Table tennis champion tells girls about trip Scasg thie Great Wall o China Corp aid Nancy Noble playlng ZaneVra. Mueit and playing sRverBi trlesdly piano selactons. Liz Richiardson Baskeiball Playî mathes at table leisis agalsut and Karen Trliltle staged a ait and MVP SRBi tihe Comnst iaeie oser. entiIed "Mate Ihi B. Rcket". Playar Cacalau terma "a dreais hecose reaItty" Athletic aisards ware ee tIhel i by Canada's top womas table pneesed: by teachers Mrs. S. aidtMon Ares tennis player, 20-yeac.old Mitchell aid Mri. M. Carter. MVPs on th1e Jo Violetae Neildaitis ut Toronto. Accepting the aisarda tar hait volleyhail taions. ie related her "moi excltlag junior (chiase 200 B) and aealloi The banquet ws expecieace" la, more thon 100 (clans 300 AI intraisacal clases ovecwhelmiing s giclsai thOe ticot anuaI banqaet wece Kares Nabian aid Anna tise gicla. of thse Gicla' Atbletic Assaciation of Milton District Otigh Schial, held at St. Paal's United Charch, Monday evenlag. Vialetta, isobas aoa mace dmhWichamponhipo i bec aine year canipetitive carRer, recestly retarned wilth the cui af Oie Canadien toa frais a Oive week taar of Cinoa, Japon aid neyeraI ultereatinig cities and map in hOe Commosnweealth Gaines in Sigapare. Pracice malles perfect "IRlah very impartant for a pdayerofany sport tgeliitothe bard taaght, tant ganies ta inqiave ber playing and style, Violetae agreed wlth ber tather, J.* Nesahaitis, osho osas aisa a gaest ai the dinner. "And practice inakes perfect to asy i spart.", 'Ihe yaaag athlete related ber trip ta Oie aadience ut gicla and cecalled step by step the intereating aid encitisg places ut interesi and manents ut teasion ni the Commonwealth esespetitian. "I aaaally practice to. or tbcee tnes aweeb," she ansaered as several ut the gicla qaestioned ber skilla. 'Il became interested in Oie gae thcough my tather (isba alsa wson sevecal ATMtETIC AWARDS were presented tu the cumpetitians oshea be osas muit deserving girls and clonses ait ie'firsi yongert aid throagb osorb and effort, laoed the Canadian tom annual aisards nigbt of Mita Disticjt 111gb aI age 16. At ticul 1 stacied an my Scbuel Girls' AIlsletlc Association. Guesi oaa and oa as many speaker for thse evening os Canadais top esespetitions as 1Icould. Each osin woman table tennsis ployer, 20year,-old blonde I earned raahed me bigher and Violetta Nesukaitis of Toronto (at centre). claner lu top Canadien Standing left hi riglst are Carolanne Mearos standards," chu nid. and Cathsy Ruaik oits 1the Most Valuable Shake handn Viletia coispared Red China sprigattdsuad geseral B i h e dreas. "After a bard f ac, wehrthey osas or loue the r u dM i Cine alossys cuise over hi you ro n o n Grat and shak yourhaond," she oted. 