Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jul 1971, p. 18

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1.6 Thse Canadias Champioa, Wediesday, jaiy 14, 1971 Omagh Honor two brides, Steam group meets By MNf. Cecil Paliersa qiiilting paety. Oste qailt lis ta tae The membrs of O a isd asd ihe star lied for the Thc embes 5 Dlo~h ale. Pcesbyicrîan W. A. andW.M. S. A pot loch lunchoon mili ta belli the July meeting md picOle servedatumn. Ladie ata mauld ait Henderson Par-k an Juiy 8. bbc ta jasah mmer adhl Becsîde the rippling waters ai mark oui thcmots a dheorlpal ta svrb slceam and shaded hy ivited. taü qads ar grdieli a lovly sld appleltrec a most . ailre cal lordmadmt enjoableaftenoonwas pentin loverai visitr eewloe tac micely kepi graunds. Mrs. to the meetors. Are elee Rlobert Eramseidgc, peesideut contessta t g A ie atheclsei wa nchare afW. A. business. scrambiec k set, a peanut A bysan and Lards prayer acre race, uckmie ufmt, au fsiloucd Sceipiare rcadiug hy malking race and movelty games Nirs Florence Jeficail, miih wr noe yal ihpie Sor erve on pupe lac aifo od and yomng. A dci us Sc.M.Ter.12 pcccpler r pe ie sapper wilh goodies ut al aMs.M Trnera h se rar a d hai-m and matermelon ircat mebrMcc. T. Ssam, tkonktag cle.ki furbLthdy ars ad lsofo a Meoshers ai the Ask and cacd ignd bsaofflldies aithe Zimmcrmau ckurch and Jascl 8ica ai OJmagh church wkes coummhniy ahrdaBye Bos W. A. mccc guesis. She Centre on Jue3 gto res ai oper also cocloscd a donaltion lamard gil mnd used Ilipescu iir tac Jal), catcring of tac Sicam u n ondiso Lhiokaes ot i Club ai iSoyne. Reparts shamcd ymgaisi kracaoier bmcaocoleeiih srvd appeaaching macriage, Misa tha 12 peson wre erv MyrleSpek mnd Ted Green ai lunh ad cffe attheStennToronto mho mill toihe Ibeir Club Jîmetingcis. mcddiag mows in Bethel Chrh Severai ladies atiered la hcip ou Satarday Jaiy 17 acre asaisle prcparc and serve tac foad ai tac ky Miss Mary Spck in opening Orsi Sicam meeting. Masy taewr mony beautiful parcels.i articles mccc hasArd sn for tac Tkcy csprcssed ikeira ai bazaar, cludig a heaulifai appreciatias for the gis mnd tac hasd bail baby sel ky Mes. J. J. picasaul cvmsang. Kendall, and ncaeiy i0 paie oi The scondhbridebasaoredscas bond kcül ebildres' mitts inaoli tac farmcr Miss Revu Vausiekie,o sies anA calors 1aatiiul made mba mas marriod ai a quieto b> Mes. Clarence MeCann. mcddmg cercmasy os Jmce il In A bncie W. M. S. meeimg mas the Anglican Ckareh of lrciaud, j beld mib Mes. C. Patorsos an Belfast, ta George Wheler aif cbarge. Missiosaec prayer mas Belfast. Becamse Me. and Mes. cead by Miss Margarci Douglas. Whccice acre unakie la aliend Il mas dcîded lo secure a lise paety, a hcauiifaliy devorated speaker foc tbe Tbank offeriag bas eoutaiumng gifla ai maucy meetin nOcower The August mnd yards ai gmod wiskes mas B meetimg mili be belA Wcdncsday prcscaled ta Bhe bride's muRher Aug. 4 ai taechvurch. Membees Mes. James Vansîche, mho a wilgatar a 10 a.m. for a espresscd apprciaio