemtent endorsed by tiseir siegotiating committese snd tomr on tise Board for sebat lbey terni injustices. The next, week tise Board, isaving isad lime bo prepare is carefully coucised observations, attacs tise weaknesnes in tise teochers' argument. Saris side Jo clearly playing seitis figures and tise negotiasions are non- existent seiile escis sitempts Jo gain publie sentiment. It's a typical monagement-employee bannie and escis side naissratiy tisinks tisey're rigisi, bot Jue Publie seio ban is bond on tise chseque books Jo caugist in tise confusion heisg generated. For Instance isise tise percentage 0f Jocrease tise teacisers sre seeking. Tise Board ssys it's ose figusre and tise teacisers say anotiser f loseer). Tise teachers dont calculate Jo tisehe figure lise annulai increment tbey would bave reccived on tise basis 0f tiseir previclus agreement. The Board ssys tise assolai increment is st.11 an increase in puy and is tisais reflected in tise porcentage Jocrease being songisl, Let's face il. For the taxpayer every cent river st year's salary Jo an incrense despite tise Jotricacies 0f obere it wsea in hast year's contrsel nr MensSers 0f Haltos County Board 0f Healfis are opset shoot tise province's formola for snhnidizing public beollis conts in tise province. Jodging froas aformation presented at a recent meeting of huard members snd provincial representatives, il would seem members bave every rigist ta qoerc tise system. TFli provincial goveroiment in ils otsdomn bas seen fit bo pay 75 pur cent of tise public isealtis rosis for timose arean designatesi as District Healts Ois. A District Healtis Unit is fuund Jo areas governed isy Regional Goveroment or Jo arras whore twn conutes hsave joined for tise porposes 0f providisg isealts unit services. Tisere are 301 sucis units receiving tise 75 per cent snhsidy in Ontario, winhle Il rousties (Haltas Jocluded) reccîve onhy BS pur cent grans. i aould appear tise province feIt il secessary ta suissidine tise larger lundis tbis yenrs, We hropu the rounids 0f attacs MslS ot continue Jodefisltely but itl ia littie surprising to fisd tise teachors dont expect to restume negotiations until aI ter tise tseo moni sommer isoliday. Tise teBrisers maintain sommer studies bave scattered tiseir negotiating commitice and argue tisaI if negotialions isad becs scbedulcd by tise hosrd so thoy cnuld hasve been contisored timougs mcetings 0f mal- fichent lenglis, grester progress seotd bave been made. Thoy objeci tas meetings froos seiici tise huard representatives Musts excuse tisemselven afier a lissited tise to attend otiser sciscdulcd meetings. Prcnumably tise issue seill ho settled in thefa and the "fdlmss of time'hbut il, disturbs us Ibat tise annosi issggling gies; on and taises is tol on the respect wev sensed for educatios Jo geseral. Il disissrbs as ton Ibat as part 0f tise press seere Seing "luscd'l as messengers betseeen Board and Teacisers for attacto Setwecn tise bey pariners Jo Education. And se tisin tisai isopayero are sot quite, as confuscd as somte migist tisinn, The rost of opuratisg scisoois is not declising and no matter base you rut tue cake, more tban 70 pur cent 0f tise roots are relatcd tal instroction. mtat's wisy Joc Public is stil going tol bave an anxinus eyc on Sic final setilensents. Memberso0f