Bombers stay tough win three big games Miltan Bownien Bombera for teBaoein te first game Clarridge alanld e ocare Ilienlozidn viclriea wite Bob Barbe tripled, er Carpil o lcîso ice Ibi îak ffi n 14 n ver Capula daubled and singles wet for Streelaville. BrmtnFriday, a IL4 wite. la Hap PerlRgrClament, Rager Clemnent continued bils iai oser Slre avll Balrda Gary =ac, alMLCnn, Erie long bail hilting witb a triple in anda l-4i agai Watrdm Eiison and Gerry DeKoeyer. tie Walerdown gaine and added mogn .liot alMcn Greg Coughlin icasthOe loaing a ningle and doable Mo Ms record. adRaper roîmetPu c pthervo for the Brampton club. Perry Capoto ningled tbree an PPerrtt ere helimes ichile BiBl Russell, Hap . o.n pitebers for Milton in Clemnt ig hliter Perrasi, Mark Thnomson, Pool Oieir Ibren gamen. Clament and4 RgrCement donbted aind MeCann, Enic Elîloon and MeCann icent Oie distanre and niagLf nrthe onmbers bn Oie Robert Barbe snied. Perrott retieved Bob Barke aBter StreetaviBue content. Gary Dance Jico Houston naffered linIoss twn and a tbird battnge on Oie ond PerrY Copain ningledticie on lin Waterdosco moond. Milton maunci encb hile Bill Runsell, Paul pitcliern gave up 12 bits is tbree Bill Russeil tripled and ningled McCaon. Erie Ellison and Jono games. Moffat girls chalk up tenth win in 15 games Maffat g iris, 15 aiid onder, sas, 34-10 over Ponnonliy. apiece. defeated Gien Williams25-2o jaiy Leadoff bitter Lita Deonin The gins play HiIIsburgb "A" 2, aBter loning la Oie sonne teamn lomeced go Oie first inoing 10 toniglit, Wedsesday. So fac Oie 20-Il lin previnon Friday. olart-tie ralily. Ralliy McLoce gis bave a record of 10 wino asd fihe ginls wallopeci Marclabe als, lielted a homte con is Oih only lice ossen. Thlma 39-5, JuIy. 7. Pitclier Kien necond insin. MIfl dcew ilt Sokolomici la cocbisg Oie teamr Hendernon sfracli sat lice, wbule teaibo. itl Oie lip of Ed Soboloînki, Melaafie Bobolowobi and Sandra Fan foor Eleda Thomonsn asd Barry Wood. lagli a cd caglt taro flics. Pllcisers inia Danois and Rien Scorekeepers are Ourli Wond and fie Mocninton pilalier wallied lbemlersas stracli out oaiy four Tameçiie Thomnson. 17 and olrccl out oaiy tliree ond waOied 15. However, orne Moffat ballera, file game was sain woe made on Ily bailo. A coBleti aithOe end of lin f ifOi Kaîby MeLod cauglit tliree, mmsig on accoont of darlineso. Melamne Sallolowobi ond Kien id e t Tenditmi Hendersan lis eacli. Catchier Frîday, JuIy 9, the girls Selley isonond and sliorlsinp A irlkled up linir inîl min of Oie liichielle Sobolowsbi nablied ose, WVI nl twA U im & Fiis ews JaIy and Augunt nemi sol in dag days la Oic fiskecisan. You bave in fi o litle liarder, go a 614te deeper ond fOnd where Oiey ara feedlag. You con soie olaaio for a nominal fec a gond ispographical mrop of Oie laboe you are goOng to fish. Thene raisn laaained froont Sic neairest office of Oie Departinent of Lnds and Foresin or lin nearest toaa Chaiooir of Commerce. Thiemapscos lielp ysa fOnd Oie deepbuoles wince pirberel aisd lalie trout hile labide whlen Oie lempcroinre geltn o lagli la suit tina. F'oc basa and pirberel, fisli i Oie nhlaBsî aI duoli ami moka as lillIense ai possible. bisa northeco lobe a canois a cmal pleasura ait duoli. Cruis oult 0yardsnfromshoreoand rosI foc basa. Annuaire sens as flue games bird sessaons bave keen oisoourmi for Oie fail and wioter of 1971. la the nortkern secion of Sic prairie (sorlli of Mttlawa and Nforth Bay)th