ïke eêitibh a lh. - 11 -- MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JL 14 ëbIîmpi.on 1971fPcn CaM, s e ,s t ,aon o Nm). a )1 Toteoty Pages-Fifteen Caris Wing closure only temporary __ý4 M hos7tn just flot busy enough WV osdeclase ta patientsan a week. There were only tftree riglit n0w anyway, hae notait. Tie paediatrics departmnent enipty, tise staff is taiig 4,IÎI~ I"~ fias prampti Milton District wing, toto of whom were operatuof roomn and recovery freogsery i god Atfir s so a rc eoa ge iere Hopifai officiais ta temparariiy srhesfaled ta bie releaseit sant, roota," Mr. Elliot emphasizei. frrcvrh ad di sso stcgte %g I L~ ig 9 clrise tse if-heit sargical wiag ai and there were relativeiy few -Weaust coaldn'tsee staffiog Use Patients will spend their rerovery patients apstatro, or enou the hospital. Bat haspitat spakes- hoings for the surgirai othole department for tisree pertot an tise second floor antit sargieaf bookiogs. we aiSf go slawitaan d Use iseds la the Ratiser Usan iseep Use tf-hate re plny of empty his on the opens. Wid Use iseiroomo are acting admnistratar. ________ nditloar sargical wing shaufit ward operating wiUs a foul staff, secait fissr tiedicai l g barsala insauiness" by Use eni thUe tisree patienta otece trans- Mr. Elliot said Use haspital's tostfi iseparalagaam ferred ta the second fluor of Use oreapanry level osaaliy dips a st ra op g, ten nedi. fospilal. There were no layoffs of dariof July andt Augant misen Use acElatisi acting ad- staff, he naîd-f ail fUse staffers tawi's doctors taise tiseir tmiitrator ia tise absnence of weeassigne t M dattes ln other ad- do ags Use fliLays. Dr. W. S. Legate, Use * hs iayng asmonîrasar noan artpmeats taidthme part tome s-ait surgeon at f-e isospitai w, . - -Wooits, soidthfe sargicat mlag sa-f uot masa't haiag collet la dors *moot" oi the operotion wsea dosai --la f-e lateresta of as olten os f-ey float s-ca. Many has iseen on hofidoys aad mat ecasomy an Moaday ai f-la off ohes-afloare omay on holodoys resame prortoce anSIl next wee -r N 2 54 condominiums, unit ~ i0 homes approved uoehe t Roary Punis ta Friday. Tisa yoang tagrtuer ant enjtyai ranis other's company. f o r B ro n te S t. a re a ludy mandereai ilrssty loising for a frIand The ytomgstered fort mithfe rabisht cormai ont atumistat upon Palan Roishit, a pet aI oae on o stof- of ralrry- -Staff Photo) Choingote Deveiopmeats Lt ot of Anne Bird. Deveftpmeat tagh-rose aparmeat tomer a Miltan Day Cace Croise, a privately-tosned venture offerîng da y nursery cre foc pre- sehanlees in Milton, atîl ise lorateit osa neos isuilding toise eected al f-e norUsoseot corner of Cammerleal St. and Hrstop Rd. accocding ta discussios aroanit tise Milton Coanrîl s-file on Mooday. Tise lot. tood isy Foots DrvelopmseJs, is on lise peraneter of Use J. M. Denyrs Seisool 'site. Foras ottîl erect tostory isome-style biulding suitasî frla a day cre rente opecation and gise a long-terni lease loMr. andMes K. Sonnie, opecatoco of tise day care o-nrte. Peter K. MeWilliass rereseratiof Focts Drvelop- mens and Mr. and Mes. Sonne appered ai roanrîil ta preseol f-etc proposai and inimeirdaely rereiveit tise cetanod versaI fileooing. S site plan agreement msil lielilrdsananand a raonig ofthe land frontis preorolO_ develapmrnlî isolding zone