Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jul 1971, p. 7

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iioiy Kosarys principalcf Sister Alexander retires Aller S nac a tabig lastîlfni ibc 1= !n MCIte, ise Alenander principal ai H.ip Rnnacy Snart Sicii, las cotiriag la tembnc. Hec lacceanar cii bn Slater Francis nf Dndan, lit prnasat prinacipal nf St. Augnahan Selani in Dandans Siater Francis han iseci principal thece lac four peaco. Wnnk nnnbnnia tilater Aneader wttl cntuco ta St. Jmseph's Convent la Hamniton in tise fel mnd aseait huriber pnating. At prnncnt she la flaisblag cors at Ratp Rnsacy and preparing a hokh lac puicaion. Thse isoknis li ta a revisien ni tise besis ase compietndi durlag ber studies la pont gcadnatn cors ait the Uiversity of Toronto. USe taught snionr igh schani it Cathedra][ Girle 01ghbco ichnl Hamilton loc il years île twn lnpacatle sessios and eit St. John's Cetiege la Brantford. Priar ta Uhis Sister tangbt grade nebani ai St. Lawence Sehani Hamiton tac 10 pears. Sbn refraaned front teaeblag la Jase 1963 and attnded Oie Univcrsity et Tornto on Rabaris Schaais. lmse ncisaiarsbipn are acacdnd ta sarcemi t higb sebn9i teachers sela siss ta continue seitb pant-gradaate stndp. SCiser Alexander attended the U ot T for tbcee pears and reeivcd ber Masters Degren in Arts and hnr Phd M. Degree. Ube seas then appolated tai Hntp Bmsary mn Miltas "sonre thc conasmlty ncoded hec." She ceptaced Sister Atoinctte sebo retired in 1966. inter mmtd thc accompisih- mecnt mode mn tise libsary eit the asanto dariag tise tant fine ta sevn pears "Suater Antoleette wseanmteremted se ibracp senci and durng thelist severalyears Oie bibracy here has cxpanded ne an efficient remoucce centre. It tané: tie bard senri and co- opecatian ai bath staff and h stodents senrhmg tagetiser ta asenld tise tibrary leto chat i is teday." Sise atmo espresasd siacere thahs tei srvit% clubs in taca foc Uieic co-operatias in sclaot progracis and projects and mmtd "Oie A-1 atitude" et Oic Cathatie Wacicn's Leagus, Miltes District Hospital, Milton dasters and thce police force tocards staft and __ studcnts ait Oie sciscil. IIlt Stîter Alexandcr ciii hie mlssed by ais Oie pupite aI Holy Rosery so cli cemember ber for ber iserseverance and 11qutis soit." ils il r ' is ri, la r r e r t t e A TRICKY aAOUE . no, il's not as obstacle couse tac pecambulaters, it's tise pedestrias crossicali ait tise CPR acis on Mactin Stla insilton. Miltion Coluncti is upst abot the cougb condition oI the ccnssing and bus asitei Oie rilcay te lix it, quics. Mayor Brian Besi said il cms s0 bad, "I dely asy average pecmon to pmbh a baby cucriage accoss tisaI ccossing. " Tise Champion tried t , Ioctensately oibout Oie baby la tbc buggy-ar the baby migbt bave been tosseil eut. Tbe phsoto shos o bbampy tbe ccnsslag cain ha. _4 Staff Pboto) Chamnber hopes .... /Csiii' 0,P.ae 1/ Cisamber decîde agaînst il. Nerds support Presîdent DîCulu said tise igily suvccesvlu Febcaary 'Unoc Festival" parade ndicates a Christmias parade eould 001 bc as cnstly as nciginally estîmalcil. (Tbe Chabebr bail a las isisly, desocatrd float in lise Festival parade ubîcis vont a hile over $50O. He saîd lisere cece almo indications oh sullîvient support roci bise bsminessvcomciil, tecn 10 mase a parade enrtt, white. 