Oie asois foc ruffled grouse, sliacptail grouse or pociridge as most people cal] Siem, On Wedisday Sept. 15 la Dec. 15. la Oie saull i includen OSaIs. and sur.onsdla coities il la reslriclad la Dcl. 2 la'Dcc. 16. Bag ond gante bruits are Oie sortis os lait ycar, f ivc pcv day and possesionu of 15. Iuis meions olial you have aI bame in Sic fraeer as ocil as on your persan. Pliconant neaon On Soulien Ontario is Dcl. 23 in Nov, 11, 1971. Mag himil istintes hirdu percday, one of ohicli may in a linn. Hours of slionting liegin alf8oon. iooehall tour aflersust. Figures celeasad hy Oie Depacinient of lands ond Foreoin ccgardig bontig accidens in 1970 sho 13 accidens occurrad wili no fatlhtieandsix of tinse accidentsOinvolvad pacsons 16 ycurs of age or younger. Noise of Oie six ocre licesai liuitsic aod sone lad lalico honting oafely courses. The accu icluded in thaI pacticular rcgios nctles Weislsortk, Halisn, Brantl, Waterloo, Welinggin, Pertli, (Oxford, Hurois, Gray and Bruce coonhes. Tsoo occidents mnvoîved persans ovar 70 yeacs of aa and lioSi bad inen honting for more tin M0 vers. Once agais Ioadcd ficcacons On cars lad aSl oSier casas. Largent bas flic largesl largemouli liasa ever caugll in thc oorld is 22 ansd a ha10 poondo ami il mas caugkt i Gergia T'Me lurgasl cougltin Canoda mas 14 pounda and caugli n Stoney Lalir near Peterbiorougi LargemouSi basa tinive in cottage cisgcd lalico aod are o as spooky ai our nonaBenouth liass. TIbey urcot oearly as monh fun 10, calach, eiOiec. I is a rare scese ohan a snaillmouSi inss, once hooliad, doeon't break woar aI least loice infota bing lasdcd. Mostlturcs ouil wodb for boss but lice mOnnoso, popplag plugs and deo oorcoo arc favorites On Sial arder. Plasic reormo oill orli, oleic cled alune Sic inlinont. A trirck Siat ofin oks mîi a surface turc lin Ltlel il lia shill, Oies Imilali il evcry 30 seconds. fihe Halto Sportsmes Asoociation is onabing final pIano toc oint 040 in Oie biggnot job they have inlico on o ft. The nnsat convention of tie Otario Federalisn of Aogtccs and Hnyers is tn lie inld ai Oie clulikoase ons Sterles Ave. 'Mue affair ta ptanoed for Sept. 18 aod 19 aiid coiertiOns aiany dignilacîco aucli ai the Mînister of tamis ami Poresîs, sevcral MPos, Promirlent businessmen ami sportsmeno froon evrry oulli of lite. This oneano aOl1t1of teorl foc Oie esecotive and clubhmeolicco StockbScotch Blordk Lamis ansd Foreoin bacc sturked 2,200 Iroul in Oie beauldutl oco Scotch Block dam. Before you Ohiai of fisliog or going os thus pcopecty, plenne contact Murray Slaplien, HRCA manager. TMc auliarity 1 la in b cngcainlaind os o iglty fie dam and o oorth- olale project, lion aI Oie sad lursong cereony olien the dam 000 sinrled nd inlieve me, il lobks diffeceuilow More dama of Ilin bOnd arc ons Oie agenda of Oir auOiocily. Unfortumataîy Oiey mdl bave loinc slow On comiisg ai mc uisdccsnd Oie moisey ovaüule tu the auOiocily lias ien drastically slaslicd. As Paul Couso sauyn, îecarot undccsnd lis ohen Sic governons eses fitlant ahOeir oesoaloone ami a hlf million dollars On fisliog licence f een this year. Mibe Brunsh of R.R. 2 MuSais.wun 's îell kosc for lis raislioo listing, aîong miSi friands joareedola tIhe cool coasI toc sone salmon flabOna On Oie iliramirbi River la New Bronswicli fislasg is reoli'icted lai iy fiohsg ansd lin salmou îereo'l up Oic river, liut Milia reports saine asceratches inapclcs ansd a fine trip. Milnis Midgets jumped