Halton County Consicîl are furtuer aggravated wben tisey loois ai SorS Regios aiRh a populaton total- Ling 40,000 less tisan Hallon Connty. York oas gronted regional osttos seithout amalgamatisg A ish any oSier rommnity. The samne proposai from iton wsea turoed doses ai Qoeecs Pars. Comparisg tise tseo, ht secmo the only différence is in tise name. t seould appear tise province is lryling to force somne nf tise ruunty Sealts units Jno unseanted mergers svith othor ncigihoring units, in tise Joteresto of capitohizing n tise higiser grasts. A Halton-Pcel merger as hinted in tise pant buni Peel veisemestly rejerted tise idea. If tise Ontario goveroment ras jastify giving bigher grants to regiunalised iscalts systemo, Halton bas a rigisi to bear tise relisons. Rigness, abus-, cannot ho Sic criterion or Yors aonld flot enjoy uts 75 pur cent granta aises Halion's higiser population rates only 50 pur cent suissidies. 'a o vne nonon 'onna0550a e " 'ia sysis-rn saunas highly umais pusabisig Rhose sut ys-t under regional Pers Ontaria's entuiasie ns- gaveroiment or District Ms-sish Units. Miaister of Heaitu Bs-rt Lainrenr 4 hopays-rs in Ruose il rousties shoota shuuld Se Jovited ta louis ino the sot S o have ta saba dise the larger anuts scdp sitaoion. Haltas ilie h setnI- acruos tue province. for tan anssero. Comm"7mig-friefIy jPs-dlestrions and prans-posisers uft boss; white lises separate tafi Nliltan entendsa sînrere "Rans pou' Jo mosiug in the samne direction; subi StRe Caoadios Pontfir Railspors peloliess indîrate passing is na reins aich have resartaceli the CPR alobtue- and sahîd ahite lises isdicabi pudlesînian crossirng un Martin St. its Rhat base-chonging is ot aiiuard. ff mach omouther sua + A sein spsinm oaisnting pavement- of Ktsg'v and serandarp higissep in marisingose wlb go snto etteet un Ontario Ostorio> Pavemenst marisingsoan thei tîagisp ns-i ps-ar, to conturmi svitb Ontario hsghoay systens coot $1,500,000 ntandards Seing adopteli Sp most n pear and reqoire mure Rhas 200,000 Os tino-hans- iîgisays tise rentre hase niny glass heado ts pravide retlertsr- MU ast Se eias and pavement s-lge lises zabasn. ail Se whtate. On moiti-ban- undivided tJagis tus-rentre lise seiB biey-Base + l- + and tans- marsingo and pavement s-lge Not areS 10 Pars Saietp WeeS hs-s il ieishite. On irceays and nes-aso Canada. Modemn tarmisg thrdivided isigisiays hotu lane requires modern sais-tp metscah, trio maknsand pavement elige lines ail Eseryone engaged in1 agriculture in bwht.Bas'rahy, pebuw bines iiB a gei ao aise sps-cia note cf tise spur al seaaetrafIc fluas in opposite darer- as-s- and Scep ise r tas-mr s e. OUR READERS WRITEA CANCER CANVASFI1 argasisalion liad trouble nis tis I QUFSs-IONS REMARK concasse-s Rhis pear. i I don't mn enaeiby woa ise s relerrmn I bear Bac: ta an Ris rase, Soi I Irel lise public sisanb SJoa Rhai ne canvassers hsave a loi s As doane aI lise canvassers tan the cancer trouble aiRh pople, iso. We go out on Rhes ohai Me. Dare Brasis oas reterring fil on-Sn isb lise seed, bannie get mare enrouses ais beowas qoted in arrecenChampionatthe ICannued as pna niai l'r EVERY GOOD GOLF COURSE bas its beanty spots and cînhse makes a wonderfnl attend Hornby Toseers is flot seithout tisat. Tise pond sear tise (Staff Photo) VOLý 112 -Na 12 