'lie s'onoolttee cas ucged to meet ite near futureand brias in a report for a future eseculîve meeting. Wisile Oie slagîng nI a pre-Chisîsmas Santa Claus parade cas not pet delinite, dircors cere enttmiastie uver tise prospects. Tbep alsn lmlerucled tise ecimmilce 10i sec if teinta imseli cnuld vîsîl local stores ducîng Dececilar. When eolccsng Oic fcecay, do voua lis e spced of trallie. Forest Ivol sîaterpillae episeiecs rarly MIî bealtsy tiesu but soin retard groctt. Various typesaof wevils cal tevinal buds andcause trees fo loch. ta a bld te, have their aide aI Oie sharp teid, the Haitan Camipy BoaardoftEdscaiom has repied te stateme nts madc hp Haiton OStiTF president Tom Ramantarsings cnncernlng asnelteians hatceea Oie Bsard mnd the Haltan OSSTF. ta the Tusday retease Oie board maid the teacisers socce oîîecnd a menit pay plan simitiar te Oie one acceptait an Metro but Oie ptan mas cejected cittaut stady. Accordlag ltthe bnard on May 3 Oie teacisers' cmmittec and Oic taacbers cejected isy a large porcentage a tsooycar contraci samblasti e aone aceepted by 'Toconto teacisers. Junc 24 Oie bsord cocmiitee came te an agreement club Oie teachers' comciittec and Oic negoiater Icom the provincial organinatin, Accordlag te Oie Board Oie negotiator and Oie cciciîttee of icacis cecomciesded Oie selticcieni in the teacisers on tuas 29 isat it as ccjccted by a narroso cargin clan 52 per cent of thase votlag, vomte lueject it. Changnd positian 'fli celeasc cead "Il coulil appcac tisat tise Distrct President bas clttdran bis appronal of Oic salary pachage, has enumerated a, nucilar aI ressorswhypbcthntlhe board offer oas mit accepted and hail cosverted tes members' rcjet- tlon oflis rccamancdation into aI vote of support." t 'lie board cepiy qaestions Oie OSStTF president's statement mayîng 20 per cent aI Oic teacisers getano salary icease nilar ttas iniccmesl. Tise isnard mays to per cent ofthe teacsecscold have I ceceived a 4.5 te 5.5 pcr cent mirasse ttcnugh mcecienta. Ail nI ttmse teaclars are la tiseir lirai year. Minnmum salaries cemains celaively uncbanged tis ycac.t Recriag un a atatecient isp Recautarsings cbacging tise board wîtb mit tablag adeentage uf an addîtîomal $75,000 in granta, Oie board espiaineil 50 per cent . et that figurc wouid banc ta lie poîd isy the ratepapcrs in Halten andl tise cemainder hy lise Province. The bard clamots ttey havccncccedcd the original milacy budgct figure in Oie lamI ofler. "'Tse impication that $75,10 remauiscloc Oie ceiliog i no longer tcae." Theboarddenuedany part m deiapîng ncgotîatuions. "Considecabic time cas spentI movng bhtthOe ieacbers' andl Oie isoard's pnsition dloser 10 commun gcoand. Llnfortanateip a gap stiîl csisted cbicb appeaced tei lae mnbcîdteaile." 'lise district presîdent has Ucged ttat we progressa 10 a discusson nI cncing conditions", said Oie releane. "Bp agreement lalceen bard and teaclars' conmuittees, malacy cs tei lae oegotiatedi tn a conclusion beloce mny discussion tenis place on corhlag conditions. 