in a 4-1 tcod early On Oie first timing of Ohiu tonfeaogoOnst Streeinvilla Suisday liaI coutdn'l: hld il and hit di setleih a0-10eienOthe lu-aining contesl. The clubi picked up a con in Oie Ohid, une On tlie eighOi ond ose On Oic ni 10i put lin game ito extra ioîngs. Tain controi iitreelsvitte Ioli controt of Oie tome for thie fîrsl liane is Oic fourthlinoisg olien Oiey coilied for fou runsandirent head of Oie Milton clubi 6-4. Rîcli Roberts singlcd twire for Sic ouiners wite Rick McTrorli sigted, Glen Turner singicci, iode Belior doubted, Mike Nevs sigled and Rean con ouI a sigle. la Shir seconsd tome of Oie oceli Mlon ion 3-2 iOi Oieir laits goîog la Sîcylian McCn, Gico Turner and Reimn. Torncr doubled ohîle Oic oSiers lit singles. Personals' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sinclair and Mr. and Mcs. Cecil Baker of Loille vusitod Mr. and Mcs. George Couison aI Fox Lakc, sarSi oesl of Sudbuary, insl oceli. Ilts pîcli-youc-oon slcaoincry laa in Halbis, flue larcrs are biig and licautiful agai Shio Tour. -Mci altiinfullsmigin Miltn but orgociocco axpect a deccase i utendance îlicnJ hlidays hit Sicir peali. Thebovoldovb hao, Wednesday duJ 14 971 5 Scott, Gcidd Ieads C'ville CampliellvilIe Bantao, inliind lin licilliant pitcliog of Scott Gadd ami Donny Bayalan, - defeateti Sîreelovillo 17-3 in s Campinlville Mosday siglit. fise "biggreen machine" nîrucli for eigin cons in lin firat iming, and ncsred in every iroiig except lIse liflli. 4105 Hambly bad a triple and single for Oie winsers, Steve idokanoson sigled lwice, Carey Moore tcîpled,' Dace Wrightl doubledi whil Tas Raloert, Charles Cucrie, Scott Eacly, asd Danoy Bayno singled. flirce RBIns Caroy Moore liadt an oaininsdiog game as lis triple drove in Oiree cons, and lie ncoced four Lusnes on lin hIt and Oiree walus. Campkeilville Play in a tourna- mnent aI Dochlesinc, Ostario llio woeeend, and are liaci home isesl Mosday ilion tliey inot Dalivile. PERRY CAPIITO DISPLAYS dois 21 nc baci li rou couglitM f t 1i w n lit eloMonday. The riah sf51 bod a hock frono where Perryns father baci cauglitlil once before, and one allier bnook. Perry Susas Thiomson liucled hec wan tise liird flaherman 10 have a cliance at lte catchi and the~ secosd so-billar, as Moffal gis, firnt soe tu ncore.--<Staff Photo) 12 ndune insulotRcwo M atWednesday nglil. for you dcad Dot scod a man do a bay'sjb. lholigltasitncokiarda bat isola in duncae of 13-year-old Penny Capsla mbo rauglit o fisk-lke one tint go aîoyoa feu dayn enrier on dait. fie pronf is On lin fislin oali. Whkm Penny lamied lin 21 inch luiowistroul aI Eelao enniy Mondaynaorng Imo books mere sitW On Oic lis's mouSi. Perry's foSier, Vol Capela recognised one as inn his. ink, 'ThaI's my steel leader ami â Oia th Oe îay f lie onT noks, ' Val ad, noîingkhe lost a fisokOicre juot a fem dsys ago. Cardinals move into first place Mont rceet league standings show Barlinglas Cardas bave mdtied ahemd of Leaside la liold fir# place On Sic Halbis Cony Senior 3aseblt Lengae. Campbiili holding Suid spot mine Oie gops; inlianis Oie teamos are staçting la open more ai Oic seasan progresses. LFAGUE STANDINGS (As of Mowday, Jly l2t Icoon GP W Boringtou 1g 13 Leasidc id 10 Camplicivile 12 7 Waterdôuo 14 7 Duaidas 13 4 Preston 14 4 Oabvile 13 3 BATIING: Plyr TopTen (2.5 plate appearances per gants) Enie Roddes, Dund Il 43 larnT MrPinil Camp Il 39 taris Faggion Camp 12 47 Bill Weedos Leas 10 48 Dsug