to R7 i esoentiali ostîl ise sougist. Neigihors abject Tise dat rare centre fias iseen a conleoserotol tapie foc tise paot lt-o oseeks. Tise Somnes trird to estafilisis one in a bouser in Kîngslîgs Cl. isut eotorîl reevdan 84-nasse petîtion oppasîng Ushr site -sigord isy peaclirally eeryone living in Kîog!oIrigh Ct. Earlier loraledon Otasrio St., lise reste risougisl comylaints etrai orîgsiors aisout toise, trafficandeocommrceial ulilioition tilt restîlenlial zone. l.slîirrhcroclisad aged tu go t0 tise boardf of eduration t0 ser il tise isoard ould roase a site ai the Deoyes sisnl. bol tise allrossi tise pets-aie ileceloper, Foa-ts, vami- alonf tn tise Foras isad ercher trorîf 10 deelop 10 isuilding Iota along f-e Nesýlop litî. stie of lise Denyrs schtoî boltisîf sot isave toogs lard.f Cosorol filorise tise îfro',eîopmenl as5 il prelered tise ltnd 10 remotîn as a cide play area. A sosap of fond îitvlvng tisai and tlier peopeetors on toss a coosdered, flot neyer fînaloard, allecetaneil olferrd f0 tori Use Foeas fond toto a pubic t pars adjoiostg lise seisool yard. Use as residence Mr. Mciîîîamstold coaneil fie oold bisoîd a toostorey home osîti tise licol faner renird t0 Use Somnes and lise scondt isoor avaiîafoeltatay tenant or a staff memiser of tise ify or re cente. Tison iltse ceoire ever eloord or otovrîf fie oold fie afile to fniý osuse tise buoilding os a "I tinkis Iloould fie an ideal pise," Mes. Sonne told tise liepuix' terce Frt- Bacc, woso foret aeeoss f-e rosid hll a bluors Irian tise site, said fie isad no obîjectionts flot peedlrîrd tisere oolo fie complaînis fcoss Use trogsiors of f-e Neoîop Rd. lot wvo Milton Coaiisoiessing Uis week to go aiead wtUsa 24- ant condominiaum development and 10 single famdly homes an Bronie St. ia Use arra of Heslop Rd. and Anne Bîvit. Thse aaits ililîha tise f lest rota laasmng omita oie hut la Milton .nd George Neon, representlag Use firer, told coaueil fls clients osant to stat costrurtion "as quîcsly as passible." Site off-he projera cavers tiscee atidevelopeit blsckis of land ta stiat mas once f-e Falitngiscoohe suisdivision. Tise tiseee blsiai noe at develapeit wheo f-e large suisdivision on Milton's sotti site wsea develapeditn Use mnid-1950's. Stage dcveinpmeai Chisatgate plans 99 anita on lards abstlîng Broote St. norUs of Heslop Rd. Asof-er 4f ooli go on lards 1001 soaf- of Heslop and the rmnaî ing lScondomiium antis and Use 10 blotses on lands Reovo Harris acting mayor Herse Rot Harris isas hemn naioed-acting mayor- f Miton, dorîog tise absene of Mayor Briao trot whison otoiaidays N e cisaied Monday's meeting of tise i't k. oit tOut s-Or place in stages, Mr. stores on tout parei. Ness ossared coarîcl, alUsoags Discussions on tise Chialgate f-eri Monday appeoral of an proposais isave arcopird ctorcil agreement ails Use derefoper and planning isoard tome durîng and a reonîng isy-laos cover tise tise pool ltwo yeaeo. Cisaingate enfe peofeet. osas asiseittoi contetisate a sisare Oe parcel north of nne Blvd. of tise rosis of st00cm eer Rs sot îovladed in lise piano. aceoss thepropacty and is payng Ototrs isave proposais for a lCooti.sd son page 6) Hockey ployer Gerry Nash killed in one-car crash A former Milton Mercefanis hockey trsa forotaci osas isilleit earfy Sarday ssocniog ina oe