Seî a e The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, May 26, 1971 N.Ighbor obIcts ... (Cnntbwaed fron Page 1) and no, ohJetio D.e sa alh dentp rs làftleaemmoandatias The dck sali the ac- commiodation wao vey limitedl and pointed ont tItis wsea thte onlY tand avalable for deveoainont ia the oce ares Mf tace. Mr. tambert ougeate the apaclsoenta atOntario St . more est fa and that a total of 50 suites romain open. Mr. McOeachie ptained gcacth had tees limitait prier ta annesaties hecaine tisece mosn ochere ta' groc. ta nuusnacy Mr. MeConsoltie ceviewed the avalle nervices, noted that planning huard and mouncil had adopleti the higb dsity zuning as policy andI the officiai plan hall hem sancttoued by the 0MB. Rosi seed He said thoce mes a reaI nisait toc the devolopasout and polnted out tht tuo hod been in a ntatlc position toc muny years. Mc. Punis said entensive studios by Planning huard had bots undoctaken hefoce appcuvîng tht high desity poujoclu in tht Mactin St. ares. Be ctmiuded tht hourd that Mr. Lambhert hudl est objectedt ta the zoniof ut the pasulut Mf tht ut- hetiai plan. He pcediclod littît other ilevelopment in hoe uo coco and said thece wonld ho nu adverse effect. "If therecus oung toh e, thoco muuld houe heen mure objections," ho nutod. Ontacio cill replace the chite hm don tht ceotre ut couds clth a ytllsw ont, hegluning nazi your. Thte yetiow shripes ut tht shouldec of many couda cul ho diuugtd ta white. Il cas decided tisaI yelloc cas more clonely celuht te ai ouaccnng signu. EARI G. BLACK S. Coin.. RIA, CA. Chactecoti Aseountant 143 Main St., Milton Phono 87&-6342 ALUMINUM ALIJMINUMs Windows & Doors GLOSES sud REPAIRE MOBIL, PAINTS W. J. KOSKI LIMITECI il Poltos St. 878-9452 Sotisd Brisu Beat Realty. 21c-tI CUSTOM BUILT ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS ANt AWN'INGS mosI ty WEATHERIGHT ALUMINUM CO As ususonatios sliiig do=. Specialiig in Prencs doors. POR FREE ESTIMATES Cali Bruno Casurin 878-2223 21c4ti KAISER ALUMIUM SIDING SuOfOt - Pasii, Windiows asti Dsoo, Aoouirso, Cuspot and Psitt Enlsurso Reitingo, Eavetiostftisg FEDERAL INDUSTRIES OF CANADA Fout ot Pursythie St. OMCVILLE 845-0318 ZICof LITIR, LtTIER EVERYWHERE. One sure igin Mi sprlng lai tht omoergence Mf a wintars crop Mi litter fromn heneatis tht moltingnsnow. This ditcis near tht tocs houstaclen Itaticaton If matie o issudy dropplng spot foc doneans Mf lin cans, bottier and PaDers. Moto la clous-ton mostin taiton.-lStaff Phsoto) Tht Lateut Pasinl Siyiug hy Sylvia asti Risie "Permansoent Wavsa &i Tistisu "Huirpios - Wigs Sales anti Stttisogs, Open Duiiy 9 a.m. - 6 pis. Ths. &Peoi. 9 a.m. - 9paru. SALON CAPS.! 133 Main 878-2131 île-tf BICYCLE REPAIRS Brotwn iu's Sport Shop 150 ILL. STREET Bicycle Rtpoiýs - Flats, Siiotto. Wtcels Tsutd 3, 5 und If spttd hubs repuirs 878-4Mf 21s-t BOOKKEEPING HILL'S BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS 42f 'Pine StoSt 'MILTON, Oit. At] types ut Iouise Tus expeTtly