Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jul 1971, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Champian, Wodinosday, July 14, 1971 Possible pickets worry Reeve HiIi Eeqoeting councila man coocera at a hrief meeting Moet!y night oas Bhe paatlhthty ronidenta neer n opotet! hame tursery ochaol might lie pincboung Une floue. Reene Tam Hill suggestet! nnighhars Unere were cottlt!erlog piceehng beenute Uney ftthUe tonship couriil as't daiog anyUning about appaning ettablishment ofai n ciool sieto t athUe wott hall ai Lut 5, Concessnan 4. Bat, lie tait!, antil MfS. K. Sonne tells as ohat the la rtnnig there-a day or nursery scinouf-Unere ta salh iog thne tontip en do. Wnmeet Coascîllr Dich Banitl tait! hoe had beenin tuch inMra. Coog 0f tbos cand starin! a have ounet! Mms. BSte fuât Bf tha persuet! bor onnoonet oh- jectives sail woutu hae ehargot! hy coat onrities. Cooncillar oitt tait! Mca. Sonne béaita noee le aperote tram lier homne. Boasever, tino aise tait! it wnt pertehalinle for Une lady ta tuhe ns many ns five cinildren as tbo bouse. "ýWell. 1 hape the press leta Mrs. Joes hoa we have heen ooring on Untis ami tryisg ta conte up oiUn Une talution," tait! Hll. tt oaa aise suggettet Uat Mms. Sonne migint as givisg uP the ides ai a achool and movasg ta Milles. Express opposition to moving fountain "We wouid hoe open ta lea machn for a dnsplay ai irees, anri crîllcoma if womve Une ait! borne flloers, trougin,"' Couscitlor Art Net inlaver Melnon a ouoot meashors ai But uigit muney thia pi Miltan Courll Bais oeeh as Uney paatponet! the praject ast diacasset!. for the tecond oeek la Coaniciliors ogreet! ta della o o, Une patuinility ai ois devunaon antil Une new Une 02-year-ald faustain and Coanciliar Spd Chllds aise drasnoig Iraugin tram itu locatian oas nat in laver oi mon uithUe ton hall tu a aeo spot ai drashmng iaantaas "unda Une ni pond. ,rnieruî,on - Reeve Ras Harris aants Une faatas moned and a resavuauso pragram, andertaken ai Unle smnail pochette aithUe iront ai Une ton halB. He aise suggestad Une Castigan measarial founitain. olach accapies the taise plat ai groant!. could le movodte tahUe centre ai île plat us a focal poli uns ami etr han fil t97t. y Uneir year. sait!hle ing Une er soi Worhs sup erastandont Braie McKerr, woaiot la an Une Masduy meeting, tait! il wouldot lie tua exposive ta imatif a nom coshouaous flow drashlag f oantain uithUe Cestassial Park pond!, if ane Oas neediet. Tis type mas recenlly instulle! as Rtary Purn ai Une hall diomomis and ie feif it oas "*neurly vasdalism-proof". 254 condominums .... <continuecd frntv poue t) $0,000 toaurd seouge pumping iacdaiies, plus capital levien ai $1,0a per unit on Une ro inoualaf and $1,145 per bouse. Pot opta finmit Cauncîllar Chnarles Fay eaprease! cancers ai Mandap 's meetingithat couscii's reieasenof Une praict oud eut up a bnig share ai Une addîhinui 2,00f popuilation ta otacn Une ton is corrently lanîtet!. The Ontaria Dopartment ai Municipal Aiiaîrs inas asarset cauncil if cannai esposd beonif the 2,000 ad- dîtionai persans touit, anfil coatracta are signed for Une expunsion ai fine seoufe treutasesl plant, The coarcti s espocted tue ieftnesisprisg. Measoitî tror develapers have been gîven te g reen ligini as 467 single iamîly homes ta Une norUn.easi corner ai ton and Une espected populatian finere. caupled asîin fine Chiangate proposai, s estiated uit 2,689 porons. Tara rea dama? "Do we have ta tarai don every aUner bilading permîf?" querîed Coasedialr Puy Clerin Jacin Mveuechîe espliue! once Une canh'act as signet! ta espasd fine seouge tn'eatment plant, Une DMA oi lift Sias Blouses Skirts Sets Jeweliery Sheils Tops Handbazrs its ireror. Other cauncîliors reoundet! han ti oll tahe several monlhs ni "erd tape" und rezoming hearînga beore either the narih-eai quadrant develapers or te Choasgata fiim van siart la huîld -n constructionils cauntet! an beore ursi sprîng. Langedyks