4 The Canadien Chiampin, Wedeesday, Jui7 14, 1971 A MILTON BATTR taises a heulthy swing, bot misses, lyses scurry o ciclury neer Wulerduwn ut Rotary Pars Thene mersn t Ion many mtsses on Use gaine 4-at saw Milton Batarday mnmng. -(-Staff Photo) Dredge hits number 500 in Campbellville victory Camplidlville cetalued Useir toc Campisellville giviug up une une, oallied lliree and hI one 1hl un lisird place on lise Halton on-earned n off tour liblu. He lialler. Senior League olien lliey slcucli-ouseven, oalbed une and Camplieillde 100li a 1-t lead deieated Preston by a score ut 4-I lut une liallur. Buis Hendernan un oisen arrylucPbail led off Usi- in Canipielîcîlle Sunday af- Use mnond for Preston alsu vient bot110m ufthUe fourlis wiUs a enoon the full roule and lie ailoed fur liorneron over Use iett-tieid tence. Peler Ruiserts wnu ail lise ay rns oft ins bils. He sirueb-oul Preston came rîglil lacli luise i Fuelers forge ahead beat Waterdown twice Ibis oecesed the Mobray Fiol-ers corne ouI on top nf Useir iliflis agais Walerdoos, mîînaîsg lb 9 and 14-3. The Mobcmsaeruoounsix gaoes ond lnul lieu Du Frîdao nigt isisg pîleber K. Smith- farned il, gave up 00ve free passes and alored six lus. Wbite tbo Waterdos cumbisolios of Nurdoit, Wdllîs anid Shawe gaveoupnour free boses. strseiiiuo Io and allowed 19 bois. 'fiee Porler s starled off early gelling 110r cons in thr finIt lu Watccdoon's 0ne. Tise Mdowbrao s 4-ru pîclird up ose run n t-e second, secenoUs te Sireg lina sacnd thr day foc bCecults Paîuî ond Walpaper wie e Orsogi a line drice and iemenei i îîîl a double play. Pion maudeliheecrucial play obes iss buub led Legion 7-5 oud Iegius ha m aon fosirstwit nly one out. Clemens on the garde.5. Uliec Miltun Mina, Baselu a(inswClementus brat Vaughans Foels 24-21. T-Bail acinswEboîro's drop o 22-20 lutstt USW obîle USW ieîunced Milton Alto Budy 36-26. Jiie Clacridge and Jiîy Nocland doubled-i ble Maurice Dasîaa snb Oisnd Seralisi cingle! for t'loees cn 4-eir oî oser ic.îîlîîc Legiov. Mar orSin isigied for the l.iiî vhile SIeur Orro plvi'iei s double ancd Eri Ellison Ircoealripeý Secon d gain Inube ce'ioli.onleulucsading sioiileul 0-cee houes hiîle DaubaI .ioilSoerfini ech singled i0cr icand Nuoîl vi n(lacridge cmnglcl, Doubles sent iî,Norlaoii, Foe Vaughani, C'biecmae and 4-ird and Ion th lie oorth lietre Wolerdos guI n 4-e scureboard asieoî4-tfur rias is e fnar4- and une in thetîtUs. Eaon rarni then piniedoup tree rom;teend the scurong 16-9. 