prepusuti Coîl Anytime 878-762 BRICKWORK and MASONRY P RIE S MASONRY CONSTRUCTION R.R. 1, Cumptoitviite, Ont. Tel. 854-2672 iic.if BRICK and BLOCK WORK G. SMITH 634-0186 BURLINGTON 21o-tf CARPETS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY BROADLOOM " Reoiileutiul " tudusiriai "*Cmmerial Ready - -mode Drapes i sotocks.j MILTON CARPET and UPHOLSTERY CLEANING FOR FREE ESTIMATES Please Coîl 878-3074 (9 A2. TO t PoM.) CONCRETE NEW CONCRETE WORK Watto, Stopo, Buoccocut Ploucs. RESIJRFACI4G flooso, cutus, patiuos, touaisct. FINISH CARPENTRY LANDSCAPE PAVING " REMODELLING CNR TOS B E W A R E " REC. EflOMu MILTON LAWN and 0F UNREPUTABLE " KITCHEN CABINETS GARDEN SERVICE PAVING CONTRACTORS Laodscaping - Sodding "VANITIES Seediug - Rotouffllung Wt advint yo foc yu on * AREIRIT COUTERSprotection tu eil tise PAVERS " ABOIT CUN30 JE WILSON ASSOCIATION bofoce signisg 3344 Malin St. W. any contraut sin any ceux>- CLIFF BARNES 878-9070 soi. 878-935 il-tf iPor frt estimates wftlwsut B7-9 l5 1-t ubligatiun, pIeuse oail LIBRARY HOURS Munday - Wetinestisy 12 Noon te, 5o30. Toesiluy - Thursiloy - Priay Guarautidt tond. rot ~5-toiit - sa - Free esoilsiot isusi oscute Shoot Vinyls 6:3M0s tot9:0 pari. tipeciatioio. Coromic Wall Tiles Saîsrday Cathea Concrote Viol cois Stisusoo et hotu0 a.u. t0 5:08 p.m. Rustorotion Ltd. Rour of 123 Thtomas Sf .ils-tf BILL HEASSi 25f Moitin Siree Milton 878-6853 or Cali foc MUNICIPAL is-tf ,Free Home Appointment _______________ and Estimafo TOWN 0F MILTON DEA SOC RMOAL KW.CLEMENT di SON TELEPHONE NUMBEES DEAD TOCK EMOVA K.W Tosn lek sud Trousur Zîoj Imspectur of Buildings, PACONI Phslubig Traesoulo Dead Stock Removal 1 Commitoeuf 50usatn LIMITED FUNERAL DIRECTORS i Town Supecrintendent __________________1 878-4151-2 & 3 Of deuil or iisbloil Cabde MCKRSI usd Horsts. . F cE E Sossago Plant & Worhs Yar-d Ptose (4101 892-4421 Biobresa c Posral Homo Liti. 878-171 Lis. No. 299C71 o2iy/ 114 Mois St.,- 2lsOf. 1 Miltons Pine Depariment Our 10vit your Mf htlpfst, 878-9251 coureousservce. Police -Deportisesi DRI VING SCHOOL 878-4452 tt96 DRIVING _________ 878-6969 A 1 SOHOOL FURNITURE 9 a.m. f0 5 p.m. OnIy SPoRVING MILTON REFINISHING DAY os EVENINO ____________________ 827-1775 LAR D. PHLL OPTICIANS 2lcif PURNITURE REFI74IN ______________ Paint &i vuonlush stripptl f. .CLR M TE antique di modem furniluce. L CEK M T R DRY CLEANERS Refininuibve, chatirs remod Dsesn pii t Picks-up andi Datoit DsosnOpcan r-iifl ~ J RiA. 3, Mdilton 878-2243 47TAACSRA 12tuut Ronm ai i30sq {Jos0.CLEANERS il! Tops inidry, 1115Fous pic-up & 111 dulisisto 108%, s-oOsOOtoort dry cleouing MILTON PLAZA Milton - 878-2972 ils-if GENERAL CONTRACrORS CENERAL, BUILDINtG CONTRACTOR a RemotisUlng e Altouchons e 'Nom onstruction GERRY DE WILDT 878-3534 21s-tf PorCstom, Servic ELECTRICAL SERVICE R Y O A CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME RAY___________ APPf3Idi7MElT 5.