Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 1971, p. 23

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Y. R )5 's i * Onanet thie Jon Milton i~ Utpe . E. Io oeleisratng itA Oi nni versary. Dnrin Umtoe years taies titi tn, ti71 tise Utapter is iad niany atnd varyicg projecta In tis cneseunlty. To relresisyoue sninds or to enligisten tise * ewcomers isece is a isioey of tion ceeeterand tise part tise JonMtnCiptar ptayed in lis restortion: te it Jasper Martin took op It Lot 14, Con. t and settied in titis tocatity. Tise foltowtag year, ise bout a griot ndi and saw main, -and a talle isandet aprsng op caltent Martinis Milsa" Tisese illn ece a great btion ta, tise ~Milton seniors' or entertainst Bramp On(l TiusardaY, Mal, t, 37 soSeaisers ni tee Millio Sienior ,Cttiaeca Cluis ioardent a isnat St. ,Paul's Churcis and joucceyed ta Bramtonss. Il ws aieaudtiudey. sistis cansait everyoue ta feel tbot ai taatl wboter oas gulle. Thse btu driver mas in is usirt 'steeves. Tisis atsoupisece *'mnpted eeyone to isecume inaed1 saris, entisontautie chtatter talii mon dilitatili ta tan tise pacsoin aittisg next ta Tise Bcamptoc Club choir entertained wte thee siectioco mItes oece apprcebted isy atIl. Tieir soies indicated teey isad! practaedà disgestly for tee oc- casonThisamoi fultomed isy a takadfilin stao by a menher of tele ticasupto Paice tuern the prograin over 10 Russell Cleinte, prestdent of tee Miin Cois. Musical paogeamn p Ho lu turu teanked tise Birampton Ctub for their Invitation, ten caile on T. A. Huteldosn, QdC. miss actod as MdC. He toit a Iso stories teat Oece oeil receivent isy tise audience, tes itscducent te Milton orcisostra mldcis played for about 30 minuutes. Matty of te Sheridan study Oak parkland Sus Sheridon dotiege sudeota WW1 do on enisastive sarvey of Oakville's e'sistisg greeciseit areon ami paritad tels saunmer, te iselp tee couunstty plau te bout use of i10 natueal resoarces oo and in t10 future. Ueder tee s9ponsesisip of Ford of Conada, 110 six comunaity plnIgsudensoplan ta mors on tmitecsrcisproîect for 15 oeess. Tise suadesi mork over the sunoner mi ta doue esaioly at isheridsn's Gabvite camopus ami set us tee commesnity mite tise cm- operation of support giroupu sacs on tee Conuervation Aateority, (tebstie Plasning Baen, ami (takvitie Ponta and Recceotios. It's taing superviscd isy Noces Sisisick, cocannnily planning cm. ordinator at Siseridan, Doug Ftlgg, taad of tee Pans ami Reereation dommsission of te Town of Galoville, and Peter Anstec of Ford. Tise utudy mas sparkisn1 port 10 tee Whtleoata Rotapayers Group miso, mite David Boggo, argonizet a tonr of ceeis areos wito connunnty leaders. Rev. Warren is choirmon Bey. Bernard A. Warren of Milton mli ta tee contoecce ottalcuan ai 110 Greater Taronto tearismatie toaeilg confeceuce tta is eld MayttollMay 29at Metropotitan Unilted disncis at Queen ami Charcs Streeta. Tise osent lu an ail- deuoesiuatiucal eveut misere Cateoli cd Prtestaut upeake mt taise pris tee p!ohgran. -Mdlton OPP laid g7 charges foc trahfie violations last meois, and tsami 8 marninsn. tom settiern. ta 1837O - 18li tta population 0f Matin Mit a mo ataat 100. Tise people, feeling tiseir Importance in tise oorld, cailed a pubie oseetiag ta decide oponl a nanse for tis toms. Tise citae "Milton" mas suggested isy George Biroon, and mas adoptad. Finit store ta tilt a geseral stare mas opened isy George Birown, amd tater apost oficecaied "Miltas" mon estaislised. The United Coasties ai Hatn and Wentmorismwere separated in tee year 