B2 The Caradios Champion, Wed1neýsday. May 19, 1971 White Ooks Foreign relations improve on exchange By PatFord Thse White Oaks Senior Band bas once agaie shown te visitors sain ut be iserpoins f lite ie beil-akieares amiIbis lime we eoigbt even bave belped Mitchell Sbarpe a little in the Foreign Relations deparient. Tie higli iccio bond trom Ucatord, Long Island spent tbree days bileted aithIe homes et Wbite Daki band members, dnring tebicl tbey gave an evenicg concert , visiled Toronto and Niagara Fails, and atlended neyeraI parties. Prom ail ar- maunts. tisy seemed te bave mnjoyed Ibensselves; and ns w fle la tee tibat eve dene sur bit la belpi Canadian-Ameriran relations. nie berrnes One efthIe gentlemen mn oor band was evcnso ns d an le auli one et the ladies irons ileatrd te our tormat, whicb reiscided eith the harets vieil. Our illrawherry Festival leatured Jases and Cteshire Cal, wilb lots of flowers, buttertîles, sud, ot corne, iliawberrien. nie biggest ose bang fmm the centre oftIhe ceiling witb red streameru tallieg la tic fleer. Dnrieg lis evening Lee Jack, a grade Il eladent, mas cresssed Mise White oa. Dur second assmal Trank h Field Day mxpanded la isclude severalsnew events, and estshlisbt nssrte sew records, le trarti, racerisotb speeduter sprinters and long-distance endurance ronterasrssged from thse lIt-yard daub te tbe twe mile course, mnclsdisg hurdies for lis tirut lise. Javelsn was added le the field evenlu. Ine is' division, midget, junior and Senior chamepions were Dessis Simli, John Asurd and Dich Lux, ami Faut Pistrueuki sud Ken Me- Molles. For lis girls, Laura Dempser tspped Use midgets, Bev Cadogan led Use juniors, and Sue Dstty mas thc top senior. COMING UP: .. w atch tor thc somisiens toc Sladest Ceescil elections, lai b eld Uic laut mccli et Uic month ... posters witl is guistg up about graduation jui os som as Uic boetssg tee lis greup le cofredm. .. mnd invitations foc lis Atidelic Banquet, Jonc 4, wii lis oui stos. A RHYF5OMIC DISPL.AY was oe of thse Mcatures uith Uiclgis sebool open bouse Tlstrsday. Performiers iscludcd Claudette Pbclps, Subannse Rickctts, Betis Luidiase andl Barb Tom, front; Ruths Reed, Poli Clessent sod Lois Fay, top.-(Staff Photo) THtE REED SECTION et Milton Distsrict Higb bouse progrars. lise evcnissg incloilci leurs ot Schoul concert bond ceecentroas on their classereos and an audilariums Progruss with muic durieg a concert ot lIse echool toUs mussic, bond concert, a play, gyonosie Thursdsy, port ef thse ucheel's ania open and rhythmr displays.-<(Staft Photo) THIE MHilS CHOOL BAND perforsscd tlsu4ugit tise open bouae progrann at Milton bIgl scisol on Tiouruday evening, unidar tisa direaction ci conductar 5fr. Sale. A big crowd sean on basati 101mwt tise cooms and cnots a program and cocert oft [LIiMpn YO0UTHN Milton District High SchooI Grade 72's ofl By John F. MclllwalUi Jr. is oe displsy, sbowiog worh AI ose o'rlorl tis coing tromss todeets et grades neveu t Fridsy oppresimotely 50 13 inclusive. VOl rosse, soc. stsdesls miUi touchers mil lis Lant Thursdoy thc M.D.H.O leavieg Malaon Airport hy jet terrer leare tinisbcd thc su.,u nound la Necm York iy. nie wi s 3-2 virtsry over 0.T.H.S lisse toc whirh Uic grade 12 bave Jeri studrasons seered Scu goal heel plannieg sud morkisg ond Franh Dombromi cas gau towards, ever thc is yeur bas toc ose. Iiesily orrived. Hrlome Mre. A. Macrtîhur, Mr. Hnft me Rohertseon aed Mr. Sllivan mililloStdeets ehe displayed Uic) be aOmPnYin th stuent onahilitice cn iran and tield s te risp.nc SPea uadens. 