Cliolcoka BcIr Il 40 AIes Leocingn Wat i1 36 JerT Sinclair Leas 8 33 llandp McDoiuotd [cas 10 37 10n BannotTise Lea t 40 Larcry Kng Wat 12 43 L Pct GBL 3 .012 - 4 .715 2 5 .603 4 7 .500 5 t .3W0 710 10 30f6 t 10 .231 890 Foh ienown Rh ieautwy Lpofange 171 M in St, 878-9533th hi Sele Mil to n Margaret luloî ltI a Iircee bagge i liag in loof thie cons. Ike ocrruns wecc scoccd liy Paula Kilcliig, Laurie Pierre asnd Dosnna McClure. Laucie Pierre played lier licol gamc of thc ycar as catcher. Moffal ginls, 19 asd onder, put on qulin a defenoîve show 10 licol Eloca 7-5. Pîlclicc Sharos Mc- Cocnvck descrvcs a lotlof credil for lier fisc pîlchîsg and dalassive play. Tlie otlicc girls laciad lier up lieautifully, liut il was Sincoris fume ail the ssay The Eloca pîscliars aiso did a fisc joh in holding Moffat girls o n e aid 10 lis ecd. FOR SUMMAER FUN... ai DAY CAMP Mîldaca Day Camp Program to be held in ROTARY PARK Monday through Friday AG ES 7 -12 - 9A.M. to 3.30 Daily July 19 - Joly 30 - Aug. 2-13 - Aug. 16-27 AIL NEW PROGRAM INCLUDES -Camping -Hiking todian Folk Lore -Leather Crafl -Nature Lore -lutloor Activilies REOISTIATION FEE $2 PER PERSON Inclades atsand food forcampout, ires int each week, supplies Application Farnavaiiableaofthe Town Hall or The Chamnpion offic. SWIM TICKETS AVAILABLE IN COsVtNîEsî SOCETS DP 12 TICKETS FOR MILTON GOUMUNITI POOL ROTARY PARK 12 Tickets for Pablic Scdoal Childrea $2 12 Tickets for $3 Hugi Schoal Stadents Available as tho Pool ar ai lie Toisn Hall POOL HOUS Daily 1.30 p.m. t0 4.3g pe. 7 pe. .t 8.30 p.m. Aduîfs Lestions or Leisure Suiem 6-7 p.m. Weeb Nighfs SWIM LESSONS in the Heafeai Commaaîty Pool at ROTARY PARK Rogister Now For The Second Session JuIy 26 - A ug. 73 application Escuon Aoailable at the Pool lOIRS SESSION AUG 16 SEPT. 3 Pro Begvoar 2.50 BrozeMedal.hdSr AR 600 Beginnor 3--0 Water Safety Leader- 00 Pie Junior 3.50 Mores and todlro 2.0 Juors, 8 sessiosot1'2hr in oadios pool Iotermediate 4.0 iotroductory Skin & Soalia (10 lessons) 5.04( Suruoal Souoing 3-W Adult Lossoos (any loele (1.50 with lot. or Sr.) 10Osessions ineoooogs) 2.50 Sooior 5.00 SpoR5oIred Bv Milton Recraon Caomitea W0IAT IS ST? Can yoa gucos? fIs a Pcocolucsl laiudmack On lise coca of Milnis, osa you miglit poss by daily but yss wo050 sac il until you look owa-a-a-uy up higli. Giva up? Ils a coistrapoi ainp the oppermOst sincey of Oie Robin Hood Multifootis mùIl on Mactin St. -<-Staff Photo) ~The LSalvation Armyl PICK-UPTRUCK I MLON & AREA EVERYTUESDAYJ L87-522 -IIIII l'Il get hlm with the pu rchase of a !BUCKET or BARREL o deliclous 16 oz. container of MACARONI * SALAD (Saturday and Sunday OnIy> CHICKEN VILLA Mai andCommecial MILTON .. 818-4171-2 HOURS. MON. -THUR. 1i.30a.M. 1P.m. FR 1. SAI. 11.0 a.m. - idnighi ( SUNDAY-11.30a.m. 8p.. BY sus OR BUST! THE MAPLE LEAF WAY WESTERN CANADA &i YELLOWSONE PARK AI 2ý doy ip Topo rg Joi o 1, 31, Corodus 14 - te - Iegy orlt-pebou, fil Yellowo ns Fark, North 21 D1201 A 106 doy to.r cep. ni.g ly 24, Ao0iîr 7, 21, 28. Yo- till oit Upper Crde Viloge, Mloi ,1 AbtoIhoîr, N.rîhor, beil lad Stroît, Orocrifll PIrpr Edssord cýlorA. N-c St rrî Oy of \Z:vs 259 CAREFROI A 21d.y l-, I ep.îlrg Sept 4 11l R8 O I, 16, 0, îq Ip l l, Sal Lke Ci4 Sur i nav $359 0I FERitra..blelfrn«» irnal bp aur aasdî. eqaîppei cachd muai Far reseronlias and Irane brocu res i ail à32-69$8 an fToronto 364-0544. sec yoîîr lol)i MILTON TRA VEL SER VICE 14 Martin Si. 87a-e211