for ber Hornby Make plans for mammoth party By Mrs.JisaHuamilton Jobany Saunders an July 20 and The ansual chi,.ken barbecme Dos Hamiltoan n July 18. sponsoceil hy Bhe memtars of Sti. Anniscrsary grcetingn arc Btephen's Aog)iean Cbueeh monoa cxicnded la Me. aid Mes.' Jue real uesswilh 700 allcudng a Sica ai Dery Rd., Who wili leasi ai ehîchen, saladu, roils, ecchrole their mcdding pickles oa homemade pics. anniversary on Tnesdny, July la, Enieltaîmeni mas supplicd by also 10 Me. ami Mre. Hughi Bob Graey and Ken Grant. O'Connor ako mdl oeicbrale tacie Congratulations 10 Mr. ami mcddmng asuîvcrssry an Friday, Mes. Terey Cucean (nec Norma July if. Jean Balli mbo acre maericd an Gel mcli aishes arc entcndcd Saturday, July if. aI Betac i aWilis Hamilton, aba la a United Cburcb. patient an tac Joseph Brant Th osyBail Cluh miii holA Hospital i Barîtaglan, fuilomiog laiasobgarden parly aI surfer>. Hocshy Park, on Saturday mgbl, Correction July 17. Tbere miihe bcaial gome Thisecorrespondent mishes la la stant tac ecesmng off ai 7 lis. apologiue for an errar i on foliswed by as îstercstîng article thal repurtcd Me. and peofrais. There mîll he a mcli Mes Rîek Domus an crekraig slackederefresbmntfasotaaith a an a-nisncisary. The cuplecmcrc gond assarîmesi of baise haketi sared Jonc5, 1971 in St. Poul's pics anA oihcc goodies. UitedChueck. Mes Dosons is Bhe Criebrute mcddiug former Jamiet Graham of R.B. 1, Annicersary freetings arc Preelasn. estesdcd toMr. anA Mes. Oresl lilsea aho ailI ceiceate tacar Saturday, Jal> 17. Mes. Shei R. LuJrnR tac former Barbara Break of Hornhy. th t iesetteweeda OPTOMETRISI Waaga Beach. E Bîcthday grcrtîsgs arc OURLINGTON I estended to Mes. Donald Scander on Judy 1i. Mes. Bettr, ermant MI on July if, Mes. Stas Waters ami Margie Shea on July il. Bili TELEPHONE 632-7788 Bobinson, Mes. Ray Plant anA KAISER Alounoml Hoose Siding tue careree beautp. Eshoncs cosybhome, cil orn stco, wood fra cobo bk -NEsco EoS PAINTING i20l EORe FACTORY GOOA ATEE -CHICE 0F CiOLOURS AND FINISHES Samne locatios over 2li pears. Faclory traîneil irstll assur c ou of expert vol You Con dca vil Fedea aI ndustries îish cormplee 1confidence. Phosie fo free cslmnale. tet Aluminum Doors e CombinatjOn Windows t *M Car Ports t L'SAluminum Awnings oFEDERAL INDDSTRES OgiL OFCANA.45039 dauhee' gil d saidtBal ah, sud frsard Bhe male b> ai mail aller i mrais chuugedi frcm Casadian ta sterling os wcii ai Bhe gif t card sigacd hy thos pracami. Meu. Ecclyn Daims, MC. for Bhe cvnutg. Lunch wa serval ami social half hou enjoyed. Visît fartas Girls frosa Burtagiton aud Oak- ville te, local forars on esesange sisilu have hecu guesta wiBh Ilecen Marshall, Kaiby Me- Dougali mnd Brenda Hitioson. Recent basse gueula wiBh Me. mnd Mes. Wsi McFadden acre Me. mnd Mes. Ted Blach, Keyser West Virgînia, Mes. Clyde Pleminger, Bromnuvilie, Texas, hier son Gerbert Plessinger, Cantm, Oio, ami Mes. Ross Milicer ai esion. ThecJuly meeting ai the Dntario Antique and Stoasa Club mas beid ai