1853l and Mitos mas selectad as tise Coasty Town, ami incocporated isy Act of 'chestra ton club audience oece dancing tiscnugtaut tae prograus. At lise conclasion aite entertainent a Itaiscloas lunchs ai sandwichsa cake, cnoles and esffee mas nerved isy tise Birampton Clois. It mas a deligisttat attenton, ",About 250 eesiers ai te Bampton Club gireeted us is tit iseatiful Comosunity Cenisre Buiding, otare tise senior eltinein are aslgned enclusive bocititien 100 days a meeis. It la tapent ditt Mitot ut tta set tao diutant future mli copy toelr exemnple," said Tous Bradley. Poarteament in 18517. In due love tise sot ise, jailood regiolry aifioece erecte on a site given isy Hugis Foster. The Town ai Milton is locatad on Lot 13 - t4 iv lise second concession of Trafalgar, aisout seven eigitsît of a mile square. Tise licol scissel isouse-a log ose-oas isoill on Lot 14 on lise sanis ai tise tilteen Mlle Creois. Mes. Harrison (Ilsen a oldoo) oas appointadl tise licolt teactar a position sise orliily iseld I or severat yearo. During toto perli il oas her customs ta speod eacs ooniog aod eacs eveniog on plying lise sisutlle, oeavlng for tac neigisiors, oiso on eturn perforosed mors on lise faros for tac and sec yosog cloldrcn. Pnchise site Noo lisal tise lowo oas iocorporatnt and oascsosen as toe coonly toon, lise sent stap oasltu purcisase a ceoselery, se a parcet of land mas selected f rose Jota Mactis, silsoed on01he basis ai toc Sistees Mdle Crees on Lot 14, lsd Concession, of toe neo oocvey, oseosarusg ose isall acre. Tlhe sale Oas osade 10 Edoard Mortn, Wiltiams Demspsey and Johnson Harrison, datad Juty 19, 1860. Lotar toe deed Oas osade sel datad Jase 2, 1t71 -btloes Jasper Marino of toc Toon of Milton anA the thee trstees of toc isoriat groosd, Tisoosas Rixon of lise Townsisip of Neloon, Wiliams Demspsey and Jotanson Harrison of the Township of PEEKING DMT MILTON'S PAST-It ms lu 1914 thut Mn. ant Mas, Harry Cleseent tad tels faesily portrait taken. In tise bock rom are Harry, Boync and Ethel (Mirs. Gifford). Second rom, Vera (Roffey), Elles (Bannant) and Mru. CicoseoL Front rom, Albert (Bobo) Kennetit <Oies). -(Photo courtosy Boync Cleseent> -9 jer' VTseection 19O8GCAMAIO Hado 2 llV-8atotaticont th loI Radio, and pomer L quipped. Bright ced Milt j matciîs eteror. Licesce] 1969 CHEVEELLE-2a,0un MILES. Economical 6 cyItder 2 dor witisautonnaic tosroo conedition. irstn mOtO atching Inteor. Licece N2-7 75e0ttogAt. $2395.00 l96s RAMRLER REsEL, 18u0t0 MILES. 4 Odoor sedan' equipped wits6lolidr 3-peed iaoturoatic. Brîiht red wltO white aUtel couf. Licence L87O.038 $1795.00 Nelson, William Demsey ami Joisson Harrison of tise 'townsisip of Traflgar. Tenty dollars ollmo sny of Canada mas paid for tise lot. talis cemetacy, osany of oor Pioncera are isuried; esen ami vooso miso ssflered many isardsips 10 clearing tise tond and sctllng toc country and miso had qootilies tisat lîttad tes to assi1 in toc moolding of tta l11e of toc sco cooseunity. Tisey soaod troc noisility of nature and isad laito as clear an it mas slcong. Tise first isarial mas Tsoma Harrison. Gtoer lc.ading cîles e re Joisn Martin, miso tasîl lise firsi sao sell and te licol grisl ndll; George Birown, licol osoyor, cosnty lacasorer, and licol store isceper; Mms. Harrison, firnl scissel leactar; Mro. Coales, wo started lise firot Sunday Scisool; Dr. Coisias, ficst mentiraI doctar. Repaies needed For osasy years tta ceosetary mas meglectad, scarcety onyose taisgany iataccst in it, for many of toc sons ami daugistars of te