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNîSDAY, JULY 21, 1971 f ,iod lather, aha h I neris her Auot Jen haîveî utdrapp di I Su g arand Spice isar a wdi>s. Pc ,y bill smiey cldcrly gentlemn, Thecntitnes abmost ta Dnring theawiter. Iiiteraty grod my icherel1am. syigs asndhandi serts wheo t ona t Mont maSo a trip ta tise deiag sand amied ciy h dea soors my sont, my niomacs, lido at hrse iaecsp eeoger football and my normally sinret disposition. hase My ntmnoot sympatsy. Il's font a hie Hla i ait the hi socialf recange cisncing. Tise Slnd aI iising he e , has'ig fnn il i I dont boni thins, I ksonn ahai ta espect yoa sogst hea- Borin Sas-toIt emitting as ise dnrîng aoy part, or thseawhle, ai lise IsO-mslle sonda is creator, Dr. Franisei, np in Tise blle hids ai round trip. flames. a dai marnent. Il -"Freesiog ramn". Thar rneaoa craaing Soeims vnnm hcl gt u f Snd-poil, tissa'se c aloog, hl inpeering ou hewndow cota, o mdeet esngs tttil ak hey ciant stase>l hecamse tise aîodnield is a qoarter-incs of loastain and straîl araasd iooiig at att oar,' or tises 'sOit ice n i, an woderng wen onn idit i Rase scoeaty, lrnntrated, inforiaird tanisis, prtbasly draisord. gsisg ta ranme ont ai soahere and claSSer snirlisg ai their sponen and ehildes sndts te >00 Mraturailsentimensatavoer,andtI restarev>aartoîtish Scatere snw furres. Tht 5 a sas sarse larisear ta aeep, ast1lIiSk ot noter aceasionai>. aratser deparimesi rnpiemîsm, on thse ,a hy'ebe theangs to get here, aisat cale aoual tise na parts,lfor aowlinogiblizzard. Thse oly tig Sica are goîng throngissas, and wat tey beach, sot smasha Rhat inoscattered are tise altsof thsearatser hase ta do ta get home. anynsigon. Jant lys forecater.lods ta tarîse fie lorsanerWties My emaîcan gels qaîte ont aI shattîsg istellecna -Sih rfigconditions." That means cotrt 1smetien drive noiserly ta tise sort aI gond aIl oser a 0mph idsarephsg whiite clondo be'ch and corses tise scese. Tis osonlly ont as tise isigisa acrons tise road jnst as snme jeris s ryiog coplngsio n ia rbrisera dft.s aI abt, isa rgsh paon yon and terens a tes-tan grandl tracSk opsa.Eeyay 0li aiîg rîgist sn Iront nI 900. Os)er brr ns a iI0paond lady lu a 12- Gobav, t rosa tisa oneinitiam, cSagging tao lods, a beach ais sarih ta gel a. OS, tise> canit footme. Bais1 jont grml and ýai, assanrd marIas and 200 pouaids. Bhis ondîitioned bailda swarrî. Hoaesrr, Iget my reege inJly. niterla mîserale aste saea detroyns er meals, tise pînygran 1suiller my oasiseeaadisncslr yen, maseap. And don't forgerisie isas taw ati on isashards. cisacite an 1it fi ail ttose pour, hall a mile havis ta Rhe cottage, h.isng tarmeid creainren iselig Rheir aay alnsaperisg aflsprmng. and prepare dîsser t aish t saald gel tResag tise mad iraffîc, tryiog ta gel ta for iser snad aiso is fgisissg tas aay ais ainter. Cis s the son mises lresis-loccd grodaates cmos-go tramn tagi sshcaîs and onîvrnîhes, ta face tise rigorn ci tise acs-Scsg ans-Id. Some oa birol of contîdence, laisies radiale prcspcrcty, bat tiseraros- caer yrt aisa hase a jaundnced vanw cf Sic outinde aosiocnd the geserationsisSciwn ertcr. Ol ns Siec dasaosani >nnSn sa ocgae hR s co fanes-alias gop incite, cmpty and full cf cmpty dreoms, bs-ciscn promises ad pin tise blonîr dîreet> an tise geccrotn tafare tiscin Fec of Sh icdher panes-ciscs boRhe-ca ta