'lie lieu mes ait the bol for the Parlers oere R. Smith 0)4-lieu sigles, a double and a triple and O. Gibert oîlb three dubles and a single. Big Ululers Mowbay ittlers oece Singles) D. Stark il), M. Mc- Pisail ) Smith (2i,.MHyall 1, O. DH aru'des (1), O. Gibert B. Tomner il), P. Roberts il), DOULES w o isK. Smith (1), D. Tolea 2), T. Blnc (1),D. the losers white Serolîsi lied fnur and Cîaec. Gaetos , Gercais, Wallis, Simson and Cooks ail bail thcee bits and Ocîluis bûtolne triple. Wallae baol tise bits white Taylor andi Simpson eacb baii four aud lobk ssii Bailey racli bod Ilirre for Milton Auto Body. Thry Inul 36-261tu USW. For USW4 Gartus. Claei. Bcîtluîs, Copau sed Gersais aIl bad lice bits obule Wurrnglos and Serafis radis od tour bibs. Dptnaists and Vaughaon Faels ssii Elslcy and UAW also plaved Ibis oreli bol no reports aire iuiilaiile. Relieuse standings 'lir iolloing arercecsll coplnii cesullu for Ballon Rual Maio Solîboîl leaguru. MIIItIFT W I. P Scolt Walbi.ing ticube radis Guelph 7 I 14 wbîle S. Gldiig sgled. blurîbo 6 I 12 cin hiucereii Doîg ASeoîl 2 O 4 Waters, luir ssii Duraccte ohl Gien W-ms. I 5 i ibouilei.avolSmihlut atriple. Bîrlmsgtun 05 0 lu '1-Bab ilci Wayne Mie- ,Murray ail Sieme Bovin liait ATISMS liee bits lue Elsley obîle Oassy Gcles Williames 6 I 12 boiiii, Slium lIern. SIeur Bossu, Horri 5 2 10 Je)) Elcle0, Dean Pearuon, Iao'miIe A 2 5 4 Brondy Crewsoo, Paul Beulon. laiouille B 2 5 Blair Pimlîps andi Cris Bollandi aIl bail 100 biLs.Chameiou classinsoi il Beiluleuieaiione iiîfor the boye tetiet î wmurers. Capulo hadt fie bits fore . io u ' ,rosncei OPENtolO0 p.i@m. SCOBIES TIRE SERVICE ¶ ALLS sltsuc More 55 Base Line Rd. Miltone 878-3222 Gilbort.lt3). Triples alsu Oent lu M. MePsail ), and K. Smudth (l). Walecdon ittlers oece 'Volley, Ocyon, Clans, Shaw, iliîs ail oîlb singles. Du Salurday mrnng lise Farlers larsed ou Use power agais lu deteal Walucdowu 14-3. Wînîst pîlniser Carl Capau orsI lise fail distance tonsbog 14, aisooisg foac bits, and gave fie free passes. The combnatios nf Nurduft, Wîllis, and Saw again lcîed tudetesd 4-rîr tesain againul thr Puelers lu no acaîl, onnisg 11, allonîfuite bitsoandticisg Il free passes. Tisere Oas no scucsng in the boult smoig, lises Waterdons drw lîrul blond iu the second otigoslylub ave e -Muoisrays came bocli iits Ibree in 4-eu bibi, 'lir Moiscay nie tarsed on the power picbisg ap tise cons in lie Iird. 9-alerdo pîcbed ap ose rus in - theuurth and use coin lise rents, ulule lise Pulers 00100 toibte lîlSi and tour in4te sîsts to end tise scucbog 14-. 'lie mas aI the plate for Mobraycu oasf. Harudes obish o single, a double and 3 O BILs. MuîsiraY bulbers oece isinglesi K. Smîith 1, O. loletzbumil), M. ldyall il), T. Blino 1 1), D. Hlarudes 11), O Giîlberlî2), DDUB.ESwestloC> bapuo 1, and D. Harnden lu) Waleiioo v bitters oece Kolosco, Bros, Clacrk, MacRae aIl wà sinlutes. Moîcieroyu seul gardes are Frida in Gueorgetoun, aitie talr gcossd aI 6:310, sed ieolarday ut otor " Pamrb al 10:00 otais Ciigai'uusy STANDINGS 'ieuc arc lie festi sadins as o) J Li 1, 1971. W i. PIs lurbiu4on 5 1 10 Dardasm 4 O 8 .Miltion 4 2 8 Braptiilion 3 3 O 'iloi 3 3 6 ,ocyeîoin 2 3 4 Nalcriloiî 1 4 2 irees i ille 1 7 2 luc" sol incbode