'Aad il's fer the ibeer plesre If cen paris of Milton sin Ne Oiey have received ftoe playig bigbhir than they osere lant. Oie match osith yu" uhe nid. manth, lt'o mare thon an illusion. "I aure pont suits tbrugut 'birty bighisbhave kees erected aI Oie entice trip," Violette asted, vursous parts uf toisa. Ligbis as the loal girls sisiled in acre ecected alang Onlario St, in onsanent. "There are very teos the Blruce St. ScIasol district, W. require a dreassaamsQitaandîuaid alus Thomas St. on Lydia aid adi aa pant suits to te the muai Syny St. and ai the camner ut minimum of ecmfurtable dreas. Mai aid Brunto. Mc. Nesutoitis explained the la aume acuis the beighs are Any qualifia "ditterence" baIsers pisg puug nwadi teste r ipy wtotdf and tenais in a qaustin and leodh terta r ieutdf ausoser ptriod tolluaiag bis ssmply replaciof isadequate supplid dauglitoru speech. "Table Munnis systenas, D.L. Hadley, ut Milsa ia cumpetitive sport that Hydrut euplhed. Tap jct requires aurk hi play sud loit aiotcopeoad .vil mu.t Isctcel ccu i.Pug ua. approxiasately $0.000. Tht H mreyic ao te nm hcOi rul in.n Pn og' prjcwas itiated by Milon meeya." e or o thet cuord aid carried out by Milta A Divisia, gie 1 Plano, sk Hydro. H y 5J Enlerlasument durnuthIe No uta standards acre i .21J eursang isas provided by Cindy erecled. faloable Juniar wr Kathy is ar Raoball a Hearos or- niar aid seir as hirmad "ai taRs"' by ail ut BySiMn. MeLeai Sanday eveslng, Ekeazer osas boîl ta the Massuns of Caispheilvllle lodge. The master ufthOe Indge, Don Simpson, lobk part in the service. The guent speaker, 0ev. John M, Marray ut Miton, soke un the bloady ld Testament stocy ut Ahsooni. Player Aosard for senior and junior baskethail, Sosan Arbic and Mona Andreso sbaring thse MVP Award for junior and senior voUleybail and Anna Zanevra and Karen Robinson with tise Intramural Award for senior and junior intramurat class champions. The bouquet of med aud wshite carnations osras a gift to, thse guest speaker on behaif thtis GAA.-<(Staff Photo) ECHANIC nd fluor apportunlty in aur Toyota Service Departuient Good l'lurly Rate GBneraus Fringe Benafits Excellent Wnrking Conditions persan who is able ta meet the public bie af praducing quality wark with a supervision. Id machanic can service Tayatas iculty and factory training wuîl be Apply ta Mac Hunter alton Toyota n af Halton Truck Sales (1967) Ltd. st Narth af 401 878-4365 Mr nSaadayvii M.adMrs. Bill Early, Don and Sandra visited Jean aid PeR5 Orllieb atNeosuarket un Sonday. Mci. tidey osas manvener tam the Jonc U.C.W. meeting. Ebenezer Lodge service u.c.w. in news Mcn. H. Weidean rend Oie icriplare. Mm. Yaulg resdi ai articleomi r' Day The tu Matheros Day nervice osibad in 10. Nais the secand Sunday in May i onivernally ahiervid. Mms. Finley deali osilh bistorical evento la Latin Aiserica. tsinc a served by Mcs. R. Yung, Mrn. S. Nrhb aid Mcu. N. Early. -Lbspocaasfleds w isi eil junI abaut anythag. ~~ 7NERE± Y 71ETTER , ,1 ViI//A CHRISTIE'S -REG. 33c PRIMO-REG. 4C TIN 150OZ TIN BRAVO 100% PKO 0OF a GIANT OLIVES 3 TINS .128 OZ. GAL. MAMBURO or CAMPBELL'S -REG 2 FOR 49c 14 OZ. Triz- VEGETABLE MOT noDOS 1 ORk and SEINS.N T s IN OIL GROCERY 4PKS99 eACELLE ROYALE.