delenal tisemneises. besansecant iss Vays becs ss-de'cdnof tise panerasans; tisai necit beîne. Sonme clne>s rebeiled acainst lise saInes aI thiscr parents. Bat tada>'v absdîlsinsment secms tcaoeven deeper. Ont a lea oc tisa mare as-heVoa memisees of tise aider gencra'tiac are stactcsp ta npeais ont abua tise poitise cOings the aider gaccrouian bas ai- ccmpbised daîcgitosîno ciseplabhe Dr. Eris b9Vher, presidesi cf Pennybasin Ointe Osca ccvii>. dciies-ad on addrann ta a gradaocp siasv a't tise nans-sity resesPi%. nanedchircb ntîbnvsentern.cwisci Sos taln acesprictd. t tiisi dencnies prccùspg apaîn. Oshais tea-ce'tm avec d0' Inceitis inpart: *inebcisadglpsemcenoftes-naung clase, Ttas'anreccccY mers tise capietn 01 an importont phase an cas- Ile Il a an asaso inwici ail cisc Snncv can a cOae n son seasi al p-ie and as(, saviplislainat. Butsnoonesas-ue prielen eal'e>l toho bn lise ous goi alikw , , t. %iou Il icai o el lb racaingclascc %Ill limok a is0 a lise isicsisrs ta %a 00clet r emisit. i naîdfd ise ta ints-adamn con ta rc>cesvecttisses ai vame cf tisa mail ri-moriable people lecer ta ati n tise cariS. 'liese are peoplevoit atocod ci w Joa yoar poansn and grndporents. « base cire Rhe peaple aisa aitasn jont ian dac'adcsave incrravrd fle aspeetans b> appronimatri> 50eperecentnand misa atair snitmng Sic aorSing day isy o tisird, havs- marc Rhas dauhbrd pe- sapîla autput. Tisese as-c tise people nisa hase gcsec >ou ci iscitic ans-id tisas tisas lourd. Ad b-sanie nfiis >ono longer hase ta banc epcdemîscs allfia, typhon, dipistisa, nmaii- pan, ssariai tever, marolan or mnmpv. Ad tisa ds-aded palan is co langer o eia factor'ite lBis cabinost iheaai. icie me s-aminci ana tisai these remars- oble people lanedithnopis atar s greais alepresscon. Masa afibasa people Jon wat idisttabcpoura.ht if tab hor> and saisi And beconsenofifins, bise> dctes-mccad that i ncald sout hcippec ta ana, tisai yon acl isa'ce a isettfic. bita Tan nnd ha've mini taear. misktadrinksatoacisa sconiss con. o nos-m Saine, beOcar ssisiniv and grater n>partondnis ta vasas-ci OcBcamisetise> paose the liest.cn ara tise tailevi. heoiiest. brîishtesi acd Iceababl> tise bcsi-lonisccg peseratcas ta ibabit iisabnd. 'Ocaîse lise> ners materiolistis, iýon adîna wrkîcacar bosraomore. hna Bielesretne. traiel la more distant plceavnd ave mortofaîancetaînbcc'w bor ile s anmbitian, I'heve are alec the people aisa inapis ma rsisr. Tisy arne tise people aI'nab'lecledile ts-acnn% afitlcer, acd cisc. abiesgi vaaal ecer. halai tise compassion ta sedblalionsv aI dollars ta isclp irfr lsmer vcccae rvbinddihnir isneiondr. And tissse a ivfcp osa Boadl tise sense ta hegcc the United Nations. Ilvs e ofissttisn tise tcsc gI.,vrais ise. theags lise highcst scourt ofli a ima. leiagit raimaal di scrimaca tin cci eta'mnanaleginca nvrainiilgs i a iiv I liw I tli.ii It -a t, cvachecs. and at tise vains troce made ,lua ioni reci pùssibfbita lac millios cf yaong-sonrs ciscs- once Ol ccast> iSath aicetai of ca vals>Ic "d tise> mode n start alSicag ile -îinheiscg thse sarnofthe ea-tSoandcin lcghisicg pollutcon and Sic danis-neion of ans- nareicscnmenc. The> set cnoamohion sain bacs painp eonservatian more moromsg and setinp asidc bond fan you and >'aar chcbdrco ta cno fac geseratios ta ibecýa Isa hnld (xIi 5f tance, casa essced thctccintic