tsiieetcs.pad tait toe casecaaity, su toc meostars ni toc Jota Miltan Chaptar ofltoeOrdec of toc Daugistero of toc Esepire decident tu onderlake lise tasi nI o tosproving ils present condition. A comosiltae mas appoitet cnslstig of Mrs. E. E. Yatos, iss A. Mai10 and Mru. M. E. Golami. A canunittee mas aise appoistad iroos toc Toms Coosncil cansistisg of Jota Irving, Jota Mastad ami Ed Sycc. Tisese consedîleen mito R. E. Harrison, toe ooly iving trustae of te ceosetary, ment ta the cemetary and lsoked it over toorougsly ami reportadl ta toc Cisapter. Alltac due consideratiosni o report tise osesers o. o Cisaptar, acting on tee advice of toso dicectly istarcotad and toc Toms Cosocil, dcsded ta proceed as lotiows. AIl toc irscoi mas rot and cleared aoay, toc gcoasnd levelled, asd a suitaisie lence placcd alosg toc front. Tise nesl stap Oas ta gel in tons mits te lcicsds and cotations of tase borientin toc ceosetacy. It oas (ADVER11SEMENT) Burning Rlectal Itoh Ielieved ln Minutes 55el.lnestuatsatatae O you naawatesoiboc celi froolItcie l'ses'-hloces amid undcaoc ha uniqausoes heao sbace Oui cpo celieves t10 bucvog lis th.d paie aclosîlo shisO heroehoids. lhis stato Osas been sionn to peodme s cao el5cctse cate of huli00. 15s geno ileg propertsen alzo Mlp pcevent infection. In -ase ate cs oc elriesisg F-eofoeoen stalg hi. Os opronoose sus oonamred over o peciod of nwheolisg substance 01,.- DYne)-wsieh qssell 5elps hosl injuceO celis and stivalale r001, fI ne tissue. Now 5,,,. De à sffeed n OonenI sol saceossscv y orn ll1ed dcag sores-saissloeli.or s tocs decdet ta sesd pcintad ltlers ssfocming tisco Of il, condîlsiont and asiini for doaso aassiol se cestoring it. Tise resposse, misics mas su gencrous oas grcatly apprcîatad asd mils a donation tanse lie Chasptr esoogs fonds ocre avaîlaie 10 coverai espeoses. A letar of teans mas sent isy the trcassrer, Mrs. E. E. Yates, 10 cacis one miso esnlriisstad. Murs creditla given ta toe esosodîlue toc toeta cm- opecation and oatcsl care and assistance in toc mors. Nom tbot toc ecetey--v cestaced asd in gsed sisape, te ton coosentl proooised ta assume tee renpoosiisility oflise perpelsol cace of il. Tise meseiers of toc Cisapser trust tisaI tise old creclcery mdll ta an attractive spot and lisal toc friendu of tase lyisg toereowillise proud tuvisit il. I.O.D.E. Chapter played important role >"ins restoring Milton's pioneer cemetery Over 350 delegates attendet tise lsts annual conierence ai thse Ontario Association for the Mentat30 Retarded, May 12 to 15 in Thunder Bay. Altendinti froos NorthiHallo ssociation Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Nye of Milton. Hosto for tise conference were tise Laisehead Association for thse Mentally Retarded. For tisree doys detegates trous 117 local associations Ilirougisoot Ontario discossent tise esso probtetos ssti facsng lise tiscee per cent of oor popultion miso are mentally retarded Speciat goenlu and speoisers iocloded Fred Kesose, Deptsuy firetor of tise Preooteot's Cornnottee on Mental Rotardalion in Woshsington, D.C. ood Dr. Don Zonfas, Direclor, Montal Rtardotion Services tiranch, Ontario Departinent of Healts. It is Dr. Zarfos' office wtochis responsiste for tise operulson of tise Ontario Hospital Scisools for tise Retarded. t~) fl j.