- Urge me In work SCRUMPTIOUS GOODIES caugisl Uic eye aifniîny wha lait to riglat lira. Ron Harris, Mca. Art Melansn, Mca. JIi pansed Uic balte table ai Uic annual spig baznar held Ut Snow, SUrs. En ni Beat, Mca. A. Cbeeawright, Mca. Percy Malien Manor Wedncsday. Milton cauncilors' wives sud llarr, Mca. Charles Fay, lira. Gord Ersatz, Mca. Bill Woods, fricails convenei the ever-popular table and raised a grand Mca. Charles Johson sud Mca. Jack McGeachi.-<ýStsli aima of $6.1. Standing with ftic cakes, cockies sud pies are Photo) Receipts down, but flic nnal joint meeting ai Uic Robertson andl Evcalag Mlaainary socictica ai Kinix PFIhylrin Ciarc -a held i Uic andy sch.o n the cvealag of May Il. Mca. Stewart Lachie, president ai Uic Robertsin socicty, waa i Uic chair and welcmed ail sacinhrs. Mca. Peter Dcnbocr, a meinhir af Uic Evea ng Departint, gave n intermstig aad callghtesmig accont of Uic Toronto-Kingston Synodical which ahi aitcaded i Asril aldBlleville, in Ut. Coluinba preshylerin Churcb. flic aima nd pocpeaes ai Uic Waines's Misaioaary Society are te mitle the gils and woinaf the cborch ilprayer and service at hame ni abmond. flac lraarer of Synodical pat tortt a motion te have Uic fiscal year teoin Septsahir tili Jnc =irb caing the fianclal difcitesswblcb arise daring alach. ainnier intha. St waa a"sunpgtedby adelegate tint allocatios hi se accardiaglao active or associate memharahip. flues. maiters muel hi deri by Casnti. A workhhp uni hald i St. Aodrew's church, lin aider Pro;- byterisa chorcli i Belleville. Il us urgd thmall mail edacate nd Ivven as well as woinen ni memnrsa nd mloo abead al or goal, "Thie Wnrld fer Manor bazaar another success LNCONCERNED BY tise happening arind bier, Yong Angeta Bell ana icr mother Mca. Jan Bell ai R.R. 3, Milton ptay nalSi a raggcdy clown, hinsght ai tise Halton Centenal Manor hazaor. Alliaugli Young and nid otike wccc illlng araiund thc vacitas tables, Mrs. Bell managed In find a quiet spoct la rest andi play saili hic daughter. A total of $802.55 cas colleciesi fror thc annajal event.-Stali Phala) Name delegates to District Annual hics. Haroldi Becl cas hosîns lac thn May meeting of Horehy Womon'i Istitote bcld on May 12. Edoctsos ias Uic Ihime andl thecroll callohall1cemenher of aiy list day ai sehaol and oîy birst lsuthec' ens anisercd hy thc 12 members and two vilotrv preseol. Mci. W. Focd sas in charge of the prograin and had sevecal oli ceadeci os display. The pocin -Te Laiy Frootlaben froin Uie second hooki reader oas ceail hy Mci. P.W. Mccc>. hics. Rend reail Uie poem -The Saodpipers' nd Mcs. Ford coidotd a manteit of jombleil words. Pictere toar Tie gacîl speaker, Mca. Frank Rnddell, was inlcoduced hy Nies. Ford. hic. and Mcv. Roddell andi Mc. nd Mca. C. Wilson had esjoyai a molor triplao Caldforia i harch ami hics. Raildetl tooli Uic ladies os a pictoce trip. Many places of intermlt oece vii intluding thc inemocial lu Wwl Rogera ami Uie caveras. 