8 T'h. Csnadien Cham pion, Wednnsdsy, Juty 14f, 1971 Want to maintain road in township Nassagainapa Towshifp to ut tae end of tae deait ed mri. ask tae Deparfasant af lOghays Imspossible ta aaîe a restriction fiat A dafagatios of rasideta laid! esrrantf y fsrkids tae towsip coanrt tere inara portions of tae fram matataisksg a road afil ile anst h Guelph Juriction in tae tonsip rai toiera lwul i Bacante tdaadend mra dae m ossaiible ta tal ha 00 tat. Rap nt e long ta thle lnotofsîp Woods, speakisg for tae grnup, heaasa if s ot poairt Ut. Plaid 57 or 58 feet wontd h.e tae townsip rouit synfam. and mxmm haasa tari alloasance ta mxi The dategatton anas ansisas tai 66 teet nsde if oi ittgaf for tae have theroad maintained andte taownshlip fa tairn flair eqaipmant counucit is rager ta maintata if. It mn ire raad for pfaining ut snam or ina- agread tof if fila 66 ftn mainteance of tha coud. restrictbon inas bifted and tae The tawnshlip osbad tae CPR Deparfinent atfonad file and tae fandonrsuon tae rad ta tawnship ta maintain tae rnad, itaad emougi latnd ta tae townstap ti amatit ha dsm and tae ta ma tae roaa oince 66 expensesawontd be calculatad and Oeft andt protide o turning circte paid for by ttanaae Omagh airport promofer big winner in air race Grant ttactdson of North York, under the compticated the mat who asas fîrst ta finish hondicappinf system, came fifti thte widety pubticîtaif London tar overaUl in tfte fatal standings. Victoria air race tftat conctudeaf They aras $15,000 in prize money tant week, siloutd tir a f amitiar - $10,000 for scariaf isigit pointa name toresidentsof theOmagh for tfeir cassof plane and $5,t00 district. for winning the Calgary ta Mr. Davidsan ns te filer to Regina teg of tfhesis-leg air race. attempted ta entabtish a It aras theic firat ftying race. privatety-nnned aîrstrip oit A West Germas pitot tank first Gmagh two years afn. A welter of prise of f50,000 and twn $5,000 public opposition finally goithfe prises for ninning twn tegs of file projers stopped but the proposat trip f rom London, Engtand ta casseaf a frin montfn of anoxieties Vainria, B.C. Prise money in te nort Gailcille vidage. totalled $17S,000 in thle race hetd Dacîdon and fus tonte Jil fteaq ta mark the BC centenniat ocrons tae fiis fise tatat but celebrattua-. Milton Council briefs Osrig threir regutar meeting -Turted don an oter tramt tant inrek, members ut Miltona Avc Financiat Sercices tu oblast Uounsl: tce toton itUt past dse praperty tas collections. -Attayed file faer ut Lizancittar William Woodsa a prupaseit sein ftory os Branle SI. S. naigilt createa oxusa udar a- tae vccasty ut Milton District Hospital. Ha suil ilard if toas a plastics plant unit tous auriai tut adars mîgii loter tae ilaspttal. Couancittars remindasi huar file toton ha-a atîtt by-lato precentingmnoiun adrn. 1 FAY'S COMPLET E ELECTRIC SERVICE INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE *ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING *ELECTRIC HEATIPNO * PATER HEATER R EN TALS 818-204 FREE ESTIMATES -Aukedithe provinceftu astarce regutations caimg for tructanada ut granular fill lu ha cuvreawit tU a tarpoutin. Seceral instances ut tond, grucel unit strate ilaing spittai on mawnstareais toara repartait. -Urget tae attarnry-ganeal ta lacy stîf fer pesaItisas tac trantir violations, enpeciully spaeding violatinsa, fallaaring o camptaint tramt a local businssman. Counctt alto camplaîneit ot- tenders tocra bing gîren tan ma-y ramanda y tae courfs, teraby tying up the paître of- liceransererul fanes betare semae cases ara