craccideat near Ballinafait. His car osent ot of roatrol ta Use ltin-Esquesing Town tiar, careenel off a hsydre pale and croofird toto a fre-. Gecalit Kennef- Gecry t Nais, 9,f R.R. 5 Georgetooso wa ycomnctne il droit ai tise scee of f-e accidet. Police and ambuslane drivers iait diffîeufty cemoviof Nass bîody fromt tise ceompîrd wTeehage. The car osas toally ofomagrof Amalis repart Milton coroner De. Ivan Hanter hsnottyeteauledothernerdof an loqarsi, peoding completîto of tise palice report. An ouistaniting, isacd-osorhing yoaing hsocey ployer , fie played for tise Mereisanis for to sm nHe os Use son aI Mr. andt Mr., Keanets Nass. il lbj Cham ber hopes ta revive Santa Claus parade here Chisoissas may fie lice mOof-s exeeotise meeting. Presîdeat Sot- parades tisai for 2f yers aoy, buflt Milton Cisamiser of Reg DiCola, ces-il roseisoirman otere ighisgisis of Miton's Commerecrisoliready stoetisg to Rock fisuirimaris and Bill Chistmas seaso.But afaeisto moke plans forfthercrnt. fiafiltr, and doteetor Mrs. entiusmimoas dispîoved among Poossbîily of s-gong a Sans- Yvomne Chrcistie acre ashe t o Cisaîîfer otembero and iiss Claus parade in Milton Ohs seridoaparadeosas fosîisie and if apaf-y. comiiod tits reports il Drcemaer oilfie tosestîgaird isy so, iseaop tise plaafnions- orts od root $2,500 tOsotage a suc- a comttrroffor Camser f.as yeoe lise Cisamiser cesofol pacrale, ruade tise ilireetors, nanîrd at Use Jaly attempird ta e lice f-e otoual lCtiîoîî .. osf 7)o Mystery fire, death puzzle for police Northo Huf ton OPP are contissaiag f-rir investigation ino a myshary fie andt drats on tha former R, M. iStrele form on lghway 25 about tiser miles soutis of Acton. Police suspect arson ondt have att raird otthUe possiiiity of foui play in tise deaf- of on Acton ora mon. Acton firefigistrs recoveed f-r body of Joseps Roger .Lapainte, 3t, from fha front isedetten of tise isurning iSpoolsi- style buangalows, erly Sotorday mtrnittg, sfiorlly atter reeiving a fie rail oabout S ar. A haro and omail sherd wece f-eibarn andibouseosere scraeely, leUrlae Us te floze, flot tttly sooged, soffrot f-e toto foret moy pars ai f-e lateroor of tha bsoose flore s-drue separalely . otere chacreit. Thsis, togef-er otf o Ballon Canty coronr De. Ivan the fact trees oa Use landt hetoten Hanter areîvrd aiffle scene san tlltr Use bsody osas disetreret. lofter, titr offîcrs of Use OFF identification heanef int oriogon terordc, f-e biody osas s-krafta Miton Disterc Hoopital, afirre an atoopsy otoo perfoemed. Police have 001 reiealci resufOs of tise Ottopay and reuse o loooaortouooa report a rifle otto foand in Use fitme. Inspeeitc arrives taspeceor MacCloud of Use Ceimonal Investigaton Uraneis, Trn o, rrovrd on Milton FOLLOWING tisa arrivui ai officers tram the prarant antry of unaufhisonea paisses.