Millou's lieu vn aist Wtedocn. AVAILABLE AT IAN'S GAR6 gtc LISE SOUTHO D DRRY RD. R. R. 2 I4ORNOV, ONT 826-3M6 lAS BREAK. PROPRiTOR ne a011-1 in lise top ufthUe tiflis. Orloelu oaes sae, n an errer, wnieu lu second as Lee mas ii iy Use plcier oan sacrificed 10 Usird ond scered un a sacrifice tly. Fire barS Campiselîvîlle came rigisi iacli t0 score lisree in Use bottont ufthUe tifîli and complele Use scorlug four tise gamne as 4-at made il 4-1. Jordan upened lise hltiing oiUs a oalliond went to second un Evans' single. Robierts laid doses a sacritice hium: luI Preston failed lu cuver ticul su lise lianes oece loaded oîlli nonone nul. Andrews oau but liy lise pilelier ond 4-ms tnrced lu Jordan for lise fienl rus ami left lise liases luaded. Aller Dredge baad pnpped nul MePliail lui lu shont and Rulierts oas turced aI Usîrd wîUs Evans scurong un Use play. Faggiun then slugled borne Audrews oîUs lise lbied con ufthUe amning. Preson iiers Ken Crîpps 101100 singles for Preston olule Bryon Runsh and Buis Hendecuon eacs singîrd Bruce Evans led lise Campiseville attaci oîish Io singles. L.arcy MePliail liomerei and Peler Andrews, Elmer Oredge. Caris Faggiun, RieS Clemen. on Hearnu, and Peler Robierts aIl sîugled. Fouines Wisen Essnec Dredgr nîngîrd in Uthe sloiug il os lis 5011li hIt tue Camplielîville in lulermediale and Senior cumpelîlion. He lis ju ins an exclusive gcoup cumposed ut 4-on Heuderson, AI Wingrove, Kaci Cairns, and Keu Mosere. AI Jordan oas culiled ut o orneras in lise elgtisl olies ciglil-tielder Doucette leaned 4-cr th ence In cales bis fine Hosi Oabville Bonday Compisellvîlle are sn Dudou Saurday evening a 6 11 and plac albuomen Sordav Julv 18 aI 2.30 p.m. oî4- Gabville supplyint thc uppesîln. Prestn 00010000-l1 4 0 C'vule 0001300s-4 9 i Preston: Hiendeesus and Cvle: Robet and Adrews niii'cîioce ine puiscof'îc En lish china.i spr Ciossdl Ail Day Moeds Open Tue. Wnd, Sait. iso 6pi. Thurs. and Fr). tu cp.m, 184 Main 878-"972 Meters sweep pair against Leaver club Leavero sufferei io ue 0 pcs Dv os tnan e 1- Raphs MeCormaeb (2) ami J lise Meters lest e w be n Usy i iinaued six waibn ami Daes ai bit singles. ocre deleaied 9-4 On Tbiirmi gave up Be uits. Futusre games ond 7-2 un Sunday. . ig mon aI Use pluie toc Melers Future g amen are sebedsi Wionig pîsclier ut Tisursday onu Plul Liienisurger wlUs a 10r Tuesday, July 13 mis inglilsn garne os Ted Cunson. itriple,s alugle aInd 2 R.B.i.'s.