05 eher O .i.D. or ai boss Uic lrip. golpecOul ocsew- trsvelled to MeMaular Usiversit Bob) Coins, vice-preient Ga mo til Bilono Tius a Brome, sccretsry, ilsa Van codetrarhssaougirl" iso mcc Sichte and treasurer Norma mlaie ehe maey Joia t Jobme Osombeumerofth Uiways amdil -Jhn cas te manage olb means rensmitîce. Ererygne eqSy. s to maued. t goisgar t eve he mo e ou ioony Ferrier mas reporte morhd brd a cas Uemuey iesvieg Artos and bcodcd lu lhsau ls la clp tinnr Uic thp Milto early iSarday off ersous niauo Par oveed lka lisse being asseng Uic lieut la cosse le misae o roistoecUobn during Uic O.U.D. WalktUou. ticket soife, Cand mas wrapping, The studeel ceusicil p sn tiktrlisdcor mashes etc.drv lsIFiyam iablo Il rertaisly bas becs a cosshtsed driv loresll Uris nds lat da effort. wschesut iths fot. thn Pollutioni prej ecl sseeey cUl go lamos Uicrts sch Aller srcivieg ss Nec York Uic prejer ll otwrstes students ci laboe up residesco ai51 jet thc Commodore Hotel. Their No music visits mdl erclude Radie City, Uic Wlale os thc subjeet ut scou Emspire iltote Building, Si. prejents, t must report th Patriches Cathedral, thc Statue ut disappointne, lo sey thc least Natieuns, buildiyss oed ssosvUoUtieer onese eare osoatnde systessmdwie repotable nis and scens. lad bers pîsylet for a short tim iSsre ot the etedes's cn thecrafteria. Ustortanatl intereeled in envîreesseetal Ibis mas disrosbanucd. Main pollutions mil ottempi la prove ressorts; ccc offered as la mil Uic tisory Uial bresUhing that Ibis cquipmeet, clark coul me ritys air s equal te smokhig Ime over $1,000 mas sel iig aum packs et cigarettes a day or only tome say thal o teacher bo one packa dayiftyou dosltIhale. resspiaised about Uic s The trip wdli be holh ievolved, othcra ay Uic aloi Educatieval and enjoyabte as treeirs studeet che mas modeI celi as addieg te the charge cas absent amdits th cspeciecs of et i sladets. All showccouldseltgoeonwilisut him gent tbmngs mste cosse lan sncd, Il etber efthUe cessonts abeve or and se las, the trip wbîch mll true, Ien t ment resclude tho conlude wiUi Uic arrivai o et thUe opaiin et ose overrules tho M.D.H.S. stedeets ait Maltes os et eight buedred or tuit th Mesday eveniso. clectresîrs deparîmnent ha Triplto osîreal cosopolizeil ail rigbts lu th tiil os the subjeci t ofsereo sourid systein. iSerely on travetling, Mires Wilsse and et 800 eladeets tisce musth George Greren cii be mare Ibas ose pacson copahî rereueslcng M.D.H.S. duriegthUe and cesposible eneugli la becpi eîgbtb assual Federai-Provieciai ceeeîeg ssootbly as Yoous Travel preccain. niey wiSl coetieoally. I1m mhn e ail aret be trealad citb on ail-espeese onedle ou a espiseolios. poîd trip la Mesiceai dorieg Uic tiret creek et July. nie Grade Il ner toIt Club ci lie holding tearbers bad a dittiruit lime ie asoîber FoUs Festival os Fridal vhosecg Use tire studeets, but l'm May 21 ai Milaon Diutrict Ilig sure thei" rhiie cas a geed ose. Itchol aI 0.30 p.ss. nie Iheme ha Se congratulateens la Mires aed 'ilceet Pes ami Ciever', tickets Georte and bon voyage are $1. and use word is "Drcss nie Halisn Cony âoard of Wacodly'. Educalsue otill be holding Music trsls esl '71 sI Milise District Highlaalighi rsln eut teatsrcng as ait eounly choir ami And soc, direct troc concert band, ciUs soloîsie. It M.D.H.S. gardens ce bava th elaris at 8 pcm. and tickiets are resîltu et the urade 9 and 1 cdly $1.0 o blasabir tress aey wresilint buts. Ie Use gradet membe ofîthehoudeor choir or al divisions, the camps, milli Uiei Use donc. Asean art exhibil clU weîgbt classitîcation 98 IL Roi 300 volce choir, bond perform here tonlght Msic '71 teatorcîg the ail cn Oakulie toc Use paul six cerla couety choir oft300voces and a 75 preporîeg toc lis concert. piecercert bond cill be isard a1 Milan District Hîgb Scisel Ait show auditoriums leeigbl