VOL.112Na.4MILON. NTAIO. EDNSDAY MA 26 197 Suaed lan Mai Ralstrtia Neenar051 One neilghbor oblects to M'iliside highrise LONG WEEKEND VISITORS ta Kels csjoycd flusng and peur lacis with anythung Uicy u-crc allowedl ta kccp. Bass den't icnicldngSatis-duy ami Sunday un fine waaler. Mr. ami SOss cumisunieseanuantiS Juty 1. They werc Isu catchtug, even il Richard Riacuoei of Oubu-ie hart gondl lues wit bas and Uicy hard ta bu Ici go.-<(Staff Photo) Employment service is added to swim, playground program Plans arc currcntly underway hll hui1 tsun. Adsdl clauses for tise ssunnier pues and nili aies hu resuunedt in tu-e u-eeh playgreusd prugrasus for Milesn, sessions ut a caste of 2.00 for Uic apossrcil by the Miltos Panks 10 lessens. and Recreatien Cemssdllee ami Seca eaue hemied by veteran direcier Bob Ascl, ingouelair Marti of ell S. Utc direction ai Mies Guieuni in A tempucary empisyment usethur speciai tenture of Uhi service lor anyusc urer 13 yuars summer's pregraun Bronze nf age us a sen prugraunth Uic nlio and Red îýss naine recrealin cenunifîce i sposorasg Ui susrmer. Undes alety leader coears wiii again Uic directin of Mies Micisir e hhld althe la i aatnof$6 tefer Uic tu-e, leur nuch sessions. f3oatoushi, Campisuilvilie, a Tise nu-un and nading pools gadualeuof Ettint Lakse Scisusi of opcn Uic neebesil of June 26ami Fise Acta, thase young lecis miS 27 threugb ta Sept. 3. OUier an csais un aacae rglarînîuncsesos are ail csmununnity service prujects. scbeduied for Juiy 5 te 21 niUi Valuete ommaalty examson the 2andl23; Jdy 26utu "Becasse alotsaof tecus wnut Auguat Il niUi esanss on Uic 12 hu able hu inits juin in lin main and13uand finaliy Aug. HietuSept. reasun for urgasiuing ibis i nîi su-un lests n Sept. 2usnd 3. prugraun," cuplained Mr. Martin. "Tise yuungslers sbeuld esjsy SRadunta au ha issed cards uaid Uie cieux, sparhimg waters nf Uic mant lu humus in Uic caunuunity nading puni iis yuar." Uial requeut a pari limne neriser Nause poolîstaff hi huisy-sit or man law55. On Head istrucier ut Rotary Pars cumpietien of tise jobs, the Pool for theusumuner isAnne Ruhl sWisidess card meust ha signed by u-ilb Dnîgbl Odesbach as Uic rteident, slaing Uic job hun assistant manager. Lile-guards haus completit uahusfactardly. are Aune Rubi, Debbie SmiUi, Tise sudeut isnt esly nurbin Puis Bruucb, Juie Siever, Cindy hut pruvisg bis aurib and value urp usnd Lcsgb Speichur. Puni us a neunhusof ah Uric nuunily," attendants are Thurcua Merriti, ha said. Suis Peurce andl D-igist nie sussuner puni pregraun mill Odecsh Mure puni attendans hae differusl fuis previos years. are ciperleil te be bircd hufere A saihers amdidielrn' prugrace su-un sessions begin. syilb hield in Uic nading PuIni ie piaygreunds pregraun fer Uila ycar aI a cual of $2 fer cigbl yeungsterî for Uic sumunmer hus Census under way in Milton Ils cenus lie in Canada ami fer Uic tan of Milieu ami Uic in Mlilton andl district a greup ut area of Esquesng Township 22 cnBuis represenfulivun 's bisy seuUi ni 15 Sidcruad. She hus 22 susiig Uic 1971 nse-ceunIt rcprcscslatives nerbing nilis Mca. 1). E. Martin, Elmu-ed lier. Cruse., ia ususus cenuseuluer Long, shorac tll Fers nere ining dieblisaleil ta runidents Uhi necis ami Wit bu F Irew orks pirised sp sent wseis. Tu-e nul ut Fire w orks Uiree hushulde rcceived a l2A" ferun -hichbas genuralqusin un prw m opultion plu ie qetin n r ob e on hoouig. "2B" forvîs u-erc lefi ai evcry third bouse andl Uiey BuUi Mito puise and fire conlais more questions us chiala repart su cumplains or hueusg, jobs, edlucaties