2 Tho Canadian Champion, Wedmnsluy, July 14, 1971 z E' PLYWOOD POSTER CONTEST WINNERS fromt Holy Rosocy Scisool tire shoon ccitt ltrir vtemeng verte ct art os Kelso pool. The posters, pnrccuyleg some message et isow 10 conserve coeservatioe oeil proteri btl hvmons oend animais, were mode tcom plywcoil hy rof ethlie cludeots. Koris poster vue heng toolile the Kelso pont swim ora oeil Art Trek brings batik, tie dying course to Milton l'tosito aprctd rteili ',',rei venture is kvown a', hae anopyorotist to y ilesip A t e brti are antd pointocs in a titrer dot session ie Haroldi Norrtsgiue.tso ariss le held in Milton ibis Frtdo. unte leurng lte yeesovine and Salerday anil Smnday trnm 10 malttog stops.varitus poisein amie un em mil tonan rom 1.30to Otio.t 5.30cithearnn . essons Me. Morin saii lte set-uy ottt bciteld titheScHau ll. aliswe tia tstiitakeypart Recrealsec isreltor Boh se an% or ail sthe yitases ut lte Munli coul lthe esessons ssi perir andt the ataisshere sas etrure batiks'toiand tic tîtot un,0 olfree leaflscs T'iti'es vo citunge for flis He sslss'55atest a gsssl orvet yrouirum itl ltose soîerstoil in ai te esect sesaseseeser"î batiune ashcdlto isno ild streatt in clubs ani iaitc oevspuprv sit tem. istructioc haie iesise theslr Teo ariists st-etlandiare especs'itleurv lTe Drpaiccrol ot Etlocalsov item thet îo arits Wants expert to see Ii*ght-weight stone suIede satfelloe do. eheca siti s.',' otlsue. quer rositurn 10m pici in nil ar Lsisincîoiht andsihedeevskoomaltin out T'herocit,aot ootoi oss as rcks " lte lettons anti csseessusg 10 an Helooks for aoit-tescd. And aimo',ls'onics'a ea h oi ltais liaIstulh a Mslton resdrlaou si ipe ti*I's ly. v svdionglintrisoieelte inisg a iteos in coite e, ia l ht loits mnique itgitirgit vione lorgne site a bî-rack te:,,'it ovsuinil, 1 titm a folmlin seis teeheurd asti weiss only a tes pomns - lituiirervsitonmpuzzied. l',ceetusilnts vo výa ýo "All toncoe,il justluppered" avtc'yt suustemun.lso as omill',sg coudiinte aeriskitha stuc onctopofetlreundleinila sited stoutld sesit ut lte reun et les peoperli und sitoyove st an.ý icovlgi et le voue il wsn*t titre aire' revît is isvilrd letocontct lthe dots erlser. Dsd il tait leons lthe evor titeougit Tite titamyson. M LONSsossTus5.o SHOW TIME rosaa. 7p.o.a'e9p.m. Sa1. Matinee 2Ip.cc Tia s 6.,17 -Stiadeotin»s 17 TH1E 6RADUATE CoîE ILLtet ;iA -iits' vis' '11R POUt SMsJ SIMO'N.-AIItL L.iO50tNý t UtteS Sa 8mec 19 r..2 wd.21 but still -Tis lant tse tae te rsI n our ivurels or to put ourselves vs the hark," Minseer Wltiseut Portuoie ail Haten East M.P.P . Juin lave ooted i hies epenieg romuche, us ho addreused mouabecsofu tise Miiteu Rotary Club lst eek. "The teutisoftie motter isetist viie voe Onterio une lnodore ie tise productive ut isousiog sîvro lte mil 1960's, ver houig output hou eut isepi pore witit the bast e mmd rated isy nt lami' tormations." Snou expluinel tise isousio oede oftaio oeil tise rote ut te Otario Hommen Corporation i ot viri ho isoadircnor) ineis cemuehes lv Rolorione. "I oa 'eey pcoud oftheOHC sice its foemation sovn yeore ugo oail especially of te pues ue anda huit yoars store I hune iten iortmnato to st oc tite hourd." ite mîvil. Sisort tOMeW uults Ho oetinsid tite tort tisat tise basiir demoed rreoted ity sot lumîly forutionso ted roeelted in an accemelating shorlogeofc teosu ie tise province viir joilgei lst weos hy mouahors ot tise Haloe Region Coservatieon Authority. Shoccs are vwioners Brion Farrell (Ieft oeil Derois Tietemone I righi tront) midi tiseir wimning poster. Ai hart arr Rosemory Wimdmatier, Loreno Zettan oeil Joeph Tietemons. Severai srhmtls were enteredi n the cempotiion.- (Staff Pheto) Bermudarama draw begins ,Miton Chamhor oi Commeorce lias lauce is 1971 tenil-raisivg campaige. a loltery tminlcit lthe velue is it or t10 for a ft- fileil sert te Bermuila neel wtsvî&'r Don Smith, ore eftIhe liamtec'v itreetors, os mare andl metnchitaman andin chargeoft lte drus. apity nameil tiermnuilacama". 