'To orge that tlay nowc ocur simultanenusly i0 to retract ELCTRICITY SIs Our Business ý mnaIIuîcnsl ' EAHRSTONE S ELECTRIC j 870-63780 snîiatcratty an agreemnt ttc excative recnnnnendaton alceady made," tl ccad. said tihe board. Laekaof confidence -Unforîonatcîy, Mr. Renes "Tise board committee haut acsegh han stated as tise pre every rmaison te espect tisai ti tisat ise s omable te, resue saias'y offer which fi acceptable ncgotîatîons untîi Septembe tei the O.S.S.T.F. negotiator and The boasrd committee tise district esecutivc wooid be prepared, as tl always bas bie acceptable to tise secondacy tei mcci' and to negotiate uh teacisers nf Haitnn County. Thcy diflicities to a mstoaliy sati regret thai tise teacisers did nuit tactocy conclusion,' Uic bear have ennags confidence ta acepit statement saîd. Mystery fire . . . lContiosoiiieoni Page t> bailidames for aitiheanimais oi tievecai pîigs wece roaciing las farci. acound isetsceen tise harn and Oie Rentedifarn leme, sotete ficetigistccs socre fu s believcd Mc. Lapoinie ha bringing the bsousc lice mdcc ben cenîlof thc farm Icoci Insu content. A dogý iscieved te havne Coronto men. Mc. Foste beionged to Mc. Lapointe, soas cstensuted be isad been tbeci cecoveceil inhacnied. about a yeac and a hait. Ac Wîtnesscs aittse lice roported cocdeng to Mc.Fseaoh Rsieting r ai i n Ate couple Mc. and Mcs. Rober Relabl Snck ar n AtonJackson had lived tbceasel about 1.30 a.ci. tise sacic for some taoc bsutisad left ahau ciornmng Propricter Don Green four cionuiss atm. Mc. Lapoint said ise bclicved Mc. Lapotute had worsed for apciod of tinse a tise Faccîle-Royate plant in Second phase Toronto, Mc. Fostcc oaid. Hecdcscribed thesddcadman a * mj,.*u iîndiy, easy gong cisacacter of in ustri l wh joisci about Iresqucntly. flic OPP located thc mans isrotisc, Josepis dwr m all egins lapointe in Toronte Sunday. DnPuty-ctef Vais Fet said isi Milton Building tespectoc Ray is nos pet able to estinnate the Oian rccntly issued a pecmit for Iroi ts lfame lacic froci O isc second building uit tise rmtefe.Fa sfoith Alliance Indusicial Plana haro lire cuuld bc nero casily cmplex on titecles Ave. in rmAt Milten. 'Cis bilding wîll contain nine C mnita and a total of 2,200 square AL OAOICS cet, sligistly scialler Uimn the AON iiial building cbîcis includes as ANNMOUS airea of 2,400 square feet. MEETS EVERY 'C isclst building, bost rccctiy TUESDAY 9 p.m. ocipîctenl, bas laco reoicil and bce osoner bas had loqaîrles rAiE 5ALLCA concerning tise second one. AIHAL Construction is espccted to betin HA 1 AlI P/dL/ flIl mn. DRO)P/. RAINBOW LANDSCAPING 878a2m97 OR 87-2741 eINSTRUCTION When AT TREK Vîsis Mi lion Jnly 16,17, 18 FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDA Y MILTON SCOUT HALL 10 a.m. - 12 Nnon - 1.30 -5.30ip.m. r~OV ALi BEME OPOESOA Instruction In -WATER COLOR-DIL PAINTING -PRINT MAKING-BATIK instrncionn Bp Raberin Carbnne Harold Nnrringn Peîcfnc President Caceiliac Sovcy Grepic Adis SUPPLIES PROVIDED - PLEASE *RINàG OLD NEWSPAPERS for BATIK This pcnacann Is spasarno by tise O3ntario Depecfmnnnn of Educafion and ihn Mlialtonecneatiic Cnmmsiiee. -PLAN TO ATTEND- Tise Canadin Chacmpion, Wedsesdlay, July id, 1971 7 Rai,,, temperature, humidIty Kelso In ta71 oscn Profcannr Kingston startcd 1ici ahe cieteorologîca observations ai Turonto, ise wocised ith a staff of four. This year, as Oic service celeiscates ils 1001h isicUiday, t rctains smc 2,300 tull tisie eciployecs, i a networh of staiuns and off ices Oiat covers ais of Canada mnd links int cielcorologîcal services tiscougisout thc world. I'here are in tact litu main types of weatberabserving netwociss bcîng opcraled ln Canada. One is thc spnoptic netenors vi abuut 275 stations tcansnottiog Uhii