Boyue Centre os Thursday Juiy 8 otan oser 13l peuple frais sony poitis in the province asd tac United Statos aliendcd. President Ross Calder, ai Presion peesidcd for the business snd peograsa. Varioss susasilices eeported on pions for thecannual Stoaru Show tat be lA tl Miltn on Labar Day mcek. end, carly in Septombar. Many moils and otcer articles acre iuctioned, and fans magazines latiug bock la l880 acre os baspiay. Severai sccurcd Bheir aumosel bloc and goid nylon acheta. Ai the cimse lunch mas cevcd by Dmagk Peobyleriosn udies. 1/luit frienda Miss Margaret Booth ai Fraugevile visilmi Me. and Mes. li Bootb, Miss Margacci tauglos and other friends mn Bis e ona Thusday. Me. and Mes. Michael Boylay tPaget Bermuda acre reces ucsts wiBh Me. mnd Mes. Rick limon and foosity, Foucta Une. Biribia greelanga gobao Harry roc and David Hodficld. Congratulations to Monico brens, il.- yeor.old daaghier of e. mnd Mes. Kart Aheens, FifBh inc on plactag second wiBh ber .cuedim sala ai Otario Con- evatury ai Music, amarda ai lMaster University Jonc 125. innica is abso a mesatar ufthBe ce Wee Accardion Bond ni (ilon, whicb won fient place on le finals n Jone 2a. Me. tougler ta Bhe inuleuclar. Fstcnd sympathy Sincece sympoBhy is extended Bhose aba monen Bhe passtag of s. Lorraine Milicer. widow of L N P M Etiec. Ge i mof ' me gars and ants Misle cmu feo youe Il, si dr Juin the filh opintai OPEN FRIDA~ UNITED OS-SPERhIn Miltas 878-2391 Ga r S S S r V/HILE THEIR FIRST EFFORT masl Lloyd Stokes ami Mes. M. MePhail dlsplay tornibly excîimig, members of SPIN mere saone of Bhe materiala culiecied, Mrs. McPhsai encltrageul by ftse ressuas. lTse group (Stnp mmd iber garage as ne ai tihe depota whdle Pollution ha Namsagumeya) sel sp recycling Brnokvilie Rail served s fise aiser. --<Staff depola Saiurday. The nasne grosp, miii lie in Phnlo) operatian Ibis Satsrday. Carry Moore, Mrs. Drumquiri School class of 1917 enjoys 1971 reunion By Mrm. CeeU Paliorou JaianTrnt.M.Lse Tbe liend annulal dosa ptcnlc iRobim ron to m Co elh inPr was hol on Weid. July 7,' at Credit, Mrs.Anal (rkpLey)' Coabore, guests of Mn. Vera s pmn Hdtn Mes. Mie (Brooks) Scott. The nîse =Hnr = tcFdon, Millon. Mr. memboro of the grade seven and aod Mm. Stan Fuy Mlton. A elgh of 1917 at Hornby Public delicious meal mas enjoyed. Sehool and lheie toucher mn. Plans ta gathor ta 1972 were PercyPercy Merry (Miss A.L. mode s:hen Mr. ami Mes. Fay, Homea), Homnby, gathered for lte Milimmilie the hoo. usuai visit and get together. Greetiags Those attending mece Misa Birthday greetings go to, Margaret Booth, Oroogeville, Michael Flemlagton, Mn. Ray Mes. Edna (Rtobinson) Croul filr Murray Greutan, Carat TOromto. Mes. Laura (Lindsay) Ayres and David Curdlngty. UNWANTED VISITORS Wiii youe hume ho sale frua aomaoted sisiters abute pnu are onsvacation? Pfoeast memerlesuofaàaeeh roelanepto homo son ta deeteupoil hp flodfsng thal hargaurs clearled sat paie htuse aSile pou noce âaa. lloroare a fon suggestions lu beip penteot