ami tishapa chncersing firenerta or inrume. illirecrarhars, user Uic hliday lu addition tha cenaus repu are u-ccised. basdlisg additsunal Inclemust wasUer conditi-u Questissuries fus- agrirailarai us Uic Munday heliday puple, and alan, listing biness dllnlnated saveal aI tha toaa lis-un. uaid as disla hyglt isait hum Ceais-lhisg hagas Tlscsday, plaanad.I Severat tuent humes May 25inUtis area and shuidh sugliecgcd avn dlachurging Uhir flsishudl arusd Juna 18, bts. m llrewnrs hcause ufthUi Martin reporlu. The cenuis la iay, anc waUir. taises in Canada averY 10 yens- alun, uspuriesceil Mille change Ui" yens-. Under the direction et Ms-s. Gail Tuimusn (Evans), a training seseion for leaders u-i hu beid ut Kechu Conservation ArJn 1te 23. er la n f ee fer yugsters atlend Uic Uirec pinygreundsaiu Attendance af Kelso up Attendance figure ut Relue Conservatin Ars-e nar Miton usn e iday -ecisend nus double test year's May 24 butiday ncciscsd. lthugs ciefly nindo Saisisday and Sunday asd rein un Munday tende-ad a hales-e allemiaure record, peuple ahi flourisd ta Uic arcu fer a quiet, but cool pirnir. Lant yens-s tolul figurec fer Uic u-eebend anas 319 cars as eppuied te 642 thie yens-. Bs-are St., J. M. Denyym and W. t. Dics Scisusie. Sessions nil ha ld Juty S tbrugb ta Angunt 21. Su-lnas, campent Day ramp sessions begin Uic saune nech as tise loral playgruds. A $2 tee fer enris hue ncch duy camnpperimi u-iB ha cbargcd this ycur. Inciadel in Uic tee is a rampaut ami heu free su-une ai Rotary Pars Puni. Senior leaders ufthlie playgrousd prugraun arc Hully Stîse, Bey Wiiton, Lynne Frame and La-Ais Lyndu. Headisg Uie day camp are Lui- A n lne, Bruce Laing, Nancy Heur and Gar Henny. Plagunod leaders arc HeSly Stisn ' Lyns D ns and Judy Greene ut Bs-rce Si. Schoei;- Bey Wiltn, Lysa Rusharry, Wcsdy Rendriris asd Anse Marie Sanfurd ut Dcnyun ad Lynse Prune, Cathy Johuson, Mary Cbapman and Raudy Huai, ai WlI. Dinh. il v~I BEAUTIFUTL BIG BROWN TROUT continue te ltcs ente ises-sen's tucs aI Gien Eden lotie lu Relie Consrvation As-ca. Laeet "moniter of Uic dleep" loeerge from the waers nus ts 23 is-h. leur pounil hrown heoisei hy Hamilton ongle- Bois Flynn ou Suday cvcniusg. Cagist -ith o nos-s on a tiny huais, thse fiih put ap qaite o sts-igglc and il tauti 25 mnutles ta lanil Sun. Flynn said bue lied decideil ta go home about 10 pi. aller a buy day of tisig but sluyad tor that "ne at rani" u-hicb produccd Uic big fisa n Uic sosslh shore Mf Uic taise, maît of tise dais. Record bs-auns ai Keiso, lucluida a 27 inchs, seven posede- huaise by Harvey Block of Guelpin l the apring of 19MO and a 25 inchs, 7h/2 pouinder casigis hy Miltanian Dicis Cuiras the previnsi samiser. lu liM Eric Maudler Mf tan cassght an 81h pouisd, 28½h luch Ralubow aI Kelsa. -<4Staff Photo) The fatle of a 100-suite apartment building planned fonr tise lands behind Martin SI. un Miltuide Dr. was diucussed ut great length Tbursday befure a haarimg of lise Ontario Municipal Board.> After thee heurs nf evideace aad testimny, tise lu-n mas huard reserved a deciin and saldt une wnuld he anneusced iu tic sear f uture. Donald Lambert of 79 Martin St. wan tise lune ebjeetuir te tise reznng frem a develupment zene te an R-7 zone u-hich nuldd alluw tise 14-storey high rise apartmns te he erected. Mr. *lamiset uisjerted hecause tise prujeet wnuld be detrissestal te is pruperty and etiser pruperties in tise sieigihuorheud. He feared damage ta lis hume as a remitt of tise encavaiosns fer tise prejeet and possible iajary ta ies thrce