-,l1tsi Coriracuitor t SYERS 228 Mats Si. 878-7067 2iu t ANTI-POLLIONPOSTERS made by grada htcGeachle, A total of 31 ponteras1usdthem four and fve atudons atEBruce St Scissal have madie ut Berte St. Schsotl sud 18 YOenmr hemn dlsplayed ta local bulsiesa cindoc la cailell un business owsen fr a to roal ta put tocs, nuggeaflng: a cleaaIp ci Mon and thse postesa on dtajsay. TOcs cOnSil haa acta. Har Judy Willoughaby, a atmadant at the tiecitiedti h oganise a priater exttlt On the Scheel, pbunta 1cr to cleek Jack mnh-polatt aubJscf-(StaR Phoato)> McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIStITED e INDUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL e FARMS & atOMES a ELECTRIC HEATING INSTALLATIONS 66 Chaurles St. Mdilton 878-9513 - 877-5795 is-tf NORTH OAK ELECTRIC fw i Faits * Homo Indsry ELECTRICA-L WIRING APPLIANCE SERVICE POWER TOOLS 9 Mostgomery Loue, Millon Itutinui Ealsu's Dsdes Offiue) Residecuun 87&13632, 878-9161 878-3735 ils-tf FARM SERVICES COMPLETE ELECIRICAL di MECHANIC7oL INS'TALLATIONS & REPAIRS 'Yosr Jamtomuy Douler' Power Cisciof Equlpeont for Pouliry - ltog - Bout - Dairyo Excellent Vostilating Sysiecos CAIL 053-2148 Rural Maintenance Servico Prte Rotimulon - No Otligation 2ls-tf DIAL 878-2341 FOR RATES AND INFORMATION FOR THIS SECTION 0F THE CANADIAN CHAMPION *NEW HOMES *RENOVATIONS *ADDITIONS 854-2263 ils-tf ED McMULLEN Conytractor a Cement Pîsurs, Sideocaîki Stoops as Ctimuwy di Plautering Rnpuis e Succo Wors a Fisepluces Phono Acton 853-1818 ils-tf Excavating - Trench-ing Jcoho Ote Psont Esnd Loades Bautisut GORD DOWNS Oussus Oporotuti l25 Bell St., Milton. 878-9451 21c4 KENNELS MOUNTAINVIEW BOARDING KENNELS -AIt duosio animais - ldividuOl ouduucrara -ExcellentiOOss oSpoooia olldoh ralt- Woll picktalap yus puis 7518 GUEoLPH LINSE 878-9466 ils-tf LIST YOUR SERVICE IN THIS SECTION 0F THE CHAMPION Wtekdoys, 6 paiu. t10 18pm. Weekends. 10 o.m. tu 6 po. or tty oppointaseni ToI. 878-3944 Ocust's Ru's pcoonptly filled ils-tf OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.0. MILTON - 184 Mua St. 878-3673 Tuestiuys andI P4iays ACTON M 511i SI. E. 853-2520 Wedstsdays sud Satut'days Reidesce phione 878-9678 PAINTING AND DECORATING GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Confractor INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Ca-l nom fos Fiee Esuimatus. 878-6137 Bon ý114, Milton. ils-tf MISSISSAUGA PAVING CO. LTD. Pinanclug availanie. 878-9305 is-tf ASHPHALT PAVING DRIVEWAYS and PARKING LOTS Pur Prot Estivantes CALL 634-1321 RUDDOCK PAVING CO. LTD. 2231 'Haold Road BURLINGTON 21c-tI PHOTOGRAPHERS Larry G. Smith N.F.LPA. CaneraI Pisutograply PHONE 878-9335 By Applatanut il PIANOS - Tuning and Repairing OAKVILLE PIANO SHOP 305 Ctssot St. ut Reynoldsn Ouklosii Piaos tuneti sud repuicoti. Speciaiinsg la good recuntit- iosedl Pianos, Cuil PETER LANOER. - 4464671 Open tily untii 9 pari. 2Is-tf PRINTING a BROCHUES e PUBLICATIONS a, BUSINESS POIthS e WEDDING STATIONERY A complete Design and Pouction Service 878-2341 DiOhm Printing & Publishing CO. Ltd. 191 Mua St., Msilton. 