- OPP identification firanef inh Burlhngfan, tmn I(Staff Photo) Cdllcers mare stationet in front of Use faune fa Monday morong ta aid inte investigaton. lavesftgattng oflorers feom, North Nalton OFF are Corporai Jars Froori tait Constablie James Hadoa. Police are 00W omootoof fois repors lromthe Foensie Science Centre intToronto. Tise biouse and propeety ocre ander pafltee goord it f eesend. At tise reqursi of the OFF, an mnvestogaorosas sent ta tisen of lise lire fithfe Onaro Fie Marsiol's Office on Toronto Conlartrd hy this poper, onveotogatoe Tecey Murray said fie isod cout f-e ormne of f-e fore, flot mould gove no farUser des-ils, otiser f-an f-at f-ecase os ander investigation hy Use OFF. Tise bote osas repoctei tul ActMa lotefogisters fiy Floyd Fastor, a neigfiaoslahotas aroused fcnm laed, otien lto passing matarois poiladitt fis dciveotay isonhong f-r hoca. Mc. Fotn lîvro jant souts af the scene on Use af-ce side of the hghosay. "At focot i Usoaffit tl osas my sittr onfie way ta ork,fbut osisn 1osenttthe wmdootand scth sky ail fi 10 p t1co tnwi a s hit fore,' fie iat. Sifl Titton and toi liogno sîdo, both of uosit osve close tu fiscere of tise fie, are alto repartait ta fias-e notoford lteefighters, as sann an thcy saW f-e bliaze. Foster sait fie f-ca rashed ap ta Use bloase mit ment ta f-e windaw of f-e front hadroota tahere fie hnem Lapaite asaally slept. Wlitasnaopen -Thlesaladataasopen, but I maultaI see aaytumng fac Use omake," fie sait tI yeile fac fim, Rager, Rager, fiut fat no tasoter. Wfien tficy arovei, Forefogiseesconeentcatrit on -oving f-e flotte, ositei mas Sorning feom tise osteroor. The hart tait shed acre aleady isurnoof oti of centrol. Tiscy riseeked tise isedeanm, flot saa antfing iscause of lise dense -omoke. Namprng f-cm la thiser cf- fortsoto estongooish f-e fie on tise bosoae osece lite hsydre otorco, hafocceit to fie lfee tait haret fis f-e flames. Spocho [rom f-e osies Ilasiset tnteemtttently, os fotelfitsccsetned ta morfi. Deputy,-ctacf Becm Van Fleet fsen ordieret a second feuek ta tise sce Tise toto trockho replenoofird thiser ototer suppiles train a reef at the roc of f-e Rognootidoo pcapeety aros Use ltgfioso. Fostee sad o geen poehup terck adfieen pusiedfreinmthe drieoeost the f-tris, ofongoode lthe luagisy, ity f-e passing motaois, aiso feacedit I mogso rotes on lice. Tise rap of Use teock'o gos tanki os sissing. Retaras ta ro Fostesatdfie retueaedtthe otondot tait itis tisse tam l.aointc's fiai1o Othfe floor. Ne f-en motiood fiefogistars and palie t0 f-e aladoot Fleefogistees enteed lise omoise-filîrd ladroom and firougsi tise body tt lisoag f-e front otondoot. Aeetedimg to Actos firefiffiters, tisee mas vrry ltOie evodeare of lice FLASfES THAT DESTROYED a haro ont saul shsed an toma, Acton fireflgistars cota f-alaormer Steeia propaefy, Higismuy 25 tire mites anufiso th fe peoperty. fiera tsey f Aci aarly Saturday morning couit ha sean easily from Lapoins-, 31, ha a front fa damage ithe f-edroom. Eyeotteoseserepartcd secoof oogns of fiead injuries on f-e mon's body. Forefoffitrs reporird f-re otas fifood on Use faner 0f Use cdeanm. Tise lady osas fu ly riof-rit Di-paty-etacf Van Tiret soit fie lourd nu evodence of hrnnit fi vestons on tise rans of tise haro, osis c fie seked Sonday, OFF aiseosaodfcy isneotof no stock beong destetyrd on tise fie. lcanueaî sol Fagt 7) nrtdon saving tise faune on sund tise body of Josephs Roger ronn-<tf Photo) - I VO. 112 -No. 11 TOSSING ANOTHER STONE lato SÈxtaro Mie Cresk, Kavin Nyr anit Wayne Auhison are ot pollufing thsa eai fiat raf-ar hafpiug if muita l flow. Shap-sfaoa dams ara hcling filut isy SWEEP otorisars tai increosa f-a axygenation aIf- mh ater la ltae reais Sac Poge OS. -<-Ra Phofo) Locate day cure centre near Denyes school land -I