rasoIrait. -AutaorîaeithIe engineers ta prurmit wiUt siarm drainage tac sein parking lts os Mary St. ai a cusi of $3.000. termaithfil Canadian Transport Commission it otudying tae joint reqnest ut Milton unit Oubritte Courds tac cruoiaf protection ut tae Ttard L.oe CFR craa-ing. --Sietrat antît 1972 ot raquant frrm W. Tîrlemans, oscuar ut tae sein CaIne Vase Worîd storeufr Main unit Court Sta., for 100 fart ot sein sidetoalk on Court St. Councit notedter toma no fanits t file budget ta do tîn tour fis ye an. Got a $%WIIOE4 Learn to drive safely NOWI aft Mfffas s driving scisool For experti nsfrucfion irait M ~ARIUS DRIVINC O L 358 Main St. 878-6725 Mion mIUIY Wl. 14 i. 15 e, 16 s,. 17 8"Qi~um" -TOTHE P JitIy .18 n19 20 P I 0 0 ACCOUNTANTS EARL G. BLACKI B. Coin., R.f.A., C.A. Cilarfareddiccouofsnt 143 Main St., Miltons Pilone 878-542 ALUMINUM ALUMINLIM Windows & Doors GLASS and ROPAIRS MOBIL PAtNTS W. J. KOSKI LIMITHO Il Pulton Sf. 878-8452 Beilind Brion Basf Beatty. 21r-tf CUSTOM BUILT ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS AND AWNINLS moda ilY WEATHERIGHT ALUMINUM CO Alsr eumbinaficu sliding danrs. Speciaioing an Frenchi duars. FOR FR00 ESTIMATES Ctll Bruno Casurin 878-2223 2fa-tf KAISER ALUMINUM SI DING Sait 'it - Facit. Wirdcaaii and Drcec Acoriaga, Carpuci and Fui-c Enclosres BRICKWORK and MASONRY P RIE S MASONRY CONSTRUCTION O.R. 1, Catapbeliitta Ont, TEL. 854-2672 OR 59-821t7644 21r-tff BRICK and BLOCK WORK G. SMITH 634-0186 BURLINGTON lia-tf CARPETS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY BROADLOOM " Resîdeatial " taduittial "*Coercial tfeady -omade Drapas an stock. Fui Customs Service CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME APPOINTM.ENT ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITED *INDUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL e FARMS &i HOMES *ELECTRIC HEATINO INSTALLATIONS 66 Chalets Sf. Milton 878-9513 - 877-5795 2f c-t f HANCOCK ELECTRIC MOTORS for SALE, EXCHANGE, REWIND an REPAIR I11 HýP. fu 40 H.P. 25c WATER ST. GEORGETOWN 877-2636 2Ic-rf NORTH OAK ELECTRIC for * Purm * Huma *aitdustry ELECTRICAL WIRING APPLIANCE SERVICE POWER TOOLS 9 Montgomery Lana, Milton brilai Euton's Oritar Office) Residerce: 878-9161 878-3735 In-ff SY ER S 228 Mua St. 878-2067 FINISH CARPENTRY 21cr-tf *R.aîttîgs, Eaetrtigitttg CARPET CLEANERS FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 0F CANADA Fout ot Fucactir- St. MILTON CARPET aid OAKVILLE .UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 845-0318 21c.t! FOR FREE ESTIMATES BEAUTY SALONS7 PIease Caîl 878-3074 Thea Loant Fsista in Styting by Sytvia a-cf Etaa (9 ASf. TO 6 P.M.I *Permanent Wavbag fi Tinting 21c-t Hou-pinces -Wiga Sales unit Seitinga Open Daity 9 utc. - 6 ptm. CUSTOM FARMING liaes. & Frt. 9 arn- 9pa. SALON CAPRI 133 Main 878-2131 COMBINING lia-ff BICYCLE REPAIRS Brown ie' Sport Shop 150 MILL STREET Bitrute Repairs - Fiais, Spobes. Wticats Truait 3, 5 unit if spart bob cepairs 8784ff02 Cow kiIIed by truck A cuo aras strucil by a tcuckl nart> Thursituy ecenîng on Bae La-r Rit. nettr Higiliay 401. The cota, otosei by Lee Wilkinson ut R. R. t Miltons struyet loin tae pa f uthfie truck itriran by Jutai Tfirmop, 22, of Cobourg. Danmuge fa the truck tous aafanateit ut $1,500. Thle anal aa ralueit ut $3502. -unie uft he accidentn repartait ta tae Milton OFF tram rural tarfi Hulasn la-I ineai innulceit a cota artaci ra a-ta fie pett f a Lote Shopping ? STOP AT WARD'S For * Jug IkI IN Grocarles * Varisfy " Coli Moats " Gairy Products " Ico Cream OPEN 7 DAVO A WEEK 6 asM isam. WARD'S