tWedeesilsyt. Gueul soleiuts and as cubibilie; The secondl assusi concert et art foces grade 710o13 sisdesî iscisiles seleetios troc miSl aise be ssrludcd le th Bethoven, Bach and tSw up te pregrani, sponsed by th thesmedere comspesera, os ceil as Hallee Ceuely Bord e selccîtons trexe the roadway Filuretios. musicals "Slote Fair", nie terst pertormance efthU -Oklaehoma" ami "Caousel". rcocr mus heid le Gordon B The 300 veîcr choir is cempesei Perdue High Scboui test nighi et slsdeels troxe Grade 7 la 13 Tesserrew înisudayt evesisi across Hallos Cooely. nie 75 thetfinalperformsanewill lie heà pirce bond crvoives esiy stedeets cn M. M. Robins High Scisel Icec seceedary schossi he UsBurbengles. neeely. BoUs Use choir andl band Tickets are availahie ai th, lave bees praciisiog cegelarly deereor Usreugh eladeel member ai Gordon E. Perdue High Itcheel et lis choir ami bond, Coulis $1 r- Ride pour auay Ibis Sommier on a Moto-Skooter By Moto Ski -2 Cycle Engse -Hanilehar Brakes d a lFrontan eilOs les lu the Gallon sith an easy recuil nIait 2 cycle 5H BIC -Chroma Fenders and eengineChais Guacil -Sore Grip Tires Frontasnd Sar Scoblefs Trire Service 55 Base Lino Rd. Milton 878-3222 fo NeAIw YorkL CHECK FOlF. U~ U~WW WEU~ Youe child hadl a tire i in l seheel rmcmly. Rw lion bas Il O lseu 106 lb. Aubis, 123 lb. Jolusy ldi lacs sbeyu aatire d inl 13osel 0tl Pedulla, 141 Fay, 148 Thesoad were lscs an a pour basse? Chlldre ae mare McHugb, 157 McKeszic, 168 Hunt. bcia r ins: l as Englînli apl la escapo lire injory le a clamoom:scboul lire Iban in a tire ai home. e n lahe grade 10 divisions are 98 -Richard Burton bas an ilcisel tire drilla are Uic cessr. lb. -Mach Uic Mangler Hysîl, 106 expansve Taylor. t3sddrcs bouembat la de as sou s tl. Ford, 1151th. Orpes, 123 EUiol, -Ceai Misers bave dirly as Uie aleaim mouad. Their 136 Laughton, 141 Boulicu, 148 mince., resposse becussea virtually Reweil, 18 Houd, and in lis olber -Waitisg ureand hous stations sutsmatic alter atew drUs. Thcy corser tren Milton, meighing 194 coass terminal ilinss. bom csactly misele a go, hom la lb, il oz., il milligr&iou thc one, Notice-Ctsdy 17 mure days et go, mnd bac la gel ouIut Uicth r tUi osly (Thant; lavest erbani Icîl seboul buidng. ti NO MORE SHI VERS! 1 il* this summer swim your way to fun and safety* r in the* * HEATED WATERS 0F* Y** SKELSO POOL* e* e y n* a* a* t* e** a* t* en I N KELSO SWIM LISSONS * Y L Ail Red Cross Levais e Ail Royal Life Levais * e NEW PROGRAM-Aduit SeimClassesTues. & Tihur$. Nlght * ofFrs wi esinOnly* * *ADDED FEATURE -POOL HEATERS* * Aduit Spiash EverY Wad. Niglit for Adaits Ossiy* * e Suparvised Piaygreund* b * THREE SESSIONS WEEKDA Y M ORNINGS * * JuiyU5- Juiy23 JuIy 26 - Aug 13 Aug. 16- Sept. 3 * * COSTS* * Ail Red Cross Lavais $4.25 Aduit Classes 16.00 * * Royal Life Lavais* *Intermediale Certificate 5.00* *Bronze Madaiiion 8.00* * DUS ROUTE* e ONE ROUTE-SECOND SESSION ONLY -* Stewarttown R.R. Traces, Ashgruove Brmckvie, Caciebetovite e *Loceille, Fairve c aool, Killirideto Kelsu t: Bus Fac $6 par chiid* * MAIL REGISTRATION* *AI OR DELIVEa APPLICATIONS IN PERSON TO * *HALTON REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY* 15MAINtI5T.MILTON 878-4133 SaISe. hours MaOda Y lFrsdy 9a.m to iie * NO REGISTRATION UV PHONE * Otake Att Cheques Fayabletu HaoIn Reîtue Coservatin Aothority * PUBLIC SWIMMING wiii bagin JUNE 15 * * oo Faut rs -Weekdays 1.30 ie. ta 9 pi.. -Weekedstla.m. toa8p.m. * *lae rn REGISTRATION FORM*- *ADOaCIS -PHONE - -____ *SESSION - COURSE LEvEL-_____TIME - *PREVIOlli AWARDI EARNED *LESSON PIES * SUSFEIE s - * SIGNATURE OF PARENT OB GUARDIAN-* * OALRECEIPT NO.........L . . . . . . . A.L. . . . . . . 1~ mi -