Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jun 1971, p. 3

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61.ba bvmml re would any au- ", rIl" aon Jhn red. Tap, ~ ~ ~ e =ihad rllbmlYan Zimmerman, Leanne rish'dancin weefaae clan, Pamu Lowe, Ruth Ami Stca nighl wben 76 children Leaver, Jaiiie Hiiok, Wendy Oid gear ras the Milton Graham, Sna =tyodu Cathy Scmlas cng pre mted Ibeir Anold, Lori e Cliampous, Penny lnsIrnai. Rowley, Darlene Zimuierman, Teacher Mra. Marga Marilyn Itear, Terri Crewaei. (arhson) Bibby laid lte Lori Van Fleet, Debble Ynungatr lrougli a N0-minute Reynolds, Lari Parsons, frange reiatitled "Festival '71" et Vandereleit, Marilyn atin St. chool auditorium. Vandervleit, Leanne Brigden, The followng dancers Robert Bailey, Marilyn Hood, Debbe Roert, JonneLeanne Parsons, Dama Haman, ele oerasJan Andrea Herennberger, Laura Sciaizai, Noreen SelUIzai, Erin Spaldin, Cathy South, Nancy SHiai, Cindy Chestut, Debble Wallare, Arlene Grabam. ari, arraVaadeidieuvel, FileenCairns, John Calmas, Ellen Lyon Watkins, Sbawiio Mc<ley,. Harren, Judy Wilson, Lina Anne Powell, Anita Van Wilsnn, Lysa Powell, Tanuuy Oorscliot, Lorraine Wutkins, Elli, CuraI Clarkson. Michelle Cannon, Dianne Ryuo, Heallier Consens, Donna Brena Ryan, Gina Geist, Connie Martoo, Debira Bill, Dianme Si. Lee, Denise Brigant. Aune-Marie Join, Ellen StL John, Diana Harkin, Ellen Harbin, Vichy Vende nheUvel, Anne Buird, ManicaHeaney. Vandenlieuvel1, Karen Recoirded music wan proided Devereaus, Annette Nlerop, by Gordan Agnew. Marilyn Michell Callan, Colleen Callan, Martin waa piper aid Jue Wilson Kelly Crewm Diane De Vogel, was aster of oeremooiea. Mrs. Valie Freesrian, Debbie Landry, Bibbys assistant intructora are Breaida Thilbert. Shumnu McCoy and Lyon Tanay Newton, April Wilson, Watlain. Amass piles of old junk tsenuFIof Upe Brlngto were quite pleaaed witb tie response itercie a . 1e nanuaclen-up held Soturduy and Sunday Fiee rbeckpoints were establlsbed ut varins mras in Upper llarbagton and residents diucarded old junh uithOe tire drop-off pointa. Stop pollution A spohesainn for tbe group noted tie cloa-up mus an encollent way tu keep tie junk gurbage controlled bebind farmyards and basses. "Itus belplag to avoid pollution in aur oaa bacbyarda,' ibe nid. LAMI year the citizeas of the area ami Oie Upper Borlisgton Citzes' Porion organized a roudoide cieus-op, but decided uguiosi il Oua apring min the goceroment aaouinced plana ut lia SWEEP programtuoemploy higb icbuuiand university students tbrougbout the uasaer. The junh dlean-up wus plano in connection miOi a sisoilar li-ogram urganiard by Oie citiarnsino the town of Burtiagion, severai weeks ugo. Furnitare, appllances Furaners sodt otreu residents drupped off loads ot junh authOe cbechpomnts and aid siaves, couces, cbairs ami fencino cuhd be pouted amongal tbe rubbie. Tbe Town ut Bortiaglon Wurba Department sent a truck ta Oie fie ornas Monduy tucart off Oie junhuand garbuge. A publie meeting will bcbeld ut Fairview Sebool lomurruw nigbt flîaursduy) ai O pon. la disettes Oie propiosd re-utigament of Oie Guelphi Lion beimeen Colling Roudl and Nu. 10 Ouderoad Oiroagb Loacille. The proponed re-utignmeat mou Oie rouie ut iome caulraeerny lait yeur. Wbile tbe recommended re-aligoment mont necessitale Oie remuvol ut asy homen il ail rut ocrais