ildse tisi bac theca hacve aise, hisv not % et lourd an nait casi'al linel l'e-ha libis graduaig sîni insisanisas iais thisa-'r ,amitions nvil va tisai tisecaris c dl 'cuirae stSi lacis, bitai malle marc I tisece brans filn in aIen t lacrpst i. And mcaie as mach ps-agi lse tica gc-ceratcn alea ta suise a gin nîcnig dis, l is ai haple a tisese Ina geserati cinsaces la mas>c dlaie maniîd, 1)i cegatise lisnngs or lacittIasg. o 'hn uns-s. hnmiiity. hoap Philosobits Onec a> ta gel in as ta have teesagert Mon> people ge arc'Itladcd, and b Ostao sa neiy teap mA cîd-tiaoor reocemiser aises anr andosen andirty. Heresoanoaptde pulics". lnoB.C. Un' o vpar ps-aientic Ontario tl c csin religin; ancd in Strongars os-c le Mosy tisinga onoormoanlse toc haordie: ose man cas orbier map lot or 'Tie real praisten,f 'fise aSîlîiy la lîsa ean Ta lîsien is an people tove hearset fPagesof tfhe PLJ 20 years 090 'aisn irons ubenssur efTheCasadian Ch ampîn., Thas-sday, Jlp us, usai. Fiee alsstenyed tise harnof nIdea Otetcalle aith1e corser oftSras and Hags treetsaonTas'sdaY marsiogcaitIlam Bas Ocibisan's hanse a fea frete aay as ondnaged essept foe sinitrd iidoas and) a slightls searcied case. Under tise auspices aI tise St. Dasîdos Charsis, CcItpbeliiie n mamitr Gardon lParts as iseld as Satarda>.,V ul 1in tise ,îttaetc groonî aftie vilBage. Badrmc lacal Cimphelîsiiie in n hall gitre Rhai apenc'd the enteetanment forSteseniag. At tise asnaui caresal aondaeied i Bacoe isc lise Broste-Trafaigar tire lion for stray shots.- deparOsnesi tise methaci ot patig ont Biren a cish o cter tisai iv a citer tisas art as demstrite lise Ontardaa nîgisi dîspiny as cbcested b> George Alexnmder aI tise Ontario Vire Morsisala olfive. Second Sectin Milton Istermedîntes pinyed tise htaterdown baye, tan a 3i decsoin ctse 'ierciscts' taavnWdneviisicftlataees on weels he moter lîghlîght aIo tise game .as tise tai isg os fsoliermtsr isisilei LbPeinatis'rlfor tse luae is wen ose Sers îssdted foa îi'aasîaaucieiltfor naaonehdûtinthe ssen ie and UneTom,aisn aag stresis n on Rheir ay ibrangs. AOla'e.einr-l bac pia'sing nîihmatches or lady. anls ceeiepv ta bla'e for a fise ch detocd dis tans nI baird isa nd neorn tise noter, as an tsreitesi'd tise baa'ne odamo Bell n Higs- flomisg redframhad a i ("a tins. Esjayîsg hisneit font belon tas ehin and 50 ea r c1 < issises. Haa isappy is5ey a s g dres jnmp oser hon., eaid noter. Whiat a Takrsîeaom theeissuerofîTheCanadien le pradases aises tise Chsasmpion. Thss-sday, Jalyl.1911. aits bînt siboarcil in tise .acisforiaaa ee.s, nd I.ost Tsa's tisonderstara as t lts bia. terrîiti' in tise Campiselililir neighbsrsood anodibteapper part of Nrisas. Tisere as a 'a nanderfaio. nebaer ilcodis vi ear Compisellilir. o tbey havent last ibeir iree oas daanporaiisigsainds. Tas utitceirftna rock, or vtarms semed ta oiect. George Staks' r pop, or the>'re ont tan born, acre isornel hiN lightnîng aiRh thiso opîs vacished and arc' cntents,.crcps. ta harars,oea ondoapig. Hîs lacs as aisout $5,000. aiRh $2.100 iccoranvi' 0ev 'Carnes-s isousewasawrced s-e grand. tl ont c> tise nînd. silos acre bisas osver and ta sc tisera go ino tise vsenes aI grain nere sc'otterrd cotise tîids. And tises-es vameRîing ta Miltas tises-e a' ieov rois and tise ytsevblienasoudasnthe bpghtccsg %asobuast'confirmas. TheP.L. ng anytasg. ns- nov-csp IRobertonsscreaanrs aer es-c vrey ng thee, aout eigsteco strach ancd taonr empIa>ccn acre sisoeied, tnlosd, smonlgsd buttise> souri recvied Tise ellctrcai dl> I Hmnhev>yafcc geserttribonnedaaoutind rcpoirvMaytlaie tîalsaîoîhcî h're nî vaine ime, Tise aîsd nov sot pcriccdoeiy dong gaonass isans tais 'lise Atla Braik Ca. aars, tree soiles .rcon thehbcc'bding WestatfMitonaeretreisad theiestrs' pint pot ont aI hnsinss. 