AUTO CENTRE Corser Main end BrosSe St. Millon Phorne R. Reid 854-2417 S. Price 878-6146 WE TRUCK, TOO. 21cl0 CONCRETE NEW CONCRETE WORK Wutka, Sieps, B,,cemeni Fianco. RESURFACING lia-rs, crils, patios, ceradalis. Guaraiceit bond. Fiee estia-ule fiot concreta specialisla. Cathea Concrete Roîloralion Lsd. BILL HEARD 250 Murtis Street 878-6853 2 tc-te FURNITURE REFINISHING LARRY D. PIHILLI PS FURNITURE REFINtSSIING Point fi aeiil nippadl fcua ontique &i modems ftssiure. Refinishing, oboles cerined Pick-up sndf Dativarp RA. 3, Miltan 876-2243 JANITOR SERVICE HOLLANDIA CLEANERS Flur fi Watt Ctaning Cumpîrta ianiter Servira Gvr t2 Yoars' iapasiance. Phono 878-9466 21ft KENNELS MOUNTAINVIEW BOARDING KENNELS Att itoinetir animaIs oIrdiriduat outduacr mrus *Excellent cre Speciatl holiday roas *Wilt picl up, your pafs 75t8 GtUELPH LtNE 878-9466 2fa-ff LANDSC=PE CONTRACTORS MILTON LAWN antd GARDEN SERVICE Lande.capirg - Sodding Seeiig - Roattiiting J0E WILSON 3344 Main St. W. 878-9070 LANDSCAPING Creative Lundncaping DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION Crawford Associofen NORVAL 877-868 21--i i I I MOVINO and CARTAGE PRINTING BLAKELOCK & BURTON CARTAGE faOVtNG DELIVP.RIES Pianos a specioffy. Refune cemuraint. Caîl 878-9430 827-5628 2f a-i REMOVAL 0F - 0f d fatras - Biait biltdings - Ijanfrit mafariat Phone 878-3636 2f et ' * BROcHRES ei PUBLICATIONS e, BUSINESS FORtaS * WEDSING STATICINBRY A cmpote Design assi Productin Service 66-341 J,us Dîlis Prlntîng & Pubîishing Co. Ltd. 191 in Sf., Mîilton. 210df OPTICIANS 1SEWING MACHINES H. CLERK MATHER Dîspensîng Opticiansl 6W87 TRAPALGAR ROAD Brlfsnnls Ruadit or Danquf Weekdnays, 6 pain tn 15 pa.. afeekando, 10Oa.m. tn6 p.m. or y sppaifassass Tel. 878-3944 Ocolfos' Rns prampfly fitîed 21a-f PAINTING and DECORATING GIL VANSOELEN PAl NTING ConS ractor INDUSTRIAL - REAIDONTIAI INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Ca-Il na-n far Fce Estimuas. 878-6137 Bus 114, Milton. 21cff NORCO PAINTING & DECORATING Flanc sandîna Ut cetinirhina Oryrcaltipng Frc Estimafan Guaaiteciirrrcbanrhip. Phone 877-5866 Anytiase aller S pa.in 21e-t LIBRARY HOURS OPTOMETRISTS 12 Na-at ta 5:30 Taurituy - Ttiaritay 12 Na-a ta 5:30 6:30 tu 9:00 p.m. Closeit ail day Saiaritay iturîag July a-f Augiaai. MASONRY ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.D. MILTON - 218 Main Si. 878-3673 AsZTON - M4 Mill Si. E. 853-2520 Weitnesitys and Sauuiays Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE R ENTAL PHONE 8'78.461 Milton Fabric Centre I2 Martin Street Serviras and Repaira an ait moas of ea-ing machdnes TAILORING - REPAIRS MEN'S TAILORING ALTERATIONS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Mua Street PHONE 878-4472 21odf TREE SERVICE NORTH HALTON TREE SERVICE House rraeiag fi Ecea planing Aiso removal of t ceas Fully Insureit Phone 1-519 -853-1010 ACTION 21 tff UPHOLSTERY MILTON UPHOLSTERING Na-c a-cnc a-f aperafed ily Littue Arthur Phono 878-9094 R. R. 3 Milttas * Rc upbaltfry " Auto trias " Upbuirtery ctaaniag " Custuom baitt furnittase * Free ptba-up unit daticary. 21r-tt Rcsiitnnce phoana 878-8678 WATER HAULAGE 2Ic-lt' KAT $JLPI'4 CONTRACTORS 1 Building Confractors Lsd. I PAIN *NEW HOMES *RENOVATIONS -~ADDITIONS DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 1854-2263 lie-if PACONI Dead Stock Remnoval LEMITED Of desit ur iailei Calrts andt Hurses. Phoune (416) 892-4421 Blabra-i Lie No. 299C71 île-fi DRIVING SCHOOLS OffIVINO SCHOOL A 1 SEOVINO MILTON ED McMULLEN Cuntrarine @-cCament Flaurs, Sidealsîk&f Sluops a Cbimoy & ltrini Repaira @ Sturco Work . 