open store Former Miltasians Me. ami Mrs. Jua Langedyno living la Georgeown, haveaopened aneo crata uaid hobbies shap Unere and they orre iraiured in a e article ta tuai uceins issue oi te Gecorgetaown oeenly puper. Me. iungedyk. presîdent ai Une Narth Huttes Association for Une Mrstalty Returded ohich aperuiva ARC Workshop ut Hornh<. su<vhecplansftaheepaone shoocuse ia hîs shap for a dispiuy ai wrvi dane h< udults ai Une orkshop. Their store is a iomdy aifaîr -the three eldent fagedyk chîtairen. Mary. Robert and Jch are ineipîag Me. and Mev. Langedyn train Une sinia. Wîld Cherry loîf s faste lune alonis. DOWN BY THE OLD MIOLL POND those yauogstor uotslestly on theitrusflBtanle roftL Tise boys were caugnt là, cameronts tlney duiflet! iy Une park, carried hy Une curron flito thse ceaira tof Une pont!. A ira tainie t a oworm suten day! -(Staff Photo) Obituary Thomas Howden A farmer all lits fle la Une Horahy urea, Thomas Farreai Hoden, Bt, ot R.R. 4 Miltan dnet! quietly at lut inome as July t. An actie ami populur mas, Mr. Htoodes oas meBl-boaon Uneauginoit Ballon. Be oas a member ai Baltas Plawnsen's Astaciation ant! hat! ploed la Une Bottas matchen, ares coast matches ami Une international matches for many pears. In his ourlier dupa he oats a measher ai Barsnby Orage t.adge and Narval Rifle Club. Mc. Hooden had plaped hockey for Une Harshp taam and! oas a popular violisisi ai dancea asd parties. Bora in Eaqueslag Township May 5, tom0, ine farmed lan Eaquesasg for muny youra. Aboaut 25 years ago Une faitl mavet i a narUn Duinville for t athUe corser of FifUn Lise ast! Gîvon Rd. Be retiret! fram active farssiag about five pours ugo. is lirat oie Lauru Tacit diet! la 1935. He is aurvivot! hy his second oîfe Lillian Ramsay, ne chîlden, 22 grasdchnldren and Unree greut-gramichdldren. The IOHNSONo . D IOPTOMETRISTI * 218 Mate St. -,Wednst!av ant! Saiarday. chiidren are Edgar af Mi Garnet ni Harshy, Murielt Stan Eyre) ofa Narval. Ruth James Ford), Arnold, Do (Mis Jackn Thorne). Curail James Brons) and Ken,a Milton, and Bill ait home. survtvmng is a sîster Mms. An Ruddell i Fiassi aio Georget Rc,. L.yrn aims ai Bihl U. C. candactad the fue service ut MeKersie Pun Home ondJuly 3. Iterment ow Evergreen Cemeiery. Mii Pallheurers oere graadchil Bruce Epre ai Bellmant. Mu Eyre ai Butlîsuiud. Tais Ep Narval. David and Wa Hoden ai Milton and Rt Hoden ai Barnhy. Pli boarers oere Bruce Ruas Ivan Shephord, Kevis Haa Michael Fard, Fred P Douglas Booden and Lyui F Canada'shoreuli ores exh iroas Newoandiusd ta Ala 'l'aigs oi Yrllo Rîrcn scintergree tante. A. T. MOORE .9OapdieMCe CAMPBLLVILLE 854-2271 SPIN collection is small but organizers press on "We're nlot "%Minplte!o downhoortat!, Mm Jane Andrewt espînainet! an sihe comatentet! an thi no tet mc- cella of Une firal; attent le SPIN M Sta1poluon in Nasagaweyni. heliville WLI organinet! n cecyclnng pragrnm in Nasoagnoovo Townhip. Tino idea af Une progrnm mas for resndento ta colleet botdies, at ast! n containert, ami at ino gaven toue an Bnturt!np drap Une * materinlu of f at one of the twa depats. SBoard moves Haton Countord! of Educatias maret itn hebadqurfers fromt Onhville ta B urlagtan nent Mant!ny, Jnly 19. boen pravidet! nt what ont cornier Une west oduention contre ofth Unbourd, locatet!hetide M. M. R obinson Hign Sebool uit 2050 Guepti Une ourdigtn hsir- itseptin tse Bbogtdona Soce cupied Une llinger build!ing on Soutn Service Rd. in Onheilto. fatM torcycle, .0' cui collide 'The hanidiehars and ra tender ai a matorcycie oere dumoaged ohen it oas involvet! in a collision otth a car on Main St. Friduy. The cycle oas driven iny Gardon Pole ai M6 Victoria St. aid Une car hy Kathurina Egger ai R. R. 6, Milton. Iton, Milton Police investigate!. Mms Neîlhvr ai fine drivers oas Mrs. nlared. ren Police aise isvesligated Mms unather mirnoir accident ibis Bl ai ocei. Damnages totlied $t40 Aise when vues drives hy Richy tLee