- Leaversavs CaOegin ai Maàrriu cusson fanned Usree buien sge eil isWlnR liaia .0adMhr ualkd tive and allomed eigisi Mci.end and Boni Les. Chsarles ai Roiary ai 8.30. bus. Loti pîleber Dave Yesun Dave Gates paced lise Leaver Tisi July 15, Cisarles n'as relseved liy Carry Bennett allers wils a dnubsle andi a sisgle Leavees ait 7.001 ait Leavers a durîog tlie Ibird tining. TugteUer ond une R.B.I. Tum Slargen, Legion vs Meters ai Roiary lieey struck out ine lialiers, gave Dave Vesse (2), BryaHo rd 8.. Up runie frete pauses and allomed a oad .0 l s.Naylnr leads Gary Naylur led lu Use inailisg departsueni for Meters mils b <wo douliles and lieu ROI-s . Brin m p o Carter dulild mi ngled and singles alun oere lialled isy Gien Wilson (2), Caun Slicisle, Ed Mceos (2) and Bli Lee. For Leavers, Tom Sargent Owen Yemm, Carry CampbseillP l rmob Gonliy, Gave Galles and Bill Freeman ail slugled. lu Sunday niglt'Ils game n e k nd c i Meters toli on early 1-t lesd l in w e k d co tise lîrsi. Ed McCami slugled, ulule secnd and scored due lu on Palermn liaiiled 10 a 10-7 mis A triple isy Ed Dunni a mals ndîield errer. The gesse isecalme uver Hnrnsy Tisday and Uses lien McHngb assd Andy Tren lied on lise Usird misen Dave smamped Horsisy Friday by a 12- prnsidied lienrcons for Hnrnsy Ven ssngled ond vias slassmed 2 m i n thlie Hallon Rumai- Use nevesUs brluging lise scnre borne un a duble pounded isy Ussgofaulisali leagie Dace Gales Leavers gained a use run lead lu lournameni actin Hnrnsy in lise tuurls olien Ralps Me- lieat Oies Wilams lu lise fitrst Cormuacli singled, mas turcedl lu gainse, a i4 Usrier, bol lol 10 second olien Owen Veeun oas L.OF. in Use sesu-tiisl. Andy wallied ond seured un a single TOes and Don t2slin mere buitled isy Tom Sargent. Use big lullers lu Use Oies Tuns nspower Wilas gamne mlile Ed Donn Melrs 0rnd u lie pmerlu as Use minnlung pilciser. Jonis li se llrn n e o we Engiebari mas lise lunser nn Use 5-2 lead. Pisil Lulesiurgec rnymodlUsse-tsau sied a triple driving lu Brion In lise tirsl leagne gamne Carteroiso bad!ieeniealied and Pulersnm eise minhedn apairnof Bois Lue wo bl singled buits yC. Maronaand R. Martei i preosy Gien Wilson sligied Use second scnrlug lmn rans lu 10 score Lîlunisurger and Leon UsaI imsing. Hnrnby rallied inl Sticke sacriticed nul lui ceire Useir liait ufthlie secni tur ln field 10 score Wilson. rans 10 lie lise scnre. Singles isy Durîng lise tift, Melers Don Cissolm and Vnri cisallied up Io mureronis. Brion Kudraovs and a Carry Beonel SEAL TEST 50F Carter oas oa4-ed ond came doubile lu Use second put Hurssby Foc Saedaes hiome uson an utlseld errer. Buis liac i n Use gamne. aa lue wo hid eaclied second n Ibal errur advanced lu Usird ou Palermo punded tive riais Mu r y c usuliser nutield errur ond stole aouondmUs tetnurlhtisng togo liome, oay utni front. WaUs mmt in Humne ut detîciousI Ph)l Litenisurger Use oinuing Johin Engleliart, M. Oaisaarcey, pîlciser, oenl Use roule tue Melers O. Scarrum and Bruce Base Lise Milton 878 and sirueli-outuone bolier, oalied Ilirauglilon isad a lii dnrlug Use aFcidae and lai 100 and alloed Il fits. Casisgie suulg. in vif ni ait Tou&ff nigit is plannod An KEongelical YonUs Nigisi la pliai tee Tbsrsday, jsly 22 ait 7.30 ait Martin Si. Scsnnl. Tise niwil l lie