'itckets une gono ceatty otil, ite reports. "te've bil no trouble vî'lttcg ticets eo tue I thiti eîcryhol o sul lîhe le oie re'eletriouBermuila,"hee ai, lThe petar îneluioo te plane tight andi a weoh ai a iueuny itvir in Bermeuda tor 500 pesos T'itse oho preter 001 te itavkithie smnyesoethern etimec ccvi wintr con taise tho caesh alternalti'e peine .- $500. Smith outil thn tcnor's liches titi1lel e awnon Salucilay, Nov. t titen lthe Chamlee viii eponsor a (Lance' ai Boly Besuny Hall. Bruises ribs in collision Damtages totlteil $700 ohen ca etrien b James Atomil, 17, sf Oauiend oei 2iero \5.'sis'. 28 sot t B. 2 Rochoo uoililed on Bot 25 sear 401 on lthe seekenl. Mrc Magîto s'as thoen 10 Milton Dtitl Hospital settecing troua bis'ed cits, bal ws lter behind demand - Snow amunoei te about 65,000 veita ut thteend of 1970. "le gouerol toers vo are eoriy a full year's proiluction hohied." "'Chose ue moeg lise peuple Ontario Houstet Corporotion se mostintserested ie helpieg oed 1970 vos o heuser productive ye'ror te coorporotion. Of 76,675 housotg sau nies Ontarie lest yeor, 9,568 Oece OHC lev restaI lumîly yod senior ciien Ho eepluieed tet bls year ie Ontario, 69,331 hovaieg voile ut ail isd oece rompleted. of thie ttali, 7,200 Oece OHC ouila toc tomer mecome fameilles and enior rtteec. "I timi yva wits ogcee lthaI thtte vus o cigeiticant achleement le sisting tese famnoles anil soeor citizens vise une moisie te bouse tiseseselvoe ilereotiy testhe opee machos, "ho muiel. SeU.-ssaùLag ln addiioe te ite lew routai urliniline ho nsled lise cpocaion wasai active lu the production et sisident huseg, servlced building luts aed cuedomieiume beuslng, ail ai wchi are selt.suslaielng pregrasas. Heoaulisedi isow renti issusng le ieasud on a roui gearel-lu- enceme houle bics mes thai the tenant paye rosI accerdleg te the aie et is in cme. "Lasi yean senior cuizeem le OHC isoasieg pait su average ceoo vi41 montsiy.", The Federol Golvocuaelt pape telf ot oey oeoctleg tesuee atovriote ith th Oe lev routai PrOgromo, the guesi speaiser oxpiainoil. Tise Provineo puys tl'4 per cent oeil tise m itiaiy le whiics the isveeleg llrtelpays toe comolieg 7%i per ceet. Ho ilrev attentioe te the suit- 00etamod aspoct of the new eneiorctiene hisnlg projort toc ituhettie aed euted the new hisel urcemeidattoe oeths amie silo. "Orrupoets of tise iotec restileere viii taise their meolo le a ceetrol dseing ruom vile those tenants visu preter ta do Oseir 000 emoimo ccil orrupy soit- Health board disputes high subsidy to rogions Grcmts toc puiei iteoilt conlo are 10e toc tose uneas tilt isoove as rettec thon gracIe aarild le tose govrei suilor regonat govrcent. Tise ivgir anmi usc oftlis tort ccere iteei hy mecclers et Haltoe Counti' Board ci Heati ai o meeting lacs cceis. Board Chaîrmun David Cooes ci Befitngtae toeohi te moilor op toc isrussioe oit memisors of lthe hourd oeil mouahors et the Deparimosi of Hoatt ttedisg te meeting. Ceos ccmted 10 tasow hyosome aroos reoived 75 per cool Orvets toc heatt cois andlsome rereived onlya 50per cees grai troua lthe province. Merise iogether 'ther are 30 arous calots ~DitrictriHeaittinis" isthe preie. District Bouath Dete une rouaprisots of nîiter thoco cmmuettios whîih hae iseon toison Over hy coOtonat tovoremeni or o group oi ai leasi lwo rovetîno ohirit have mergod toc healts purpoes onu' bt stili robain thoîr rovnly Stases. Titoce are oeill 11 rousties olei t euh rccove 5t per rosi susiiy anil oie motropolilvo areas htirorotve ordy 25per unit subidiy. DurieOsthemeetingith the provincial roprecoenttive, hounil moualeropoieteil 001 casec oh ore roue tien wece nameil rooîoneibtelnorchanevasmale in the polilseai itoeeilry le the chanecer. Eqoal treatment Me. Ceems notoil York Regton tes only a population et 140,1000 cmarel te Balion Couety's ivatso anil yol Yorkis ceivos the proieraitte sehoîily. "Wisy shoeild politieal iteesiarten ho conciderel? People are people and tey shoulil ail reroîve eqeat iceulmoni," ho ehargeil. Former Ballon M.0DB. Dr. A. t". Bell, represoninO lthe proevictial epartimeel ai the meeting, outil tore more onty 100 ouys Ballon roolil onjoy tise inghor cehcîily. One wus te bLcomoe o reoton