thur lloyd ai Pari Roun and Richard On. Jordan ai Dhvîille collided on crest fighoay 25 saath, llurday. oral Itan. dre rruy re of andy uap. den, inni, 'art!. rnda sida. jav Fram, Unore Une molerinlu ouil go to Burhongtao tona larger depat ondt!e Unnen ta Hamilton wbore Une recycliag la dane. Two depots Thno tas deoas oore set up at Sdcphat!'s (apposite Une Camtp- boiiville Cammmaity Pond) ami ut Bronhvhii Rail. Mrt. Andrewa tait Unre wannt as mari ternot! in nb expeclet! but feit Unot hY gaiag ahtent!, mare people are aware af tino pragraco Bie a confident bor graap miiimet with grealer taceeso thin Sntart!ayet the seeond callection. -Sonnet!it!'t reaBpy onderstan! what we more daing even thaugh thpreat! ahout it," Mms. Arewo tiat!. oug thot ane hadi Ungonp mont vercome ns e!aog tle public.v I SHOIT lii 6 3Lb Chapter charter turu. John F. Brown lndt tain David! of Brahar FamnB, R.« RL 3, Mllne .eeol eatrl gt Englnmiy njoa eharlr fgte posart hy Uno Balltsn Canast Cnapter. Multiple Bceoatî Society. Do. Broon jainedth Ue family dacing tineir tour of Englami ami travelle! hand th Unom. The Uigint, arganize! hy figint cinairtsno Mca. G. A. Walsh of Oakinsite, was for memharn ami teient!st of Une Socetp. Anther flignIfil planne! fer Asgutt. i 511: cin senRat tan i c' t 1t t z. Plan eor Sogar paus COFFEE RION »C- 19 DONUTS 4/99 e Maxwsel Hanse R L. C Snhn Cisties -Rot. t9c Pkg. ao 9 GFFEE 19~ Pk 990 tnstMIE DATE 49 EnapaalTn RS ratat! Ml - 16 Ta. T ns- VEGETABLES Turilovef3 4/9 CARNAIO fo 1c2 5, Rg.5c3 Fanilo Royaeo-3 pip- Reot ttt 9c Fanetia Royale - Rat. 77a ara11 Png. Liqait! -Reg. 9c8o z Ga Oui Jug Facial Tissue t kgtn99C iBathrooLAm4 Rails 55'l Javex Bleach 6 Tissue 901[ Mapin Lent Vas Pan SLIOEU SIE BA CON Lb DUOc Sanît n Preansi Len Fresn "A" COOED AN Oc UIT ~ e (FIVER) ~Lia Pork Ohops 49UL Chiokens Lb Fra si CHIOKEN L 99c wIIGs 3 Frasn Lean Chuok Steak 5C. ROAST RISBROAST 73cL. Fresn Len Wing Steaks 990b Frein v~m . o Frash Lan Bet ui C"Ien ROUND SEK 9L BELESS POT ROASI 650b Fresh LeanFresh Lean Sholde..LL.. POSPARE KilS 3 Lins 99,C POUK Roast 3 -99 Fresh Juioy Soeat Fretin No.t Ont. WATERMELONS e / Blaok Cherries T- Aiuta Repaire Maknng your car perforra efficiently and eiieciveip is aur job. We roant fa prove to pou that we guarantee our service. eSERVICE THAT SATISFIESI " COURTESY THAT COUNTS DON FRITZLEY " PRICES THAT ARE*COMPETITIVE Service Manager LET US PROVE OUR SERVICE TO TOU 10W Call or drap je sean for an appointient. COURTESY CARS AvAILABLE AT REASONABLE RATES MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD YOUR CONVEtaIENT GM DEALER SERVING ACTON AND MILTON 388 MAIN ST MILTON 878-2355 Hg .si Aller laut fiv, Alexar Rooar3 retiriag Beri F'rna Princip in Dun Sister ,St.Jose it the and! pi pabical reviii complet post Il Uivers Bite ta t' bo a hi sler ta Bourdaif stutemt OSSTF Ramaut aegotiat and tbo le tht board s off trot a ta thte un te plan sidy Accord 3Otheteaî tachiers percenta smior 1 TCorunto June S came ta touchers' negotiata arganizal Board il commt te teach, rejected obon 52 r vated ta , c The ce uppear Presideat approval has roue affer Oas concertid tion ofhis vote ai su The boa OSSTF p sayiag 201 getano saa iviament cent of fin received , tocrease t] ai those te year. Man relativeiy Referrin Runnoutai hourd wtt he hourd of tilet fig paît! by fia and the province.' have esce budget fig "Me aap remajauhiq langer tran 'fie hoat delayinl "Considera moviag hoe the hourd' commoa gr gap soitl ex fa hoe unhri ."The dia urge! thlet discussion condithans" ".By agre anditeacher oas ta h conclusion i tuait place o 'Ca urge tt sissultaaec SELE Eà S ,z Mapia Lent Lb Pnt Mapie Lent Assarto! ta1 oa. Phes. Oas Pac O Lunoheon nea a W INE 9 Meats i/ns Pan' Feesn Lean BLAUE ROAST O LADIES' 25% OFF SPOR TS WfEAR a- 4s Summer Fashioni 54 e Y C LEARANCE 2.99 GIRLS'JUMPSUITS 228 Main St. Milton 878-2067

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