cisildren and etisers in tise neighiisrhuud. Wassls restriction Tise ubjecier fauillt ceuncil and pianners for ieaving eut assy restriction n tise distance fruma lreperty tise lisat undergrund parking ltt eau hu esfuhised. Tise prepusei aparnuent wmuse have 75 spaces aolive ani 75 huen gruund. Tise undergrund Lots cume la slihis five feet ni thc Lambert tut hue. He ehjected ta the location ef thc apartmnt buitdisg and claimed it wuud cause trallir congesion su risse ta tise Parkiing by-Iaw is cupproved Whus su-use ruse hi oppose Uic tn's amesdunest tu Uic parhls hy-iau-, ut a isearing hr Thursday, fin Ontario Municipal Buard effered Uhir appruvai of Uic pies. Tise by-lun malles It masdatery for proeries in a C-1 ne commercial muse hi preside snc space for 200 one seol 3f00 square feet of fleur spaece, depending un Uic spaoe huing sffice or reluit use. Tie 0MB hueing nus held hucuse use perses hud shjecledl hi the restrictios. Tie uisjecter, hunever, did sut appeur infure Uic huard and Uic amendununt autumalîcaily s-e eîred tise icsasg ef Uic huard. Apartments opening on June 24 Tie prepesed date fer Uic nçseuing of Milen's sen senier citiseun apartinent building us Ontario St. is hes chusged. fis mu- efficiaily sceduleil fer 11 aus. Tburday, June M4. (Officiels of Ontario Huusing Corporation, tise contracter Wiopey Humes (Canda) Lsd. usd ten officiels wiii hu un basd fer Uic epening ceremusies. Tise pubic in welceme te attend ami leur Uic huilding. Mennide a localicummittee in stliiattempiing hi camlie upu-li a situble saune for Uic building. Mayur Brisa Beat, whu beadu Uic musselîlce, reportsusnysse wiUi a gond suigestion sbuuld furu-ard if hi im or ta the nauslsg cummitîce. Nause causnitcee The canntee rhurged niUi seicclusg a saunne for the building includes R. M. Clements of Miltes Senier Cilizens Asociatien, eue ef Uic aparîment residens Buis Reuid (wbe is a fermer luire counicilier), Dr. W. S. Legale rcpreseuling iieu Rotary Club whiich u-as Uic main prepesent of Uic building, ami Mayor Brian Busi andl CeencUler Ail Melunun represenling Uic ten ceunicîl. They especi le have a nurne selced byJunelioefornîub son le Milton Council's .lune 7 mee ting su a confirmiug resoutien cas in seul Uial migbl I OHC. Suggesions nill hu necumel, cenittee meanhurs said, us long as Uicy arc rccived aiscad of Uicir June 4 deadlise. Hailes Eani MPP Jhu Snus, Mstîer aithut Portfolio in ic Ontario Cabinet sand a memier of Uic huard OU Ontario i5uusing Curporation, wii officially spcn Une nea building aitie June 24 cSenesy. duntea' cure. He insieted Uic fuma hud recmily aunexcd 1,700 acres and Uicrc nus ruum un Uie utsirtu fer sncb develepusunt. He argucd UIle Uie plan nus ual in iseeping niUi Uic Torontu- Ccntred Rugion concept fer dcvclupmest tbat puta Ibia tuas in a sien grents area. Wuns huiler HeuopposedUiheplanstuercct Uic Wsudn nithut a isuffer suse lune ies proerty and Uic bisalding and suggesled firefigisters nsald he iseiptesu il a hiaze heuise uI in Uic tnp sturcy of Uic building. 