oeilth stoecond eus le toem a distiet heallth unit scevîng Ballon anil Peel Dutch Canadian Country Club MID SUMMER DANCE This Saturday July 17 MILTON LEGION HALL TEGOLDEN MELODIES DOORS OPEN 8 P.M. Membership stiii ausitabie Fer tetuormatien Cati 878-6529 Countivo. Dr. Bus satil it wae unikiely the province olil ailow Ballo u hecmo a region and the coeety hue atroaily explurel lise peoetititty nI joiuaeg ith Pool le a istritluntt the ottocoas Ivrei ilocc hy Peel. Wisal's le a sume? Momitorsofe tho hourd chutiengoil the vaiiiy vof lte province rorogntetng the rounty or Yerk as o cegson viton tat menty huil tecer people tiom Ballon and yot Hoiton must mmli acony. "othuto in a numne unywvy?" Dopuly Bere Coons wontod 10 teow. Fotîoîng tse discession tho comimitton oorod te mah the nomelser ot hoati avare ot te iteattoturtîon sht u renly exstt. -Try Champion clussittie. reesuleoil aceomudaties." Neoil a mllionu "W htetre are signe in sumne resesueitios tsaI lise sapply le rotriig op vils lise deesasil fer new huing, tise oneras Ontarie pietuno liheiatos tse provnce cciii nend aout oe million ad- itioeal isovasg velta le the seat dorade. il is ostseoatedi tsero vill ho ohout usuot atartu mode le ltse provinre thi yoar, ise peleteil out. Ho olso eeploleed the ew syetem construction metsod of iseeesog oed how tise local vsduslry woeid play an impertaet colotenthe souleg moede ef Onitario. "Uedoeistediy, tise pressure for change tol will le on suppiera mil svh-tcodes le the 70's cii cmme lesthe oreos et dimomsional sluoducdizoisoe sud the ste otr ieprunel desigesand prodacta. System bueildn ille cct xert sevme of tîs pressere isut il ccill cme also irum ceveehesual hoilders eehtg wOP5 10 reden the eil prîreof ciiseir produet. "ils istereetel hasinsses ail cieleaders, I Oisk il le mecumit upon Li te levestigote rhuegîeg leriseoivgy, ec ilevelopmenîs oeil loivy's os'olvtog hie styles. ote muet quîrhly coco te oe peeesiiities, Oct tore tiret wit tise mosi oeil the lest, Oeow everladel. Ontario Is leader in housing Minister's son killed Geurge Moure, 23, sun et a tonrMiste mietuter, was kilte obile ritg aicle ear sirucs by a car driven by a 19- year-eid at reporedly exceaaive He waats e sue et Rev, Jolhe B. Meure andl Eieaeur Meure. Mr. Moore ls preseutly sululuter ai Mion Uitedl Cisurc inl Newc Hamisurg and ls a former ueuister ut St. Pauis Unitedin l Milieu. NGAWIAAYA 7#nàpC«grci/ AI tise regeler meetiug ut Nassugvweyu covuncil lest week meuncil: -Diucse tise neceusary isy- tuw ail restrictios ceecereleg ovemigitt campiug ares olts a coprouenlative trum lise Outariu Depurtmoent of Tuverisse. -Receivel a letter trum Murruy Otepises, Haltes leeglen Conservatiuu Autisurity Manager, oisjecliug te a concessionm isteiug set upsy vo idioiduet iueuedlutely isetere thse entreuco e tiste Ketue Conservation Areu. -Learnel Fred Herenserger witsile tes application for re- zonieg ut property. Mariols pizeria CALL NIARIO'S HOU5S 878-3202 5-2 &A. M EN U 1~ TUSE 1 enisano Museut Dancei Scisszz SPORT7 goup al Festinai Cut Milles C $21,000 pie tee Uls WEw plans to hu Has prepe The prop mreoi chue love au Conservai milociaauil tender ehor Ceascil deople ou $2,00 and Costa about cccl weull mitra 1,ueu area, or 16 Tbis ou cmecil tbe Iay tise emi A TOWN 0F MILTON SENIOR CITIZEN APARTMENTS * If you are sixty years of age or over * If your present accommodation is inadequate ... * If your income lis modest THIS IS 0F INTEREST TO YOU! The Ontario Housing Corporation, at the request of the Milton Council is considerivg the developmenf of a second senior citizen apartreent project in the town To dotormine the local need for additlonal accom- modation of this type survey questionnaires are nom belng dlstrlbutpd. ONLY BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE CAN YOU HELP TO DETERMINE WHETHER A PROJECT SHOULD BE DEVELOPED Questionnaires have been maileil. If you have not recelved one in the mail, questionnaire forms are available f0 ail lnterested persons 60 years of age and over ai thse: CLERK'S OFFICE 251 MAIN ST. E. TOWN 0F MILTON