-REG.41c 2ROLL PAR6 ~ I' RD DEE RIATIROM TISSUE6ROLL99 ~ 1.59 ROBIN HOOD -REG, c5 BAI, FRESH LANCIA 2 LB. BAG JUIOK GAI La 190 Crsamsry Buffer 66,0. SPGJ1J1Ir 99 OASBC 1LBMCRN 3 PKGS.9 C.P. FR800 LEAN BACK Poamoal O Bacon PIECE L. FRESO LEAN Pork Chops 5 9LO SWIFTS PREMIUM OR LAZY MAPLE SIiood SidoeE Bacon PKG-5-- FRESI PORK LIVER 4 LBS. SCHNEIDER'S VAC FAC FRESO L 4ET IlKROK WIENEUIII w LENET OKSIR IS 3 ffH SWIFT'S PREMIUM LEAN MEAIT PORK PARERIS 3LS. PROCE MEATY PORE nuwHbULBR RuS 3LBS.9 OK HM 9L. LARGE JUICY SWEET IYELLOW RIPE e7R4*~»Watrmeons$ i 29E1 Bananas 5cL WAWW'D~Ef'WFRESI4 FIRMCRIPNO. 1 U.S.A. LELtI UUt HADS CANADA FANCY NO. 1 APPLES RED *~OBAG ik EIIOUS SPY 35 3 LB. 1Li0 590 BAO A B MACINTOSO49 MACINTOSH T9 TO M I G NTES3B SIS ARKET TIN MILTON STORES SPecials Valid Prom H 6 p.m. Ta 9 p.m. Clssng Thursday Evening OnIy ENTIRE STOCK 0F SPRING & SUMMER DRESSES 10% OFF THURSDAY NIGOT AT PEGGY'S of Milton 25 Commiercial SI. Miltas aeu.î961 CASUAL PANTS FLARES A1111TURDAY NIGHT ONLT AT f 222ý Maie. Miltan PANTRY WARE Thsrsday IO/FFCOMPLETE Night 5O F STOCK MITO 227 Main St. MiltonIi.35 SPECIAL REASON FOR Shopping Thursday Night Auk for tht Thursday nighî specials ai partîcîpatisg stores and start REAL SAVI NGS. ONLY uropean RED TAG SPECIALS 3 ONLYINTERNATIONAL STAINLESS KITCHEN J/ OFFRG STEAK BOARDS PA NTYPýv, Clle Parfait pos $.0e 4fr$.0 PRICE THURS. iv DiaiSeter ik ape efo Fse$.0l. 4 o 10 M Tan pie Sauce sd Fiii'k i Oe ut 10 SETS MNT ONLY Sale Prîce 98c I1 SE 117 7 StainiessSpous $2.95 es. 11.00 RihrsnsTIURSDAY NIGHT7 EACI4 REG. 9c THURIDAY NIGHT Gravy Lsdle $2.95 11.00 &I"97SL1 HRMC MILTON DEPT. STORE roo raicNest.c 21MiS.Mitn V % iiiu l 212 Main St. '200 Main St. Mui 20 Main St. E. Milt uts-6341 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S ~ aeONE SIZE TABLE 0F 130** Spocial neauctions for Thurs. Night OnIy EUIIIRos REG i $1.9 2PR. 4 MEN'S AII T~ ~ 1MING~ SH E 45" Printei viscose lines ,.. .. .0$1.09 yd. SL00K 995 7 WH-ITE AND NAVY THURS 49 45 Fortre & Avril perme press 9 d LaESFnte gma Ru 77 0 ltaratlans Eutra) REGULAR $4.99 NIGHT-3 40" Heavy-weight den lm 1 .. .49 yd. Largel Ex it aa i BO 36" Catasn prints . . 59p yd. 228L UMOS 0 Main St. M2t50 ouo 228Min FSMilon 87442 main TTS 878-3501 MILTON FABRIC CENTRE 12 Martin St. Miltai 878-6861 Tht Canedias Chapion, Wedsesdsay May 19. 19715 Hornby club is in 'shape for opener penrnby Cmen's sftbaa tlub Curttis stosoky ýrus oS ih Gle.n exhibition action Saiday in Gîta tose llsrougb ostos proved castly W!l'bma by a 0-3 margin. hi ltse Gîta William club. Huraby avili set regular Itagat Solid pitcbing by Eddie Dasa action ahia they assit Ginagb toc Larry BannaIt sud Maurice the longue upener P'rlday.