1 Piceptucet Phone Acton 853-1818 île-cf HAULAGE Elvin Cowan RESIDENTIAL UNITED MASONRY Rockwood Fui Att Masoary, Colt 1 - 519 -856-4731 2lr-ig MUNICIPAL TOWN 0F MILTON TELEPHONE NUMBERS Ta-en Ctark a-cf Tceaanrr Inspecter tif Buîildinigs, Plumbing, Trances Planning Board Cuasmittan ut Adjasimant Ta-e Suparinaenit 878-4151-2 de 3 Secago Plant fi Warks Yard 878-6171 FIas Depoutmn 827177 et AULAGE 878-9251 82 Iai521tf A L G Potire Depaaiasan -Wuter Houlage 878-9561 - Crushed Stone 878-6969 FARM SERVICES - Gravel 9 arn. to 5 p.m. OnIy - Sand COMPLOTE ELECTRICAL -Top Soil fi MECOIANICAL, - Mushroom Composti MOTOR REWINDING INSTALLATIONS fi REPAIRS "Ya-r Joanay Dealer" 166 ROBNîWO CRIST Pua-ar Cossteng Eqaslptrnest for MILTON PHONE $'oultsy - Hog - Beeof - Dalsy 21u24 Excellent Vetsitfis Syoîems 878-4111l or 826-1223 CAIL 853-2168 Rural There are Aîways N A D A IL1 N Ways tai finit afrtile at tile Eîectric Co. Lsd. Maintenance Service hast kays. Lank firoagi Fre Roffssutos - N obligaion Chaompion Famiîy Want Adn 3153 'Base Lina Rad, Miltn. 21V'« foc roal ecnoay baya. l2a-nf B EW AR E 0F UNREPUTABLE PAVING CONTRACTORS Wr afrisu 3ra for yrur tuvia prot-ctiion au cuilthîe PAVEOS ASSOCIATION iletao signion auy riîricacirolbhany-umP- any. Fa- lfrai- estimoaru wribrous robligaion, plate atI MISSISSAUGA PAVING CO. LTD. Fiaciag avuitabta. 878-9305 21c-rl ASHPHALT PAVING DRIVEWAYS and PARKING LOTS Foi Fiee fistimaton CALL 634-1321 RUDDOCK PAVING CO. LTD. 22381 ILîuIt R-id, BURLINGTON 21r-tf DIAL 878-2341 TO, PLACE VOUR AD IN THIS SECTION 0F THE CANADIAN CHAMPION- WATER HAULAGE WM R. DIXON 878-3636 z1e-tf WEED EXTERMINATORS Weed Contrai G. R. RYDER 878-6968 854-2135 2e-ff WELDING SPEYSIDE Portable Weîding Service Fasa Oufsimoas Commecaccl - Indaniril W. KAMMINGA R. R. Nu. 1, ACTON Pilons 853-e438 la-ff WROUGHT IRON e Ruiiingr-Induur fi Outa-r GaOiea Room iv-iiders, CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. BILL NE/tUtt 250 Martin St. 878-6853 lc LIST YOUR SERVICE IN THIS SECTION 0F THE CHAMPION atROUILI Gadan f ut 2388 arc pies. bîril of irra Clos pifai an VIZZINI Elmarood are pleut Milton D Joly 8, fIl WATSON ry . Sae plas ilirlil ut elle waig Milton D, July 11, Il WESSMAt cd fa aiea tilair sn, a-aigilf 7 ] District H COMI ANIDRESS and ýMe ton, are il isîrficamit dasgbaer, ry Wayne and Mes. Wedding t, Presilytarii Auguaf 7, cKRSt stssugu ; rnoga of fil Leigil, ta, S Keria, sua Locilnn R. Wedding ti Presilyteriu 4 aricl 14, 1971. WALKER and Mms KIilbrida, C riagr otf IN Jouce, ta I Walker, su Lurna Watb Weddisg fa Preuilyfria 430 p.m. BRUNELL5 Suditcoty ticapiiol ai 1971, J. S. ,Ituti and 'itci; son o e f Act neBrltamy ccnis of Si %,on. Fa ac.îrinirif icusci Four :OWAN, Ire raalgr cn Joue 24, , bis MIlh ,,rd ot M sicia ut El, u-to Pale Fuarral w- usselIl Fan ui, n Soit ciarmant S CARDS Mfy coite a oa a pecia ,tag fac mu. iaurwbalin îcnciated. TI oncacnad.Sç 11-3487 B The Huard xpes thii aitufpraria t sympatby, 'îadness duc and, fafilar. irai grun, nocba ta tuccurir Fr liliccoat U.C buo sarait i Th, Cea-a atra Crutu i eupress iii Ultae gru bo aaorkad iardoy, Jus iragil fila tizent of I ring f bair a-ual lawn S. A. Al I ~ WECTORy REMODELLING REC ao.OOMS KITCHEN CABINETS VANITIES ARBORITE COUNTERS CLIFF BARNES 878..9135 lia-tf FUNERAL DIRECTORS eMcKERSIE Fanerat Home Lftd 114 Mois Sa. Our 100-h yar id itaipful. crurteus service. 878-4452 GENERAL CONTRACTORS GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTORL " Remodatling " Altorattoan " New- construction OERRY DE WILDT 878-3534 21a-tf