'lie moilan g Miltas condîdates have se cty eope wo cnte passcd tise baccr ssisni esomnnioon tas- ny rdcpcipal: om eniranselothssenomalsescainls H.G o>tami hll ei anr Cartnrigt, Mos-as D. Ctaishiv, F. J. ngs. tise hcmeceaasd Cbementv, iE. Foal,. P. Galbrith, BRt rods,ithe prcsocynofttiir Oaore, fi.0. ianday E. bleCoos. A. T. Moore,. Peaoc'andP'. Walker. Missb. a bea lketha i te Yiroishnpasscdtfor ntraoce iomdi n bscoi cis tht n isc sihonis. 'lise pai ai Miltas hecicwrers as rednved hy ivta cents losi aceis. Ther i'cresnoae is sac lisents an hans- ond tise mes dIosnacat ta tise dcsirave an tiscre ns saansch nepIaaicnt. tise dataans s-cc'rd lao ilf ags >on cili proaislîs 10 years ago Cakes tom the issaerof The Canadian cle cl tisese ttasgs 'honspico. Thnendaa. l> tl171. orneîailures. The haae .rsotiv'etfoec nnaefor Ib1,m' w laicca'ac n'etilastblcsda ailsccu. themmsesofa c a'iig and aasosla passei te ha-lac Sacil pect thscial gcanig aImoncs aI s:aî.ccc ta Sic Credit icc'bolimec ma% tallut' htmallea fiaclacia' Sossi' aonts r'atcsg tc hautthe treatcicfrce, i'e asd sis'a'alk.s'ver,' iassed. and 1.nclongersi'edpolic'e ta orerîla'aa ic i ncr accaes ta prescct AXra'iforîc50,aris eatsln'est tc'ain spassiof apacosi atiscrs, thoaci ta icOrne aI1 at Noria], betanen .ngresn hesaeatcf liani l* isd.aaeîliscMr. Hfeerînof oa ps-esc cas en- acd Ciis'ecisianil' -TclBu -n , ancfi b>Me. "inayor gecerion son isiaison oa Nos-ici lovai people .arc ess n asManýarea as aniýst1 'e int tis riace ois have, aou vscatld bc Jcseph Barber Orn e bears. purpnsrs id ions> cIRte ens-tis esccgicg in thesnucantueofpalersbinds ai Gieoegston, We aisc learu tisat Ms- Sonw nul Iknowthe hpeio 'sabou te Insaiaec cpeeians an tise cnd i oan tie hopeci ' n e an Me. ian>cat's large iailingv. cas tisai >na find tise i arîneela s act s a ici ne-c of tisese praisicans tisat Alait. i2, ca-s niaI, vsa)o. Mr. Ina, tae ifraiainantsgn achsine r~ Brampton o acisiadav, ccv vnddenia thsn-frontithe Oii Ad>ou wncidocil 'catail hd ssneaidcancd landed onothe s, oe isy tens-icg dn gcaaadcinlfrntccthse knidc BaSaI oha ns-mn *c>cindscasdoiscbvbord ectaoffisave the'elsacistng> Tise .oandfailliinsialocd. a-a-s-,s'ac scag(aI aperatians acüre Iisiti l s'ra'ccd and n isanogis Se nuli lIas manibla sanIe (air cdll ta iseld in ManilcclslccdPula hortseîvsitaîcoa ore enecisr,Ro>eysoy, lasi ,esk, s wo drive. t Sclied isy gons Rhat THE y drive-s aisa arr, noys lie. CANADIAN CHAMPION o persan misa cas T ond moier nere ciras, scrcpttan cf "Casadian , N 't; ontse prairies uts an 'voa business; an Qnerec tise Maritimsce paiis t ii ...i . ,, ":,' iesdsacisnsven't met. + + n.~i~s a m or thînS are c,,, ,ni 'h hn-c I legron soit ofîasaai "",..e',n.n an.. haurdie isindoras wte ii ~ es- a sal eye deloni. ses, is dsnisi. hl h-i 1.1' + + en satao Rhe aisiliiy ta - iartandsnottonMarly r. le 9 e d t S f le 9 d