some prlaae pruperiy aud some lond acquisition mdi be necessary. Aller a neries of ralepoyers' delegationi and opposition ta Oie recommended and alternative proposais, tbe county roadls comasittee beuded by lteee Glordon Gaiiugber naid tbal wben Oie worh mou gumng ta tir done, proposai D mud bie iilemented. Swing weat Proposai D wud nec Oie rosid aw inh a wentarly direction l hie bomesuon Guelph Uine iouOi of Oie vedg. Tbe proje. woohd ron froon Calliag ltad t Oie souOi ta Eigbt llideriod ot Oie imrib. The prajeet is deiigned lu aouid but-up orean. Wbiie Oie rail t oeaatiou on the recummeuded raute in more eesve Oian some ufthOe alernaties, Oie ruai of praperly New eboîrman uf Oie Cousi Milton Sehool of Dancing The Caaio Champion Dancing students give recital Chamber plans talk on security Oiree parking paresaonthe outh okays student financing course iude af Ma St. bie sereicmgR local stores. Direclaru frit tbal il A oariety of basiaess items Oie meeb uf June 20 tu M6 and reiluesi ut Oie Ou ile Cbamber Ouen e d irs w au m d botep fa cd direclurs ut Miltun vaolec rd tu asis il Oah ileî poil preaidel Li-- aiteth Oe downtawn parking Cbaber af. Casmerce ai teir New sta e buur si b ave Morris' campaigli la laOi rubie m A SAILOR (Lori Champoux) meeta ap mith Mciellr Cannon and Lori Vas Fluet, misa daaced in tise Wliole Lotta Love" flamber ai Saturdayus renitai. Ambulance moves up Changesin athe ambulaincr tuc emergency entraovr ai migbls îyîlem ai Milton Dîsîri ond bo ndie tbe buspia i mi - Hosil wiii sec tise ambulance board aller 10 p.m. beadqssriers sifird tram the baiemenl ta ai ai cave near the ____ emergeuey word and miii sec ambulance drivers takiag a mure actise port iu the mark of the -Field days ssii end-ut-year bospitl. trips are the acier af the day for At the baupitai buardis meeting locai studeuls. lait meeb. the praperty cummillee repacled a ileetcher -Tburiday is the lait day ut boy an tbe baiimay ucor irbooi for hîgb irbaulera wba are emergrncy cirance miii bcexcempled tram, exama. eupoudcd lu mabe an office for the ambulance ilaffers. The men -Woihoineri are remiuded mill assîstin o mergenry word. le tum le Ibeir collectiosu ahOe pairol tbe baîpîlal la tbe Haouandsi Peel Association for ceulugs, caulcai %isiluriaiing the Heariug Handicapped, Oie Ruais Commillee Reeve loi Swmanbaraugb bas iaii be nsigbl lueur ieovîug the marb udane if Oial is mbal thse peuple of i.uwvuiie mssl. There bai becs n dole ici far tbc mach 10 commeace. if it cer ducs Your Butcher Says: Let us personially fi your freezer with Hinds & Sîdes of Beef phn n odrnw Cooked Ham Il 3O9LB FRESH BURNS Ohiokon Legs SWEET PIGKLE & Brsasts 59L. Coffago Roil8 5LB. Great for Bar-B-Q . i Cook & Slice Coid 1 lit à 1&i DE MMENTT STORE USE D lU I l I MUOpen Daily To 6 CHARGEX SMll 1 M Li ** Tharsduy andl Friday faf9 p.m. For Your Convenience f200 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-9261 -I rerentrances mnsieud of fromn Main Si. Inao brief discuision on poha, il mou uuied thal several ,Wednesdlay, June 9, 1971 3 Public meeting Thursday on Guelph uine diversion O VER-DUE LIBRARY BOOKS MAY BE RETURNED TO THE LIBRARY JUNE 14 fo 19 FREE - NO FINES OR QUESTIONS Milton Public Library Board -I WEST END MEAT MARKET 140 Main St. Free Delivery 878-6501

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