'Me ladies Uioroogbiy enjoyai aeng Uic pîclares ami Mci. W. Mac. Phra ;ina i peaker. Mci. H. O'Coneor, liraI sire. incaideil wa i thc chair lac Uic buisiness part oi lin meeting. Mca. L. Sampion the increlary read the monutes of the Aoc;) meeting and gave the lrruourer's report. Warkhlop reporta hics. O'Connor rcported on tuo norkaash hadbi attcnded for cuanIrs ami biahiry researchi canveocra. hics. R. Wilson rcpanlcd oq Uic worbahopa fer prcnidot a nd vite-presidenta. Mca. J . hicCarron badl represeted Horahy W. 1. aI thc miic fcstival and presented thc frsphy te Une ninninil chair. Mes. O'Caoor, Mci. R. Wilson, Miss L. Godeard, hics. C. Wrgglescorlh aid Mci. P. Mccc> are lie delegaten la Uic District Amnual in Arien on Ma> 19. All therconvesers were asheil 10 gtlle ropv toc lheur orogcami i le thc serretary as so as possible so thc prograins cao ha prinles. hics. T. Howden olfeceil har home foc the Jonc mneeting. Manthly crait salin aI HalIn ContenntaI Manor Uirsughaat Uic ycac resolted i a decrense of trait sales aith lin nai spring haacr, held Wednmsday aI Uic Manor. Aithangb bitl receipte were doua cansiderably froin bat ycnr's final sain and talting ilo accon lin regidar montbly sales, Uic bazanr was nmcd aaolber graad succesa" by several ausalinry meminra. A tostal ofl$812.55, less capeases, was callertcd daring thc gala alunir. The haSe table, nned hy thc icivea of Milton loua councillors, accoonted foar $196.S of Uie total sain Music larbien Sali orgaa maint by hics. F. (inkes na Mca. G. Neucit addad la thc cantenlinent of Uic tea rosai. Coaveera of Uic tea tables wece Mca. A. hitece and Mca. B. Chalton. Ia charge of refinli- meals includlag lnncy sand- wiches, paalrîes anmi md reisa trnys ucre Mca. J. Hophin, Mcs. N. MtKinoa, Mca. M. Childa, Mci. R. Childa, Mci. N. Hall nd hics. M. Bronrisige. Salling tea ticts i Uic auditoriumn uns Mci. M. Callion. mhe lower flbar of Uic hinar oas a sceac ai organisai bal lypîcal hazacr confusioa Uiroughout Uic altersoon nd sari y aconing. Ysaag ami aid abtie jaminei thc dounataias cooai haying articlea of jcwellery, traita, habiog and tryi Uieir lach aI lin penny table ana "old lavarite" Bash pond. Caavcacrs ai Uic traita tables werc Mca. M. Dauns. hics. L. Sacard nd Mca. R. Lotie. Penytable Mca. Etihl ainlis and Mca. R. Burkesaw iold tickets lac Uic penny table ami Mca. L. Samith and Mca. M. Goerh hclped uiUi lin lish pond. Mcs. H. Barrclt nas in charge of Uic groap of hinocilca poarlng tea Uicaighaut Uic afleroon nnd eenn. Residente inclild Mca. M. Blin, Mca. B. CachelI, hics. B. Sith, Mca. L. Berqalal, hics, L. Taylor, Mca. D. Chaai Mca. E. Miartin id Mi.. Foster. Caunillors' icivai ami iricada coaoesing the acromptias goodica oa Uic hahe table ucre Mca. Sciai Bail, Mca. Charles Fny, Mca. William Wooda, Mca. Roi Harris, Mca. Att Melamsa, Mcs. Pcrcy Bacc, Mca. Jack Molleathie, Mca. Chancis Johnson, Mca. Jins Saow, Mcs. H. Brown aid Mcs. A. Cheesuright. Penny whisers The faooing are prane winccs of Uic penny sale aI Uic hamac. Articles angisg froint plants ta pîclares ucre olfered. Winntri wcre: Mca. A. Cooper lico articlea), Claire Wilan, Mrs. Case, Hamilten; hira. S. Childo, irs. Grasveaior, Mca. Blanche Elli oli, Mca. William Clarboon, Mca. Royce, Mca. O. Hall, Mca. P. hicCaha, AUf Allen. Mis K. Cercle ana ics. A. Steocos. MISS, GLENITH FORD, dangliter of Mr. nnd Mca. Walter Ford of 224 Bell Street, Milton, groduntea with honors iroin the University ci Western Ontario on May 25, 1971, with n B.A. i French. Beauy Log 17 ain st.yl oes 7B93 CWL celebrotes priestes 50 yeors in priesthood Wia addraad 'in catiiolie n be involved P'rs'wt nelgtnn of missions pebtenb ta:=esi Hamilton. The eveaig coasait of speeches, a pot bick nipper and edaidyBahpJ. F. Ryn ocabin of bis 5»i Yser in the M -. t estimonial dinna unre lnld in Hsamilton. -Fircunhs snn h mc. Be carahi. The Block Horse 