210-t ROOFING M1T C H 'S ROOFING and EAVESTROUGHING Spvuializisg is reruottisi sud geuvrol supuicti. Steel wurk on tons. FREtE ESTIOMATES 853-1009 - R.R. 1, Acton ils-tf PLASTERING & STCO SEWING MACHINES Plastering & Stucco Ait Types Mt Stuco Nem Piasler, Ropairs, Cuve Ceilings Aîdershot Plantering Co. 878-2016 Ils-tf PLUMBING Glenn Richardson PLUMBINO CONTRACTOR Rtsidtio uad Instril Spocializing in NEW INSTALLATIONS, ALTERATIONS and REMODELLING 634-2945 Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHONE 878.486 Milton Fabric Centre 12 MasOsi Street Strices osnd Repuis os ait tusotvuf soming machsines ils-4 SMALL MOTORS SERVICE & SEPAIR Let Us Service Your: Ssnootile tCsais Sous Outtuari Motor Stscyile Lamas Momoer Som Blouser Motutoiet Cardan Equipmelot Winterizing & Storing MILTON MARIN:: & SPORTS 25 Commeclu St., Matou 878-6521 ACCOUNTANTS BEAUTY SALON CARPET CLEANERS FLOOR and WALL COVERINGS I SWIMMING POOL C.ONTRACTORS GEM SWIM POOLS Expertioseuwis integcity sud peormanent oncrete. CAIU. 845-3701 NOW 214-tf TAILORING - REPAIRS MEN'S TAILORING ALTERATIONS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 fMain Stret PHONE 878-4472 TREE SERVICE NORTH HALTON TREE SERVICE Hose mretldng & eret plantins Aiso semavut Mf trecs PMIly Insucet Phono 1-519- 853-1010 ACTON 21o-tf J & J TREE SERVICE PREE ETIMATES Trec tsinoning. Cuttiog and Rermuval Dtud Poins Otur Sçtooiaity 519-856,96W8 5194244M6 21o47 UPHOLSTERY MILTON UPHOLSTERING Noes omotd anti opocutei hy Lusse Asrtus Phone 878-9094 R. R. 3 Milton " Re-iuptonstery " Auto Osina * Upsttiry clcosiug " Cusiona tout furuituru " Pree piosk-op and dtlivecy. ils-tf WATER HAULAGE WATER HAULAGE ELVIN COWAN lin Rotiswosti Crs. MILTON, Ot. 2lot WEED EXTERMINATOR DICK VANDENBERG Weed Control Phone 878-3959 21c4 WELL DRILLING WE LL S BOR E D a CLEANEO a DEEPENED MILTON WELL BORING Mtelos Paliert - 878-9552 ils-t WELDING SPEYSIDE Portable Weîding Service Pree Estimtes Commeorciaut - Induoui*l W. KAMMINGA R. R. No. 1, ACTON Phone 853-2438 2ls-tf WROUGHT IRON " Ruiliigs-Indoor di Outiloor * Cuits * Rouom Disitios CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. BILL HEohSD 250 Mortin St. 878-6853 ils4 BEENEY wettghin My Mmec loto Dmr Si. My si Io of mh cy of Ho H. Demni dom f ARTEILS Vomi cd phoSs-illc, iocunice t siage sof s of M loto Mr. I Wedding urday, dms ont 13INNS E Pood ult Mois St., Sunduy, i oot A. te td ri, filtis, C 'Mutn (M .Mio Doue land; foot oco' Mis. ool Milt ol Weloeo -n0) uf 0 Fuuctol May if. i Hndutick Fioet, lu sosy, Dort iMooIRAClE loto May k'l the la -r motl 4 Mvillos. of Autos: Requien ,dl on Tui Molton. CARE Mrs. asd cuddieg. ý.ou Lu W. t would bsoore th so't Hou iiiDr. Ai: I'd lite .oods flou 'nHuopi lo rKo5. ,4-2978 wo'scnigt o duos in ol Aoso ilducu. Tte fus toutk yu aud urio9 uosy oyma Murp13t7 3-'. Aktuu' eoous,lS lusr Distr esoof sec oussicto fi r'. R. D. kisd frit tsouhtfut fuy in ta lcs. Iar