~, NOME & COTTAGEtI IMPROVEMENT IDEAS from Copeland Lumbor SUSPENDUD '~%o '~vo %tk'~h. potoirs, Dostairs asy Roses in tee House AIe Hîde Pipes anA Joîsto, .. Looce Hîgs Ccîlesgs, "nqte-i,:Resco Odîn Ceilsegs. a.bis, To1iseh easy, fast Bea.so At St e ,bW- Gsdocds ARDEN nSHEDb «prssans.os t fOsisc h 4%yoo do is loy in toc atootv finish Great frarecok'the jobis O \'s> ~~donc! And you cas sO.oie n aloays gel at toc old 199 pluesiog, etc. y us on iç l) lifting o panel out. o ipa 51 Our Grid Systees is msade up of esng ] FieRotent steel composenst. ~ Coseplete ceilings esc (~) neludong pre-paitnt SA E ein Frm Sq. Pt Rosse Cesseleto *VVii and croiss; tacs, mIre ami Hande toir setting lance jjj~~2 xrs $34î' îoy in ponels, ponts or misersoor Smal ceeting jobs are- "00 T YORSELt oquired. PEFINISMEI PANELLINI Sb Weh Wtvctheelectontocreoleanyrnoodl u oms youc casse or 3,U Jutsl rglue in place. (4'x 7 siset 34 ) Ries Prici Grain PLYWOOD PANELLIRD\T'\ i K~entucksy Wutout. GoldenDOas, Esotty Cedar Vl HosyPcas 4sI 1$5.95 B oct Sugar and H azc oond OsO 149 1e c tOnn , oaicetoE REAL WOOD VENEERS ese,,eaI istys rs Boiston Walnol,4'xnO 9.95eerlOls Rosti Teas. 4'x8' 10.25 Emno 'sssk taonotc s Sf 55 Rtîcoosento, 4'x ' 11.95 "Emoo bosni faucets rm stint5 IWELDWOOD cURNISHED BIRCH SED CAReil Miltoni Molar Sales Lt. ti6a PONTIAC, 40000 MILES. Laorestistt 4 door sedant eqîuipped 0(80 V-8i Oîtomatic and radio. Powernsteerlsu and powersraes. BOue mils matciig isîerior. Licesce N2-110. $1995.00 1969 L.T.1., 34,iO0 MILES. 2 door isardtop flu0 sqaîppcd ostO V-8 aî,lomati, power and radio. Marseevwithislack introof. Licene 70-786, $2895.00 I sedaeupped wih 37, Vatoticand hardtop. Economy 283 V-8 atonnati w 'oth I radio. Grenothvoth iteio.Ower pwr steerngpowebakes adcd'i. . informton uspplied.tve N6120J COwne information supplied. Beige wolO Fin5.e Funtr 1195.00 AFAC R FsnTu CHOOSE A REPAYMENT PLAN TO SUIT VOUR BUDGET. ATO0 PRICES. lIME PAYMENT M lo oo a e P L A N 388 Main St. 819-2355 Milten Li INSULATION For cnducosg iseal coos. fi screasinr5050rt Less osas 12 Sq FI. 4' Tvi,.k WFIBREGLIS PANELS Foc plio, oc,po,, or W privac socrens ars green and] iht grees. 1l 20" >080l - $4.95 10, îu 6.ai QBlack & Decker Regular Lise Qsalîiy BPOWER TOULS For straigOt, Pomertol dciiilostO SANDER currce or scroli isacv out prstecetd Obtal actionser catssi ood setal motor, Basic to 25 sq. ine wthoe or plastic e-cc aorkshop. hocd operatiov 119.95 l13.95 119.95 For kistchet or isatin ng-e lastieg staieless stee a s sole sissgle o et e moisih~ ledue $22,50 C Double cOoepartment uai wiO isaskets asd tait FREE DELIVERY DRIVEWAY BLACKTOP SEALER 5 gai IUJ Easy tuapply, Ist pour ion and pread, Beautlfles and pa$~*j protectn asphlsat surface.pu 6 2 COPELAND LUMBER Mi S. . ilon Ile Canadien Champison, Wedesday, May 19, 1971 ai Couple attendz conference ttsemayoioedn2isîss of OAMR at Thunder Bay I I .ÏsMI1111 tIrasse, tihe iseynole speakser, opened tise conlerence Thurnday iy oig at " nom, ster so long atn ofiig logso isetpleso, tapeleos Ilosoa accidenta we isnow tisaI tise retarded con ise isetped, con isecome in many cases, cootrisolsog cilizens." Aooong lise issues discossedl et lise Coolereoce wece ioproved worisiopo and resfidenceo for adt retarded, isetter services for tise msote famity and recrestion prograins for ail age relarded people. As outgoing Gntario president Doris Noises de Burgs of London stated "Ive reaisse tisaI soc services need to bc enlorged and ovproved, ls tuis is lise responoisiily of lise local and regional groopo mociig in c"opcraion wits tise provincial isody." At lise Associalion's annuiat mseeting a r.ew isoard of directors was elecled. Tise new proviocial presidienl in Angos Robsertson of Wiowdale. a

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