lsigbligsied by siging ami a speechs ly Boy Laenu. Mr. Lawson lu a wefl bnonn Ynuis speaker lis Use Lonidon airea. Tise iibg Sisiers ftra Chsatham, Marsie ilare and n Rand nt Millon miii slssg tor Use grnup. Organiser Mibe Besson sald Use eventlisg mn npen p len ail religi bellets anj otedi onu liasically geared toi Use youli. ornby tests to 7-7. lieo i-uns in lise elgst and es one in the ninUs poilai the in vlclury off for tise Palero to grup. Enjoy 12"1 HOT DOGS JUST ONE 0F OUR i DELICIOUS TREATS IHAMBURGERS AND CHEESEBURGERS TREET ICE CREAM , Sakes, Conne table as iod Drive-in Flavor-Crisp Chicisen -6028. Oen datipseli pn. hordayto 12.30a.,e. OoREASONS WHY YOUR N~EXT CAR 00 SHOULD BE A GALLINGER CAR .LO~ 4oî OVER 100 NEW AND USED CARS ON DISPLAY AT GALLINGERS THESE ARE .JUST A FEW EXAMPLES 0F SA VINGS VOU CAN MAKE BY ACTING NOWI 1911 Cao Ibis rode uMth IK3lF528i. i~ net 2 Iaar 1911 Msraury Marquis 1911 Fil Styséside Piu and nnlecmnr trimoun Aa4dnnc pllacnd hard topoblhdeo Boutfoi elsoeîb ima 30sV8 negse V.8puo.erAMu radiu, gcnup. il's atuonnîmu. anod has power and heOuiy duty spcbngs plus G78-15 walls. Snria) Ns. steecmng. poscr dbs brakes 40I0 2V VO8 lolni tires. Snria) Nu. F1ICCL92774. t 3,380.- ongmse oilb whbte side mail beltei lires. List $3.398. lurma Nu. i 86315tt243. List $5,264. NOW $ 2869 1 NOW _ 4464 NOW $ 2798 Choos. from Cornets -M.t.ors - Mercurys - Trucks In Stock Now 1970 Meteor Rideau 1968 01ds Vista Cruiser Ths 2door hardiohas V-8enuîve, auooouîc, power A stationvwagoneseth autonnuo, power steering powr steeig, poer brksad a oyl op.Lic.N535. brks oe idw oe et n ai.st tsin NOW $2,695 ILc !j0002 1968 Ford Fairiane Tarin. 1961 Fard Custom 5M0 V.8, auonieuic, powersteecing and power iscokes n tbis tw0 Ocîoen by a arfulI sner, Ihis tour donc V-8 0111, aatssesa5lo donc hacdlop plus a radio. Lbc N6290 s priced oi moos qslekly. Checks on fi. Lic. 10,03. GALLINGER MOTORS LII. MILTON MMz MILTON 818-288 Finn saves day with nice catch Bi w Milt ibis mi m anida 1 Monda iloge and E, wmnl llsefr ti McCais Perrot two an moond. Bill E M te Mof a deteate 2, aBer 28-I 1 39-5 . Hessder Melase Issglin e Tse hs 17 assd eailed a Froda, Juil, lu fnbh a feedng. mai ot si nearesl c local Chi tout bise For Il illsenous dusb. Cru Tise oîssler of ond Piocl partridge In Use on rensicted Bag a posuessioi oeil as on 10 Nov. 11 lien. Hoor Figur regarding o laalil or yoonge lionling si mnciudes 1 Onford, H Tno a been lionli cars led a Tse la hli poonc Canada ws Largos spoby as cobols, esUs, doeol lire or tnrrb favorites l 4-e bnliom ssiId, Usen I Tse i Oliai wif I convention field ai Use Tise ail dignitarses prortinent 1 means a lot Lands a Siotcli Blin prnperty, auUsorily la Obite proje started ond More d. Unturtonate Use mnone a Paul Couina licence teets TMille, Brus tiuss.g, alos salonn t lob restricted toi reports soi