observations isy socie rapid means of comimunication sucs as teltypc, telegraps or radio 10 main coticcion centres. Fruci tisese centres, the observations are sent onciards 10 weathec torecant offices in Canada and other counteles for cicatiser forecastiug purposes. Ong amit ai Keino In addition tu weather fore- casting toc svbic tise synoptic observîng necorisv designc, thc service bas a responsibîiilp fur rccordîng data io ciore detail for the study of Canada's clinoale. Tis clîimatologîcal station secioris smcade sp ot about 2,000 asîta, ut uisis lise Halton Retiion Conservation dulisorîty's Kelso coaliser station is one. 'Cis tsnice..daily readings ciade ul raiofll, temperature and isudity levels are recorded autncically on cisacîs and lurvsaeded 100the Federai Depaci. ment of Transport. Informiatiun îs also madeuavailablc tothe f lood lorevasi unit of tise Ontario Depacicient of Enecgy and Resoucces Managecient for use is tise predîction uf voatersiscd cas-oîl cunditions. The data i alvo used in determnni tise u'aler levein of tise Autisorîty's revervules belore and aller large stor 10v 0tudy disuseanes iscauvc vise Autisority*s reports mre transmitted by mail, no use i ade ofltbemin thc eaiser lorevaslîg operallon. Tlie ilotea isoeevr' e, d in thc stusis of large weatber Thene are over 1100 Datsun dealers with driving distance. Prom noelb lv soulh, Iroso Atlantic bo Tisepre frendly places ici stop Pacific, Dulsus dealees are eoerywbere ... lue advice and local information. each ci/h casy access teourchain And, of course, for Dalsun parts of pue/s depuis acrovv the continent. avnd seevice. You peobably cossI veoil So lake a Datvun on vacation. iSole mechanical help, bu/ ivv't it vice Your own Dalsi rdealer will ho te Oni, i'i.ini dele reiv,0 happy 10 SUPPly YOL itîh a compiote li of bis associaiOs throiltiout Canudu and tise United States. checks weather distarbanees atter they have faecipitaion tisat are needed filo occarred and are pubished the desigo of buildings and ciontly as sceattter data for draisage, air conditioning and Caniada and circulated ta, ail beatasg nystems ia tise orea. meteorological services in the ___ world. Wtsen drlvalg off a frecsoay, Tfse data also permits Oie slow dows on tic exit camp and caicultaion of lise averages and be prepaced tei faoe tsen-say extrecies of temperature and traffle. il l On isehelf of the Board ni Dirctors oi the teillton Comnsiif Credif Union Jîcc Langndeis, presideel, anonce h appoinimninn of Mr. Warren MoLay to necn 0flicer. Mr. McoLe's background inbnkino andconsumenri loesns ai be ai'eassen th non an dnpeclmnsec of the Cedis Union. M McLey is twecly cisc ers ofae and has speni tn veer nîlO thn Canadien lscpncia Bank ni Cnonmerce, acd during thel tison wes hsennsi-nil niet sen dilîncent vommssoilies. h tlst theoflhese yan ee entci in h Milton Oracvs Mr. McLay is an eonoolise csnscer of the Georgetonn à Kicnsecad tsactivecin nocai sports eclivities. Henis edndétaisicetosed siad h'e. à min everywhlere. Have a vise trip. the more-for-your-money car PRODUCT 0F NISSAN NORTH END BP 235 Base Lino Rond Milton 878-2471 Therle are more than 1100 Ditsun dealers across Canada and thse U.S.A. Soard tells Its sida Charge OSSTF president turns defeat into victory mi M ýeAd1 ne, beauty to pur grounds dX, 1 "1 V

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