106 Christie St. Rockwood Antiques Gifts Handmade Suede Beits and Bags Interesting Handcrafted Ceramlc Jewellery Tel 856-4735 SAVE S$ S$ ON THIS ELECTROHOME 20' PORTABLE 0~ TLE VISION "GEMINI" MODEL - 1 ONL One cf Tocn andi Country TV'i meny "Moving $1 4 o Specials-There woa't be Aay more TV s et This $ 8 Low Price. INCLUoES TYa FOR A TRULY PE RSONAL PORTABLE, SE ETHE SONY 79# BLACK AND WHITE Sireainnesi stylig in stant pictarc andi sound, wclghs loin than 10 pouasis andi comnes complete with earphoncs andi Ioop antenne for UHF, cofernel antenne conoclor, and black sont iltcr for screen. Accessories aoailablc for this model includc YOURS TOD rechargable battery peck clfh cerrylng case, car FROL battery cord, outsidc car antenne, son bonds, coternal FROL conncctor for auto or boat antennas, car battery $17 voltage booster enables TV to operate on il-volt batteries. TOWN COU NTRY TV R. R. 3 Milfton Paul Rutledge, Prop. 878-4633 WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENINO SPECIALI AT OUR NEW STORE ON MAIN ST. UN MILTON-AND OUR NEW NAME, 'RUTLEOOE ROUTIQUE". AY 95 ~finR*.vvv~ ~ HOT PANTS This ose piece jump suit style with matching laccli vest is chic sud fastoonable flic easy-care fabric makea it a drearm for icear and care. St' st one sf many smnart new fashions shoppers can sec at The Villa. STORE HOURS Closeil Monilsys Tsesday, Wcdnesday, Thursdays -10 a.s. to 6p.s. *q\I7 li [cli LADIES' WEAR 70 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-3813 Christ', flic W.M.S. sUl lias ome.liird aili pe esale on Une Boaril ai Muasinis. Saine aspects of inlaaanay work are being aasanmedy gover entath an overseas misin bal nre hi sIli mach work foc ail. A filim "Reval" te bi ahaus i Georgetown on May 19, wll ciire iIis. Mina Ginlo Kelly esecalive direclor, Natianal idsaa n a meniber of thesad grp spnaared by Uhi nenaim Affaira Commltce ai the Canidian Cauncil ai Charchea, which favaared lin middle East lasi Sepeini i a.coc .,ide. ai br tn. Unc nhcd "Wlnre hi God at warli Aa were do ne fit i?' Seriptare, centesa Follswing Ibis repart by hirs. Denhac, hirs. W. A. Marshal gave Une seriptare rcadig nd commnent. Mca. Lochie and hics. Murray sang a dact, ac- caaipanied by Mrs. Peddle on Uie piao. lors. Lait give 1he gnnd thmught. 'lhe Jooe meeting ai the Robertan Aoalllary wlb hield aI Hallon Centennial Manar aI whlch lira. Murray est aspeali. hics. Robert hiackay thanhed the Rohertsn Aaailiary an bubai ofite Evening grmup lar loahing alter Uic prograin na refreshinents and annnced that the Evcnlng grnip waaid mccl at the haine of Mca. Gertie Johnstan for a pet loch supper in Jne. Misa Eva Chlsholn rend a lelter train the aapply aecretary regacding the bale. An iteresting and ainmlng gaine of Bible banchait waa enjoyed hy ail when twa teaina, with pitchers, and hics. Marray ni umpire, "lhren" questions on Uic Bible at one nothar. Ouest speaker Peter Hopunood and David Coalson, Reaideace Couincitars at theOntario Scbsal for tic Deaf in MUlton wcre gamit speakers at the Miay meeting ai tic AchelS Wain's ntitute. -The dandehions are in hal Idanin Uiis wech. -Wise bayera ahap lirai Uiraagh Champin clasaliledo. -lic 300 voire cany acinal chair perforis in MUltes tenight (Wcdneaday> at Uic ldgh acinol. Mny Miltonsatadeafa are singing i Uic grour. --4Gradualîoas are newa 10 ymur Irienda and mhe Champion wil gladly pohlish graduation photni aI no charge. y 30 AX