pour homoe: -Haoesomeo take cars uf pose sawn ahilo pes are aane (an unheptflaw a sii5 thatsuun selhome). -Notf y tise polfice dopartmelnI ose sa vcation plans. -Loaso coin hoe ailS a nelghtar In nase of emergencp. -otils ynu snspaper bop, mfihman, and otafiman toi stop cielîsery. -Cfheck ail pour doser andl mîndun lochs. Bhe laite James Milicer and former Iiht, on ait dinh andl aff ait dlows. resîdenla for mony yeaes an Bhe -Cisv wlhul, oinsrasse man--akn oue ose homne, Foarlb Une, soalb ai Gmogb, autniu ,, omoil, and trael oonvrages are Inasad de. Mes, Milicer passcd awa ini AW soal idca moscli ho ta chec5k thon puionts mol Io adasse ut Peterbarough Hospital. Foncrol ch day aou are icaîisg. Drieoaifl and let thoso incermenl mos in Bhe Milicer plot Gond wishes Pce Wec July 13 -Hnrnky A ai =n posns isl aecu aab eneprea ai Creemore, Ontario. She is Congratulations and good Dnsagb, July 15 Dmagb ai aisîi survivedl by o mon Lorme, Of mînkes la Mc. and Mes. Robert Deumquin, Julv 20 Lomvîlie ol Mador, doagbtcc Helen of Rrowoeîdge on iheir medding Oonag ad Jaul2- Honbyl ut ni HAVE A HAPPY SAPE HOLIDAY Pccbnraugb and a sicp nlsversory, July 15 and 10 Me. Oinagb. dolar Asme Neîghbnrs and mnd Mes. Rabert Crocice of Boslams July if Glen Wîllias n frîesds ai Bhis district atlended Germany fane years moeried on ai Omagh ,JUlY il - Hoesby ai t Bhe funerol. Robert Marshal and July 15. o asd anJuly il - Dmagh aî l Huflh Bcaty mere pol bearers. Schedule foc Minur Sotal rna Mneis Deic yc, Fonh elte Squiri - July 15. Dmagh ol Glen Mens July 13 - Loavîle vsi IN RE E nehaîanmiarltvsWilliass, Juiy M0 - Omagh Oah uy1 Procor vs 3 0gANS. . 8829 in Prince Edmard Iland. Hocnby mnd Juiy il - Dmnaob ait Omagk, Jyailaband JUIY23. Fe.rina vsl = 19MI T . 8819 Gel mdll mîshes 10 Wîîiliis L.îwviiic. iJOiagh. Hamilton, of Milton aho iv consalescosg fron surgcry otI Burlhnglon Hospitli Congratulaioans and gond wibes are csiendcd la reccst cl y e Me. and Mes. Joe Louessn, ai Washago, tahe brde s the former Mes. iaura Cra nnBURLINGTON MAL ON GUELPH LINE JUST SOUTH 0F QEW (just minutes away> and Gardon at your service: W. LI uDVDEWA LK ,codSALE THIS THURS. e FR1. *SAT. _ý Ilr.OPEN THURS. AND FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. o l l 3, G, _ ..l . $3.99 $12.95 1000'S 0F FANTASTIC BARGAINS ien monturs toil Y TO 9 P.M. M BURLINGTON MALL TES OF ONTARIO srget@sen 877-2211 BALING thse fami taking ad HARD W but hy the mus probai 10 urmbon si Dive May, Jay md R aid liaudie I a grssp of Al Divosg Gl cecent divin sunkeu gomaniskel Bianceoft arc The diver a ceai value lot caps, pipe 110l d ends. TI Storm. Onl 'scaped desi A total oiE Saols moto 'ecciscd mar latan area 1 OPP lasi me CLEAN FASTER THE CUA 4,0t0tsl. initial uthniît museRg soocwet anti tom liasteeliCI Stllatisos. se, s coret, o siasoilg syseso INGLE T IMPOR R. R. t4 TEL EPHON ~, vs. 1~ ýEs, Kimo i. studeuta Ralton t envay fro tll boia loaere lih gli1s 4i b«39

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