0MB meushar W. Thornprion quippcd "yeull hu insuo danger il u stuy us Uic grud fleur Uies" Mc. Lambert appearcil hufere Uic huard alune nbite Lanyer D. J. McCesacbie tncsentcd lise tens side ami lanyer Hurry Funs appeared un bhhulf of Mm. Marie Martin, appticaut. Besi use William Ogdun, a tan pluier nits Municipal Planning Cosulîtants taid fin huard thc apartunent prujeet neuid ha Uic hust paisible nuse for Uic 2.37 acres of lamdinu question. He saitUie proectneould gruup bigber dcssity witbUihe care arca, "andl Ui in soething seugi aller by many ienns, " ie setel il irevided a captive markset fer Uic dntun axes. Building ispecler Ray oies, sccrttary lu planning board ami cessuittee of adjualmeni Ross Peares ami ten clcrb jars Mct2cacbie aise appearel te niler lestimuuy. Il nus estabisbcd thure nere ample scbmie, ample sener ami nater facitîcu te serve Uic iscreascd pepulation in Uial ares. le asner te use of Mc. Lambertus questions Mr.Ogdes mtcd buffer zones nere sut as iiscy tu hu oflered in an estabhuhued area hut mure iiely in a sus subdivisius. Mr. Mctieacbic tuid Uic huard Uic nen ausing by-lan and o1- belail pies nere panscil in 1970 tCesilssued us page 8) DEBBIE HECTOR gets bluta trais Jerry Hall sbou-nin Uic spart sinre Uic oea courte and at Miltas bannie canntslas Rotary Pars inaorganisation gelundcru-ayin tisetant Sauisday aftnooa Grat interent han been couple of years .-<Slaff Photo) Project stalled on parking Plan ners debate tower Tbe 17-elercy Durci apartisunt and commseercial centre propueed fer Main St. Miltes 'in ununeUiing ne nant ami favor. It la Uie hagianing aI ahal ne nantieu sec dune', Milton Planning Huard vire-risairnan Don 1inynurd iaid ai Wudaesday'i meeting et Uic huard. He sait perbapa Uic ten ceuid pump saune ufthUi moey derivel trais asscssmeat, once Uic project nus ruunplcled, huris inte parhing. Miltes Ceuriti and Duret Inventunenli cuise te abat appeured ta bu a deniers aien Durci prunident Wiiam Johnson said i wu-eîd hu eronandcaly impossnible lu abide by lin tuan's parking isy-iau- usaI woull require bus tu-an tu preoide oe and a tait spacis pur apartunent unitlas neil as une fer every 200 teel et reluit stere space ami every 300 fret of office ipuce. flai lenves Uic develuper shor SU spacee. Humne uneuninc ai reanceil ani plasnng bouard arc efthUe opinion that eue andl a bail epaci per suite is unecess-ry in tise dauntlen crse ares of Uic ten. flecboard decidcdftu seis tus-tiser information asd try ta fid a comparative sitation lnuilmter tan ta, siedy, hfore cusuing hi o conclusion. Our Readeis Write Stores open Good Friday closed on Queen's birthday Dear Sir; I am ausdecsag aisy Uic stores tBot stayed spcn os Cieod Fs-iduy, a Hely Day acre etusel n May 24? ts a qeun mure impurtant Uius Jesas Chriet? Dmae elle deserve Ui respect monee Uian Ha? Yurs traiy, Ruits Sherp, 429 Pearl St., MOilton. Planing boardi meunhus Colin Suille fcil Uie duvutops- esauld hu asisei te puy Uic $1,100 ler encs space be nus shas-t or a totl ef 539,000 haes-ce pruceedig. nie ten ubeuldueft haveleo puy if, hie Board Cbairsnan Rerun Pearre unil he couid mssn justification Uic nay Uic by-lan stand, lu gruel Uie develuper's raquent ler reief ofthlie rcqusrcmests in thc hy-an. _If us ceunrils rigbt lu subsidize lin prejecf and Uicy null if tiny nunt to," ie uaid. Huacft te fuma Huard uneuhar C. B. Cupelami îaîil tise prujcct u-ould be isenefîciailu tiste tuas and eîercbanis sisndd ha glud oftit hucause il bringi thais a captive market. 'If's lisre giving iuccntivce t ndoslry,' hie oaid. Mr Copchiod puinici oui Uic office accommrodaion in Uic building mgisi ils-u lirs-m opcrating fs-m restel silices us Uic Main St. ite Uie huilding. He unid Ui aould ha gondl hacauae us i lu sua, a gond suisher of hueinmu places us the Main SL aimae at 5 pun. and dusIt opus Thus-sday ne Friday ulgis amil donst spcn Salurdays. Be sugesed thale abeipa migsl ha sait tas- retlstwe land pranida us ultras-tisn for cuaicassea tisai doesait curreaily culait. VOL. Il 2 -No. 4 second Clus Mail RegistratiS NUMber 0913